1、Designation: F1064 11Standard Practice forSampling and Inspection of Complete and IncompleteAlpine Ski/Binding/Boot Systems in Rental Applications1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F1064; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in
2、 the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONAdhering to these guidelines may help to reduce the risk of injuries resulting from
3、 impropermechanical functioning of releasable binding systems. However, skiing involves inherent and otherrisks. Injury can result from simply falling down, impact with an object, or from many other actions.Many injuries are unrelated to system function. Furthermore, even a properly functioning syst
4、emcannot protect the skier in all situations. Therefore, it is to be clearly understood that compliance withthese guidelines in no way guarantees that injury can be prevented.1. Scope1.1 This practice establishes a uniform method for thesampling and inspection of complete and incomplete Alpineski/bi
5、nding/boot systems used in rental operations. This prac-tice is appropriate for use in rental applications in which all orpart of the functional components of the system are supplied bythe rental facility.1.2 This practice should be followed by any facility thatrents complete or incomplete Alpine sk
6、i/binding/boot systemsto an end user.NOTE 1Refer to Practice F1063 for equivalent procedures and toler-ances for retail systems.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2F939 Practice for Selection of Release Torque Values forAlpine Ski BindingsF1063 Practice for Functional Inspections and Adjustme
7、ntsof Alpine Ski/Binding/Boot Systems3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 Class I deviationa minor deviation that does notrequire corrective action, defined as 616 to 30 %, or twohorizontal rows up or down from the selected reference torquevalue as determined on the binding manufacturers adjustmentch
8、art. Class I deviations are used to determine the frequency ofsampling.3.1.2 Class II deviationa minor deviation that promptsinspection of the entire inventory and corrective action, definedas 631 to 45 %, or three horizontal rows up or down from theselected reference torque value as determined on t
9、he bindingmanufacturers adjustment chart.3.1.3 Class III deviationa major deviation that promptscorrective action and a review of all procedures, defined asmore than 645 %, or more than three horizontal rows up ordown from the selected reference torque value as determinedon the binding manufacturers
10、 adjustment chart. The in-seasonsampling and inspection program is designed to render theoccurrence of a Class III deviation unlikely.3.1.4 clean versus lubricated tolerancethe accepted dif-ference between clean and lubricated test result(s), defined asnot more than 20 % of the clean test, used when
11、ever afunctional test for binding-boot compatibility is required.3.1.5 correction factorthe value that must be added orsubtracted from the initial visual indicator setting to bring thetest result within the inspection tolerance (see 3.1.9).3.1.6 corrective actionprocedures other than readjustmentof
12、the visual indicator setting to include repair or replacementof system components.3.1.7 deviationthe difference between the test result(s)and the selected reference torque value, usually expressed as apercentage of the selected reference torque value.1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM
13、Committee F27 on SnowSkiing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F27.50 on Shop Procedures(Retail and Rental).Current edition approved June 1, 2011. Published August 2011. Originallyapproved in 1989. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as F1064 07. DOI:10.1520/F1064-11.2For referenced
14、 ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Cons
15、hohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.3.1.8 initial visual indicator settingthe visual indicatorsetting derived from the binding manufacturers release/retention adjustment chart.3.1.9 inspection tolerancethe accepted difference be-tween the reference torque value and the test result. Defined as615
16、% of the reference torque value, or 63 Nm for twist and610 Nm for forward lean, whichever is greater, or onehorizontal row up or down from the selected reference torquevalue determined on the binding manufacturers adjustmentchart. Use as the criteria for prompting consultation of thebinding manufact
17、urers troubleshooting procedures or applica-tion of a correction factor, should procedures not be available. DiscussionIn the case when an algorithm or tableis used to provide a value, either may be used (differences maybe insignificant).3.1.10 interchangeableapplies to the free exchange ofbo
18、ots within a rental inventory without testing each newcombination of system components.3.1.11 clockwise versus counterclockwise tolerancetheaccepted difference between test results about an axis perpen-dicular to the plane of the ski, usually from the toe piececomponent, and defined as within the in
19、spection tolerance (see3.1.9).3.1.12 limit for correctionthe accepted difference be-tween the reference torque value and the test result(s), definedas 630 % of the reference torque value, or 65 Nm for twistand 620 Nm for forward lean, whichever is greater, or twohorizontal rows up or down from the s
20、elected reference torquevalue determined on the binding manufacturers adjustmentchart. Used as the upper and lower limit for application of acorrection factor.3.1.13 measured release valuerelease torque value deter-mined by the use of a testing device of the type defined inAnnex A1 (see 3.1.23).3.1.
21、14 non-interchangeableapplies to the establishmentof specific binding-boot combinations that are tested each timea new combination is created.3.1.15 random samplinga procedure in which every sam-pling unit in the inventory has an equal chance of beingincluded in the sample.3.1.16 reference bindinga
22、unit that is typical of thebindings in inventory.3.1.17 reference boota boot that is typical of the boots ininventory and satisfies the requirements of A1. reference torque valuethe nominal release torquevalue derived from a document compatible with Practice F939such as Annex A3 or informa
23、tion supplied by the binding ortest device manufacturer.3.1.19 rental skier daysthe number of rental skiers pro-cessed through a ski rental facility in a 24-h period.3.1.20 rental unithereinafter unit(s), a half pair of skiequipment (ski-binding-boot system), consisting of a boot, abinding, and a sk
24、i or any individual system components (forexample, a single boot or a single ski-binding).3.1.21 seasonal rentala rental system that is rented for theentire or majority of a season, that will not return to the rentalinventory until the end of the season. Such system will followthe practice as provid
25、ed in Practice F1063.3.1.22 systema group of interacting components, usuallycomprised of a ski, binding, and boot.3.1.23 test resultthe middle quantitative value of threerepetitions of the same test.3.1.24 troubleshootingthe binding manufacturers recom-mendations or procedures for analyzing system f
26、ailure.3.1.25 visual indicator settingthe setting displayed on thebindings release/retention adjustment scale.4. Summary of Practice4.1 Prior to the beginning of each season, boots andbindings are inspected for compatibility and interchangeabilityusing a testing device as defined in Annex A1 of Prac
27、ticeF1063.4.2 At specified intervals throughout the operating seasonsamples are taken from rental inventory and inspected. Testresults are used to determine sampling frequency and promptcorrective action when specified tolerances are exceeded.5. Significance and Use5.1 The purpose of this practice i
28、s to aid in providing theend user with an appropriate functioning system and release/retention value by providing the rental facility with an ongoingprogram for monitoring the appropriateness of functionalcharacteristics of the system. It is assumed that these proce-dures are integrated into the mai
29、ntenance and operating pro-cedures specified by the equipment manufacturers. This prac-tice is not intended to create additional or redundantrequirements for the rental facility. However, this practiceshould be the basis for the development of rental procedures ifthe equipment manufacturers maintena
30、nce and operating pro-cedures do not specifically state that they are in compliancewith this practice. This practice will aid the rental facility inproviding the end user with an appropriate release/retentionvalue.5.2 This practice is applicable to rental facilities that usereleasable Alpine ski bin
31、dings. It is not intended as a methodfor evaluating equipment design.6. Test Device6.1 All tests specified in this practice are made with a devicethat indicates torque. Such a device should be inspected by therental facility in accordance with Annex A2.7. Equipment Inspection Requirements7.1 Preseas
32、on InspectionPrior to the beginning of eachseason and whenever new inventory is added, an inspectionshould be made of the components of the release/retentionsystem. Units that do not meet the specified tolerances arerepaired, modified, or replaced.7.1.1 A visual inspection for compatibility and inte
33、rchange-ability is performed on all boots in accordance with theprocedures recommended by the binding manufacturer.7.1.2 As a check on boots that are new to inventory, a singleunit sample, by make, model, and size, is taken and tested inaccordance with the procedures in Section 9. If a boot fails, a
34、llboots in the category are visually inspected for the defect andas a check, a 16-unit (or less if 16 are not available) randomsample is taken and tested in accordance with the procedures inF1064 112Section 9. If any boots in this sample fail, all remaining bootsin the category are tested.7.1.3 As a
35、 check on boots that have been accepted intoinventory in a prior season, a 5 % (not less than 16 nor morethan 80-unit) sample is taken and tested in accordance with theprocedures in Section 9. If a boot fails, all boots in that make,model, or age category are visually inspected for the defect. Ifthe
36、 defect is found in another boot category, all boots in thatcategory also are tested in accordance with the procedures inSection Boots that meet the criteria for compatibility but donot meet the criteria for interchangeability are used in non-interchangeable rental programs only.7.1.5 Presea
37、son tests for compatibility or interchangeability,or both, of the boot need not be made if the binding manufac-turers current operating procedures specifically state that theboot is not a functional component of the release system andthat such tests are unnecessary.7.1.6 Bindings used in an intercha
38、ngeable rental programare inspected for appropriate function and valid visual indicatorsetting in accordance with the procedures in Section Bindings used in a non-interchangeable system aretested for appropriate function and valid visual indicatorswhenever a new system is created, whenever c
39、alled for as aresult of the sampling procedure, or when recommended by thebinding manufacturer.7.1.8 Bindings that incorporate a single means of adjust-ment for all release directions are tested in either twist orforward lean but need not be tested for both during thepreseason inspection. However, a
40、 5 % (but not less than 16 normore than 80-unit) random sample is tested in both directionsby the procedure in Section 9. If a binding fails, a visualinspection for the defect is conducted on all bindings. Allbindings, in any binding category in which a defective unit isfound, are tested in accordan
41、ce with the procedures in Section9.7.2 In-Season InspectionAt regular intervals, as specifiedin Section 8, samples are taken from the rental inventory andevaluated in accordance with the procedures in Section The inventory fails the sample if a Class I deviation isdetected in more than 20 %
42、of the units in the sample, or if asingle Class II deviation is detected.7.2.2 If a Class II deviation is detected in the sample, thecause must be identified and the entire rental inventoryinspected for the defect and appropriate corrections made. Class I deviations, when detected, need not b
43、ecorrected.7.2.3 If a Class III deviation is detected in the sample, allpertinent procedures as defined by the binding manufacturerare reviewed and corrective action taken to the entire rentalinventory.7.3 Incomplete InspectionAn inspection of the type de-scribed in 7.3.1, 7.3.2,or7.3.3 is conducted
44、 each time anincomplete rental system is assembled during the rental trans-action.7.3.1 The equipment is assembled, adjusted, and inspectedaccording to normal rental procedures as defined in thispractice, provided a new-to-inventory inspection, as describedin this practice, has been conducted on the
45、 make, model, andshell size of the boot presented to the facility during the rentaltransaction. The condition of the boot presented to the facilityshould be representative of the shops boot inventory.7.3.2 The equipment is assembled, adjusted, and inspectedaccording to normal rental procedures as de
46、fined in thispractice, provided the boot meets the specific requirements ofthe binding manufacturer.7.3.3 If the customer is offering his own skis/bindings foruse with the shops boots, then the equipment should beassembled, adjusted, and inspected according to the normalprocedures used during the in
47、spection of user owned equip-ment as defined in Practice F1063. This procedure also may befollowed whenever the customers boot fails the inspection in7.3.2, or the boot does not meet inventory requirements in7.3.1.8. Sampling Requirements8.1 Sample SizeSample size is 5 % of inventory, but notless th
48、an 16 nor more than 80 units.8.1.1 Sample size may be based on average daily output ifrental output drops below 50 % of capacity over the samplinginterval.8.1.2 The sample is taken at any time during the samplinginterval or may be spread over the period.8.1.3 The sample represents both inventory ava
49、ilable forrental and equipment in the condition in which it is returned,with an equal number of units drawn from each group.All unitswithin such sample should be selected randomly (see 3.1.15).8.2 Sampling FrequencyA sample of the size specified in8.1 is taken every seven days of operation. If the facility failsa sample, daily sampling is instituted. Daily sampling iscontinued until two consecutive samples have passed. Normalsampling is then resumed. After two consecutive weekly(seven days of operation) samples have been conducted with-o
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