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本文(ASTM E430-2005 Standard Test Methods for Measurement of Gloss of High-Gloss Surfaces by Abridged Goniophotometry《用简化滤色测角光度计测定高上光表面光泽度的标准试验方法》.pdf)为本站会员(花仙子)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM E430-2005 Standard Test Methods for Measurement of Gloss of High-Gloss Surfaces by Abridged Goniophotometry《用简化滤色测角光度计测定高上光表面光泽度的标准试验方法》.pdf

1、Designation: E 430 05Standard Test Methods forMeasurement of Gloss of High-Gloss Surfaces by AbridgedGoniophotometry1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 430; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the yea

2、r of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 These test methods cover the measurement of thereflection characteristics responsible for the glossy appearanceo

3、f high-gloss surfaces. Two test methods, A and B, areprovided for evaluating such surface characteristics at specularangles of 30 and 20, respectively. These test methods are notsuitable for diffuse finish surfaces nor do they measure color,another appearance attribute.1.2 As originally developed by

4、 Tingle and others (see Refs1 and 2),2the test methods were applied only to bright metals.Recently they have been applied to high-gloss automotivefinishes and other nonmetallic surfaces.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:3D 523 Test Method for Specular GlossD 2457 Test Method for Specular Glo

5、ss of Plastic Films andSolid PlasticsE 171 Specification for Standard Atmospheres for Condi-tioning and Testing Flexible Barrier MaterialsE 179 Guide for Selection of Geometric Conditions forMeasurement of Reflectance and Transmission Propertiesof MaterialsE 284 Terminology of AppearanceE 308 Practi

6、ce for Computing the Colors of Objects byUsing the CIE SystemE 1347 Test Method for Color and Color-Difference Mea-surement by Tristimulus (Filler) Colormetry3. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsAppearance terms in this test method arein accordance with Terminology E 284.3.2 Terms that are defined in Termin

7、ology E 284., but havea specific definition in this method are:3.2.1 reflectance, p, nratio of the reflected radiant orluminous flux to the incident flux in the given conditions.(E 284) DiscussionThe term reflectance is often used in ageneral sense or as an abbreviation for reflectance factor

8、. Suchusage is not assumed in this method. The definition mayrequire that the term be modified by adjectives denoting thespectral and geometric conditions of measurement.3.3 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.3.1 reflection haze, H, nfor a specified specular angle,ratio of flux reflect

9、ed at a specified angle (or angles) form thespecular direction to the flux similarly reflected at the specularangle by a specified gloss standard. DiscussionModifiers may be used to specify theangles at which the haze is measured (for example, 2 or 5);whether H or a logarithmic form is to be

10、stated; or whether His to be compensated for the luminance of the specimen bymultiplication by Yspecimen/Yn, where n denotes the referencewhite; or any combination of these.3.3.2 metallic brightness, nfreedom of a metal surfacefrom diffuse haze or texture.3.3.3 with-machine direction, nthe axis of a

11、 specimenthat is parallel to the direction of mill rolling or extrusion, orother surface-finish texture.3.3.4 across-machine direction, nthe perpendicular towith-machine direction.4. Summary of Test Method4.1 Several geometrically different measures of light re-flected by a surface are proposed for

12、use in describing its glossappearance. In Test Method A, gloss reflectance factor ismeasured at 30 to the specimen normal using narrow illumi-nator and receiver aperture angles (0.5 wide maximum).Distinctness-of-image gloss is measured at 29.7 or 30.3 orboth. Narrow-angle (2) reflection haze is meas

13、ured at 28 or32 or both, and wide-angle (5) reflection haze at 25 or 35 orboth. The ratio of reflectance factors for 28 or 32 or both,perpendicular and parallel to the machine direction of thespecimen, is computed as a measure of directionality. InMethod B, specular gloss is measured at 20 in accord

14、ance1These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E12 onColor and Appearance and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E12.03 onGeometry.Current edition approved June 1, 2005. Published July 2005. Originally approvedin 1971. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as E 430

15、97 (2003).2The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end ofthis method.3For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standard

16、s Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.with Test Method D 523, and narrow-angle reflection haze ismeasured at 18.1 and 21.9. For additional information on theselection of geometric

17、conditions, see Guide E 179.5. Significance and Use5.1 The gloss of metallic finishes is important commerciallyon metals for automotive, architectural, and other uses wherethese metals undergo special finishing processes to produce theappearances desired. It is important for the end-products,which u

18、se such finished metals that parts placed together havethe same glossy appearance.5.2 It is also important that automotive finishes and otherhigh-gloss nonmetallic surfaces possess the desired finishedappearance. The present method identifies by measurementsimportant aspects of finishes. Those havin

19、g identical sets ofnumbers normally have the same gloss characteristics. Itusually requires more than one measurement to identifyproperly the glossy appearance of any finish (see Refs 3 and 4).6. Apparatus6.1 The apparatus shall be an abridged goniophotometer(see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). The abridged gon

20、iophotometer mayhave a fixed angle of incidence (for Test Method A, 30; forTest Method B, 20) and specific fixed directions of view atwhich the flux from the specimen is measured (see Table 1 andTable 2).46.1.1 Geometric Conditions for Test Method AThe direc-tion of incidence shall be 30. The direct

21、ions of view shall beopposite the direction of incidence at 30 for specular reflec-tance, 29.7 or 30.3 for distinctness of image comparisons, 28or 32 for narrow-angle haze comparisons, and 25 or 35 forwide-angle haze comparisons. The angular dimensions of themirror reflected image of the source slit

22、 in the plane ofmeasurement and the angular dimensions of the receiverwindows in this plane of measurement shall be as shown inTable 1.4The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this timefor Method A is Hunter Associates Laboratory, Reston, VA, and for Method B isBVK-Gardn

23、er USA, Columbia, MD. If you are aware of alternative suppliers,please provide this information to ASTM International Headquarters. Your com-ments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technicalcommittee,1which you may attend.FIG. 1 Optical Diagram of the Apparatus for M

24、ethod AE4300526.1.2 Geometric Conditions for Test Method BThe direc-tion of incidence shall be 20 6 0.1. The directions of viewshall be opposite the direction of incidence, at 20 for speculargloss measurement and at 18.1 and 21.9 for narrow-anglereflection haze measurement. The angular dimensions of

25、 thespecularly reflected image of the source slit in the plane ofmeasurement and the angular dimensions of the receiverwindows in this plane of measurement shall be as shown inTable Spectral ConditionsThe measurement shall be madewith visible light to give results in accordance with the CIEs

26、pectral luminous efficiency function V (l), which is identicalwith y in the CIE 1931 standard observer and CIE standardilluminant C (see Practice E 308 and Test Method E 1347). Ifanother illuminant such as A, is used, this shall be specified inthe report.6.1.4 PolarizationThe incident flux shall be

27、unpolarizedand the receiver shall be insensitive to the state of polarizationof the reflected luminous flux.6.1.5 ClampFor Test Method A, a rotatable clamp of thetype shown in Fig. 3 may be used for flattening and positioningthe specimen during measurement.7. Standards7.1 Three calibrated standards

28、of good planarity shall beavailable in either a set of metals or a set of nonmetals,depending upon which type of surface is measured.7.2 High-Gloss Standards:7.2.1 High-Gloss Standard for Metals shall be of alumi-num, evaporated onto glass and covered with a protectivecoating of silicon monoxide, an

29、d calibrated for specular glossand distinctness-of-image gloss.7.2.2 High-Gloss Standard for Nonmetals shall be of highlypolished black glass with a refractive index of approximatelynD= 1.527, calibrated for specular gloss and reflection haze,and assigned a scale value of Gs= 89.4 for a specular ang

30、le of30 (Test Method A) or Gs= 89.2 for a specular angle of 20(Test Method B).NOTE 1To determine the scale value, calculate the first-surface(Fresnel) reflectance (see Test Method D 2457, Instrumental ComponentsinApparatus section) for nD= 1.567 and the specular angle of interest; for30 it is 5.0436

31、 % and for 20 it is 4.9078 %. Assign this a scale value of100 (see Test Method D 523, Primary Standards in Reference Standardssection). Repeat the calculation for np= 1.527 and the same specularangle; the result for 30 is 4.5069 % and for 20, 4.3769 %. The new scalevalue for 30 is 100 3 (4.5069/5.04

32、36) = 89.4, and for 20,100 3 (4.3769/4.9078) = 89.2. (The latter value is also given in TestMethod D 523.)7.3 Intermediate Standards:7.3.1 Intermediate Standard for Metals shall be of eitherchromium evaporated onto glass and covered with a protectivecoating of silicon monoxide, or of bright sheet al

33、uminum withprotective coating and calibrated for specular gloss anddistinctness-of-image gloss.7.3.2 Intermediate Standard for Nonmetals shall be of aceramic material, such as porcelain enamel on steel, andcalibrated for specular gloss and distinctness-of-image gloss.7.4 Diffuse Standards shall have

34、 a reflectance factor sub-stantially constant over the angular range of the instrument.7.5 Care of StandardsIt is essential that the standards bekept clean and free of scratches as well as from contact withcontaminating materials. The cleaning method specified by theinstrument manufacturer shall be

35、followed and the standardsshould be checked at regular intervals against reference stan-dards held in reserve.8. Specimens8.1 Specimens shall be obtained from test samples byselecting areas that are plane and representative of each samplebeing tested. Every specimen must be at least 234 in. (70 mm)i

36、n the smallest dimension. Specimens may be larger so long asit is possible to insert them into the instrument and flatten themproperly for measurement.9. Preparation and Standardization of Apparatus9.1 The instrument must be used in a clean dry area free ofdrafts. Standard laboratory conditions are

37、recommended (seeReferenced Documents section in Specification E 171). Volt-age regulation to 60.01 % must be incorporated in the instru-ment, or supplied separately. Follow manufacturers recom-mendations for instrument warm-up.FIG. 2 Optical Diagram of the Apparatus for Method BE4300539.2 Standardiz

38、ationAdjust the instrument to read thesame gloss reflectance factor for the intensity of light reflectedfrom the diffuse standard through the specular, distinctness-of-image, and haze apertures.Adjust the instrument to read valuesof specular gloss and distinctness-of-image gloss assigned thealuminum

39、 mirror if metal surfaces are being measured; or theblack gloss standard if nonmetal surfaces are being measured.If the instrument does not then read the appropriate interme-diate standard within the limits set by the instrument manufac-turer, refocus or restandardize following the manufacturersinst

40、ructions.10. Procedure10.1 Bring the specimen to the instrument for measurement.Be sure the specimen is flat.10.2 For Test Method A, be certain that the specular sensoris centered on the specimen-reflected specular light beam. Thefull goniophotometer, shown in Fig. 4, identifies the speculardirectio

41、n by the peak of the goniophotometric curve.10.3 Rotate the specimen in its own plane to find theorientation, giving the maximum specular signal. This speci-men orientation is called the “machine direction” because itgenerally coincides with the direction of travel of a sheet orfilm material through

42、 a processing machine.10.4 Record the following quantities:10.4.1 For Test Method A, readings of (a) gloss reflectancefactor (specular gloss), Rs,30at 30; (b) distinctness-of-imagegloss; (c) 2 reflection haze; H2; and (d) 5 reflection haze, H5.The quantities in (b), (c), and (d) may be either glossr

43、eflectance factors or values of H, which are their ratios to thespecular gloss reflectance factor recorded in (a).10.4.2 For Test Method B, readings of (a) the 20 speculargloss, Rs,20; (b) the reflection haze, H; and (c) the luminousreflectance, Y.10.5 Measure at least three areas of each specimen.1

44、0.6 From these same areas, read 2 haze for the“ across-machine direction,” being careful to flatten the test surface andorient the specular beam in each case.10.7 Take readings on the standards at the end of the seriesof observations to ensure that the instrument has remained incalibration throughou

45、t the operation.11. Calculation11.1 For Test Method A, calculate the mean of threereadings for each specimen for:11.1.1 Specular gloss, Rs,30, at Distinctness-of-image gloss, 100 3 (1 H0.3), evalu-ated at 0.3 on either or both sides of the specular angle.11.1.3 2 Reflection haze, 100 H2, e

46、valuated at 2 on eitheror both sides of the specular angle.11.1.4 5 Reflection haze, 100 H5, evaluated at 5 on eitheror both sides of the specular angle.11.1.5 Directionality, 100 3 (H2, across-machine/ H2, with-machine), evaluated at 2 on either or both sides of the specularangle.11.2 For Test Meth

47、od B, calculate the mean of threereadings of each specimen for:11.2.1 Specular gloss, Rs,20at One or more of the following, as required: Reflection haze, H20. Logarithmic reflection haze, H20,log= 1285log(H20/20) + Compensated reflection haze,H20,comp= H20, speci

48、men(H20,n3 Yspecimen/Yn).NOTE 2H20,logmay also be calculated as a compensated quantity byusing H20, compin place of H20in Compensated quantities shallbe used when comparing specimens with different values of Y.12. Report12.1 The report for Test Method A shall contain the follow-ing:12.1.1

49、The specular gloss Rs,30,12.1.2 The distinctness-of-image gloss,12.1.3 The 2 haze, H2,12.1.4 The 5 reflection haze, H5,12.1.5 The directionality.12.2 The report for Test Method B shall contain the follow-ing:12.2.1 The specular gloss Rs,20,12.2.2 Either the logarithmic reflection haze or the compen-sated logarithmic reflection haze.12.3 The report for both methods shall contain the follow-ing:TABLE 1 Dimensions of the Mirror Image of the Source-Slit, and of the Receptor Windows Measured in the Plane of t

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