1、Designation: E 1191 03a (Reapproved 2008)Standard Guide forConducting Life-Cycle Toxicity Tests with Saltwater Mysids1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 1191; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the y
2、ear of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This guide describes procedures for obtaining laboratorydata concerning the adverse effects of a test material
3、 added todilution water, but not to food, on certain species of saltwatermysids during continuous exposure from immediately afterbirth until after the beginning of reproduction using theflow-through technique. These procedures will probably beuseful for conducting life-cycle toxicity tests with othe
4、r speciesof mysids, although modifications might be necessary.1.2 Other modifications of these procedures might be justi-fied by special needs or circumstances. Although using appro-priate procedures is more important than following prescribedprocedures, results of tests conducted using unusual proc
5、eduresare not likely to be comparable to results of many other tests.Comparison of results obtained using modified and unmodifiedversions of these procedures might provide useful informationon new concepts and procedures for conducting life-cycletoxicity tests with saltwater mysids.1.3 These procedu
6、res are applicable to all chemicals, eitherindividually or in formulations, commercial products, orknown mixtures, that can be measured accurately at thenecessary concentrations in water. With appropriate modifica-tions, these procedures can be used to conduct tests ontemperature, dissolved oxygen,
7、and pH and on such materialsas aqueous effluents (see also Guide E 1192), leachates, oils,particulate matter, sediments, and surface waters.1.4 This guide is arranged as follows:SectionReferenced Documents 2Terminology 3Summary of Guide 4Significance and Use 5Hazards 7Apparatus 6Facilities 6.1Constr
8、uction Materials 6.2Metering System 6.3Test Chambers 6.4Cleaning 6.5Acceptability 6.6Dilution Water 8Requirements 8.1Source 8.2Treatment 8.3Characterization 8.4Test Material 9General 9.1Stock Solution 9.2Test Concentration(s) 9.3Test Organisms 10Species 10.1Age 10.2Source 10.3Brood Stock 10.4Food 10
9、.5Handling 10.6Harvesting Young 10.7Quality 10.8Procedure 11Experimental Design 11.1Dissolved Oxygen 11.2Temperature 11.3Beginning the Test 11.4Feeding 11.5Cleaning 11.6Duration of Test 11.7Biological Data 11.8Other Measurements 11.9Analytical Methodology 12Acceptability of Test 13Calculation 14Docu
10、mentation 15Keywords 16AppendixX1. Statistical Guidance1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility
11、 of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific hazardstatements are given in Section 7.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2E 729 Guide for Conducting Acute Toxicity Tests on TestMaterials with Fishes, Macroinvertebrates, and Amphib-iansE 943 Terminology Relating to Biological Effects and E
12、n-vironmental Fate1This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E47 on BiologicalEffects and Environmental Fate and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeE47.01 on Aquatic Assessment and Toxicology.Current edition approved Feb. 1, 2008. Published February 2008. Originallyapproved in
13、1987. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as E 1191 03a.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1C
14、opyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.E 1023 Guide for Assessing the Hazard of a Material toAquatic Organisms and Their UsesE 1192 Guide for Conducting Acute Toxicity Tests onAqueous Ambient Samples and Effluents with Fishes,
15、Macroinvertebrates, and AmphibiansE 1203 Practice for Using Brine Shrimp Nauplii as Food forTest Animals in Aquatic ToxicologyIEEE/ASTM SI 10 American National Standard for Use ofthe International System of Units (SI): The Modern MetricSystem3. Terminology3.1 The words “must,” “should,”“ may,” “can,
16、” and “might”have very specific meanings in this guide.3.1.1 “Must” is used to express an absolute requirement,that is, to state that the test ought to be designed to satisfy thespecified condition, unless the purpose of the test requires adifferent design. “Must” is only used in connection with fac
17、torsthat directly relate to the acceptability of the test (see 13.1).3.1.2 “Should” is used to state that the specified condition isrecommended and ought to be met if possible. Althoughviolation of one “should” is rarely a serious matter, violation ofseveral will often render the results questionabl
18、e. Terms suchas “is desirable,” “is often desirable,” and “might be desirable”are used in connection with less important factors.3.1.3 “May” is used to mean “is (are) allowed to,” “can” isused to mean “is (are) able to,” and “might” is used to mean“could possibly.” Therefore, the classic distinction
19、 betweenmay and can is preserved, and might is never used as asynonym for either may or can.3.2 For definitions of other terms used in this guide, refer toGuide E 729, Terminology E 943, and Guide E 1023. For anexplanation of units and symbols, refer to IEEE/ASTM SI 10.4. Summary of Guide4.1 In each
20、 of two or more treatments, saltwater mysids ofone species are maintained in two or more test chambers fromimmediately after birth until after the beginning of reproduc-tion in a flow-through system. In each of the one or morecontrol treatments, the mysids are maintained in dilution water,to which n
21、o test material has been added, in order to provide(1) a measure of the acceptability of the test by giving anindication of the quality of the mysids and the suitability of thedilution water, food, test conditions, and handling proceduresand (2) the basis for interpreting data obtained from the othe
22、rtreatments. In each of the one or more other treatments, themysids are maintained in dilution water to which a selectedconcentration of test material has been added. Specified data onthe concentration of test material, and the survival, growth, andreproduction of the mysids are obtained and analyze
23、d todetermine the effect(s) of the test material on survival, growth,and reproduction of the test organisms.5. Significance and Use5.1 Protection of a species requires prevention of unaccept-able effects on the number, weight, health, and uses of theindividuals of that species. A life-cycle toxicity
24、 test is con-ducted to determine what changes in the numbers and weightsof individuals of the test species result from effects of the testmaterial on survival, growth, and reproduction. Informationmight also be obtained on effects of the material on the healthand uses of the species.5.2 Results of l
25、ife-cycle tests with mysids might be used topredict long-term effects likely to occur on mysids in fieldsituations as a result of exposure under comparable conditions.5.3 Results of life-cycle tests with mysids might be used tocompare the chronic sensitivities of different species and thechronic tox
26、icities of different materials, and also to study theeffects of various environmental factors on results of such tests.5.4 Results of life-cycle tests with mysids might be animportant consideration when assessing the hazards of materi-als to aquatic organisms (see Guide E 1023) or when derivingwater
27、 quality criteria for aquatic organisms (1).35.5 Results of a life-cycle test with mysids might be usefulfor predicting the results of chronic tests on the same testmaterial with the same species in another water or with anotherspecies in the same or a different water (2). Most suchpredictions take
28、into account results of acute toxicity tests, andso the usefulness of the results from a life-cycle test withmysids is greatly increased by also reporting the results of anacute toxicity test (see Guide E 729) conducted under the sameconditions.5.6 Results of life-cycle tests with mysids might be us
29、efulfor studying the biological availability of, and structure-activity relationships between, test materials.5.7 Results of life-cycle tests with mysids might be usefulfor predicting population effects on the same species in anotherwater or with another species in the same or a different water(3).6
30、. Apparatus6.1 FacilitiesFlow-through or recirculating brood-stocktanks and flow-through, but not recirculating, test chambersshould be maintained in constant-temperature areas or recircu-lating water baths. An elevated headbox might be desirable sodilution water can be gravity-fed into brood-stock
31、tanks and themetering system (see 6.3), which mixes and delivers testsolutions to the test chambers. Strainers and air traps should beincluded in the water supply system. Headboxes and brood-stock tanks should be equipped for temperature control andaeration (see 8.3). Air used for aeration should be
32、 free offumes, oil, and water; filters to remove oil and water aredesirable. Filtration of air through a 0.22-m bacterial filtermight be desirable. The facility should be well ventilated andfree of fumes. To further reduce the possibility of contamina-tion by test materials and other substances, esp
33、ecially volatileones, the brood-stock tanks should not be in a room in whichtoxicity tests are conducted, stock solutions or test solutions areprepared, or equipment is cleaned. During culture and testing,organisms should be shielded from disturbances with curtainsor partitions to prevent unnecessar
34、y stress. A timing deviceshould be used to provide either a 14-h light and 10-h dark ora 16-h light and 8-h dark photoperiod.A15 to 30-min transition3The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end ofthis guide.E 1191 03a (2008)2period (8) should be provided whenever l
35、ights go on or off toreduce the possibility of mysids being stressed by instanta-neous changes in light intensity. In the natural environment, thenormal vertical migration of mysids allows gradual acclimationto light intensity. Under artificial laboratory conditions, somemysids exhibit an escape res
36、ponse to sudden increases ordecreases in light intensity resulting in jumping and impinge-ment on the sides of test chambers or compartments.6.2 Construction MaterialsEquipment and facilities thatcontact stock solutions, test solutions, or any water into whichmysids will be placed should not contain
37、 substances that can beleached or dissolved by aqueous solutions in amounts thatadversely affect mysids. In addition, equipment and facilitiesthat contact stock solutions or test solutions should be chosento minimize sorption of test materials from water. Glass, Type316 stainless steel, nylon, Teflo
38、n, and fluorocarbon plasticsshould be used whenever possible to minimize dissolution,leaching, and sorption. Stainless steel should not be used fortests on metals. Concrete and rigid plastics may be used forbrood-stock tanks and in the water supply, but they should besoaked, preferably in flowing di
39、lution water, for a week ormore before use (9). Cast iron pipe should not be used with saltwater. Specially designed systems are usually necessary toobtain salt water from a natural water source (see GuideE 729). Brass, copper, lead, galvanized metal, and naturalrubber should not contact dilution wa
40、ter, stock solutions, or testsolutions before or during the test. Items made of neoprenerubber or other materials not mentioned previously should notbe used unless it has been shown that their use will notadversely affect either survival, growth, or reproduction ofmysids (see 13.1.9 and 13.1.10).6.3
41、 Metering System:6.3.1 The metering system should be designed to accom-modate the type and concentration(s) of test material and thenecessary flow rates of test solutions. The system shouldpermit the mixing of the test material with dilution waterimmediately before entrance to the test chambers (see
42、 permit the supply of selected concentration(s) of testmaterial in a reproducible fashion (see 9.3 and 11.1.1). Variousmetering systems, using different combinations of syringes,dipping birds, siphons, pumps, saturators, solenoids, andvalves have been used successfully to control the co
43、ncentra-tions of test material in, and the flow rates of, test solutions (seeGuide E 729).6.3.2 The metering system should be calibrated before thetest by determining the flow rate through each test chamber andmeasuring either the concentration of test material in each testchamber or the volume of s
44、olution used in each portion of themetering system. The general operation of the metering systemshould be visually checked twice daily, in the morning andafternoon, throughout the test. The metering system should beadjusted during the test if necessary and any malfunction oradjustment should be note
45、d in the study records.6.3.3 The flow rate through each test chamber should be atleast five volume additions per 24 h. It is usually desirable toconstruct the metering system to provide at least ten volumeadditions per 24 h in case there is rapid loss of test material dueto microbial degradation, hy
46、drolysis, oxidation, photolysis,reduction, sorption, or volatilization (see 11.4.2). At anyparticular time during the test, the flow rates through any twotest chambers should not differ by more than 10 %. Flow ratesthrough all test chambers may be equally changed simulta-neously during the test as l
47、ong as the test temperature (see11.3) and the concentrations of dissolved oxygen and testmaterial (see 11.4.1 and 11.9.3) remain acceptable (see 11.3,11.9, and 13).6.4 Test Chambers:6.4.1 In a toxicity test with aquatic organisms, test chambersare defined as the smallest physical units between which
48、 thereare no water connections. However, screens and cups may beused to create two or more compartments within each chamber.Therefore, test solution can flow from one compartment toanother within a test chamber, but, by definition, cannot flowfrom one chamber to another. Because solution can flow fr
49、omone compartment to another in the same test chamber, thetemperature, concentration of test material, and levels ofpathogens and extraneous contaminants are likely to be moresimilar between compartments in the same test chamber thanbetween compartments in different test chambers in the sametreatment. Chambers should be covered to keep out extraneouscontaminants and to reduce evaporation of test solution and testmaterial. All chambers and compartments in a test must beidentical.6.4.2 Test chambers may be constructed by welding, but notsoldering, stainless steel or by gluing double
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