1、Designation: F 1092 04An American National StandardStandard Specification forFiberglass (GRP) Pultruded Open-Weather Storm andGuard, Square Railing Systems1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1092; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adopt
2、ion or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification provides the material requirements,construction, inst
3、allation, and testing requirements for open-weather deck, storm-and-guard, fiberglass square railing sys-tems. Components are to be manufactured by the pultrusionprocess.1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas the standard. The SI units given in parentheses are forinformation
4、purposes only.1.3 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to thetest methods portion, Section 9, of this specification: Thisstandard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the userof this standard to establish app
5、ropriate safety and healthpractices and determine the applicability of regulatory limita-tions prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 570 Test Method for Water Absorption of PlasticsD 638 Test Method for Tensile Properties of PlasticsD 695 Test Method for Compressive Properties of
6、 RigidPlasticsD 790 Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforcedand Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating MaterialsD 792 Test Methods for Density and Specific Gravity (Rela-tive Density) of Plastics by DisplacementD 3846 Test Method for In-Plane Shear Strength of Rein-forced Plastics
7、D 3917 Specification for Dimensional Tolerance of Ther-mosetting Glass-Reinforced Plastic Pultruded ShapesE84 Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics ofBuilding Materials3. Terminology Definition3.1 pultrusionprocess of pulling fiberglass rovings(strands), mats, and other forms of reinforcem
8、ents such aswoven fiberglass through baths of thermosetting liquid resin,and then through a heated forming die (made of steel) to forma completed composite fiberglass structural shape.3.1.1 DiscussionThe heated die causes a chemical reac-tion to be initiated in the resin. The liquid resin molecules
9、willcross-link and develop into a hardened plastic that is reinforcedwith the fiberglass.4. Classification4.1 Handrails and stanchions shall be fiberglass pultrudedsquare tube available in the following two types:4.1.1 Type 1FThree-course railing systems, for use alongthe exposed peripheries of free
10、boards, weather decks, andsuperstructure decks.4.1.2 Type 2FTwo-course railing systems, for use onbridges, platforms, walkways, and elsewhere as needed.5. Ordering Information5.1 Orders for materials under this specification shall in-clude the following information:5.1.1 Quantity (lineal feet (metre
11、s) of railing system).5.1.2 Name of material (fiberglass pultruded square railingsystem).5.1.3 Type (See 4.1).5.1.4 Fiberglass coaming, if specified (lineal feet (metres).(See 6.2.5).5.1.5 Attachment method for stanchions (see 6.2.6).5.1.6 ASTM designation and year of issue.6. Materials and Manufact
12、ure6.1 Materials:6.1.1 The fiberglass (GRP) pultruded square tube shall be 23 2 314 in. (50 3 50 3 6.4 mm) with the outside cornerradius532 in. (4 mm). A synthetic surface veil shall be theoutermost layer of reinforcement covering the entire exterior1This specification is under the jurisdiction of A
13、STM Committee F25 on Shipsand Marine Technology and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F25.03 onOutfitting and Deck Machinery.Current edition approved March 1, 2004. Published March 2004. Originallyapproved in 1987. Last previous edition approved in 1994 as F 1092 87(1994)e1.2For reference
14、d ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Con
15、shohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.surface. The resin used throughout the part shall be either aflame retardant isophthalic polyester or a flame retardant vinylester resin containing an ultra-violet radiation (UV) inhibitor.The fiberglass pultruded square tube shall achieve a flamespread index
16、of 25 or less rating in accordance with TestMethod E84. In addition, the fiberglass pultruded square tubeshall achieve a smoke developed index of 450 or less. Theexterior of the pultruded square tubing shall havea1mil(0.025 mm) minimum polyurethane protective coating foradded ultraviolet protection.
17、 The fiberglass pultruded squaretubing shall meet the properties specified in Table 1 anddimensional tolerances shall be in accordance with Specifica-tion D 3917.6.1.2 Fiberglass sheet or solid fiberglass bar shall be used tofabricate the internal connectors for the square tube. Theinternal connecto
18、rs will be 112 3 112 in. (38.1 3 38.1 mm)with length and angularity variable to meet the requirements ofeach connection. Angular connections shall be fabricated fromfiberglass sheet bonded together using a bisphenolA/epichlorohydrin epoxy resin with an amine curing agent togive a minimum thickness o
19、f 112 in. (38.1 mm). The angularconnections will be fabricated to the proper dimension from thefiberglass sheets that have been bonded together. Fiberglasssheet used for angular connections shall meet the propertiesspecified in Table 1. Fiberglass solid bar, 112 3 112 in. (38.1 338.1 mm), shall be u
20、sed for the straight connections and shallmeet the properties specified in Table Rivets shall be nickel copper or nonmetallic.6.1.4 Bolts shall be12 in. (12.7 mm) diameter, 316 stainlesssteel.6.1.5 Adhesive used to bond internal connectors to fiber-glass pultruded square tube shall be a bisp
21、henolA/epichlorohydrin epoxy resin with an amine curing agent.6.2 Manufacture:6.2.1 There shall be a minimum clearance of 4 in. (101 mm)between rail or stanchion centerline and other structure exceptwhere a direct tie-in is desired.6.2.2 Stanchions and standoffs are to be spaced on 5 ft (1.52m) maxi
22、mum centers.6.2.3 All top rails are to be located 42 in. (1.067 m) abovethe deck (deck to top of square tube).6.2.4 Railing system height for ladders shall be measuredvertically from the nosing line.6.2.5 Coaming constructed of fiberglass pultruded materialshall meet the properties specified in Tabl
23、e 1. Fiberglasscoaming shall be 4 in. (101 mm) in vertical height from its topedge to the level of the deck. Fiberglass coaming shall be acorrugated or channel design with a minimum of12 in. (12mm) deep section or minimum12 in. channel leg to developadded strength. It shall be securely fastened to t
24、he stanchionusing nickel-copper rivets and with not more than14 in. (6.4mm) clearance above floor level. The thickness shall be at least316 in. (4.75 mm) with the overall depth not more than 1 in. (26mm). See Fig. 1 for example.6.2.6 Fiberglass square tube rail stanchions shall be attachedto the dec
25、k or structural supports as follows: Attached to steel coaming (Fig. 2). Inserted in pedestal/stanchion mount (Fig. 3). Attached to structural members (Fig. 4). Attached to steel angle (Fig. 5).TABLE 1 Fiberglass Pultruded Material PropertiesTest Method psi (MPa)Specifica
26、tions for 2 3 (513 6.4) Pultruded Fiberglass SquareTube and Coaming:Ultimate tensile strength in longitudinal direction D 638 30 000 (207), minUltimate compressive strength in longitudinal direction D 695 30 000 (207), minUltimate flexural strength in longitudinal direction D 790 30 000 (207), minUl
27、timate shear strength in longitudinal direction D 3846 5500 (38), minUltimate tensile strength in transverse direction D 638 7000 (48), minUltimate compressive strength in transverse direction D 695 15 000 (103), minUltimate flexural strength in transverse direction D 790 10 000 (69), minUltimate sh
28、ear strength in transverse direction D 3846 5500 (38), minDensity (lb/in.3(kg/mm3) D 792 0.065 (0.00180), minWater absorption (24-h immersion) D 570 0.60 max, % by weightSpecification for Pultruded Fiberglass Sheet:Ultimate tensile strength in longitudinal direction D 638 20 000 (138), minUltimate c
29、ompressive strength in longitudinal direction D 695 25 000 (172), minUltimate flexural strength in longitudinal direction D 790 30 000 (207), minUltimate shear strength in longitudinal direction D 3846 5500 (38), minUltimate tensile strength in transverse direction D 638 10 000 (69), minUltimate com
30、pressive strength in transverse direction D 695 15 000 (103), minUltimate flexural strength in transverse direction D 790 13 000 (90), minUltimate shear strength in transverse direction D 3846 5500 (38), minDensity (lb/in.3(kg/mm3) D 792 0.064 (0.00177), minWater absorption (24-h immersion) D 570 0.
31、50 max, % by weightSpecifications for Pultruded 1 3 1 in. (38.1 3 38.1 mm) SolidFiberglass Bar:Ultimate tensile strength in longitudinal direction D 638 100 000 (689), minUltimate compressive strength in longitudinal direction D 695 60 000 (414), minUltimate flexural strength in longitudinal directi
32、on D 790 100 000 (689), minDensity (lb/in.3(kg/mm3) D 792 0.074 (0.00205), minWater absorption (24-h immersion) D 570 0.25 max, % by weightF 1092 0427. Dimensions7.1 Dimensions for Type 1FThree-course rails shall be inaccordance with Fig. 6.7.2 Dimensions for Type 2FTwo-course rails shall be inaccor
33、dance with Fig. 1.8. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance8.1 All cut edges and holes shall be sealed with a compat-ible resin system containing a UV inhibitor.8.2 All connections shall be made using a one piece solidinternal connector (in accordance with 6.1.2) bonded to theinterior of the square tub
34、e using an epoxy adhesive and riveted.The following types of connections are defined:8.2.1 Corner connection (Fig. 7).8.2.2 Splice (Fig. 8).8.2.3 Midrail to stanchion (Fig. 9).8.2.4 Top rail to stanchion (Fig. 10).8.2.5 Stair railing system to stanchion (Fig. 11).8.2.6 Stair rail to rail (Fig. 12).8
35、.3 All bolted connections shall have a one-piece solidinternal connector (in accordance with 6.1.2) bonded to theinterior of the square tube through which connector holes willbe drilled. A minimum 1 in. (26 mm) length of the solidinternal connector will be on each side of the drilled hole.8.4 Additi
36、onal solid internal connector pieces can bebonded with epoxy adhesive to the interior of the square tubeas desired.9. Test Methods9.1 Test at least one end stanchion and one other stanchionof each platform or deck by application of a load horizontallyin accordance with the methods in “Strength and S
37、tiffness ofMetal Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings.”33“Strength and Stiffness of Metal Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings,”Journal of Testing and Evaluation, ASTM International, Vol 16, No. 2, March 1988,pp. 214-221.FIG. 1 Fiberglass CoamingFIG. 2 Steel CoamingF 1092 04310. Keywords10.1 f
38、iberglass rails; marine; open-weather deck; pultruded;railing system; ship; square rails; storm-and-guardNOTE 1All joints to be epoxied and bolted or riveted.FIG. 3 Pedestal/Stanchion MountFIG. 4 Railing System StanchionsStructural MembersF 1092 044FIG. 5 Railing Systems Stanchions Anchored to Steel
39、 DeckFIG. 6 Three-Course RailF 1092 045FIG. 7 Corner ConnectionFIG. 8 SpliceFIG. 9 Midrail to StanchionF 1092 046FIG. 10 Top Rail to StanchionFIG. 11 Stair to StanchionF 1092 047ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item men
40、tionedin this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the riskof infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee
41、 and must be reviewed every five years andif not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standardsand should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting
42、 of theresponsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you shouldmake your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO B
43、ox C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the aboveaddress or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or serviceastm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website(www.astm.org).FIG. 12 Stair Rail to RailF 1092 048
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