1、Designation: E3090/E3090M 17Standard Test Methods forStrength Properties of Metal Ceiling Suspension Systems1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E3090/E3090M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year
2、 of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONIn the past mechanical properties of metal ceiling suspension systems have been buried in otherstandards such as S
3、pecification C635 and Practice E580. This test method is an attempt to pull alltesting requirements into one document.1. Scope1.1 These test methods cover metal ceiling suspensionsystems used primarily to support acoustical tile, acousticallay-in panels, or suspended T-bar type ceiling systems.1.2 T
4、hese test methods cover the determination of strengthproperties of suspended ceiling grid system components asfollows:Tests SubsectionsLoad Carrying Capacity 5.1Connection Strength in Tension 5.2.2; 5.2.4Connection Strength in Compression 5.2.3; 5.2.5Wire Pullout Resistance 5.31.3 The values stated
5、in either SI units or inch-pound unitsare to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated ineach system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, eachsystem shall be used independently of the other. Combiningvalues from the two systems may result in non-conformancewith the standard.1.4 The f
6、ollowing safety hazards caveat pertains only to thetest methods described in this specification. This standard doesnot purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any,associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of thisstandard to establish appropriate safety and health practi
7、cesand determine the applicability of regulatory limitations priorto use.1.5 This international standard was developed in accor-dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-ization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International Standards, Guides and Rec
8、om-mendations issued by the World Trade Organization TechnicalBarriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2C634 Terminology Relating to Building and EnvironmentalAcousticsC635 Specification for the Manufacture, Performance, andTesting of Metal Suspension Systems for A
9、coustical Tileand Lay-in Panel CeilingsE580 Practice for Application of Ceiling Suspension Sys-tems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-in Panels in AreasRequiring Seismic RestraintE631 Terminology of Building Constructions3. Terminology3.1 For terminology relating to Building and EnvironmentalAcoustics, se
10、e Terminology C634.3.2 For terminology relating to Building Constructions, seeTerminology E631.3.3 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.3.1 carrying channel, nmetal section that supports theentire structural grid network in some forms of mechanicalceiling suspension systems. Discu
11、ssionThe carrying channels are usually sus-pended by hanger wires from the existing structure and themain runners are then attached to the channels.3.3.2 ceiling suspension system, nthe entire network orgrid of structural components, as defined by the ceilingsuspension system manufacturer, that prov
12、ides support foracoustical ceiling tile, acoustical ceiling panels, lightingfixtures, flexible sprinkler hose fittings and air diffusers. DiscussionThe manufacturer of the ceiling sus-pension system will define/designate which elements of thesystem are the structural components.1These test me
13、thods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E33 onBuilding and Environmental Acoustics and are the direct responsibility of Subcom-mittee E33.04 on Application of Acoustical Materials and Systems.Current edition approved April 1, 2017. Published April 2017. DOI: 10.1520/E3090_E3090M-17.2For r
14、eferenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, W
15、est Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United StatesThis international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World
16、Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.13.3.3 cross runner, nthe secondary or cross beams of amechanical ceiling suspension system. DiscussionThe cross runners usually support onlythe acoustical tile. In some forms of suspension systems,however, the cross runners also
17、provide support for lightingfixtures, air diffusers, flexible sprinkler hose fittings, and othercross runners.3.3.4 cross runner connection, ncross runners are inter-connected to each other at a cross runner to main runnerintersection.3.3.5 cross runner to main runner intersection, ncrossrunners int
18、ersect a main runner along the length of the mainrunner and are terminated at the a slot or rout along the mainrunner length. DiscussionIn a typical intersection two cross run-ners intersect a main runner from opposing sides and share thesame slot or rout hole.3.3.6 main runner splice, nthe p
19、rimary main tees of theceiling suspension system are connected along their lengthswith a splice that is typically made from the body material ora secondary material attached to the main tee. DiscussionThe splice connection ensures themodularity of the connection and typically has no intersect
20、ingcross runners at the location of the splice.3.3.7 main runner, nthe primary or main beams of thetype of ceiling suspension system in which the structuralmembers are mechanically locked together. DiscussionThe main runners provide direct sup-port for cross runners, and may support lighting
21、fixtures and airdiffusers. In addition, the acoustical tile may also be directlysupported by the main runners. In some forms of mechanicalceiling suspension systems, the main runners are supported byhanger wires attached directly to the existing structure. In otherforms, the main runners (also refer
22、red to as “H” runners, “Z”bars, etc.) are installed perpendicular to carrying channels andare supported by specially designed sheet metal or wire clipsattached to the carrying channels.3.3.8 primary structural member, nthe member that isunder test in the load carrying capacity test (5.1). Dis
23、cussionThe primary structural member is typi-cally a main runner.3.3.9 rout or rout hole, na slot in the web of the mainrunner which is designed to accept interlocking cross runnerends.3.3.10 secondary structural member, noptional memberthat is added to the load carrying capacity test (5.1) to provi
24、dehorizontal support to the primary structural member. DiscussionThe secondary structural member istypically a cross runner.3.3.11 suspended ceiling, na ceiling in which the mainrunners and cross runners are suspended below the structuralmembers of the building. DiscussionFig. 1 illu
25、strates several common ceil-ing suspension systems.4. Significance and Use4.1 Load Carrying Capacity:4.1.1 Most architectural specifications contain a uniformload requirement based on Specification C635. Additionally, itis useful to know the uniform loads of cross runners to evaluatetheir suitabilit
26、y for various ceiling loads.4.1.2 The procedure detailed in this standard is intended tobe used for the simple four foot span specified in SpecificationC635. It can be used for simple spans other than four feet, butan engineering analysis is required to determine the properspacing of concentrated lo
27、ads necessary to simulate a uniformload.4.1.3 Various concentrated load combinations can be simi-larly tested or they can be calculated from the uniform loadresults by engineering analysis.4.2 Connection Strength in Tension and Compression:4.2.1 Structural failure of grid systems under axial loading
28、is controlled by the failure of connections between the gridmembers. Specification of the allowable axial loads is usefulfor designers and specifiers for determining which grid systemswill be appropriate for specific job conditions.4.2.2 Connection strength is particularly important wherethe grid in
29、stallation is expected to experience lateral loads dueto earthquake or wind.4.2.3 Connection strength in both compression and in ten-sion are specified in Practice E580 as mean ultimate test loadin tension and in compression.5. Test Methods5.1 Load Carrying Capacity:5.1.1 Apparatus Support FrameProv
30、ide a rectangularsupport frame having the essential features of the unit de-scribed below: The frame (Fig. 2) shall have the capability forlength adjustment to permit testing of structural members onclear spans for a maximum of 8 ft 2400 mm to a minimum of3 ft 900 mm. It shall have the capabi
31、lity for overall widthadjustment from a maximum of 4 ft 1200 mm to a minimumof 2 ft 600 mm. The support frame shall have sufficient stiffness sothat no significant deflection occurs within the frame duringload tests of suspension system structural members. The support frame shall be ei
32、ther ceiling mounted orfloor supported. Both ends of the test specimen must be supported bya14 in. 6 mm radius support.5.1.2 Test SpecimenThe structural members tested shallbe identical to the sections used in the final system design. Allcutouts, slots, etc., as exist in the system component
33、shall beincluded in the sections evaluated. Main runners/cross runners that are part of a fireresistance rated assembly that contain fire expansion reliefcutouts shall be evaluated for load performance where fieldapplication of the expansion relief is designed to be more than3 in. 75 mm from
34、the closest support point.E3090/E3090M 1725.1.2.2 Allowable mill variations of sheet stock thicknesscan have a significant effect on section stiffness and loadcarrying ability. Consequently, load-deflection studies of struc-tural members shall utilize sections fabricated in accordancewith the system
35、 manufacturers published metal thicknessesand dimensions.FIG. 1 Suspension System TypesFIG. 2 Support FrameE3090/E3090M 1735.1.2.3 The length of the specimen may not exceed thelength of the span being tested by more than 12 in. 300 mm. In actual ceiling installations, the lateral (horizontal)
36、buckling of structural members is prevented by the lateralsupport provided by intersecting structural members. Whensecondary structural members are used in a test system, theyprovide the needed lateral (horizontal) support but make nodirect contribution to the load-deflection performance in termsof
37、vertical support of the primary structural member beingtested. Prevent lateral (horizontal) buckling of the sectionduring testing by installing secondary members between thetest specimen and the vertical sides of the support frame. Installsecondary members normal to the direction of the prima
38、rystructural member. Install secondary members no closer than24 in. 600 mm apart. Secondary member placement shall besymmetrical about both horizontal centerlines of the supportframe. Lateral bracing should be representative of actualceiling modules. Do not use additional materials, such aspanels or
39、 tiles, to provide lateral support. The secondary structural members may be either beinterlocking type (such as with use of an actual cross runner) ornon-interlocking type. Where interlocking secondary membersare used, assemble them into the structural member beingtested in customary fashion,
40、 and support the other end with theside of the support frame. Where non-interlocking secondarymembers are used, support one end of secondary membersfrom the flange of the primary structural member (Fig. 2), andsupport the other end with the side of the support frame. Clearances between the en
41、ds of the secondary struc-tural member and the support frame shall be typical of thatwhich exists in the actual ceiling system. Secondary membersmust not interlock with the perimeter support frame. During testing, any lateral (horizontal) bucklingtendency will be defeated as the secondary str
42、uctural member,supported laterally (horizontally) by the vertical side of thesupport frame, bears on the web of the primary structuralmember. This type of setup provides a means for giving at leasta partial recognition of the enhancement of load-carryingcapability that other structural members contr
43、ibute to gridsystems with respect to lateral (horizontal) support. Thesecondary structural member shall not provide vertical supportto the primary structural member.5.1.3 Section Loading: With the structural member to be evaluated installedin the support frame, position the support frame to m
44、ount thevertical displacement deflection gages directly over the testsection at the mid-span. As an option, additional deflectiongages may be mounted at each end of the test section at the restsupports. The optional end gages may be used when a testsection exhibits a tendency to compact at the rest
45、supports.Position the gages to read zero with reference to a horizontalplane that runs through the supports of the structural memberin the test support frame. Incorporate the weight of hangerwires, pans, etc., as part of the first incremental test load. Apply the test weights (Fig. 3 and Fig.
46、 4), simulatingthe weight of ceiling tile or panel, to the structural memberstarting 6 in. 150 mm from the end supports, and at 1-ft 300mm intervals thereafter, always proceeding from the endstoward the center of the span in applying the load. Each weightattachment to the structural member must be s
47、uch that thecontact surface is no greater than38 in. 10 mm in thedirection of the length of the structural member, in order toensure that the weight attachment does not increase the rigidityof the structural member. After the first uniformly distributedload increment has been applied, measure and re
48、cord themid-span deflection of the structural member. Also record theend gage deflections when the end gages are present. Measureand record the loading of the structural member. Continueloading of the structural member in the same manner, applyingsuccessive increments of uniformly distributed load a
49、nd ob-serving the deflections after each increment. Continue loadinguntil it is apparent that the test section has collapsed and willnot support any further load. Record the incrementally applied uniformly distrib-uted loads and the resultant mid-span deflection measurementsfor each loading. When end gages are used, subtract theaverage value of the two end gages from the correspondingmid-span deflection, and report the resultant net mid-spandeflection for each increment. Subtracting the average endFIG. 3 Load-Carrying Test Co
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