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ASTM F1177-2002 Standard Terminology Relating to Emergency Medical Services《与急诊服务相关的标准术语》.pdf

1、Designation: F 1177 02Standard Terminology Relating toEmergency Medical Services1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1177; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in par

2、entheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This terminology covers standard definitions of termswhich apply to all F30 standards, but which are more precisethan common usage.2. Referenced Do

3、cuments2.1 ASTM Standards:F 1219 Guide for Training the Emergency Medical Techni-cian (Basic) to Perform Initial and Detailed Assessment2F 1253 Guide for Training the Emergency Medical Techni-cian (Basic) to Perform Patient Secondary Assessment3F 1254 Practice for Performance of Prehospital ManualDe

4、fibrillation2F 1255 Practice for Performance of Prehospital AutomatedDefibrillation2F 1256 Guide for Selection and Practice of EmergencyMedical Services Instructor for Basic Life Support/Emergency Medical Technician (BLS/EMT) Training Pro-grams2F 1257 Guide for Selection and Practice of EmergencyMed

5、ical Services Instructor for Advanced Life Support/Emergency Medical Technician (ALS/EMT) TrainingPrograms2F 1287 Guide for Scope of Performance of First RespondersWho Provide Emergency Medical Care23. Terminology3.1 Appropriate definitions for interpretation of terms usedin ASTM Emergency Medical S

6、ervices standards shall bedetermined in the following order:3.1.1 Specific definitions of terminology or description ofterms provided in the standard. These will apply to use of theterm in that standard only.3.1.2 ASTM Standard Terminology Relating to EmergencyMedical Services (F 1177).3.1.3 Tabers

7、Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 16th Edition.43.1.4 Mosbys Emergency Dictionary.53.2 Definitions:adjunct instructoran individual with specialized subjectmatter expertise, who, on occasion, instructs a specific topicof a curriculum under the direction of the course instructor/coordinator. F 1256, F 12

8、57advanced life supportmedically accepted life sustaining,invasive or non-invasive procedures; provided under thedirection of a physician or other authorized health careprovider.ambulancea vehicle for transportation of the sick andinjured, equipped and staffed to provide emergency medicalcare during

9、 transit.ambulance servicea qualified provider of medical transpor-tation for patients requiring treatment or monitoring, or both,due to illness or injury.ambulance service providera person or organization, eitherpublic or private, responsible for operation, maintenance,and administation of an ambul

10、ance service.associate instructoran individual who possesses the quali-fications and education/training of a course instructor/coordinator, but, in a specific course, assumes a supportiveor assisting role to the course instructor/coordinator. Thisindividual may substitute for the course instructor/c

11、oordinator in case of necessity or, in other courses, servesas a course instructor/coordinator. F 1256, F 1257basic life support (BLS)medically accepted non-invasiveprocedures used to sustain life.basic life support/cardiopulmonary resuscitation (BLS/CPR)a set of skills that includes airway manageme

12、nt,chest compressions, and others as defined by the AmericanHeart Association. F 1254, F 1255, F 1287call rotationa system in which emergency medical re-sponses are allocated sequentially to multiple providers.clinical certificationa standardized process for evaluationand recognition of an acceptabl

13、e level of competence in aspecific aspect of patient care. F 1256, F 1257clinical experienceexposure to and practice in an area ofpatient care. F 1256, F 12571This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F30 onEmergency Medical Services and is the direct responsibility of Subcommitte

14、eF30.06 on Terminology.Current edition approved Sept. 10, 2002. Published October 2002. Originallypublished as F 1177 88. Last previous edition F 1177 96a.2Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 13.01.3Discontinued. See 1998 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 13.01.4Tabers Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary,

15、 16th Edition, F. A. Davis Company,Philadelphia, PA, 1989.5Mosbys Emergency Dictionary, C. V. Mosby Company, St. Louis, MO, 1989.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.clinical/field preceptoran individual who supervises and

16、evaluates the students during clinical or field experiencesunder the direction of the course instructor/coordinator.F 1256, F 1257clinical medical practicepatient diagnosis and treatment,including treatment protocols, which are the purview ofqualified professionals (as determined by the state or oth

17、erappropriate authority).communication resourcean entity responsible for imple-mentation of direct medical direction, or entities responsiblefor response and scene two-way communication, or both(also known as medical control resource).course administratoran individual responsible for manag-ing admin

18、istrative details of a course, separate from actualinstruction of the course. F 1256, F 1257course instructor/coordinator (I/C)an individual who isauthorized by the appropriate entity to present and assesscompetence in all of the subject matter contained in acurriculum. This person also oversees all

19、 instruction in thecourse and makes final evaluations concerning studentcompetence. F 1256, F 1257definitive carea level of therapeutic intervention capable ofproviding comprehensive health care services for a specificcondition.delegated practicethe medical activities of providers per-formed under t

20、he authority and direction of a medical controlthe process of providing immediatephysician orders to EMS personnel through direct commu-nication (also known as on-line medical control).dispatch life supportthe knowledge, procedures, and skillsused by trained emergency medica

21、l dispatchers in guidingcare by means of post-dispatch (pre-arrival) instruction tocallers.EMS regiona defined geographic area used for EMS plan-ning, development, and coordination.emergency medical dispatcher (EMD)a trained publicsafety telecommunicator with additional training and spe-cific emerge

22、ncy medical knowledge essential for the efficientmanagement of emergency communications.emergency medical facilitya physical structure, excludingmobile vehicles, which has been approved by the appropriateregulatory authority to receive emergency patients andwhich is equipped and staffed to evaluate

23、and treat patientswith life threatening conditions.emergency medical servicesthe provision of services topatients requiring immediate assistance due to illness orinjury, including access, response, rescue, prehospital andhospital treatment, and transportation.emergency medical services (EMS) systema

24、 coordinatedarrangement of resources (including personnel, equipment,and facilities) organized to respond to medical emergencies,regardless of the care provideran organization, institution, or indi-vidual authorized to provide direct patient care.indirect medical directionthe physician

25、management of allclinical aspects of an EMS system, including but not limitedto planning, training, implementation, and evaluation (alsoknown as off-line medical control).intervener physiciana licensed M.D. or D.O., having notpreviously established a doctor/patient relationship with theemergency pat

26、ient, who is willing to accept responsibilityfor patient care, and who can provide proof of a currentmedical license.medical directionphysician responsibility for the develop-ment, implementation, and evaluation of the clinical aspectsof an EMS system.medical protocolpreestablished physician authori

27、zed proce-dures or guidelines for medical care of a specified clinicalsituation, based on patient presentation (also known asstanding orders).medical transportation servicesthe moving of patientsfrom one location to another. Specific services include any orall of the following: emergency and non-eme

28、rgency medicalresponse and transportation; scheduled and non-scheduledinterfacility transfers, medical standbys, long-distance medi-cal transfers, air medical response and transport (helicopterand fixed wing aircraft); and stretcher and wheelchairtransport services.medical transportation systema sub

29、-system of the emer-gency medical services system consisting of an organizationor collection of medical transport services which providetransportation, treatment, and observation of patients for aspecific geographic aidthe furnishing of resources, from one individualor agency to another

30、individual or agency, including but notlimited to facilities, personnel, equipment, and services,pursuant to an agreement with the individual or agency, foruse within the jurisdiction of the individual or agencyrequesting medical directora physician responsible for allaspects of

31、an EMS system dealing with the provision ofmedical care (also known as System Medical Director).on-line medical physiciana physician immediately avail-able for communication of medical direction to non-physician prehospital care providers in remote location.pertinent patient informationinformation o

32、btained fromall available resources that relates to the patients conditionand problems. This information must be continuously up-dated. All information must be recorded and reported.F 1219, F 1253practical skills instructoran individual who assists withpractical skills instruction under the directio

33、n of the courseinstructor/coordinator. F 1256, F 1257prehospital emergency medical servicesa sub-system ofthe emergency medical services system which providesmedical services to patients requiring immediate assistancedue to illness or injury, prior to the patients arrival at anemergency medical faci

34、lity.prehospital providerall personnel providing emergencymedical care in a location which is remote from facilitieswhich are capable of providing definitive medical care.sequential responsethe assignment, according to local pro-tocols, of emergency medical resources with varying levelsof care capab

35、ility to the scene of an illness or injury based oninformation received from previously arrived, medicallyF1177022trained, on-scene responders. A sequential response differsfrom a simultaneous response.simultaneous responsethe assignment of multiple emer-gency medical resources to the scene of an il

36、lness or injurybased on initially available information and local opera-tional policies. These may have varying levels of carecapability (for example ALS and BLS, ground and air).Subsequent care or transportation, or both, of the patient isprovided by the unit which most closely meets the patientsne

37、eds. A simultaneous response differs from a sequentialresponse.standing ordersa type of medical protocol which providesspecific written orders for actions, techniques, or drugadministration when communication has not been estab-lished for direct medical direction.tiered responsea predetermined, prot

38、ocol driven, level ofmedical care and vehicle operation mode based on multiplelevels of resource response. The two types of tiered responseare sequential response (q.v.) and simultaneous response(q.v.).trauma care systema subsystem within the EMS systemdesigned to manage the treatment of the trauma

39、patient.vehicle operation modethe manner of operation of anemergency medical vehicle, involving the use of warningdevices and the exercise of driving privileges legally allowedfor emergency vehicles.wilderness settingsituations in which the delivery of patientcare by EMS providers is adversely affec

40、ted by logisticalcomplications, such as: an environment that is physicallystressful or hazardous to the patient, rescue personnel, orboth; remoteness of the patients location, such that it causesa delay in the delivery of care to the patient; or lack ofadequate medical supplies, equipment, or transp

41、ortation.F 30.02.05This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years andif not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standardsand should be

42、addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you shouldmake your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,

43、 at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the aboveaddress or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website(

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