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ASTM D6330-1998(2014) 2596 Standard Practice for Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds &40 Excluding Formaldehyde&41 Emissions from Wood-Based Panels Using Small Environmenta.pdf

1、Designation: D6330 98 (Reapproved 2014)Standard Practice forDetermination of Volatile Organic Compounds (ExcludingFormaldehyde) Emissions from Wood-Based Panels UsingSmall Environmental Chambers Under Defined TestConditions1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D6330; the number immedi

2、ately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 The pr

3、actice measures the volatile organic compounds(VOC), excluding formaldehyde, emitted from manufacturedwood-based panels.Apre-screening analysis is used to identifythe VOCs emitted from the panel. Emission factors (that is,emission rates per unit surface area) for the VOCs of interestare then determi

4、ned by measuring the concentrations in a smallenvironmental test chamber containing a specimen. The testchamber is ventilated at a constant air change rate under thestandard environmental conditions. For formaldehydedetermination, see Test Method D6007.1.2 This practice describes a test method that

5、is specific tothe measurement of VOC emissions from newly manufacturedindividual wood-based panels, such as particleboard, plywood,and oriented strand board (OSB), for the purpose of comparingthe emission characteristics of different products under thestandard test condition. For general guidance on

6、 conductingsmall environmental chamber tests, see Guide D5116.1.3 VOC concentrations in the environmental test chamberare determined by adsorption on an appropriate single adsor-bent tube or multi-adsorbent tube, followed by thermal desorp-tion and combined gas chromatograph/mass spectrometry (GC/MS

7、) or gas chromatograph/flame ionization detection (GC/FID). The air sampling procedure and the analytical methodrecommended in this practice are generally valid for theidentification and quantification of VOCs with saturation vaporpressure between 500 and 0.01 kPa at 25C, depending on theselection o

8、f adsorbent(s).NOTE 1VOCs being captured by an adsorbent tube depend on theadsorbent(s) and sampling procedure selected (see Practice D6196). Theuser should have a thorough understanding of the limitations of eachadsorbent used.1.4 The emission factors determined using the above pro-cedure describe

9、the emission characteristics of the specimenunder the standard test condition. These data can be useddirectly to compare the emission characteristics of differentproducts and to estimate the emission rates up to one monthafter the production. They shall not be used to predict theemission rates over

10、longer periods of time (that is, more thanone month) or under different environmental conditions.1.5 Emission data from chamber tests can be used forpredicting the impact of wood-based panels on the VOCconcentrations in buildings by using an appropriate indoor airquality model, which is beyond the s

11、cope of this practice.1.6 The values stated in SI units shall be regarded as thestandard (see IEEE/ASTM SI-10).1.7 This practice does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of the standard to consult andestablish appropr

12、iate safety and health practices and deter-mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.For specified hazard statements see Section 6.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D1356 Terminology Relating to Sampling and Analysis ofAtmospheresD1914 Practice for Conversion Units and F

13、actors Relating toSampling and Analysis of AtmospheresD5116 Guide for Small-Scale Environmental Chamber De-terminations of Organic Emissions from Indoor Materials/ProductsD6007 Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Concen-trations in Air from Wood Products Using a Small-ScaleChamberD6196 Practice

14、 for Selection of Sorbents, Sampling, and1This practice is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D22 on Air Qualityand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D22.05 on Indoor Air.Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2014. Published November 2014. Originallyapproved in 1998. Last previous edition

15、 approved in 2008 as D6330 98 (2008).DOI: 10.1520/D6330-98R14.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website

16、.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1Thermal Desorption Analysis Procedures for Volatile Or-ganic Compounds in AirE355 Practice for Gas Chromatography Terms and Relation-shipsE741 Test Method for Determining Air Change in

17、a SingleZone by Means of a Tracer Gas DilutionIEEE/ASTM SI-10 Standard for Use of the InternationalSystem of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System2.2 Other Standard:EPA TO-17 Determination of Volatile Organic Compoundsin Ambient Air Using Active Sampling Onto SorbentTubes, Compendium of Methods for t

18、he Determination ofToxic Organic Compounds in Ambient Air3. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsFor definitions and terms that are com-monly used, refer to Terminology D1356 and Practice E355.For definitions and terms related to test methods using small-scale environmental chamber, refer to Guide D5116. For a

19、nexplanation of units, symbols, and conversion factors, refer toPractice D1914.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 environmental enclosurea container or space inwhich the environmental test chamber(s) is placed. The enclo-sure has controlled temperature and relative humidity.3.2

20、.2 loading ratio (m2/m3)the total exposed surface areaof each test specimen divided by the net air volume of theenvironmental test chamber.3.2.3 nominal time constant (tn)the time required to obtainone air change in the environmental test chamber, which isequal to the inverse of the air change rate.

21、3.2.4 pre-screening analysisa procedure for identifyingthe VOCs emitted from a test specimen. The results are used todetermine the appropriate GC/MS or GC/FID analyticalmethod for subsequent dynamic chamber tests.3.2.5 standard environmental test chamber conditiona testcondition of temperature at 23

22、 6 0.5C, relative humidity (RH)at 50 6 5 %, air change rate per hour in the chamber at 1 60.03 ACH, and chamber loading ratio at 0.40 6 0.01 m2/m3. DiscussionThe VOC emission rates for wood-based panel products are generally controlled by VOC diffu-sions within the material. The airflow condi

23、tion (air velocityand turbulence) over the test specimen has minimal effect onthe emission rates; therefore, it is not specified in the standardtest condition.3.2.6 tracer gasa gaseous compound that is neither emit-ted by the wood-based panel nor present in the supply air to thechamber. It can be us

24、ed to determine the mixing characteristicsof the environmental test chamber, and it provides a cross-check of the air change rate measurements.3.2.7 TVOCtotal concentration of all the individual vola-tile organic compounds (VOC) captured from air by a givensorbent, or a given combination of several

25、sorbents, thermallydesorbed into and eluted from a given gas chromatographicsystem and measured by a given detector. For VOC definition,see Terminology D1356. DiscussionThe measured value of TVOC willdepend on the collection and desorption efficiency of thesorbent trap, the efficiency of tran

26、sfer to the GC column, thetype and size of the GC column, the GC temperature programand other chromatographic parameters, and the type of GCdetector. One way to report TVOC values is recommended in8. wood-based panel test specimena specimen of apanel cut from an original wood-based panel

27、sample, such asparticleboard, oriented strand board (OSB), or plywood.4. Significance and Use4.1 The effects of VOC sources on the indoor air quality inbuildings have not been well established. One basic require-ment that has emerged from indoor air quality studies is theneed for well-characterized

28、test data on the emission factors ofVOCs from building materials. Standard test method andprocedure are a requirement for the comparison of emissionfactor data from different products.4.2 This practice describes a procedure for using a smallenvironmental test chamber to determine the emission factor

29、sof VOCs from wood-based panels over a specified period oftime. A pre-screening analysis procedure is also provided toidentify the VOCs emitted from the products, to determine theappropriate GC/MS or GC/FID analytical procedure, and toestimate required sampling volume for the subsequent envi-ronment

30、al chamber testing.4.3 Test results obtained using this practice provide a basisfor comparing the VOC emission characteristics of differentwood-based panel products. The emission data can be used toinform manufacturers of the VOC emissions from their prod-ucts. The data can also be used to identify

31、building materialswith reduced VOC emissions over the time interval of the test.4.4 While emission factors determined by using this prac-tice can be used to compare different products, the concentra-tions measured in the chamber shall not be considered as theresultant concentrations in an actual ind

32、oor environment.5. Apparatus5.1 This practice requires the use of an environmentalchamber test system, an air sample collection system, and achemical analysis system.Ageneral guide for conducting smallenvironmental chamber tests is provided in Guide D5116. Thefollowing paragraphs describe the requir

33、ements that are spe-cific to this practice:5.2 Environmental Chamber Testing SystemThe systemshall include an environmental test chamber, an environmentalenclosure, equipment for supplying clean and conditioned airto the chamber, and outlet fittings for sampling the airexhausted from the chamber. Fi

34、g. 1 illustrates an example ofsuch systems. All materials and components in contact withpanel specimen or air stream from the chamber inlet to samplecollection point shall be chemically inert and accessible forcleaning. Suitable materials include stainless steel and glass.All gaskets and flexible co

35、mponents shall be made fromchemically inert materials.5.2.1 Environmental Test ChamberThe chamber shouldhave a volume of 0.05 m3with the interior dimensions of 0.5D6330 98 (2014)2by 0.4 by 0.25-m high. A chamber with a different size andshape may also be used if the same standard environmental testc

36、hamber conditions (see 3.2.5) can be maintained. The cham-ber shall include a supply air system having an inlet port withdistributed openings to assist mixing between the supply airand chamber air and an outlet port with distributed exhaustopenings to ensure that concentration measured at the chambe

37、rexhaust is the average concentration in the chamber. Thechamber criteria are as follows: Air-Tightness of the ChamberThe nominal airleakage rate of the chamber shall be less than 1 % of the airchange rate used for the emission test at 10 Pa. Air-tightness ismeasured as follows: (1) seal the

38、outlet of the chamber; (2)supply air to the chamber through the inlet and adjust theairflow rate so that the pressure difference between the insideand outside of the chamber is maintained at 10 6 1 Pa, whichis measured by a pressure transducer with a minimum specifiedaccuracy of 61 Pa; and (3) measu

39、re the airflow rate. The rateis the nominal leakage rate of the chamber. Air Mixing in the ChamberAdequate air mixing inthe chamber shall be achieved to ensure that concentrationsmeasured at the chamber exhaust are representative of those inthe chamber. This may be determined by using the fol

40、lowingtracer gas decay method: (1) place a small mixing fan (forexample, a personal computer cooling fan) in the chamber; (2)operate the chamber under the standard test condition and turnon the mixing fan; (3) inject a small amount (a pulse) of aninert tracer gas into the chamber directly or by mean

41、s of thesupply air; (4) allow 5 min for the gas to mix with the chamberair; (5) turn off the mixing fan and record the time as t =0;and(6) measure the concentrations of the tracer gas at the exhaustof the chamber at the following time points:t=0,0.25 tn, 0.5tn, 1.0 tn, 1.5 tn, and 2.0 tn, where tnis

42、 the nominal time constantand is equal to 1.0 h for the standard test condition. Themeasured concentrations are compared to the values given bythe following theoretical equation under the perfect mixingcondition (in which the concentrations measured at the exhaustare the same as those in the chamber

43、):NOTE 1The chamber assembly should be contained in an environmental enclosure to maintain the required temperature.FIG. 1 Schematic of an Example Small Chamber Test SystemD6330 98 (2014)3Ct!5 C0e2Nt(1)where:C0= initial concentration at t=0, g/m3,C(t)= concentration at time t, g/m3,N = air change ra

44、te, h1, andt = time from the start of the air purging, h.The maximum difference between the measured and calcu-lated theoretical values shall be within 6 5 % of the theoreticalvalue. The above mixing test shall be conducted with asimulated test specimen placed in the chamber.NOTE 2The above test met

45、hod is a simplified version of the decaymethod described in Guide D5116.Alternatively, the method of determin-ing adequate air mixing described in Guide D5116 may also be used tocheck the mixing condition in the chamber. Sample Specimen HolderA sample specimenholder shall be used to hold the

46、test specimen so that only thetest surface of the specimen is exposed to the chamber air. Theholder shall be designed to minimize the emissions from edgesand non-testing surface of the specimen. A design example isshown in Fig. Sink EffectThe chamber and specimen holder shallhave minimum s

47、ink effect. The recovery factor determined bythe following procedure shall be higher than 95 % for decane:(1) seal the supply inlet and exhaust of the chamber; (2) inject5 g of vaporized decane into the chamber; (3) take an airsample from the chamber exhaust at 5 min after the injection,and record t

48、his concentration as the initial concentration C0andthe time as t =0;(4)att = 0, begin purging the air through thechamber at t = 0 under standard test conditions; (5) take airsamples from the chamber exhaust at the following times afterthe start of purging: t1 = 0.25 tn, t2 = 0.5 tn, t3 = 1.0 tn, t4

49、 = 1.5tn, t5 = 2.0 tn, t6 = 3.0 tn, t7 = 4.5 tn, t8=6tn, t9=8tn, andt10=10tn, where tnis the nominal time constant and is equalNOTE 1All materials for the sample holder should be made of electropolished stainless steel.FIG. 2 Schematic of an Example Sample HolderD6330 98 (2014)4to 1.0 h for the standard test condition; and (6) calculate therecovery factor (RF) as follows:RF 5N2C0(i50n21Cti!1Cti11!#ti112 ti!100% (2)where:RF = recovery factor, %,N = air change rate, h1,C0= initial concentration at t=0, g/m3,C(ti) = concentration at time ti, g/m3(

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