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本文(ASTM D7204-2015 7976 Standard Practice for Sampling Waste Streams on Conveyors《在传送带上对废物流进行取样的标准实施规程》.pdf)为本站会员(postpastor181)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM D7204-2015 7976 Standard Practice for Sampling Waste Streams on Conveyors《在传送带上对废物流进行取样的标准实施规程》.pdf

1、Designation: D7204 15Standard Practice forSampling Waste Streams on Conveyors1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7204; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parenth

2、eses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This practice describes standard procedures for sam-pling waste on open and closed conveying systems and isapplicable to any waste material that can be

3、conveyed to awaste pile or container. The conveyor system can be a vertical(vertical lifts), sloped or horizontal type.1.2 This practice is intended for particles and slurries, whichcan be sampled using scoop, dipper, or shovel type samplers.1.3 The practice is not intended for large size samplecons

4、tituents, such as boulders, large rocks, and debris.1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of

5、 regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D4547 Guide for Sampling Waste and Soils for VolatileOrganic CompoundsD4687 Guide for General Planning of Waste SamplingD4916 Practice for MechanicalAuger Sampling (Withdrawn2008)3D5088 Practice for Decontamination of Fi

6、eld EquipmentUsed at Waste SitesD5283 Practice for Generation of Environmental Data Re-lated to Waste Management Activities: Quality Assuranceand Quality Control Planning and ImplementationD5633 Practice for Sampling with a ScoopD5658 Practice for Sampling Unconsolidated Waste FromTrucksD5680 Practi

7、ce for Sampling Unconsolidated Solids inDrums or Similar ContainersD5681 Terminology for Waste and Waste ManagementD5792 Practice for Generation of Environmental Data Re-lated to Waste Management Activities: Development ofData Quality ObjectivesD5956 Guide for Sampling Strategies for HeterogeneousWa

8、stesD6009 Guide for Sampling Waste PilesD6051 Guide for Composite Sampling and Field Subsam-pling for Environmental Waste Management ActivitiesD6232 Guide for Selection of Sampling Equipment forWaste and Contaminated Media Data CollectionActivitiesD6250 Practice for Derivation of Decision Point and

9、Confi-dence Limit for Statistical Testing of Mean Concentrationin Waste Management DecisionsD6311 Guide for Generation of Environmental Data Relatedto Waste Management Activities: Selection and Optimiza-tion of Sampling Design3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 See also Terminology D5681.3.1.2 field

10、 records, ninformation written in a field logbook or loose leaf sampling forms at the time of sampling.4. Significance and Use4.1 This practice can be used in sampling ash from a kiln orincinerator, soils, and process waste from conveying systems,such as, a conveyer and vertical lifts. Some slurries

11、, such as thebottom solids, can be sampled from the quench waters at theend of a kiln.4.2 This practice can be used to determine material balancesfor burner efficiency studies and compliance studies.4.3 This practice can be used on lifts, sloping, and horizon-tal conveyor systems. The type of convey

12、or and the amountand type of sample required will dictate the type of samplingequipment required to get a representative sample.4.4 The sample is taken directly from the conveyor beforeemptying into the waste container or pile for disposal orrecycling using a scoop, dipper, or shovel depending upon

13、thesample requirements (see Practice D5633). The sample is thenput into the sample container for analysis.1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D34 on WasteManagement and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D34.01.02 onSampling Techniques.Current edition approved Sept.

14、1, 2015. Published September 2015. Originallyapproved in 2007. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as D7204 07. DOI:10.1520/D7204-15.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume in

15、formation, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States14.5 The place, quantity, fr

16、equency, and time of sampling isdependent upon the conveying system equipment, data qualityobjectives (DQOs) (Practice D5792), work or sampling plan(See Practice D5283 and Guide D4687), and analysis to be run.4.5.1 Large particles can be mechanically excluded on a beltsystem. Large particles may acc

17、umulate at the bottom of aninclined/sloped belt system. Therefore, steps, if possible, needto be taken so that particles of all sizes have equal chances ofbeing sampled.4.5.2 The number of samples and sample time is dependentupon the system, the precision required, the decisions that areto be made,

18、the cost, and the degree of heterogeneity of thematerial (see Guide D5956, Practice D6250, and GuideD6311).4.5.3 In general, the ideal sampling location is nearest to thepoint of generation since temperature, oxidation, and airmovement may change some samples with time.4.6 The practice does not addr

19、ess issues related to theheterogeneity of the sample.5. Sampling Equipment5.1 The scoop, dipper or shovel must be manufactured frommaterial that is compatible with the waste to be sampled, andthe required test or analysis to be performed (see GuideD6232).5.1.1 Sampling equipment must be selected tha

20、t is chemi-cally compatible with the type of waste and type of analyses.Stainless steel, glass, and plastic are generally acceptable formost samples. Plastic sampling equipment may not be suitablefor waste to be analyzed for organic parameters. It is up to theuser to ensure that the equipment will n

21、ot contaminate or biasthe analyses.5.1.2 The reuse of equipment without proper cleaning canresult in false positive analysis. If proper equipment cleaningcannot be accomplished in the field, additional sets of samplingequipment are needed to prevent potential cross-contamination.5.2 A fixed auger ma

22、y be present on a conveyor system andmay be used to collect samples (see Practice D4916).5.3 If the DQO, work, or sample plan calls for samples to becomposited, a composite collection container may be needed.The composite collection container will allow mixing andquartering of the sample materials f

23、or compositing if it is goingto be done at the sampling site. Use of a composite collectioncontainer for sub-sampling may result in particle size segrega-tion and result in a bias if the material is not homogeneous orsampling not performed correctly.6. Sample Containers6.1 Plastic, glass, or other n

24、on-reactive containers should beused as specified by the site sampling plan (see Guide D4687).6.2 Sampling for volatile organics in waste requires specialhandling (see Practice D4547).7. Procedure7.1 The procedure used will depend upon the type ofconveyor system or lift to be sampled.7.1.1 Many buck

25、et conveyors and augers are enclosedsystems which make sampling of the moving conveyor imprac-tical. Samples may be taken at the end of the conveyor as thesample drops into the waste pile or waste container (See 7.4 forthe method of sampling).7.1.2 The bucket conveyor catches almost everything mak-i

26、ng representative sampling of a heterogeneous sample diffi-cult. A bucket conveyor cannot always be sampled whilemoving due to the depth of the bucket and the difficulty ingetting a core sample of the bucket versus the liquid portion.Sampling as the material is being dumped is the easiest methodof s

27、ampling a bucket conveyor (See 7.4).7.1.3 A tray conveyor system allows the sample to be takenafter the quench (sampling a burner ash) using a flat scoop orflat shovel which samples the tray to the bottom as the materialmoves toward the end of the conveyor. The tray conveyorsystem usually does not m

28、ove too rapidly to be sampled whilemoving. This allows for sampling of the tray by taking asample of the complete tray and putting the sample into thesample container (see 7.3 for sampling method).7.1.4 A belt conveyor can be sampled using scoop, dipper,and shovels. If the material is heterogeneous

29、a mixing step maybe required to determine the average over time sample. If the belt conveyor is tilted, larger particles tend toroll to the bottom of the conveyor. The inclusion of the largermaterials should be considered in the sampling plan or DQOprocess. The larger material may require gri

30、nding or other sizereduction techniques before being sent to the laboratory.7.2 Sample Collection:7.2.1 Review the work or sampling plan.7.2.2 Check to make sure that the supply of sampleequipment, including but not limited to containers, labels, icechests, and composite collection containers, are a

31、dequate andcorrect. Field logbooks or sampling forms (field records) shallbe provided to document the sampling time, the amount ofsample, sample observations, explanations, sample designationnumber, run number, “if required”, and have a place forsignature or initials of sampling personnel.7.2.3 Prov

32、ision should be made for field blanks, splitsamples, and field spikes.7.2.4 Special safety precautions should be taken whilesampling the conveyor due to moving equipment and theexposure to the sample under semi-controlled conditions.7.2.5 The sampling device must be of a size and shapesuitable for t

33、he quantity and size of the particles to be sampled.For example, a flat bottomed scoop or shovel is more desirablethan a round bottomed sampling device to capture the fulldepth of the waste being carried on a belt or tray conveyor. Anextension to the sampling device is often employed to assist thesa

34、mpler in safely collecting the samples.7.3 Sampling Open Belt and Tray System:7.3.1 At the time specified, insert the sampling device intothe waste stream and withdraw the sample from the conveyor.When sampling an open belt system, care must be taken toavoid tearing, snagging, or otherwise damaging

35、the belt (seeGuide D4687). If the conveyor belt can be stopped safely, twobulkheads can be cut from plywood or other material to fitacross the conveyor surface to prevent the materials fromD7204 152rolling backwards. The bulkheads can be placed on the openconveyor to establish the sample gathering b

36、oundaries. Onebulkhead is placed on the upstream side of the conveyor andthe second is placed on the downstream side of the conveyor,perpendicular to the conveying surface. The distance betweenthe bulkheads should be sufficient to obtain the needed size ofsample from the conveyor. The material betwe

37、en the bulkheadsis removed, including the fine, particulate materials, and placedinto the sample container.7.3.2 For a discrete sample, place the sample in a collectioncontainer. Close the sample container and attach a completedsample label.7.3.3 For a composite sample, place the sample in a collec-

38、tion container and withdraw the next sample until adequatematerial has been taken. Close the sample container and attacha completed sample label (see Guide D6051).7.3.4 The time the sampling device is inserted into thesample is the sample time. If it requires more than one insertionto achieve the ne

39、cessary sample, the time period spanning thesampling should be written on the label and in the field records.7.3.5 The rate the conveyer is moving the material should benoted.7.3.6 Complete the field log book and chain-of-custodyform.7.3.7 Repeat the process as required by the work or sam-pling plan

40、.7.4 Sampling Enclosed Conveyor Systems:7.4.1 If access to the conveying device, that is, enclosedconveyor, screw, or bucket conveyor is not possible, the samplecan be taken as it falls/drops into a shipping container or pile.7.4.2 At the specified time, while the conveying device ismoving at a cons

41、tant rate, a long handled dipper, scoop orshovel is placed under the falling material to be sampled. Thesampling device should be placed just below the end of theconveying device, but not touching it. The entire cross sectionof the discharge should be collected into the sample container.Care must be

42、 exercised since there are possibilities of largeparticles dropping on or into the sampling device.7.4.3 Place the sample in a container prepared for it. If moresample is required, withdraw enough material to meet thesample requirements. Mix the material before taking an ali-quot. The sample is then

43、 transferred to the suitable samplecontainer. Close the sample container and complete and attachthe sample label. (see D4687 Sections 10 and 11).7.4.4 Complete the field log book and chain-of-custodyform.7.4.5 The rate the conveyor is moving the material shouldbe noted.7.4.6 Repeat the process as re

44、quired by the work or sam-pling plan.7.4.7 If it is impossible to catch the material as it isdropping, follow Guide D6009, Practice D5658, or PracticeD5680.7.5 Sampling for Volatiles:7.5.1 Care must be taken to minimize the time betweensample removal and the sample being placed in the volatilesample

45、 container. This can be achieved by having a secondperson available to take a spot sample which is quickly placeddirectly into the volatile sample container (see Guide D4547).Samples taken for volatile analyses are usually taken by usinga coring tool or by quickly transferring the sample using aspat

46、ula or scoop. For taking the sub-sample, see Guide D6051.7.5.2 Complete the field log book and chain-of-custodyform.7.5.3 The rate the conveyor is moving the material shouldbe noted.7.5.4 Repeat the process as required by the work or sam-pling plan.7.6 Sampling Slurries:7.6.1 Samples taken as slurri

47、es require special handling.The percent of solids in a given slurry vary widely.7.6.2 Slurry samples can be taken directly from the con-veyor into the sample container by using a square front scoopwhich will contain the solids and liquid or a dipper, (see GuideD6232 for alternative sampling devices)

48、.7.6.3 The entire contents of the scoop or dipper are carefullytransferred to a large mouth bottle. The bottle is taped andlabeled.7.6.4 Complete the field records and chain-of-custody form.7.6.5 The rate the conveyor is moving the material shouldbe noted.7.6.6 Repeat the process as required by the

49、work or sam-pling plan.7.7 Cleaning Equipment:7.7.1 Unless certified clean, sampling equipment must becleaned before use. After the sampling equipment is cleaned, itis important to protect it from contamination (for example, bywrapping, packaging or containerizing).7.7.2 Decontaminate the reusable equipment in accordancewith protocol specified in the work plan (see Practice D5088).8. Keywords8.1 conveyor; incinerator; kiln; lifts; sampling; soil; wastestreamsD7204 153ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any

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