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本文(ASTM F1977-2004 Standard Test Method for Determining Initial Fractional Filtration Efficiency of a Vacuum Cleaner System《测定真空吸尘器系统初始部分过滤效率的标准试验方法》.pdf)为本站会员(confusegate185)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM F1977-2004 Standard Test Method for Determining Initial Fractional Filtration Efficiency of a Vacuum Cleaner System《测定真空吸尘器系统初始部分过滤效率的标准试验方法》.pdf

1、Designation: F 1977 04An American National StandardStandard Test Method forDetermining Initial, Fractional, Filtration Efficiency of aVacuum Cleaner System1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1977; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adopt

2、ion or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This test method may be used to determine the initial,fractional, filtra

3、tion efficiency of household and commercialcanister (tank-type), stick, hand-held, upright, and utilityvacuum cleaner systems.1.1.1 Water-filtration vacuum cleaners which do not utilizea replaceable dry media filter located between the water-basedfilter and cleaning air exhaust are not included in t

4、his testmethod. It has been determined that the exhaust of thesevacuum cleaners is not compatible with the specified discreteparticle counter (DPC) procedure.1.2 The initial, fractional, filtration efficiencies of the entirevacuum cleaner system, at six discrete particle sizes (0.3, 0.5,0.7, 1.0, 2.

5、0, and 3 m), is derived by counting upstreamchallenge particles and the constituent of downstream particleswhile the vacuum cleaner system is being operated in astationary test condition.1.3 The vacuum cleaner system is tested at the nozzle withthe normal airflow rate produced by restricting the inl

6、et to thenozzle adapter with the 114-in. orifice.1.4 The vacuum cleaner system is tested with a new filter(s)installed, and with no preliminary dust loading. The fractionalefficiencies determined by this test method shall be consideredinitial system filtration efficiencies. The filters are not chang

7、edbetween test runs on the same cleaner.1.5 Neutralized potassium chloride (KCl) is used as thechallenge media in this test method.1.6 One or two particle counters may be used to satisfy therequirements of this test method. If using one counter, flowcontrol is required to switch between sampling the

8、 upstreamand downstream air sampling probes.1.7 To efficiently utilize this test method, automated testequipment and computer automation is recommended.1.8 Different sampling parameters, flow rates, and so forth,for the specific applications of the equipment and test proce-dure may provide equivalen

9、t results. It is beyond the scope ofthis test method to define those various possibilities.1.9 This test method is limited to the test apparatus, or itsequivalent, as described in this document.1.10 This test method is not intended or designed to provideany measure of the health effects or medical a

10、spects of vacuumcleaning.1.11 This test method is not intended or designed todetermine the integrity of HEPA filtration assemblies used invacuum cleaner systems employed in nuclear and defensefacilities.1.12 The inch-pound system of units is used in this testmethod, except for the common usage of th

11、e micrometer, m,for the description of particle size which is a SI unit.1.13 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine

12、the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 1193 Specification for Reagent WaterD 1356 Terminology Relating to Sampling and Analysis ofAtmospheresD 3154 Test Method for Average Velocity in a Duct (PitotTube Method)F 50 Practice for Continuou

13、s Sizing and Counting of Air-borne Particles in Dust-Controlled Areas and Clean RoomsUsing Instruments Capable of Detecting Single Sub-Micrometre and Larger ParticlesF 395 Terminology Relating to Vacuum CleanersF 558 Test Method for Measuring Air Performance Charac-teristics of Vacuum Cleaners2.2 Ot

14、her Documents:IES Recommended Practice CC021.1Testing HEPA andULPA Filter Media31This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F11 on VacuumCleaners and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F11.23 on Filtration.Current edition approved March 1, 2004. Published March 2004. Orig

15、inallyapproved in 1999. Last previous edition approved in 1999 as F 197799.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe

16、 ASTM website.3Available from the Institute of Environmental Sciences, 940 E. NorthwestHighway, Mount Prospect, IL 60056.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.IES Recommended Practice CC001.3HEPA and ULPAFilters3ISO Guide 2

17、5General Requirements for the Competenceof Calibration and Testing Laboratories4EN 1822 High Efficiency Air Filters (HEPA and ULPA)3. Terminology3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1 challenge, naerosolized media introduced upstreamof the test unit and used to determine the filtra

18、tion character-istics of the test unit. DiscussionAlso known as test aerosol. The term“contaminant” shall not be used to describe the media oraerosol used to challenge the filtration system in this testmethod. The term “contaminant” is defined in TerminologyD 1356 and does not meet the needs

19、of this test method.3.1.2 chamber airflow, nthe sum of all airflows measuredat a point near the downstream probe.3.1.3 filter, nthe entity consisting of the converted filtermedia and other items required to be employed in a vacuumcleaner for the purpose of arresting and collecting particulatematter

20、from the dirt-laden air stream; sometimes referred to asa filter element, filter assembly, cartridge, or bag.3.1.4 normal airflow, nthat airflow occurring at the sys-tems nozzle due to the 114-in. orifice restriction at the inlet tothe nozzle adapter.3.1.5 nozzle adaptor, na plenum chamber, fabricat

21、ed tomount to the inlet nozzle of the test unit in a sealable mannerand shown in Fig. DiscussionConstruction specifications are dis-cussed in the Apparatus section.3.1.6 particle count, nthe numeric sum of particles percubic foot over the specified sample time. DiscussionThroughout

22、this test method, the unitsof measure for this term, generally, do not accompany the term“particle count” and are assumed to be understood by thereader.3.1.7 primary motor(s), nthe motor(s) which drive(s) theblower(s), producing airflow through the vacuum cleaner.3.1.8 secondary motor(s), nthe motor

23、(s) in the vacuumcleaner system not employed for the generation of airflow.3.1.9 sheath air, nthe air flowing over and around the testunit that is mounted in the test chamber.3.1.10 stabilization, nthose conditions of operation whichproduce results having a total variation of less than 3 % and atlea

24、st 1000 total count in all size ranges for challenge equal toor less than 15 counts per cubic foot in the 0.3-m channel forthe background count. DiscussionTotal variation is calculated as themaximum data point minus the minimum data point divided bythe maximum data point times D

25、iscussionThe assurance of statistical control isnot a simple matter and needs to be addressed. A process is ina state of statistical control if the variations between theobserved test results vary in a predictable manner and show nounassignable trends, cyclical characteristics, abrupt changes,excess

26、 scatter, or other unpredictable variations.3.1.11 system filtration effciency, na numerical valuebased on the ratio of a discrete size, particle count emergingfrom the vacuum cleaner, relative to the upstream challenge,particle count of the same size.3.1.12 test chamber, nthe enclosed space surroun

27、ding thevacuum cleaner being tested, used to maintain the controlledenvironmental conditions required during the test procedure.3.1.13 test run, nthe definitive procedure that produces asingular measured result. DiscussionA test run is the period of time duringwhich one complete set of upstr

28、eam or downstream air sampledata, or both, is acquired.3.2 Definitions:3.2.1 aerosol, na suspension of solid or liquid particles ina gas.3.2.2 background particles, nextraneous particles in theair stream prior to the start of the test. DiscussionUnder conditions required of this testmethod, e

29、xtraneous particles will be found to pass through thetest chamber (for example, particles penetrating the test cham-bers HEPA filters or being abraded or released from thesurfaces of tubing and test equipment). Operating understabilized conditions, these particles shall be counted in thedownstream f

30、low and subsequently subtracted from the testdata to determine the initial, fractional, filtration efficiency ofthe test unit (see Note 3).3.2.3 channel, nin particle analyzers, a group of particlesizes having a definitive range; the lower end of the rangeidentifies the channel, for example, a range

31、 of particle sizesfrom 0.3 to 0.5 m is identified as the 0.3-m channel.3.2.4 coincidence error, nin particle analyzers, errorsoccurring at concentration levels near or above the designlimits of the instrument being used because two or moreparticles are simultaneously being sensed.3.2.5 diffusion dry

32、er, nin aerosol technology, a devicecontaining desiccant, surrounding the aerosol flow path, thatremoves excess moisture by diffusion capture.3.2.6 diluter, nin aerosol technology, a device used toreduce the concentration of particles in an aerosol.3.2.7 downstream, advsignifies the position of any

33、objector condition that is physically in or part of the airflow streamoccurring after the referenced item.3.2.8 DPC, nan acronym for discrete particle counter.4Available from International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1 rue deVaremb, Case postale 56, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland.FIG. 1

34、 Nozzle AdapterF19770423.2.8.1 DiscussionThe IES Recommended PracticeCC001.3 and Practice F 50 describe a discrete particle counteras a instrument that utilizes light-scattering or other suitableprinciple to count and size discrete particles in air, and thatdisplays or records the results. The discr

35、ete particle counter isalso known as a single-particle counter or simply as a particlecounter and it determines geometric rather than aerodynamicparticle size.3.2.9 fractional effciency, na numerical value based onthe ratio of the number of emergent, downstream particles of adiscrete size, relative

36、to the number of incident, upstreamparticles of the same size. DiscussionIn practice, a single particle size isreported, having an understood or assumed size range equal tothe channel size. This value is also known as the differentialsize efficiency or particle size efficiency, or both.3.2.10

37、 fractional effciency curve, nthe fractional effi-ciency plotted as a function of the particle size.3.2.11 HEPA, adjan acronym for high-efficiency particu-late air. DiscussionAdditional information pertaining toHEPA may be found in IES 21.1 (99.97 % at 0.3 in salt asmodified) or EN 1822 (H12

38、 or better at 0.3 rather than mostpenetrating particle size).53.2.12 laminar, adjin pneumatics, nonturbulent, laminarflow through a pipe is considered laminar when the Reynoldsnumber is less than approximately 2000 and turbulent for aReynolds number greater than approximately 4000. Discussio

39、nLaminar flow in a pipe is character-ized by a smooth symmetrical pattern of streamlines. TheReynolds number is a nondimensional unit of measure propor-tional to the ratio of the inertial force of the gas to the frictionalforces acting on each element of the fluid.6,73.2.13 neutralizer, nin aerosol

40、technology, a device usedto minimize losses and coagulation caused by electrostaticcharges, and to counteract high charge levels in aerosolsgenerated by nebulization, combustion, or dispersion by neu-tralizing the particle charge level to the Boltzmann distributionlevel. DiscussionNeutralize

41、rs generally use radioactiveKrypton gas, Kr-85, sealed in a stainless steel tube shielded byan outer metal housing.3.2.14 particle, na small, discrete object.3.2.15 particulate, adjindicates that the material in ques-tion has particle-like properties.3.2.16 population, nthe total of all the units of

42、 a particularmodel vacuum cleaner being tested.3.2.17 sample, na small, representative group of vacuumcleaners, taken from a large collection (population) of vacuumcleaners of one particular model, which serve to provideinformation that may be used as a basis for making adetermination concerning the

43、 larger collection.3.2.18 submicrometer, adjdescribes the range of particleshaving a mean diameter of less than 1 m (1 3 106m).3.2.19 unit or test unit, na single vacuum cleaner systemof the model being tested.3.2.20 upstream, advsignifies the position of any object orcondition that is physically in

44、 or part of the airflow streamoccurring before the referenced item.3.2.21 vacuum cleaner, nas defined in TerminologyF 395.3.3 Symbols:cfm = cubic feet/minute.D = diameter, in.ft = feet.F = degrees Fahrenheit.Hz = frequency, Hertz.H2O = water, = inch.psi = pound-force per square inch.Q = a

45、irflow rate, cubic feet/minute.RH = relative humidity.RMS = root mean square.s = second.X= population mean.Xi= test unit average.m = micrometre (106m).% = percent.4. Summary of Test Method4.1 This test method provides a procedure to determine theinitial, fractional, filtration efficiency of a vacuum

46、 cleanersystem (system filtration efficiency). The effects of the down-stream concentration of particles that may be caused by variousfactors including the electric motor(s) used in the vacuumcleaner are counted as part of the test method. The report on theresults of the testing will indicate if the

47、se downstream countswere included or were mathematically removed in the deter-mination of the initial fractional efficiency.4.2 In determining a vacuum cleaner systems initial, frac-tional, filtration efficiency, the test unit is placed in a testchamber, and sealed from ambient conditions. In this t

48、estchamber, a large, controlled volume of HEPA filtered air(meeting HEPA standards as defined by IES-RC-CC021.1) ispassed over and around the test unit. A controlled aerosolchallenge is introduced into the vacuum cleaner system.Upstream and downstream, air sampling measurements of thenumber and size

49、s of particles, within six particular ranges(channels), are acquired on a near, real time basis. The initial,fractional, filtration efficiency values at six incremental sizesare then calculated.5. Significance and Use5.1 It is well known that modern electrical appliances,incorporating electric motors that use carbon brushes forcommutation, may emit aerosolized, particles into the sur-rounding environment. This test method determines the initial,5“High Efficiency Particulate Air Filters (HEPA and ULPA),” European C

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