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本文(ASTM E1349-2006 Standard Test Method for Reflectance Factor and Color by Spectrophotometry Using Bidirectional (45 0 or 0 45) Geometry《用双向几何形状的分光光度法测量反射系数和颜色的测试方法(45 0 或 0 45)》.pdf)为本站会员(eveningprove235)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM E1349-2006 Standard Test Method for Reflectance Factor and Color by Spectrophotometry Using Bidirectional (45 0 or 0 45) Geometry《用双向几何形状的分光光度法测量反射系数和颜色的测试方法(45 0 或 0 45)》.pdf

1、Designation: E 1349 06Standard Test Method forReflectance Factor and Color by Spectrophotometry UsingBidirectional (45:0 or 0:45) Geometry1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 1349; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the ca

2、se of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This test method covers the instrumental measurementof the reflection properties and colo

3、r of object-color specimensby use of a spectrophotometer or spectrocolorimeter with abidirectional optical measuring system, such as annular, cir-cumferential, or uniplanar 45:0 or 0:45 geometry.1.2 This test method is generally suitable for any non-fluorescent, flat object-color specimen. It is esp

4、ecially recom-mended for measuring retroreflective specimens and specimensof intermediate gloss.1.3 Procedures required for the measurement of fluorescentobject color are given in Practice E 991 and Practice E 2153.1.4 Procedures required for the measurement of color usingfilter colorimeters are con

5、tained in Test Method E 1347 andthis standard does not address those instruments.1.5 . This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and

6、determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 2244 Practice for Calculation of Color Tolerances andColor Differences from Instrumentally Measured ColorCoordinatesE 179 Guide for Selection of Geometric Conditions forMeasurement of Ref

7、lection and Transmission Properties ofMaterialsE 284 Terminology of AppearanceE 308 Practice for Computing the Colors of Objects byUsing the CIE SystemE 694 Specification for Laboratory Glass Volumetric Appa-ratusE 805 Practice for Identification of Instrumental Methods ofColor or Color-Difference M

8、easurement of MaterialsE 991 Practice for Color Measurement of FluorescentSpecimensE 1164 Practice for Obtaining Spectrometric Data forObject-Color EvaluationE 1345 Practice for Reducing the Effect of Variability ofColor Measurement by Use of Multiple MeasurementsE 1347 Test Method for Color and Col

9、or-Difference Mea-surement by Tristimulus (Filter) ColorimetryE 1767 Practice for Specifying the Geometries of Observa-tion and Measurement to Characterize the Appearance ofMaterialsE 2153 Practice for Obtaining Bispectral Photometric Datafor Evaluation of Fluorescent ColorE 2214 Practice for Specif

10、ying and Verifying the Perfor-mance of Color-Measuring Instruments3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 The definitions contained in Guide E 179, Terminol-ogy E 284, Practice E 1164, Practice E 1767, and PracticeE 2214 are applicable to this test method.4. Summary of Test Method4.1 This test method pr

11、ovides a procedure for measuring thereflectance factors of reflecting object-color specimens byusing a spectrophotometer or spectrocolorimeter equipped witha bidirectional optical measuring system.4.2 When the specimens exhibit directionality, and an in-strument with uniplanar geometry is used, info

12、rmation ondirectionality may be obtained by measuring the specimens atmore than one rotation angle, typically at two angles 90 apartas described in Practice E 1345. When such information is notrequired, these measurements may be averaged, or an instru-ment with annular or circumferential geometry ma

13、y be used.1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E12 on Colorand Appearance and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E12.02 onSpectrophotometry and Colorimetry.Current edition approved March 1, 2006. Published April 2006. Originallyapproved in 1990. Last previous editi

14、on approved in 1998 as E 1349 90 (1998).2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM Inter

15、national, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.However, even with annular or circumferential influx or effluxoptics, some of the variability induced by specimen opticalsystem interactions may remain and the application of themethods in Practice E 1345 m

16、ay help to further reduce thosemeasurement errors.4.3 This test method includes procedures for standardizingthe instrument or verifying its standardization, and for select-ing specimens suitable for precision measurement.4.4 Most modern spectrometers have the capacity to com-pute the color coordinat

17、es of the specimen immediately fol-lowing the measurement. When this is the case, the user mustpreselect the color system, observer, and illuminant (seePractice E 308, Procedure section).5. Significance and Use5.1 The most direct and accessible methods for obtainingthe color coordinates of object co

18、lors are by instrumentalmeasurement using spectrophotometers or spectrocolorimeterswith either hemispherical or bidirectional optical measuringsystems. This test method provides procedures for such mea-surement by spectrophotometry using a bidirectional (0:45 or45:0) optical measuring system. The me

19、thod for color andcolor difference measurement using filter colorimeters is con-tained in Test Method E 1347.5.2 This test method is especially suitable for measurementof the following types of specimens for the indicated uses (seealso Guide E 179 and Practice E 805):5.2.1 Object-color specimens of

20、any gloss level for colorassessment.5.2.2 Object-color specimens with physically flat, smoothsurfaces from which to obtain data for use in computer colorantformulation.5.2.3 Retroreflective specimens.NOTE 1To ensure inter-instrument agreement in the measurement ofspecimens with intermediate gloss, f

21、or formulation, or of retroreflectivespecimens, significantly tighter tolerances than those given in PracticeE 1164, Influx and Efflux Conditions, 45:Normal (45:0) and Normal:45(0:45) Reflectance Factor section, may be required for the instrumentangles of illumination and viewing. Information on the

22、 required tolerancesis being developed.5.3 This test method is not recommended for measurementof specimens with bare metal surfaces for color assessment, forwhich the use of hemispherical measurement geometry, as withan integrating-sphere type instrument, is preferable (see GuideE 179).6. Apparatus6

23、.1 Spectrophotometer or Spectrocolorimeter, designed forthe measurement of color coordinates of reflecting specimensby use of 45:0 or 0:45 geometry with annular, circumferential,or uniplanar illumination or viewing.6.2 Standardization Materials, either supplied by the instru-ment manufacturer or obt

24、ained separately, as follows: (SeePractice E 1164, Standardization and Materials Standards sec-tion.)6.2.1 White Standard of Bidirectional Reflectance Factor(mandatory)(A standard of hemispherical reflectance factoris not suitable and should not be used.)6.2.2 Standardization Materials, (1) for sett

25、ing or verifyingzero on the reflectance scale; (2) for verifying the wavelengthscale; and (3) for evaluating stray light (optional).6.2.3 Verification Standards (recommended)(See PracticeE 1164, Standardization and Material Standards, System Veri-fication section.)NOTE 2If retroreflective specimens

26、are to be measured, the set ofverification standards should include appropriate retroreflective productstandards.7. Test Specimen7.1 For highest precision and accuracy, select specimenswith the following properties:7.1.1 High material uniformity and freedom from blemishesin the area to be measured.7

27、.1.2 Opaque specimens that have at least one plane surface;translucent specimens that have two essentially plane andparallel surfaces and that have a standard thickness, when oneis specified (see Practice E 1164, Test Specimens section).7.2 If specimens exhibit directionality, use appropriate pro-ce

28、dures (see 9.7) and calculations (see 10.1.1, Practice E 1164,Test Specimens section, and Practice E 1345).8. Standardization and Verification8.1 Standardize or verify the calibration of the following:(See Practice E 1164, Standardization and Material Standardssection.)8.1.1 Zero setting of the refl

29、ectance scale (mandatory),8.1.2 Wavelength scale (recommended), and8.1.3 Stray-light level (optional).8.2 Standardize the full-scale value of the reflectance scaleof the instrument by use of the white reflectance standard(mandatory). Follow the instrument manufacturers instruc-tions.8.3 Verify the a

30、ccuracy of the instrumental data by measure-ment of a series of verification standards (recommended). (SeePractice E 1164, Standardization and Material Standards sec-tion.)9. Procedure9.1 When required, select the color scales, observer, andilluminant for the computation of color coordinates (seePra

31、ctice E 308, Procedure section).9.2 Select other options, such as wavelength range andinterval, when required. Follow instrument manufacturersinstructions or specified procedures.9.3 If the specimen is translucent, select specified black orwhite backing material. (See Practice E 1164, Test Specimens

32、section, for further instructions on measuring translucent speci-mens.)9.4 Handle the specimen carefully; avoid touching the areato be measured. When necessary, clean the specimen by usingan agreed procedure.9.5 Place the specimen, with backing material when re-quired, against the measurement port o

33、f the instrument.9.6 Measure the specimen, following the instrument manu-facturers instructions.9.7 If the specimen exhibits directionality and the instru-ment has uniplanar geometry, measure the specimen at twoE1349062rotation angles 90 apart (see also Practice E 1345), usuallyparallel and perpendi

34、cular to the machine or processing direc-tion, or use another specified procedure.9.8 Transcribe the data required for the report, when notprinted by the instrument.10. Calculation10.1 Perform any desired calculations of color coordinatesthat are not made automatically by the instrument (see Practic

35、eD 2244 and Practice E 308).10.1.1 When specimens exhibiting directionality are mea-sured at two or more rotation angles with instruments usinguniplanar geometry, average the instrumental data at all rota-tion angles measured if information on directionality is notrequired.11. Report11.1 Report the

36、following information:11.1.1 Specimen description (see Practice E 1164, Reportsection), and11.1.2 Date of measurement.11.1.3 Instrument measuring geometry: 45:0 or 0:45 illuminating and viewing geom-etry, Annular, circumferential, or uniplanar geometry,and11.1.3.3 Number and angular

37、distribution of multiple illu-mination or viewing beams.11.1.4 Instrument parameters as selected in 9.1-9.3, and11.1.5 Measurement results, in the form of tables of reflec-tance factor versus wavelength or color-scale values. For specimens exhibiting directionality measuredat two or more rot

38、ation angles with instruments using uniplanargeometry, report individual measurements and correspondingspecimen orientations when information on directionality isrequired; or report the average measurements when suchinformation is not required.12. Precision and Bias312.1 Data for the precision and b

39、ias of this test method havebeen determined from a combination of laboratory readingsand data in the public domain. In general, the precision andbias for this test method are expected to be approximately thesame as those reported in Practice E 1164.12.2 Laboratory test data came from 16 instruments

40、in 9different models, each used to collect 3 replicate readings of 12ceramic color standards. The results of the analysis can beobtained from ASTM International headquarters. Table 1 givesthe repeatability and reproducibility of the 12 colors.12.3 Bias was determined by comparing the 576 readings to

41、the values supplied for this set of materials by the NationalPhysical Laboratory, Tedding, United Kindgom. For thesecolors the root-mean-square bias for L* is 0.28, for a* is 0.52,and for b* is 0.65. This translates into an RMS CIELAB colordifference of about 0.8 units. Expected bias should be less

42、thanor equal to this quantity.12.4 Based on the data reported in 12.1-12.3, the followingconclusions can be drawn. First, the precision and bias of colormeasurement is not independent of the color of the material.Within that constraint, a conservative statement of precision is:The repeatability stan

43、dard deviation has been determined to be0.4 L* units, 0.3 a* units and 0.6 b* units. The reproducibilitystandard deviation has been determined to be 1.1 L* units, 1.3a* units and 1.7 b* units. Using these 95 % limits as theexpected ranges of the difference in color between any twodeterminations a fu

44、rther statement can be concerning theprecision of 0:45 spectrocolorimetry. The repeatability oftwo determinations should be considered suspect if the read-ings differ by morel than 0.8 CIELAB DE*abunits. Similarlythe reproducibility of two determinations between two labs ortwo different instruments

45、should be considered suspect if theydiffer by more than 2.4 CIELAB DE*abunits.12.5 Reproducibility was determined by reviewing six re-ports from the Collaborative Reference Program. Reports 113,117, 119, 120, 121, and 122 were selected. In these studies setsof three painted papers are distributed to

46、 participants. The colorof the papers are measured and reported. The report separatesparticipants by instrument geometry. The portion of the studyreturning measurement data for 45:0 geometry was extracted.Only laboratories that were considered by the CRP to berepresentative of the population were in

47、cluded. There werebetween 50 and 52 laboratories included for each report. Sixstudies with three colors each were analyzed using the multi-variate statistical methods detailed in Practice E 2214. Plots ofthe probability contours and CIE 94 color tolerances are3Supporting data have been filed at ASTM

48、 International Headquarters and maybe obtained by requesting Research Report RR: E121001.TABLE 1 E 694 Compatible Precision ResultsL* a* b*Color Grand Mean r R Grand Mean r R Grand Mean r RA 82.60 0.41 0.60 -0.21 0.10 0.19 -0.38 0.09 0.48B 55.79 0.23 0.33 -0.21 0.08 0.13 -0.44 0.09 0.34C 56.02 0.24

49、0.49 -2.48 0.08 0.14 1.79 0.08 0.37D 26.24 0.26 0.40 -0.30 0.22 0.24 0.54 0.18 0.28E 40.49 0.18 0.58 30.32 0.19 0.36 5.30 0.20 0.85F 34.87 0.23 1.07 56.32 0.26 0.61 42.32 0.55 1.73G 65.84 0.38 1.07 40.54 0.26 1.31 64.87 0.36 1.31H 84.08 0.21 1.04 -4.53 0.20 0.86 86.70 0.24 1.43I 50.97 0.28 0.42 -34.70 0.25 1.00 14.19 0.15 1.03J 51.44 0.36 0.46 -34.99 0.27 1.00 17.35 0.13 1.11K 49.48 0.22 0.46 -12.71 0.15 1.08 -33.52 0.15 0.79L 8.66 0.21 0.68 25.25 0.62 1.49 -35.35 0.43 1.24E1349063included in the Appendix. Table 2 gives the approximateMunsell notation for th

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