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本文(ASTM D6710-2002(2007) Standard Guide for Evaluation of Hydrocarbon-Based Quench Oil《评价烃基淬火油的标准指南》.pdf)为本站会员(boatfragile160)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM D6710-2002(2007) Standard Guide for Evaluation of Hydrocarbon-Based Quench Oil《评价烃基淬火油的标准指南》.pdf

1、Designation: D 6710 02 (Reapproved 2007)An American National StandardStandard Guide forEvaluation of Hydrocarbon-Based Quench Oil1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 6710; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of rev

2、ision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This guide covers information without specific limits,for selecting standard test methods for test

3、ing hydrocarbon-based quench oils for quality and aging.1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bilit

4、y of regulatory limitations prior to its use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D91 Test Method for Precipitation Number of LubricatingOilsD92 Test Method for Flash and Fire Points by ClevelandOpen Cup TesterD94 Test Methods for Saponification Number of PetroleumProductsD95 Test Method for W

5、ater in Petroleum Products andBituminous Materials by DistillationD 189 Test Method for Conradson Carbon Residue ofPetroleum ProductsD 445 Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparentand Opaque Liquids (and Calculation of Dynamic Viscos-ity)D 482 Test Method for Ash from Petroleum ProductsD 52

6、4 Test Method for Ramsbottom Carbon Residue ofPetroleum ProductsD 664 Test Method forAcid Number of Petroleum Productsby Potentiometric TitrationD 974 Test Method for Acid and Base Number by Color-Indicator TitrationD 1298 Test Method for Density, Relative Density (SpecificGravity), or API Gravity o

7、f Crude Petroleum and LiquidPetroleum Products by Hydrometer MethodD 4052 Test Method for Density and Relative Density ofLiquids by Digital Density MeterD 4530 Test Method for Determination of Carbon Residue(Micro Method)D 6200 Test Method for Determination of Cooling Charac-teristics of Quench Oils

8、 by Cooling Curve AnalysisD 6304 Test Method for Determination of Water in Petro-leum Products, Lubricating Oils, and Additives by Coulo-metric Karl Fischer Titration2.2 ISO Standards:3ISO 9950 Industrial Quenching OilsDetermination ofCooling CharacteristicsNickel-Alloy Probe TestMethod, 1995-95-013

9、. Terminology3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1 Quench Processing: austenitization, nheating a steel containing lessthan the eutectoid concentration of carbon (about 0.8 mass %)to a temperature just above the eutectoid temperature todecompose the pearlite microstructure

10、to produce a face-centered cubic (fcc) austenite-ferrite mixture. dragoutsolution carried out of a bath on the metalbeing quenched and associated handling equipment. martempering, ncooling steel from the austeniti-zation temperature to a temperature just above the start ofmertensite tr

11、ansformation (Ms) for a time sufficient for thetemperature to equalize between the surface and the center ofthe steel, at which point the steel is removed from the quenchbath and air cooled as shown in Fig. 1. (1) protective atmosphere, nany atmosphere that willinhibit oxidation of the metal

12、 surface during austenitization, orit may be used to protect the quenching oil, which may be aninert gas such as nitrogen or argon or a gas used for a heattreating furnace. quench media, nany medium, either liquid (water,oil, molten salt, or lead, aqueous solutions of water-solublepolymers or

13、 salt-brines) or gas or combinations of liquid andgas (air at atmospheric pressure, or pressurized nitrogen,1This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on PetroleumProducts and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D02.L0.06on Nonlubricating Process Fluids.Curre

14、nt edition approved May 1, 2007. Published June 2007. Originallyapproved in 2001. Last previous edition approved in 2002 as D 6710 02.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume info

15、rmation, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http:/ boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end ofthis standard.1Cop

16、yright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.helium, hydrogen) such as air-water spray, used to facilitate thecooling of metal in such a way as to achieve the desiredphysical properties or microstructure. quench severity, nthe

17、ability of a quenching oil toextract heat from a hot metal traditionally defined by thequenching speed (cooling rate) at 1300F (705C) which wasrelated to a Grossmann H-Value or Quench Severity Factor(H-Factor).(2) quenching, ncooling process from a suitable el-evated temperature used to facil

18、itate the formation of thedesired microstructure and properties of a metal as shown inFig. transformation temperature, ncharacteristic tem-peratures that are important in the formation of martensiticmicrostructure as illustrated in Fig. 2;Ae equilibrium auste-nitization phase change temper

19、ature; Ms temperature at whichtransformation of austenite to martensite starts during cooling;and Mf temperature at which transformation of austenite tomartensite is completed during cooling.3.1.2 Cooling Mechanisms: convective cooling, nafter continued cooling, theinterfacial temperature bet

20、ween the cooling metal surface andthe quenching oil will be less than the boiling point of the oil,at which point cooling occurs by a convective cooling processas illustrated in Fig. full-film boiling, nupon initial immersion of hotsteel into a quench oil, a vapor blanket surrounds the met

21、alsurface as shown in Fig. 3. This is full-film boiling alsocommonly called vapor blanket cooling. Leidenfrost temperature, nthe characteristic tem-perature where the transition from full-film boiling (vaporblanket cooling) to nucleate boiling occurs which is indepen-dent of the initial tempe

22、rature of the metal being quenched asillustrated in Fig. 4. (3) nucleate boilingupon continued cooling, the va-por blanket that initially forms around the hot metal collapsesand a nucleate boiling process, the fastest cooling portion ofthe quenching process, occurs as illustrated in Fig. 3.3.

23、1.2.5 vapor blanket cooling, nSee full-film boiling( wettability, nwhen a heated metal, such as theprobe illustrated in Fig. 5, is immersed into a quenchingmedium, the cooling process shown in Fig. 6 occurs by initialvapor blanket formation followed by collapse, at which pointthe met

24、al surface is wetted by the quenching medium. (4)3.1.3 Quench Oil Classification: accelerated quenching oil, nalso referred to as afast or high-speed oil, these are oils that contain additions thatfacilitate collapse of the vapor blanket surrounding the hotmetal immediately upon immersion int

25、o the quenching oil, asshown in Fig. conventional quenching oil, nalso called slowoils, these oils typically exhibit substantial film-boiling char-acteristics, commonly referred to as vapor blanket cooling dueto relatively stable vapor blanket formation, illustrated mecha-nistically in Fig

26、. marquenching oils, nalso referred to as mar-quenching oils or hot oils, these oils are typically used attemperatures between 95 to 230C (203 to 446F) and areusually formulated to optimize oxidative and thermal stabilityby the addition of antioxidants and because they are used atrelativel

27、y high temperatures, a protective or non-oxidizingenvironment is often employed, which permits much higheruse temperatures than open-air conditions. quenching oil, nalthough usually derived from apetroleum oil, they may also be derived from natural oils suchas vegetable oils or synthetic oils

28、 such as poly(alpha olefin).They are used to mediate heat transfer from a heated metal,such as austenitized steel, to control the microstructure that isformed upon cooling and also control distortion and minimizecracking which may accompany the cooling process.3.1.4 Cooling Curve Terminology:

29、 cooling curve, na graphic representation of thetemperature (T) versus cooling time (t) response of a probe.Anexample is illustrated in Fig. 3. (5) cooling curve analysis, nprocess of quantifyingthe cooling characteristics of a quenching oil based on thetime-temperature profile obtained by co

30、oling a preheated probeassembly (Fig. 5).FIG. 1 (a) Conventional Quenching Cycle; (b) MartemperingD 6710 02 (2007) cooling rate curve, nthe first derivative (dT/dt)ofthe cooling time-temperature curve as illustrated in Fig. 3. (5)4. Significance and Use4.1 The significance and use of each te

31、st method willdepend on the system in use and the purpose of the test methodlisted under Section 6. Use the most recent editions of the testmethods.5. Sampling5.1 Sampling UniformityFlow is never uniform in agi-tated quench tanks. There is always variation of flow rate andturbulence from top to bott

32、om and across the tank. This meansthat there may be significant variations of particulate contami-nation including sludge from oil oxidation and metal scale. Foruniform sampling, a number of sampling recommendationshave been developed.5.1.1 Sampling Recommendations: Minimum Sampling TimeThe c

33、irculation pumpsshall be in operation for at least 1 h prior to taking a samplefrom a quench system. Sampling PositionFor each system, the sampleshall be taken from the same position each time that system issampled. The sample shall be taken at the point of maximumflow turbulence. The positio

34、n in the tank where the sample istaken shall be recorded.FIG. 2 Transformation Diagram for a Low-Alloy Steel with Cooling Curves for Various Quenching Media (A) High Speed Oil (B)Conventional OilFIG. 3 Cooling Mechanisms for a Quenching Oil Superimposed on a Cooling Time-Temperature Curve and the Co

35、rresponding CoolingRate CurveD 6710 02 (2007) Sampling ValvesIf a sample is taken from asampling valve, then sufficient quenching oil should be takenand discarded to ensure that the sampling valve and associatedpiping has been flushed, before the sample is taken. Sampling From Tanks W

36、ith No AgitationIfsamples are to be taken from bulk storage tank or a quench tankwith no agitation, then samples shall be taken from the top andbottom of the bulk system or quench tank. If this is not possibleand the sample can only be taken from the top, then thelaboratory report shall state that t

37、he results represent a sampletaken from the top of the bulk system or quench tank and maynot be representative of the total system. Effect of Quenching Oil Addition as Make-Up Dueto DragoutIt is important to determine the quantity andfrequency of new quenchant additions, as large additions of

38、new quench oil will have an effect on the test results, inparticular the cooling curve. If a sample was taken just after alarge addition of new quench oil, this shall be taken intoconsideration when interpreting the cooling curve of this oilsample. Sampling ContainersSamples shall be collecte

39、d innew containers. Under no circumstances shall used beverage orfood containers be used because of the potential for fluidcontamination and leakage.6. Recommended Test Procedures6.1 Performance-Related Physical and Chemical Proper-ties:6.1.1 Kinematic Viscosity, (Test Method D 445)The per-formance

40、of a quench oil is dependent on its viscosity, whichFIG. 4 Leidenfrost Temperature and its Independence of the Initial Temperature of the Metal Being QuenchedNOTE 1Measurements are nominal. (From Test Method D 6200.)FIG. 5 Probe Details and Probe AssemblyD 6710 02 (2007)4varies with temperature and

41、oil deterioration during continueduse. Increased oil viscosity typically results in decreased heattransfer rates. (6) Oil viscosity varies with temperature whichaffects heat transfer rates throughout the process. The flow velocity of a quench oil depends on bothviscosity and temperature. Some

42、 quench oils are used at highertemperatures, such as martempering oils, also known ashot-oils. Although the viscosity of a martempering oil may notfluctuate substantially at elevated temperatures, the oil maybecome almost solid upon cooling. Thus, the viscosity-temperature relationship (viscosity in

43、dex) of a quench oil maybe critically important from the dual standpoint of quenchseverity and flow velocity. Typically kinematic viscosity determination by TestMethod D 445 is used. Viscosity measurements are made at40C (104F) for conventional or accelerated oils and also at100C (212F) for m

44、artempering oils.6.1.2 Flash Point and Fire Point (Test Method D 92)Useof a quench oil in an open system with no protective atmo-sphere shall be at least 60 to 65C lower than its actual opencup flash point to minimize the potential for fire. Generalguidelines have been developed for use-temperatures

45、 of aquench oil relative to its flash point.NOTE 1There are various manufacturer-dependent guidelines forrelating the suitability for use of a used quenching oil with respect to itsflash point and they shall be followed. In the absence of such guidelines,it is recommended that the use temperature of

46、 a quenching oil in an opensystem with no protective atmosphere shall be more than 60 to 65C (140to 149F) below its actual open-cup flash point. In closed systems wherea protective atmosphere is used, the use temperature of the used quenchingoil shall be at least 35C (95F) lower than its actual open

47、-cup flash point.6.1.3 Density (Test Methods D 1298 and D 4052)Thedensity of materials of similar volatility is dependent on thechemical composition, and in the case of quenching oils, thetype of basestock used in formulation. The oxidative stabilityof quenching oils is also dependent on similar che

48、micalcomposition trends, and thus density (or relative density) is anindirect indicator of oxidative stability. Density (or relativedensity) is measured at, or converted to, a standard referencetemperature, normally either 15C or 60/60F, and these shouldbe quoted alongside the result. Test Me

49、thod D 1298 uses a hydrometer plus ther-mometer for measurement while Test Method D 4052 uses adigital density meter based on an oscillating U-tube.NOTE 2Density or relative density are of limited value in theassessment of quality of a quenching oil.6.2 Aged Fluid PropertiesIn addition to significantchanges in fluid viscosity, oil degradation by thermal andoxidative processes may result in the formation of undesirablelevels of volatile by-products, sludge formation, metal-stainingproducts and particulates, all of which may r

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