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ASTM D8030 D8030M-2016 8949 Standard Practice for Sample Preparation for GCCM《GCCM样品制备的标准实施规程》.pdf

1、Designation: D8030/D8030M 16Standard Practice forSample Preparation for GCCM1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D8030/D8030M; the number immediately following the designation indicates theyear of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in p

2、arentheses indicates the year of lastreapproval. A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This standard practice specifies a set of instructions forpreparing samples of geosynthetic cementitious composite mat(GCCM) for index property te

3、sting.1.2 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound unitsare to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated ineach system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, eachsystem shall be used independently of the other. Combiningvalues from the two systems may result in non-conformanc

4、ewith the standard.1.3 All observed and calculated values shall conform to theguidelines for significant digits and rounding established inPractice D6026.1.3.1 For purposes of comparing measured or calculatedvalue(s) with specified limits, the measured or calculatedvalue(s) shall be rounded to the n

5、earest decimal or significantdigits in the specified limits.1.3.2 The procedures used to specify how data are collected/recorded or calculated in this practice are regarded as theindustry standard. In addition, they are representative of thesignificant digits that generally should be measured. Thepr

6、ocedures used do not consider material variation, purpose forobtaining the data, special purpose studies, or any consider-ations for the users objectives; and it is common practice toincrease or reduce the significant digits of reported data to becommensurate with these considerations. It is beyond

7、the scopeof this practice to consider significant digits used in theanalytical methods for engineering design.1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safet

8、y and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Some specifichazards statements are given in Section 7 on Hazards.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2C191 Test Methods for Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cementby Vicat NeedleD4439 Terminology for G

9、eosyntheticsD6026 Practice for Using Significant Digits in GeotechnicalData3. Terminology3.1 Definitions: For definitions of common technical termsused in this standard, refer to Terminology D4439.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 cured, adja description of the state of a GCCM

10、 afterhydration for a specified period of time under specifiedconditions, followed by a period of time where the GCCM iskept under a specified environmental condition during whichthe cementitious matrix continues to crystallize and developstrength.3.2.2 curing time, nthe time subsequent to initial h

11、ydra-tion of the GCCM and immediately prior to the testing of thematerial during which the cementitious material is allowed toharden and form its final structure. The specific process forcuring is specified in dry, adja description of the state of a GCCM beforeit has been exposed to a hydr

12、ation source. Typically describesthe “as received“ dry product after conditioning in prescribedmanner.3.2.4 geosynthetic cementitious composite mat (GCCM),na factory assembled barrier consisting of a cementitiousmaterial contained within layer or layers of geosyntheticmaterials. The GCCM forms a har

13、dened barrier when properlyhydrated and cured.3.2.5 hydration, nexposure of the GCCM, in this case, towater in prescribed conditions for a prescribed time.3.2.6 index property test, nin geosynthetics, a standardtest that may be used to compare the relative material proper-ties of erosion control pro

14、ducts.1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D35 on Geosyn-thetics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D35.05 on GeosyntheticErosion Control.Current edition approved Jan. 1, 2016. Published January 2016. DOI: 10.1520/D8030_D8030M-16.2For referenced ASTM standards, vi

15、sit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2

16、959. United States13.2.7 initial setting time, nthe time subsequent to initialhydration of the GCCM at which the cementitious gel begins tointerlock and form an extended structure. The measurement ofinitial setting time is prescribed, for instance, in Test MethodsC191.3.2.8 wet, adja description of

17、the state of a GCCM after ithas been exposed to a hydration source for a period of time lessthan the initial setting time of the cementitious mixture.4. Summary of Practice4.1 A representative sample of dry GCCM is either 1) cutinto dry specimens or 2) exposed to water under controlledconditions and

18、 for a prescribed time, allowed to cure (harden),and then cut into specimens for index testing.5. Significance and Use5.1 This practice is intended to create specimens of GCCMproducts appropriate for testing for the determination of indexproperties. Cured (hardened) samples are not necessarily in-te

19、nded to represent a field application of GCCM products butwould be representative of the correct amount of water appliedto a known style of product and provide a basis for consistentand repeatable index property testing.6. Apparatus6.1 BalancesAbalance with 0.01 lb readability is required(excluding

20、the mass of the sample container).6.2 Sample ContainersSuitable containers which are re-sistant to corrosion and change in mass upon repeated exposureto moisture, materials of varying pH, and cleaning.6.3 Die, of known dimensions.6.4 Tile Saw, with diamond tipped bladesused for cuttingcured sample t

21、o predetermined dimension using patternmarked on cured specimen with template and markers.6.5 Miscellaneous, knives, templates, markersas requiredfor marking and cutting specimens to fixed dimensions beforemeasurement of weight. A knife with a “snap off” type blade isrecommended for cutting GCCMs, w

22、hich can dull blade tipsrapidly.7. Hazards7.1 Safety HazardsGCCM products can be dusty. Eyeprotection and a dust mask are recommended to be worn duringthe procedure.8. Procedure A Dry (unhydrated) Specimens8.1 Obtain a sufficient amount of representative laboratorysample of the GCCM to satisfy 8.2.8

23、.1.1 The laboratory sample should be in satisfactory con-dition and representative of the bulk of the product delivered tothe facility.8.1.2 All sample and specimen cutting should be carried outin clean area free of debris and preferentially with a surfacecovering to collect any loose powder which m

24、ay come frommaterial during cutting.8.1.3 The number of test specimens shall be specified ineach test method. These specimens shall be cut such that theyare representative of the roll width.8.2 Preparation of Dry Specimens:8.2.1 Using a die, or template and knife, carefully cut therequired number of

25、 specimens randomly from the sample, butin a manner that is distributed across the width of the sample.8.2.2 All samples and specimens shall be cut, whether usingdie, saw, or knives to the specific dimensions required for thetest being performed.8.2.3 The loss of cement powder from edges of the spec

26、i-men during the cutting process may have a significant impacton the accuracy of a given test method. This can be a moresignificant issue for dry or wet samples, as defined under thismethod. The technician performing this test method shouldpractice cutting specimens from the sample to gain confidenc

27、ein preparing the sample without significant loss of cementpowder.8.2.4 If using a die to cut the specimen, loss of powder canbe minimized by leaving the die in place and removing anyremaining sample, including loose powder, from the outside ofthe die before moving the die. If a base material like c

28、ardstockis used with the die when cutting the specimen, the cardstockand die can be used as a temporary container. Transfer thespecimen to a sample container with minimal loss of powder.8.2.5 If using a template and knife to cut the specimen, markthe test specific template on the sample. After cutti

29、ng thespecimen, place the cut specimen into the sample container.Collect any loose powder from the cutting area. Place half ofthe loose powder into the sample container and discard theremaining half.8.2.6 The specimen in the sample container, as preparedabove, is now conditioned by bringing the spec

30、imens tomoisture equilibrium in an atmosphere of 21 6 2C and65 6 5 % relative humidity. Equilibrium is considered to havebeen reached when the change in mass of the test specimen insuccessive weighing, made at intervals of not less than 2 h,does not exceed 0.1 % of the previous mass of the testspeci

31、men. After conditioning, the specimens are ready fortesting.9. Procedure B Wetted (hydrated only or hydrated andhardened) Specimens9.1 Obtain a sufficient amount of representative sample ofthe GCCM to satisfy The laboratory sample should be in satisfactory con-dition and representative of

32、the bulk of the product delivered tothe facility.9.1.2 All sample and specimen cutting should be carried outin clean area free of debris and preferentially with a surfacecovering to collect any loose powder which may come frommaterial during cutting.9.1.3 The number of test specimens shall be specif

33、ied ineach test method. These specimens shall be cut such that theyare representative of the roll width.9.2 Preparation of Wet Specimens:9.2.1 Mark on the dry GCCM lab sample a template thatrepresents the size of the specimens required for the specificD8030/D8030M 162test to be carried out. This is

34、carried out for each specimen orset of specimens required to be cut for the specific test.9.2.2 Cut using a die or a knife the required number ofspecimens of the GCCM sample to be tested, but initially cutbeyond the marked template, creating a “coupon” which isoversized compared to the tested specim

35、en by at least an inchalong the perimeter of the specimen. A coupon may includeone or more specimens.9.2.3 The loss of cement powder from edges of the couponduring the cutting process may have a significant impact on theaccuracy of a given test method. This can be a more significantissue for specime

36、ns tested dry or wet, rather than cured, asdefined under this method. The technician performing this testmethod should practice cutting coupons from the sample togain confidence in preparing them without significant loss ofcement powder.9.2.4 Prepare a “hydration” tank of water equilibrated tostanda

37、rd temperature of 21 6 2C.9.2.5 Entirely immerse the coupon(s) in the tank for a periodof 20 min.9.2.6 Remove each coupon from the tank and cut the actualtest specimens to the required test dimensions from theoversized coupons using die or template and knife, using sameprocedure as for dry samples (

38、see 8.2.1) to collect any materialthat spills from the sides.9.2.7 Place the specimen and any collected spill into asample container.9.2.8 If wet specimens are to be tested, there is no additionalconditioning and testing is to proceed within 20 min of beingremoved from the hydration tank.9.3 Prepara

39、tion of Cured Specimens:9.3.1 For cured specimens, a determination for each set ofspecimens must be made before testing of the desired curingtime.9.3.2 A laboratory sample of the GCCM sufficient to cut therequired number of specimens is prepared for hydration. Thissample may involve multiple coupons

40、 cut from the product tofacilitate the process of hydration. All coupons shall be largerthan the required test specimens to allow for post curingcutting.9.3.3 A hydration tank of sufficient size to lay the couponflat is supplied with water equilibrated at 21 6 2C, of asufficient depth to fully subme

41、rge sample.9.3.4 The coupon is laid out flat in the hydration tanksandwiched between two flat and sufficiently porous forms,such as porous stones, making sure that the coupons arecompletely submerged. The coupon is allowed to hydrate for24 h in the hydration tank. If multiple coupons are beingcreate

42、d a thin plastic sheet may be inserted between exposedcoupons as a bond breaker. Hydrating the GCCM between theforms assures that the coupon will be flat when it becomesrigid. This may be important for the specific test being carriedout.9.3.5 The coupon is removed from the hydration tank, andthe spe

43、cimens are cut using a saw and template, or die to therequired specimen dimension.9.3.6 The cured specimens do not require a samplecontainer, though sample containers can be used.9.3.7 The specimens are placed in an atmosphere of21 6 2C and 65 6 5 % relative humidity, and remain in thisenvironment f

44、or the remainder of their curing time.10. Keywords10.1 GCCM; geosynthetic cementitious composite mat; in-dex test; preparation; samplingAPPENDIX(Nonmandatory Information)X1. LABORATORY SAMPLE PREPARATIONX1.1 To make the process more clear, one specific processthat has been used with one type of GCCM

45、 is outlined belowwith figures to illustrate:X1.1.1 Assemble a large tub, utility knife, scissors, largesteel spatula, approximately 110 kg 50 lb of concrete sand,four 300- by 300-mm 12- by 12-in. porous stones and 5 galof tap water. Distilled, deionized, water may be needed in caseof dispute.X1.1.2

46、 Place the 110 kg 50 lb of sand in the tub as shownin Fig. X1.1 and level it by tamping.X1.1.3 Place porous stones to serve as a base of thehydration apparatus as shown in Fig. X1.2. Note that thisprocedure provides for two coupons to be prepared.X1.1.4 Cut the GCCM material into 300- by 300-mm12- b

47、y 12-in. coupons with a template as shown in Fig. X1.3.FIG. X1.1 Sand Placed in Base of TubD8030/D8030M 163Other coupon sizes may be used. Please note that immediatelyafter the samples are taken from the roll the remainder needs tobe rewrapped and sealed to minimize any effects of moistureexposure f

48、rom environment or accidental exposures.X1.1.5 Place the two coupons on the porous stones asshown in Fig. X1.4. Place the nonporous (geomembrane) sidedown.X1.1.6 Place additional porous stones (used for confiningpressure) on top of the dry coupons as shown in Fig. X1.5.X1.1.7 Pour approximately 5 ga

49、l of water, equilibrated to21 6 2C, gently down the inside wall of the tub. It shouldcompletely immerse the assembly to the top of the upperporous stone as shown in Fig. X1.6.X1.1.8 Allow the coupons to remain in the hydrationchamber for a period as directed by the manufacturer tosaturate and cure the GCCM coupons.X1.1.9 After 24 h remove the upper porous stone. TheGCCM may stick to the porous stones if no “bond-breaking”materials are placed between the upper surface of the GCCMand the form. If sticking occurs, the spatula can be used asshown in Figs.

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