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本文(ASTM E2215-2002 Standard Practice for Evaluation of Surveillance Capsules from Light-Water Moderated Nuclear Power Reactor Vessels《评价轻水核电反应堆监视舱的标准实施规程》.pdf)为本站会员(刘芸)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM E2215-2002 Standard Practice for Evaluation of Surveillance Capsules from Light-Water Moderated Nuclear Power Reactor Vessels《评价轻水核电反应堆监视舱的标准实施规程》.pdf

1、Designation: E 2215 02Standard Practice forEvaluation of Surveillance Capsules from Light-WaterModerated Nuclear Power Reactor Vessels1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 2215; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case o

2、f revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This practice covers the evaluation of test specimensand dosimetry from light water moderated

3、 nuclear powerreactor pressure vessel surveillance capsules.1.2 This practice is one of a series of standard practices thatoutline the surveillance program required for nuclear reactorpressure vessels. The surveillance program monitors theradiation-induced changes in the ferritic steels that compris

4、ethe beltline of a light-water moderated nuclear reactor pressurevessel.1.3 This practice along with its companion surveillanceprogram practice, Practice E 185, is intended for application inmonitoring the properties of beltline materials in any light-water moderated nuclear reactor.21.4 Modificatio

5、ns to the standard test program and supple-mental tests will be described in a separate Standard that isunder development to accompany this standard practice andPractice E 185.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:A 370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testingof Steel Products3A 751 T

6、est Methods, Practices and Terminology for Chemi-cal Analysis of Steel Products3E 8 Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials4E 21 Test Methods for Elevated Temperature Tension Testsof Metallic Materials4E 23 Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing ofMetallic Materials4E 170 Termino

7、logy Relating to Radiation Measurementsand Dosimetry4E 185 Practice for Conducting Surveillance Tests forLight-Water Moderated Nuclear Power Reactor Vessels4E 208 Test Method for Conducting Drop-Weight Test toDetermine Nil-Ductility Transition Temperature of FerriticSteels4E 482 Guide for Applicatio

8、n of Neutron Transport Methodsfor Reactor Vessel Surveillance, E 706 (IID)5E 509 Guide for In-Service Annealing of Light-WaterCooled Nuclear Reactor Vessels5E 560 Practice for Extrapolating Reactor Vessel Surveil-lance Dosimetry Results, E 706 (IC)5E 636 Practice for Conducting Supplemental Surveill

9、anceTests for Nuclear Power Reactor Vessels, E 706 (IH)5E 693 Practice for Characterizing Neutron Exposures inIron and Low Alloy Steels in Terms of Displacements perAtom (DPA), (ID)5E 706 Master Matrix for Light-Water Reactor PressureVessel Surveillance Standards, E 706 (O)5E 844 Guide for Sensor Se

10、t Design and Irradiation forReactor Surveillance, E 706 (IIC)5E 853 Practice for Analysis and Interpretation of Light-Water Reactor Surveillance Results, E 706 (IA)5E 900 Guide for Predicting Radiation-Induced TransitionTemperature Shift in Reactor Vessel Materials, E 706(IIF)3E 1214 Guide for Use o

11、f Melt Wire Temperature Monitorsfor Reactor Vessel Surveillance, E 706 (IIIE)5E 1253 Guide for Reconstitution of Irradiated Charpy SizeSpecimens5E 1820 Test Method for Measurement of Fracture Tough-ness4E 1921 Test Method for the Determination of ReferenceTemperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the

12、TransitionRange42.2 Other Documents:American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Boiler andPressure Vessel Code, Sections III and XI6ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case N-629, Use ofFracture Toughness Test Data to Establish ReferenceTemperature for Pressure Retaining Materials, Section XI,Divisio

13、n 16ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case N-631 Use of1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E10 on NuclearTechnology and Applications and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeE10.02 on Behavior and Use of Nuclear Structural Materials.Current edition approved June 10,

14、2002. Published September 2002.2Prior to the adoption of these standard practices, surveillance capsule testingrequirements were only contained in Practice E 185.3Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.024Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.015Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 12.026Available from

15、 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Third Park Avenue,New York, NY 10016.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.Fracture Toughness Test Data to Establish ReferenceTemperature for Pressure Retaining Materials Other Tha

16、nBolting for Class 1 Vessels, Section III, Division 163. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 adjusted reference temperature (ART)the referencetemperature adjusted for irradiation effects by adding to theinitial RTNDT, the transition temperature shift, (for example,see Guide E 900), and an appropriate m

17、argin to account foruncertainties.3.1.2 base metal (parent material)as-fabricated plate ma-terial or forging material other than a weld or its correspondingheat-affected-zone (HAZ).3.1.3 beltlinethe irradiated region of the reactor vessel(shell material including weld seams and plates or forgings)th

18、at directly surrounds the effective height of the active core,and adjacent regions that are predicted to sustain sufficientneutron damage to warrant consideration in the selection ofsurveillance material.3.1.4 Charpy transition regionthe region on the Charpytransition curve in which toughness increa

19、ses rapidly withrising temperature; in terms of fracture appearance, it ischaracterized by a change from a primarily cleavage (crystal-line) fracture mode to a primarily shear (fibrous) fracturemode.3.1.5 Charpy transition temperature curve a graphic pre-sentation of Charpy data, including absorbed

20、energy, lateralexpansion, and fracture appearance as functions of test tem-perature, extending over a range including the lower shelfenergy (5 % or less shear fracture appearance), transitionregion, and the upper-shelf energy (95 % or greater shearfracture appearance).3.1.6 Charpy transition tempera

21、ture shiftthe difference inthe 30 ft-lbf (41 J) index temperatures for the best fit (average)Charpy curve measured before and after irradiation.3.1.7 Charpy upper shelf energy levelthe average energyvalue for all Charpy specimen tests (normally three) whose testtemperature is above the Charpy upper

22、shelf onset; specimenstested at temperature greater than 150F (83C) above theCharpy upper-shelf onset need not be included. The range oftest temperatures for which energy values were averaged mustbe reported as well as the individual energy values. Forspecimens tested in sets of three at each test t

23、emperature, theset having the highest average may be regarded as defining theupper-shelf energy.3.1.8 Charpy upper shelf onsetthe test temperature abovewhich the fracture appearance of all Charpy specimens testedis nominally 100 % shear. Specimens with 95 % or greatershear may be included in this de

24、termination.3.1.9 end-of-life (EOL)the design lifetime in terms ofyears corresponding to the operating license period.3.1.10 fracture strengthin a tensile test, the measuredforce at fracture divided by the initial cross-sectional area ofthe test specimen.3.1.11 fracture stressin a tensile test, the

25、measured forceat fracture divided by the cross-sectional area of the testspecimen at the time of fracture.3.1.12 heat-affected-zone (HAZ)plate material or forgingmaterial extending outward from, but not including, the weldfusion line in which the microstructure of the base metal hasbeen altered by t

26、he heat of the welding process.3.1.13 index temperaturethat temperature correspondingto a predetermined level of absorbed energy, lateral expansion,or fracture appearance obtained from the best-fit (average)Charpy transition curve.3.1.14 lead factorthe ratio of the neutron fluence rate(E 1 MeV) at t

27、he specimens in a surveillance capsule to theneutron fluence rate (E 1 MeV) at the reactor pressure vesselinside surface peak fluence location.NOTE 1Changes in the reactor operating parameters and fuel man-agement may cause the lead factor to change.3.1.15 nil-ductility transition temperature (TNDT)

28、themaximum temperature at which a standard drop weight speci-men breaks when tested in accordance with Test MethodE reference materialany steel that has been charac-terized as to the sensitivity of its mechanical and fracturetoughness properties to neutron radiation embrittlement.3.1.17 r

29、eference temperature (RTNDT)see subarticle NB-2300 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, SectionIII, “Nuclear Power Plant Components” for the definition ofRTNDTfor unirradiated material. ASME Code Cases N-629and N-631 provide an alternative definition for the referencetemperature (RTTo)3.2 Ne

30、utron Exposure Terminology:3.2.1 Definitions of terms related to neutron dosimetry andexposure are provided in Terminology E 170.4. Significance and Use4.1 Neutron radiation effects are considered in the design oflight-water moderated nuclear power reactors. Changes insystem operating parameters may

31、 be made throughout theservice life of the reactor to account for these effects. Asurveillance program is used to measure changes in theproperties of actual vessel materials due to the irradiationenvironment. This practice describes the criteria that should beconsidered in evaluating surveillance pr

32、ogram test capsules.4.2 Prior to the first issue date of this standard, the design ofsurveillance programs and the testing of surveillance capsuleswere both covered in a single standard, Practice E 185.Between its provisional adoption in 1961 and its replacementlinked to this standard, Practice E 18

33、5 was revised many times(1966, 1970, 1973, 1979, 1982, 1993 and 1998). Therefore,capsules from surveillance programs that were designed andimplemented under early versions of the standard were oftentested after substantial changes to the standard had beenadopted. For clarity, the standard practice f

34、or surveillanceprograms has been divided into the new Practice E 185 thatcovers the design of new surveillance programs and thisstandard practice that covers the testing and evaluation ofsurveillance capsules. A future standard is planned which willrecommend procedures for modifying and supplementin

35、g ex-isting surveillance programs both in terms of design andtesting.4.3 This standard practice is intended to cover testing andevaluation of all light-water moderated reactor pressure vesselE2215022surveillance capsules. The practice is applicable to testing ofcapsules from surveillance programs de

36、signed and imple-mented under all previous versions of Practice E 185.4.4 The radiation-induced changes in the properties of thevessel are generally monitored by measuring the Charpytransition temperature, the Charpy upper shelf energy and thetensile properties of specimens from the surveillance pro

37、gramcapsules. The significance of these radiation-induced changesis described in Practice E 185. The application of this data isthe subject of Guide E 900 and other documents listed inSection 2.4.5 Alternative methods exist for testing surveillance cap-sule materials. Some supplemental and alternati

38、ve testingmethods are available as indicated in Practice E 636. Directmeasurement of the fracture toughness is also feasible usingthe ToReference Temperature method defined in Test MethodE 1921 or J-integral techniques defined in Test Method E 1820.Additionally hardness testing can be used to supple

39、mentstandard methods as a means of monitoring the radiationresponse of the materials.4.6 The methodology to be used in the analysis and inter-pretation of neutron dosimetry data and the determination ofneutron fluence is defined in Practice E 853.4.7 Guide E 900 describes the bases used to evaluate

40、theradiation-induced changes in Charpy transition temperature forreactor vessel materials and provides a methodology forpredicting future values.5. Determination of Capsule Condition5.1 Visual ExaminationA complete visual exam of thecapsule condition should be completed upon receipt and duringdisass

41、embly at the testing laboratory. External identificationmarks on the capsule shall be verified. Signs of damage ordegradation of the capsule exterior shall be recorded.5.2 Capsule ContentThe specimen loading pattern shouldbe compared to the capsule fabrication records and anydeviations shall be note

42、d. Any evidence of corrosion or otherdamage to the specimens shall also be noted. The condition ofany thermal monitors shall be noted and recorded.5.3 Irradiation Temperature HistoryThe average capsuletemperature during full power operation shall be estimated foreach reactor fuel cycle prior to caps

43、ule removal. The localreactor coolant temperature may be used as a reasonableapproximation. In a typical pressurized water reactor, thecoolant inlet temperature may be used as an estimate of thecapsule irradiation temperature using a time-weighted average(see Guide E 900). In a typical boiling water

44、 reactor, therecirculation temperature may be used as an estimate of thecapsule irradiation temperature.5.4 Peak Temperature MonitorsThermal monitors shallbe examined and any evidence of melting shall be recorded inaccordance with Guide E 1214.6. Measurement of Irradiation Exposure6.1 The power hist

45、ory of the reactor for all cycles prior tocapsule removal shall be recorded. Vessel dimensional infor-mation and capsule locations shall be provided for the evalu-ation of irradiation exposure.6.2 The neutron fluence rate, neutron energy spectrum andneutron fluence of the surveillance specimens and

46、the corre-sponding maximum values for the reactor vessel shall bedetermined in accordance with Practices E 853 and E 560.6.3 Neutron fluence rate and fluence values (E 1MeV) anddpa rate and dpa values shall be determined and recorded usinga calculated spectrum adjusted or validated by dosimetrymeasu

47、rements.7. Measurement of Mechanical Properties7.1 Tension Tests:7.1.1 MethodTension testing shall be conducted in accor-dance with Test Methods E 8 and E Test TemperatureIn general, the test temperaturesfor each material shall include room temperature, servicetemperature, and, if a specime

48、n is available, one intermediatetemperature to define the strength versus temperature relation-ship. Specific consideration should be given to the specifictemperatures at which unirradiated specimens have beentested.7.1.3 MeasurementsDetermine yield strength, tensilestrength, fracture strength, frac

49、ture stress, total and uniformelongation and reduction of area.7.2 Charpy Tests:7.2.1 MethodCharpy tests shall be conducted in accor-dance with Test Methods and Definitions A 370 and TestMethod E 23. Instrumented tests are recommended and shouldbe performed in accordance with Practice E 636. BrokenCharpy specimens may be reconstituted for supplementaltesting in accordance with Guide E 1253.7.2.2 Test TemperatureSpecimens for each material shallbe tested at temperatures selected to define the full energytransition curve. Particular emphasis should be placed ond

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