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本文(ASTM F496-2008 Standard Specification for In-Service Care of Insulating Gloves and Sleeves《使用绝缘手套和套袖时的保养标准规范》.pdf)为本站会员(sofeeling205)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM F496-2008 Standard Specification for In-Service Care of Insulating Gloves and Sleeves《使用绝缘手套和套袖时的保养标准规范》.pdf

1、Designation: F 496 08Standard Specification forIn-Service Care of Insulating Gloves and Sleeves1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 496; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A

2、 number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers the in-service care, inspection,testing, and use voltage of insulating gloves and sleeves forprotection from

3、 electrical shock.1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as thestandard. See IEEE/ASTM SI 10.1.3 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to thetest method portion, Sections 6 and 7, of this specification. Thisstandard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if

4、any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the userof this standard to establish appropriate safety and healthpractices and determine the applicability of regulatory limita-tions prior to use. For a specific warning statement, see 7.2.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 120 S

5、pecification for Rubber Insulating GlovesD 1051 Specification for Rubber Insulating SleevesD 2865 Practice for Calibration of Standards and Equip-ment for Electrical Insulating Materials TestingF 696 Specification for Leather Protectors for Rubber Insu-lating Gloves and MittensF 819 Terminology Rela

6、ting to Electrical Protective Equip-ment for WorkersF 1236 Guide for Visual Inspection of Electrical ProtectiveRubber Products2.2 ANSI Standards:C 39.5 Safety Requirements for Electrical and ElectronicMeasuring and Controlling Instrumentation3IEEE/ASTM SI-10 Standard for Use of the InternationalSyst

7、em of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System23. Significance and Use3.1 Compliance with this specification should continue toprovide personnel with insulating gloves and sleeves of knownand acceptable quality after initial acceptance in accordancewith Specifications D 120 and D 1051. The specification

8、sherein are to be considered as minimum requirements.3.2 A margin of safety shall be provided between themaximum use voltage and the voltage at which the gloves andsleeves are retested. The relationship between retest voltageand maximum use voltage at which the gloves and sleeves shallbe used is sho

9、wn in Table When work is not being performed on energizedconductors or equipment, or both, any contact with energizedconductors or equipment, or both, would be limited to thephase-to-ground potential. If gloves are the only protectionused in such operations, the phase-to-ground voltage to wh

10、ichthe gloves may be exposed shall be limited to the maximumuse voltage of that class glove as listed in Table 1.3.3 The user of these types of protective equipment shall beknowledgeable of and instructed in the correct and safeinspection and use of such equipment.4. Terminology4.1 Definitions:4.1.1

11、 ozonea very active form of oxygen that may beproduced by corona, arcing, or ultraviolet rays.4.1.2 For definitions of other terms, refer to TerminologyF 819.1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F18 onElectrical Protective Equipment for Workers and is the direct responsibi

12、lity ofSubcommittee F18.15 on Worker Personal Equipment.Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2008. Published November 2008. Originallyapproved in 1977. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as F 496 06.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service

13、 at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http:/ ASTM International, 100

14、Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.5. Classification5.1 Gloves and sleeves covered under this specification aredesignated as Type I or Type II; Class 00, Class 0, Class 1,Class 2, Class 3, or Class Type I, nonresistant to ozone, made from a high-g

15、radecis-1,4-polyisoprene rubber compound of natural or syntheticorigin, properly vulcanized.5.1.2 Type II, ozone resistant, made of any elastomer orcombination of elastomeric compounds.5.1.3 The electrical properties correspond to those shown inTable 1. The class designations are those specified in

16、Specifi-cations D 120 and D 1051.6. Inspection and Testing at an Electrical Testing Facility6.1 The recommended sequence of inspection and testing ofgloves and sleeves at an electrical testing facility is:6.1.1 Check-in, washing, and preliminary inspection,6.1.2 Repair,6.1.3 Electrical test,6.1.4 Dr

17、ying,6.1.5 Final inspection,6.1.6 Record-keeping and marking, and6.1.7 Powdering, pairing, and packing for storage or ship-ment.6.2 When gloves and sleeves are received at an electricaltest facility, they should be checked in as soon as practicable toeliminate any folds, creases, and improper storag

18、e.6.3 The gloves and sleeves shall be washed with a mild soapor mild detergent and water. After washing, the gloves andsleeves shall be thoroughly rinsed with water to remove allsoap or detergent and dried. Mild household type chloridebleach may be used for disinfectant purposes. Soaps, deter-gents,

19、 and bleaches shall not be used at strengths that wouldattack or harm the rubber surface.NOTE 1The cleaning agent shall not degrade the insulating qualitiesof the gloves and sleeves.NOTE 2A commercial tumble-type washing machine may be used,but caution must be observed to eliminate any interior surf

20、aces or edgesthat will cut, abrade, puncture, or pinch the gloves and sleeves.NOTE 3Gloves and sleeves may be suspended to allow drainage andair circulation or dried in a commercial tumble-type automatic dryer. In anautomatic dryer, caution must be observed to eliminate any ozone orultraviolet lamps

21、 and interior surfaces that will cut, abrade, puncture, orpinch the gloves and sleeves.6.4 Prior to the electrical test, gloves and sleeves should begiven a preliminary inspection for punctures, tears, cuts,bruises, ozone cutting or checking, or any other obviousconditions that would adversely affec

22、t performance. (SeeGuide F 1236). If any of these conditions are found, the gloveor sleeves shall be rejected, or repaired in accordance withSection 10. Minor surface corona cutting or ozone checking inthe gauntlet area, (See Fig. 1), above the water line, need notbe cause for rejection.6.5 The glov

23、es and sleeves shall be tested in accordancewith Section 7.6.6 The gloves and sleeves shall not be air-dried with an airtemperature in excess of 65 C (150 F).6.7 The gloves and sleeves shall be given a detailed inspec-tion over their entire surface for physical defects and ozonedamage. (See Guide F

24、1236). They may be turned inside outfor inside inspection, but only for the duration of the inspec-tion. They may be inflated with air to enhance the identificationof small defects, but caution shall be exercised to avoidover-inflation (see Note 11). This detailed inspection may beperformed prior to

25、 the electrical tests, where it can be demon-strated that the electrical testing process does not cause ozonedamage.6.8 The inside surface of gloves may be dusted with apowder. Gloves and sleeves should be sorted by pairs andpacked in accordance with Section 8 for field care, inspection,and storage.

26、7. Electrical Tests7.1 Electrically retest gloves or sleeves issued for service.Base the interval between date of issue and retests on workpractices and test experience. It shall not exceed 6 months forgloves and twelve months for sleeves. Gloves or sleeves thathave been electrically tested but not

27、issued for service shall notbe placed into service unless they have been electrically testedwithin the previous twelve months.7.1.1 Each glove or sleeve shall withstand the 50Hz or60Hz ac retest voltage (rms value) or the dc retest voltage(average value) specified in Table 1. The test voltage shall

28、beapplied continuously for not less than 1 min and not more than3 min.7.1.2 The insulating gloves tested by the ac method shallalso meet the requirements of Table 2.7.2 WarningThe test apparatus should be designed toafford the operator full protection in the performance of hisduties. Reliable means

29、of de-energizing and grounding thehigh-voltage circuit should be provided. It is particularlyimportant to incorporate positive means of grounding thehigh-voltage section of dc test apparatus due to the likelypresence of high-voltage capacitance charges at the conclusionof the test. See ANSI C 39.5.T

30、ABLE 1 Voltage RequirementsClass Designationof Glove or SleeveMaximum ACUseVoltage rms, VAC RetestVoltagerms, VMaximumDC UseVoltageavg, VDC RetestVoltageavg, V00 500 2 500 750 10 0000 1 000 5 000 1 500 20 0001 7 500 10 000 11 250 40 0002 17 000 20 000 25 500 50 0003 26 500 30 000 39 750 60 0004 36 0

31、00 40 000 54 000 70 000FIG. 1 Rubber GloveGauntlet Area (All Classes)F4960827.2.1 The equipment shall be inspected at least annually toensure that the general condition of the equipment is acceptableand to verify the characteristics and accuracy of the testvoltages.7.2.2 To eliminate damaging ozone

32、and possible flashoveralong the glove cuff or sleeve openings, there should be asufficient flow of air into and around the glove or sleeve and anexhaust system to adequately remove ozone from the testmachine. Consistent ozone cutting and checking during the testprocedure should be cause to ascertain

33、 the adequacy of theexhaust system.7.3 Industries, such as telecommunications, that utilize in-sulating gloves as precautionary protection against uninten-tional contact with energized conductors, may increase themaximum interval between issue and retest to nine months.7.4 Both ac and dc voltage ret

34、est methods are included andeither method may be selected for electrical testing.7.5 Glove Tests:7.5.1 Perform all electrical tests on clean gloves and atnormal room temperatures. Fill the gloves, right side out, withconductive, clean water and immerse to a depth in compliancewith Table 3 for the re

35、test voltage to be used. The water levelduring the test shall be the same inside and outside the gloves.Connect the water inside the glove, which forms one testelectrode, and the water in the tank outside the glove, whichforms the other electrode, to the opposite terminals of thehigh-voltage source.

36、 The water should be free of air bubblesand air pockets inside or outside the glove and the exposedportion of the glove above the water line shall be dry.7.5.2 Insulating gloves being retested by the ac method shallmeet the requirements of Table 2. If the proof test current is inexcess of these limi

37、ts, the glove shall be rejected.NOTE 4For further details on recommended equipment and proce-dures, refer to Specification D 120.7.6 Sleeve Tests Perform all electrical tests on cleansleeves right side out and at normal room temperature. Sevenmethods of mounting sleeves are described in the followin

38、gsections, with test limitations on some of the methods. Both acand dc proof-test procedures are included in this section. Ineach of the six test methods, the inner and outer electrodesshall be connected to the opposite terminals of the high-voltagesource. Electrode to electrode clearances shall be

39、as specifiedin Table Electrodes: Water Electrodes, Inverted MountingIn thismethod, invert the small end of the sleeve and pull through tothe large end to form an annular trough as shown in crosssection in Fig. 2. (see Note 5). Immerse the sleeve in water andfill the trough with water

40、until the levels both inside andoutside the trough are the same. Particular care should be takento avoid any sharp folds in the sleeves as they may causepremature dielectric breakdown at these points.NOTE 5Use of this method may result in excessive breakdownfailures when tested above 10 000 V ac or

41、50 000 V dc if the testapparatus does not conform with Water Electrodes, Sling MountingIn this method,place a non-insulating pipe or rod at least 51 mm (2 in.) indiameter at about the midpoint between the cuff and underarmedge. The pipe or rod should be of sufficient weight to hold the

42、sleeve down to prevent creasing and its length should be noless than the width of the sleeve. Immerse the sleeve in waterTABLE 2 AC Proof-Test Current, max, mAClassDesignationof GloveRetestVoltage,maxGlove,280 mm(11 in.)Glove,360 mm(14 in.)Glove,410 mm(16 in.)Glove,460 mm(18 in.)50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz

43、50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz00 2 500 6.7 8 10 12AAAA0 5 000 6.7 8 10 12 11.7 14 13.3 161 10 000 11.7 14 13.3 16 15 182 20 000 13.3 16 15 18 16.7 203 30 000 15 18 16.7 20 18.3 2244 18.3 20 4ANot applicable.TABLE 3 Flashover Clearances Between ElectrodesAClass Designation,Glove or SleeveAC Retest DC Retestin.

44、mm in. mm00 3 76 3 7603 761 3 76 4 1022 5 127 6 1523 7 178 8 2034 10 254 12 305AFlashover clearances are stated in terms of the shortest electrical air pathbetween electrodes around the edge of the item being tested. In those caseswhere atmospheric conditions make the specified clearances impractica

45、l, thedistance may be increased by the maximum of 51 mm (2 in.). FIG. 2 Water Electrodes, Inverted MountingF496083with the rod in place and fill with water until the water levelsare the same both inside and outside the sleeve, and the cuffand underarm edges are equidistant above the water line assho

46、wn in the cross section in Fig. 3 (see Note 5). Particular careshould be taken to avoid any sharp folds in the sleeves as theymay cause premature dielectric breakdown at these points. Water Electrodes, Hammock MountingThe sleeveshall be hung in the test machine so that the top of the shoulder

47、area, the top of the underarm, and the cuff edge are all in ahorizontal plane, parallel to the surface of the water in the testtank (see Fig. 4). The test equipment holding or supporting thesleeve under test should be of such design that there is minimalstress created in the sleeve material. Place a

48、 rod or pipe acrossthe top surface of the sleeve at approximately the midpointbetween the cuff and underarm edge. The pipe or rod shall benoninsulating, at least 51 mm (2 in.) in diameter, and ofsufficient weight to hold the sleeve down to prevent creasing.The length of the pipe or rod shall be no l

49、ess than the width ofthe sleeve. Fill the sleeve with water and immerse the sleeve tothe test position, allowing for proper flashover clearance for thetest voltage used. In so far as practical, the water levels shouldbe the same both on the inside and outside of the sleeve, andthe top of the shoulder area, the top of the underarm, and thecuff edge are equidistant above the water line (see Fig. 4).Particular care shall be taken to avoid any sharp folds or areasof stress in the sleeve, as they may cause premature dielectricbreakdown or ozone cutting, o

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