1、Designation: E329 13 An American National StandardStandard Specification forAgencies Engaged in Construction Inspection, Testing, orSpecial Inspection1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E329; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or,
2、 in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1. Scope*1.
3、1 This specification defines the minimum requirements foragencies engaged in:a. Inspection of construction activities and materials used inconstruction,b. Testing of construction activities and materials used inconstruction, andc. Special Inspection.1.2 Criteria are provided for assessing the compet
4、ence of anagency to properly perform designated inspections, tests, orSpecial Inspection services. This specification establishes es-sential characteristics pertaining to the organization,management, personnel, facilities, quality systems,responsibilities, duties, inspection and testing methods,reco
5、rds, and reports of the agency. This specification may besupplemented by more specific criteria and requirements, ifrequired.1.2.1 This specification specifically addresses factors rel-evant to an agencys ability to produce precise, accurate testdata or determine the conformity of construction activ
6、ities andmaterials used in construction with regulations, codes,standards, or specifications containing the requirements againstwhich the inspection or test, or both, will be performed.Specific or general requirements include: Facilities and management of the agency, Sufficiency and te
7、chnical competency of personnel, Suitability, calibration, and maintenance ofequipment, Quality system, audit, and review, Responsibilities, duties, and authority of agencies, Validity and appropriateness of sampling, testing,and inspection methods and procedures,
8、Management of records, Reporting, review, and transmission of test andinspection data or findings, and1.2.1.9 Specific requirements for identified fields (concrete,soil, etc.).1.3 This specification can be used as a basis to assess anagency and is intended for use in accrediting agencies, pub
9、licor private, engaged in inspection, testing, and Special Inspec-tion of construction activities and materials used in construc-tion. These services include but are not limited to reinforcedconcrete, precast concrete, structural steel erection, welding,bolting, soil and rock, foundations, masonry,
10、sprayed fire-resistive materials, fire stops, exterior insulation and finishsystem (EIFS), and Special Cases. Building officials can useSpecification E329 to assess the competency of agencies in thefields covered by Specification E329.1.4 A certificate of accreditation, including the scope ofaccredi
11、tation, is required to comply with this specification.1.5 The users of an accredited agency must review theagencys scope of accreditation to ensure the agency has beenaccredited for its technical competence to perform the specificinspections or tests requested by the user.2. Referenced Documents2.1
12、ASTM Standards:2A880 Practice for Criteria for Use in Evaluation of TestingLaboratories and Organizations for Examination and In-spection of Steel, Stainless Steel, and Related Alloys(Withdrawn 2004)3C1077 Practice for Agencies Testing Concrete and ConcreteAggregates for Use in Construction and Crit
13、eria forTesting Agency EvaluationC1093 Practice for Accreditation of Testing Agencies forMasonry1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E36 onAccreditation the data are used to evaluate ordetermine selected properties or characteristics of the activitiesor materials.4. Signif
14、icance and Use4.1 The inspection and testing of construction activities andthe materials used in construction are important elements inobtaining quality construction in general compliance with thecontract documents. An agency providing constructioninspection, testing, or Special Inspection, must be
15、selected withcare after a comprehensive evaluation of their competency toperform the services properly and in compliance with theapplicable building code.4.2 This specification provides minimum criteria for use inassessing the qualifications of construction inspection, testing,and Special Inspection
16、 agencies. The criteria may be supple-mented by more specific criteria and requirements for particu-lar classes of testing or types of inspection agencies. Anindividual user can also use it to judge the competency of anagency.4.3 The intent of this specification is to provide a standard-ized basis f
17、or requirements for a technically oriented construc-tion inspection, testing, or Special Inspection agency, withrespect to the agencys capability to objectively and compe-tently provide the specific services without prejudice.4.4 Typically, assessing an agency involves the followingthree essential s
18、equential phases:4.4.1 Submittal of basic information in accordance with thecriteria of this specification to the accreditation body by anagency desiring to be accredited to this specification,4.4.2 Assessment of the agency-submitted information bythe accreditation body, and4.4.3 On-site assessment
19、of the agency by the accreditationbody.5. Organization and Management5.1 The agency shall be legally identifiable. It shall beorganized and shall operate in such a way that its facilities meetthe requirements of this specification.5.1.1 Main facilities, sub-facilities, and permanent site fa-cilities
20、 shall maintain personnel, equipment, procedures, anddocumentation as required in this specification. The managerE329 133for the main facility may also be responsible for a sub-facilityor permanent site facility (see 6.2.2 and 6.3.2). Main facilities,sub-facilities, and permanent site facilities sha
21、ll be accreditedin accordance with 9.4.1 to perform the functions described in3.1.2.1 or or of this specification.5.1.2 Temporary site facilities offering a defined scope ofservices for a specific project, which are demonstrably underthe main facilitys or sub-facilitys technical dire
22、ction andquality program, do not require separate accreditation. Agen-cies that use temporary site facilities for their projects shalldescribe the operation of these facilities in their qualitymanual.5.1.3 An endorsement for the operation of temporary sitefacilities shall also be listed on the agenc
23、ys accreditationcertificate.5.2 The agency shall:5.2.1 Have managerial personnel with the authority andresources needed to discharge their duties.5.2.2 Have arrangements to ensure that its personnel are freefrom any commercial, financial, and other pressures includingtrade organization rules that mi
24、ght adversely affect theirindependence, their judgment, and the integrity of their ser-vices. A Special Inspection agency or its personnel shall not bedirectly involved in the manufacture, supply, installation, use,or maintenance of the inspected items.5.2.3 Be organized in such a way that confidenc
25、e in itsindependence of judgment and integrity is maintained at alltimes.5.2.4 Specify and document the responsibility, authority,qualifications, and interrelation of all personnel who manage,perform, or verify services affecting the quality of inspectionsor tests, or both.5.2.5 Provide supervision
26、by persons qualified to performthe inspections and tests and to implement relevant procedures.They shall be qualified to evaluate the objective of theinspections or tests and the results. The ratio of supervisory tonon-supervisory personnel shall be such as to ensure adequatesupervision.5.2.6 Have a
27、 technical manager (however named) who hasoverall responsibility for the technical operations.5.2.7 Have a quality manager (however named) who has theresponsibility for the quality system and its implementation.The quality manager shall have direct access to the highestlevel of management at which d
28、ecisions are made on agencypolicy or resources, and to the technical manager. In someagencies, the quality manager may also be the technicalmanager or deputy technical manager.5.2.8 Nominate deputies in case of absence of the technicalor quality manager.5.2.9 Where relevant, have documented policy a
29、nd proce-dures to ensure the protection of clients confidential informa-tion and proprietary rights.5.2.10 Where appropriate, as determined by the agencysquality manual, participate in interlaboratory comparisons andproficiency testing programs.6. Personnel6.1 General6.1.1 The agency shall have suff
30、icient personnel having thenecessary education, training, technical knowledge, certifica-tion as appropriate, and experience for their assigned functions.6.1.2 The agency shall ensure that the training of itspersonnel is kept up-to-date.6.1.3 Records of relevant certification, qualifications,trainin
31、g, skills, and experience of the technical personnel shallbe maintained by the agency.6.2 Construction Inspection and Testing Agency6.2.1 The following personnel requirements must be satis-fied by the agency when inspection or testing services, or both,are being provided:6.2.2 The inspection and tes
32、ting services of the agency thatprovides the quality control or quality assurance program, orboth, as related to construction activities or materials used inconstruction, shall be under the direction of a person chargedwith engineering managerial responsibility. The person shall bea licensed/registe
33、red design professional and a full-time em-ployee of that agency. The person shall have at least five yearsexperience in inspection and testing of construction activitiesand materials used in construction. The organization mayconsist of one or more separate facilities providing inspectionor testing
34、services or both. A licensed/registered design pro-fessional may have engineering managerial responsibility forone or more facilities within the organization.6.2.3 When a producers or manufacturers laboratory onlyserves as a quality control laboratory and does not producetests for acceptance, paymen
35、t, or the official record, therequirement for a registered professional is waived. However,the laboratory function of the organization shall be supervisedby a quality control manager. The quality control manager shallhave at least five years experience in testing of that particularconstruction mater
36、ial, and be a full time employee of theorganization. The quality control manager will have the au-thority to make changes in production to ensure that qualitymaterial is produced. He may serve as the quality controlmanager for several materials production facilities. The qualitycontrol manager shall
37、 have the certifications appropriate to thetesting of the materials supervised.6.2.4 A laboratory supervisor shall have at least three yearsexperience performing tests in relevant construction activitiesand materials used in construction. This person shall be able todemonstrate either by oral or wri
38、tten examination, or both,their ability to perform the tests normally required in themanner stipulated under ASTM or other governing test proce-dures and shall be capable of evaluating the test results in termsof specification compliance. Certification by qualified national,regional, or state author
39、ities as appropriate to the services isrequired.6.2.5 A field supervisor shall have at least three yearsinspection experience in the type of services being supervised.This person shall be able to demonstrate, either by oral orwritten examination, or both, their ability to perform correctlythe requir
40、ed duties and shall be capable of evaluating theinspection or test results in terms of specification compliance.Certification by qualified national, regional, or state authoritiesas appropriate to the services is required.E329 1346.2.6 Inspector or TechnicianThis person shall have suf-ficient educat
41、ion and on-the-job training or trade schooltraining to properly perform the inspection or test to which theperson is assigned. This person must be able to demonstratecompetence for the test or inspection that is being conductedeither by oral or written examination, or both. Certification asappropria
42、te for the services being performed, or certification byother qualified national authorities as appropriate to theservice, shall be considered as one means of documentingcompetency. The inspector or technician shall work under thedirect supervision of personnel meeting the requirements of6.2.4 or 6.
43、 It is satisfactory for a person to fill one or more of thelevels of management, supervision, inspector, or technicianpositions in accordance with 6.2.2, 6.2.3, 6.2.4, and 6.2.5,provided the person qualifies for the highest level worked. It isalso recognized that frequently some tests and i
44、nspections areconducted at small field or peripheral locations; it is not theintent of this specification that the supervisory personnel bedirectly present at such locations at all times. If the qualifiedperson in 6.2.2 performs as a supervisor, they do not have tocomply with the certification requi
45、rements.6.3 Special Inspection Agency6.3.1 The following personnel requirements must be satis-fied by an agency that provides Special Inspection services:6.3.2 The Special Inspection services of the agency shall beunder the direction of a licensed/registered design professionaland a full-time employ
46、ee of that agency. The person shall haveat least two years experience in Special Inspections. Theorganization can consist of one or more separate facilitiesproviding Special Inspection. A licensed/registered designprofessional can have engineering managerial responsibilityfor one or more facilities
47、within the organization as defined bySection The qualifications of the field supervisor shall bedetermined by the applicable building official. If no require-ments have been set forth, the field supervisor of SpecialInspection shall have at least two years Special Inspectionexperience in the
48、 type of work being supervised. This personshall be certified in the areas he or she is supervising.6.3.4 The qualifications of the Special Inspector shall bedetermined by the applicable building official. If no require-ments have been set forth, the Special Inspector shall becertified by a third pa
49、rty. This certification exam shall include;a written examination that shall include; reading plans as aperformance element. The examination shall demonstrate thecandidates ability to correctly perform the required duties andevaluate the inspection results for specification and codecompliance.6.3.5 The licensed/registered design professional accordingto 6.3.2, in addition to the requirements of 6.3.4 shall documentthe experience and job training of each Special Inspector beingsupervised. The design professional shall maintain such docu-mentation for a minimum of three years a
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