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本文(ASTM E255-2002 Standard Practice for Sampling Copper and Copper Alloys for the Determination of Chemical Composition《化学成分测定用铜和铜合金取样的标准实施规范》.pdf)为本站会员(visitstep340)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM E255-2002 Standard Practice for Sampling Copper and Copper Alloys for the Determination of Chemical Composition《化学成分测定用铜和铜合金取样的标准实施规范》.pdf

1、Designation: E 255 02Standard Practice forSampling Copper and Copper Alloys for the Determinationof Chemical Composition1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 255; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the

2、 year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This practice describes the sampling of copper (exceptelectrolytic cathode) and copper alloys in either cast

3、 orwrought form for the determination of composition.1.2 Cast products may be in the form of cake, billet, wirebar, ingot, ingot bar, or casting.1.3 Wrought products may be in the form of flat, pipe, tube,rod, bar, shape, or forging.1.4 This practice is not intended to supersede or replaceexisting s

4、pecification requirements for the sampling of aparticular material.1.5 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas the standard. The values in parentheses are given forinformation only.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its

5、 use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. A specific precau-tionary statement appears in Appendix X4.2. Terminology2.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This

6、 Standard:2.1.1 casting, na general term for a metal object producedat or near-finished shape by pouring or otherwise introducingmolten metal into a mold and allowing it to solidify.2.1.2 wrought, adja general term referring to a metalobject produced by either hot-working or cold-working opera-tions

7、 such as forming, bending, cupping, drawing, and hotpressing.2.1.3 lot, nas used in this practice, the unit to be sampled,in pounds or pieces.2.1.4 gross sample, nthe total amount of all test piecesselected to represent the lot.2.1.5 test piece, nan individual product selected at onetime from a lot.

8、2.1.6 test sample, na composite of material taken byapproximate proportional weight from each of the test piecesand from which the test portion shall be taken.2.1.7 test portion, nthe quantity of material taken fromthe test sample which is subjected to an analytical procedure.NOTE 1Appendix X1 descr

9、ibes the refinery shapes. Appendix X2describes the fabricators forms.3. Significance and Use3.1 This practice is intended primarily for the sampling ofcopper and copper alloys for compliance with compositionalspecification requirements.3.2 The selection of correct test pieces and the preparationof a

10、 representative sample from such test pieces are necessaryprerequisites to every analysis. The analytical results will be oflittle value unless the sample represents the average composi-tion of the material from which it was prepared.4. Selection of Test Pieces4.1 Casting:4.1.1 Finished Product or S

11、hipment Sample: A shipping lot shall consist of all castings of thesame configuration and size necessary to comply with therequirements of a single purchase order. Castings are frequently produced in advance oforders and manufacturers or foundry lots may intermingle instock. Sin

12、ce the size and configuration of castings vary, thenumber of test pieces to be selected shall be subject toagreement between the manufacturer or supplier and thepurchaser.4.1.2 Manufacturers or Foundry Sample: For routine sampling and at the option of themanufacturer, a lot shall consist of t

13、he following:(a) All of the metal poured from a single furnace orcrucible melt, or(b) All of the metal poured from two or more furnaces intoa single ladle, or1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E01 on AnalyticalChemistry for Metals, Ores, and Related Materials and is the direc

14、t responsibility ofSubcommittee E01.05 on Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Sn, Be, Their Alloys, and Related Metals.Current edition approved October 10, 2002. Published March 2003. Originallypublished as E 255 66. Last previous edition E 255 91 (1997).1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700

15、, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.(c) All of the metal poured from a continuous meltingfurnace between charges, or(d) All of the metal poured from an individual meltingfurnace, or group of melting furnaces, having a uniformmelting stock, operating during the course of one-half shift,

16、 notto exceed 5 h. The sample taken for lot analysis shall be obtainedduring the pouring of the liquid metal into the mold, or molds,in such a manner as to be representative of the lot and able tobe drilled or used in solid form. Plant sampling practices should be developed andimplemen

17、ted which will give homogeneous samples represen-tative of the cast or heat, and free of porosity.Analytical resultsare frequently obtained by an optical emission technique and,depending upon the metallurgical history of the sample, resultsmay vary. Therefore, it is advisable to cool or quench thesa

18、mple in a reproducible manner. When foundry lot traceability is specified in thepurchase order, additional samples shall be taken, identified,and set aside when so requested by the purchaser.4.2 Cast Product:4.2.1 For routine sampling and at the option of the manu-facturer, a lot shall consis

19、t of all of the metal poured from asingle furnace melt or all of the metal poured from a continu-ous melting furnace during a single casting cycle.4.2.2 Unless otherwise agreed between the manufacturerand the purchaser, sampling of a single lot shall be as follows: Single Furnace ChargeThe nu

20、mber of samplesrequired depends on the size of the melting furnace andhomogeneity of the melt. A small well-stirred, alloying furnacesuch as one inductively heated and of less than 50 000 lb(22 680 kg) shall require but one sample taken midway in thepour. A large mechanically stirred furnace shall r

21、equire aminimum of three samples taken, one each at the beginning,middle, and end of the casting period. Continuous Melting FurnaceA minimum of onesample shall be taken for each3hofthecasting cycle.4.3 Wrought Products:4.3.1 Finished Product or Shipment Sample: The lot size, gross samp

22、le size, and selection of testpieces shall be as follows:(a) Lot SizeAn inspection lot shall be 10 000 lb or less ofthe same mill form, alloy, temper, and nominal dimensions,subject to inspection at one time; or it shall be the product ofone cast bar from a single melt charge, whose weight shall not

23、exceed 20 000 lb, which was continuously processed andsubject to inspection at one time.(b) Gross SampleThe gross sample shall be four or morepieces selected to be representative of the lot. Should the lotconsist of four pieces or less, the entire lot shall constitute thegross sample.(c) Test PieceE

24、ach test piece shall be selected so as to berepresentative of the lot. When possible, test pieces shall be selected in amanner that will represent correctly the material furnished butalso avoid needless destruction of finished product (such aswhen samples representative of the material are av

25、ailable fromother sources).4.3.2 Manufacturers or Foundry Sample: For routine sampling, the manufacturer shall havethe option of taking samples during the course of manufacture.Samples may be taken at the time castings are poured or fromthe semifinished product. When samples are taken

26、at the time castings arepoured, at least one sample shall be taken for each group ofcastings poured from the source of molten metal. When samples are taken from the semifinishedproduct, a sample shall be taken to represent each 10 000 lb, orfraction thereof, except that not more than one samp

27、le shall berequired per piece. Only one sample need be taken from thesemifinished product of one cast bar from a single melt chargecontinuously processed.5. Sampling5.1 General Considerations:5.1.1 The saw, drill bit, cutter, or other tool used shall bethoroughly cleaned prior to use. The speed of s

28、ampling shall beso regulated that excessive heating and consequent oxidation isavoided. Carbide-tipped tools are recommended. Steel tools,when used, must be magnetizable to assist in the removal ofextraneous iron. Only carbide-tipped or other wear-resistanttools shall be used to sample metal which c

29、ontains a magneticphase. In the rare instance where tool lubricant is necessaryto obtain a satisfactory sample, the lubricant must be one thatwill not react with the metal. The lubricant must be completelyremoved immediately after the sampling operation by washingwith a solvent which also doe

30、s not react with the metal.5.1.2 The test pieces shall be clean and free from scale, dirt,oil, grease, and other extraneous contaminants before sam-pling.5.1.3 Test pieces taken from product not subject to signifi-cant segregation shall be sampled by drilling, milling, orsawing each test piece. Samp

31、ling may also be carried out byclipping in the case of thin or small pieces.5.1.4 Test pieces taken from product subject to significantsegregation shall be sampled by drilling or sawing completelythrough each test piece, or by milling the entire cross section ofeach test piece.5.2 Finished Product o

32、r Shipment Sampling:5.2.1 Castings: Different parts of a casting may vary in composition.Therefore, a sample from a single casting must be taken withcare if it is to be representative of that casting. To obtain asample representative of a lot of the finished product a numberof test pieces sho

33、uld be sampled individually. In any case, thesample should be taken so as to be representative and largeenough to suffice for all of the required determinations. Where possible, depending on size and configura-tion, the casting shall be sampled by drilling five holes equallyspaced around or a

34、long the casting. The drilling shall be donedry and the drill size shall be the largest practical, but not lessthan14 in. (6.4 mm). Care shall be exercised that no dirt, scale,or other foreign material is included with the drillings. When limited by size or configuration, or both, thecastings

35、 shall be sampled by milling the entire cross-section,E255022by sawing through the cross section at several points, or bydrilling entirely through the casting at several points.5.2.2 Cast ProductsHorizontally or vertically cast prod-ucts shall be sampled by drilling a minimum of five holes atpoints

36、equally spaced between the test piece ends. For billet,wire bar, and ingot these holes shall be along the middle lineand for cake on a diagonal line between opposite corners.Alternatively, the cross section of the product may be milled atsimilar points. Sampling test pieces of mass greater than 1000

37、lb (454 kg) shall be subject to agreement between the manu-facturer and the purchaser.5.2.3 Wrought ProductsFlat product, rod, bar, shape, tube,or forging shall be sampled by drilling, milling, or sawing theentire cross section at a minimum of three points along thelength of the test piece. Thin mat

38、erial may be folded or stackedfor sampling or, alternatively, it may be clipped.5.3 Manufacturers or Foundry Lot:5.3.1 The sampling procedure used is dependent on thenature of the particular operation and, therefore, shall be at thediscretion of the particular operation.5.3.2 When a complete cross s

39、ection is required for spec-trochemical analysis, it must be properly identified prior tousing the remainder of the test piece for other test sampling.NOTE 2Appendix X3 addresses principles of sampling theory. Ap-pendix X4 addresses application of sampling theory.6. Sampling Preparation6.1 Finished

40、Product or Shipment Lot:6.1.1 For metal that does not contain a magnetic phase,drillings, millings, sawings, or clippings shall be carefullysubjected to a strong magnet to remove any iron particlesintroduced during sampling.6.1.2 For metal that contains a magnetic phase, a wear-resistant tool, such

41、as carbide tipped, must be used andmagnetic cleaning must not be applied.6.1.3 The test sample shall be prepared by thoroughlymixing equal masses of drillings, millings, sawings, or clip-pings which shall have first been determined to be of uniformsize.6.1.4 The test sample shall weigh at least four

42、 times thatrequired for the total analysis, and shall be divided into fourequal portions. Each portion shall be placed in an identifiedcontainer and sealed; one portion each shall be reserved for themanufacturer and the purchaser; one portion shall constitutethe reserve; and, when necessary, one por

43、tion shall be used forany umpire work. Material to be stored over a long period, whichoxidizes readily, or which alters in composition under varyingatmospheric conditions should be kept under a protective gas,such as nitrogen, in an airtight container of suitable size andcomposition. This sam

44、e storage should be used when contami-nation by paper or cardboard fibers is a concern.6.2 Manufacturers or Foundry SampleThe preparationof the manufacturers or foundry sample shall be at thediscretion of the reporting laboratory.7. Preparation of Test Portion7.1 Preparation of the test portion for

45、analysis varies withthe particular method used and shall be the responsibility of thereporting laboratory.8. Resampling8.1 In case of dissatisfaction with the sample prepared fromthe finished product, either party may require the material to beresampled.9. Keywords9.1 copper; copper alloys; sampling

46、APPENDIXES(Nonmandatory Information)X1. DEFINITIONS OF REFINERY SHAPESX1.1 billetcast shape used for piercing and extrusion intotubular products or for extrusion into rods, bars, and shapes;circular in cross section, usually 3 to 16 in. (76 to 406 mm) indiameter, normally ranging in weight from 100

47、to 4200 lb (45to 1905 kg).X1.2 cakecast shape used for rolling into plate, sheet,strip, or shape; rectangular in cross section and of various sizes,normally ranging in weight from 140 to 62 000 lb (63 to 28 200kg).X1.3 cathodeunmelted, electrodeposited, and somewhatflat plate normally used for melti

48、ng. The customary size isabout 3 ft (0.914 m) square, about12 to 1 in. (12.7 to 25.4 mm)thick, weighing up to about 360 lb (163 kg), and may havehanging loops attached. Cathodes may also be cut to smallerdimensions.X1.4 ingot and ingot barcast shape used for remelting(not fabrication). Ingots normal

49、ly range in weight from 20 to35 lb (9 to 16 kg) and ingot bars from 50 to 70 lb (23 to 323kg). Both are usually notched to facilitate breaking into smallerpieces.X1.5 wire bara refinery shape used for rolling into rod orflat product for subsequent processing into wire, strip, or shape.Approximately 3.5 to 5 in. (89 to 127 mm) square in crosssection, usually 54 in. (1.56 m) in length and ranging in weightE255023from 200 to 420 lb (91 to 191 kg). Usually tapered at both ends.X2. DEFINITIONS OF FABRICATORS PRODUCTSX2.1 flat producta rectangular or square

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