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ASTM F2209-2014 Standard Guide for Training of Land Search Team Member《地面搜寻队队员训练的标准指南》.pdf

1、Designation: F2209 14Standard Guide forTraining of Land Search Team Member1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2209; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parenthese

2、s indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This guide establishes the minimum training require-ments for land search personnel as it relates to their general,field, and search specific knowledge and

3、 skills.1.2 ALand Search Team Member searches on the surface ofthe land only, including urban or disaster areas that may beisolated or have lost supporting infrastructure.1.3 This guide does not provide the minimum trainingrequirements for searching in partially or fully collapsedstructures, in or o

4、n water, in confined spaces, or underground(such as caves, mines, and tunnels.)1.4 Personnel trained to this guide are not qualified toperform rescue. No knots, rope, high angle or low angle litter,or other rescue skills are required of a Land Search TeamMember.1.4.1 Basic rescue skills and knowledg

5、e are found in GuideF2751.1.5 Personnel trained to this guide are not qualified tooperate in leadership positions.1.6 Land Search Team Members are eligible to be membersof Type II search teams or crews as defined in ClassificationF1993.1.6.1 Type II teams which may utilize personnel trained tothis g

6、uide are: Kind A (wilderness); Kind B (urban); Kind J (evidence/cadaver); Kind K (missing aircraft).1.6.2 Land Search Team Members are eligible to be mem-bers of Kind C (mountainous) teams provided that they aresupervised by a Mountain or Alpine endorsed team member.1.7 F

7、urther training may be required before a Land SearchTeam Member can participate on a particular Kind of searchteam, depending on local needs, regulations, or policies of theauthority having jurisdiction.1.8 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with

8、its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory requirements prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2F1633 Guide for Techniques in Land SearchF1767 Guide for Forms Used

9、for Search and RescueF1773 Terminology Relating to Climbing, Mountaineering,Search and Rescue Equipment and PracticesF2047 Practice for Workers Compensation Coverage ofEmergency Services VolunteersF1993 Classification System of Human Search and RescueResources (Withdrawn 2014)3F2047 Practice for Wor

10、kers Compensation Coverage ofEmergency Services VolunteersF2751 Guide for Training of Support Level Land RescueTeam Member (LRT-Support) MemberF2890 Guide for Hazard Awareness for Search and RescuePersonnelF2890 Guide for Hazard Awareness for Search and RescuePersonnelF3068 Guide for Contents and Us

11、e of a Position Task Book(PTB)F3071 Guide for Basic Wilderness GPS/GNSS Use (GPS/GNSS-IW) Endorsement2.2 Other Documents:NWCG PMS 307 Work Capacity Testing for WildlandFirefighters43. Terminology3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1 authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), n(1) the te

12、am,organization, agency, or other entity which is using this guide;(2) the team, organization, agency, or other entity to which a1This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F32 on Search andRescue and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F32.03 on Personnel,Training and Education

13、.Current edition approved Aug. 1, 2014. Published September 2014. Originallyapproved in 2003. Last previous edition approved in 2010 as F220910. DOI:10.1520/F2209-14.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual B

14、ook of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO

15、 Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1person being trained, tested, or evaluated belongs, if theinstructor, evaluator, or tester is not a member of the sameorganization.3.1.2 field, nthe location, away from the base or commandpost, in which a land search team member is searching

16、 orperforming other tasks.3.1.3 field operations, nsearches and other tasks beingperformed away from the base or command post.3.1.4 initial planning point (IPP), nthe point that isinitially used to plan the search incident. The IPP may be theoriginal point last seen or the last known position. The I

17、PP mayalso be a point entirely separate based on the best availableinvestigative information. IPP does not move after planningbegins.3.1.5 land search team, na group of individuals searchingon the surface of the earth.3.1.6 land search team member Level I, na person who, ata minimum, meets the requi

18、rements of this guide.3.1.7 normal area of operation, n(1) the area(s) where anAHJ performs its search operations on a regular basis; (2) thearea(s) where the AHJ is frequently called to assist with searchoperations managed by others.3.2 For definitions of terms used in this guide, see GuideF1633, T

19、erminology F1773, Classification F1993, PracticeF2047, and other references within this guide.4. Significance and Use4.1 This guide establishes the minimum knowledge, skills,and abilities that a person must have to perform as a LandSearch Team Member. No other skills are included or implied.4.2 Ever

20、y person who is identified as a Land Search TeamMember shall have met the requirements of this guide.4.3 This guide is to be used by individuals and agencieshaving jurisdiction that wish to identify the minimum trainingrequired for a Land Search Team Member.4.3.1 TheAHJ shall determine the depth or

21、detail of trainingrequired to meet these needs.4.4 Though this guide establishes the minimum standard oftraining, it does not imply that a Land Search Team Member isa “trainee,” “probationary,” or other similar term member of ateam, organization, or agency.4.4.1 Determining the requirements and qual

22、ifications forland search team members is the responsibility of the AHJ.4.4.2 Nothing in this guide precludes an AHJ from addingadditional requirements for its own members.4.5 This guide can be used to evaluate a document ortraining program to determine if its content includes the topicsnecessary fo

23、r training individuals to operate as a Land SearchTeam Member.4.6 This guide does not stand alone and must be used withthe referenced documents to provide the specific informationneeded by a Land Search Team Member or AHJ.4.7 This guide by itself is not a training document. It is anoutline of the to

24、pics required for training or evaluating a LandSearch Team Member.4.8 This guide can be used to evaluate a book or otherdocument to determine if its content includes the informationrequired for training a Land Search Team Member. Likewise,the guide can be used to evaluate an existing training progra

25、mto see if it meets the requirements of this guide.4.9 The knowledge, skills and abilities defined in this guideare not presented in any particular order and do not representa training sequence.4.10 A Land Search Team Member shall document his orher training by completion of a position task book, co

26、mpliantwith Guide F3068, or by field demonstration under qualifiedsupervision.4.11 Unless stated otherwise, an ability or proficiency in askill shall be demonstrated for initial qualification and then asoften as required by the AHJ.4.12 Except where a physical skill or ability must bedemonstrated, t

27、heAHJ shall determine the best way to evaluatea persons knowledge. This may be by written exam, oralexam, demonstration, or by some combination of the three.5. Personal Fitness5.1 Land Search Team Members shall demonstrate annuallythat they meet the requirements of a medical fitness standarddetermin

28、ed by the AHJ.5.2 Land Search Team Members shall demonstrate annuallythat they meet the requirements of a physical performancestandard determined by the AHJ.5.2.1 The recommended minimum physical performancerequirement for Land Search Team Members is the “Moderate“level as defined in NWCG PMS 307 (s

29、ee Appendix X2).6. General Knowledge and Skills6.1 Land Search Team Members shall complete NationalIncident Management System (NIMS) ICS-100, “Introductionto Incident Command System.”6.2 A Land Search Team Member shall complete the De-partment of Interior, Office of Aviation Management (DOIOAM), Cou

30、rse A100 Basic Aviation Safety, or equivalenttraining.6.3 A Land Search Team Member shall maintain certifica-tion in professional rescuer/health care provider CPR.6.4 A Land Search Team Member shall maintain certifica-tion in basic first aid, or a more advanced level of emergencycare. At a minimum t

31、he medical or first aid training forcertification shall include the following:6.4.1 Basic treatment for common injuries experienced inthe field.6.4.2 Basic treatment for the conditions listed in Land Search Team Members shall know the regulations,policies, procedures, and guidelines of the

32、AHJ with regard tothe following:6.5.1 Land Search Team callout or dispatch to an incident,6.5.2 Incident check in,6.5.3 Land search team mission briefing,6.5.4 Land search team mission debriefing,F2209 1426.5.5 Demobilization and departing from an incident,6.5.6 Land search team member communication

33、s with themedia,6.5.7 Working with other agencies or organizations,6.5.8 Insurance coverage, and6.5.9 Safe driving procedures and safety.6.6 Land search team members shall demonstrate an under-standing of the legal aspects of SAR with respect to the AHJfor the following:6.6.1 Entering private proper

34、ty,6.6.2 Emergency response,6.6.3 Finding deceased individuals,6.6.4 Crime scenes,6.6.5 Subject, victim, witness, or patient confidentialityrequirements, including, but not limited to, the Health Insur-ance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA),6.6.6 Negligence and abandonment, and6.6.7 Confide

35、ntiality of mission information.6.7 Land Search Team Members shall be trained to operatewithin the Incident Command System (ICS).7. Personal Health, Safety, and Survival7.1 Land Search Team Members shall know how to protectthemselves from the effects of the environment in the field,including the fol

36、lowing:7.1.1 The five ways in which the body loses heat, thepositive and negative effects of this heat loss, and the ways toassist or prevent them.7.1.2 The reasons for wearing layered clothing, the functionof each layer, and the advantages and disadvantages of mate-rials used in each layer.7.1.3 Th

37、e factors to be considered when choosing socks andfootwear.7.2 Land Search Team Members shall know a minimum ofthree methods for avoiding getting lost.7.3 Land Search Team Members shall have training in howto survive if lost in the field, including the following:7.3.1 The survival situation plan: ST

38、OP - Stay, Think,Observe, and Plan.7.3.2 Maintaining a positive mental attitude.7.3.3 The basic needs for survival, and their order ofpriority.7.3.4 Differentiating between the requirements for shortterm survival versus long term survival.7.3.5 Two methods of water purification for use in the field.

39、7.3.6 The functional requirements of an emergency shelter.7.4 Land Search Team Members shall demonstrate theability to build an emergency shelter using only personal fieldequipment and materials found in the field.7.5 Land Search Team Members shall demonstrate theability to build a sustainable fire

40、using only personal fieldequipment and materials found in the field.7.6 Land Search Team Members shall know the types andquantity of food to be carried in the field during a searchmission.7.7 Land Search Team Members shall know the personalhygiene and sanitation requirements and techniques used in t

41、hefield.7.8 Land Search Team Members shall know at least twotypes of emergency signaling devices, their advantages anddisadvantages, and how to use each device.7.9 Land Search Team Members shall meet the require-ments of Guide F2890 for hazardous materials training.7.10 Land Search Team Members shal

42、l know the safetyprecautions and procedures to be employed when workingaround still and swift water in the normal area of operations.7.10.1 Land Search Team Members are not qualified toparticipate in swift water operations.7.11 Land Search Team Members shall know the signs,symptoms, and preventive m

43、easures for the following:7.11.1 Cold related problems.7.11.2 Heat related problems.7.11.3 Dehydration.7.11.4 Fatigue and exhaustion.7.11.5 Blisters.7.11.6 Sunburn.7.12 Land Search Team Members shall know the hazards inthe normal area of operations, including, but not limited to, thefollowing:7.12.1

44、 Plants.7.12.2 Wild and domestic animals.7.12.3 Terrain.7.12.4 Weather patterns and conditions.7.12.5 Lightning.7.12.6 Other (for example, snow blindness, altitude relatedproblems, etc.).7.12.7 Land Search Team Members shall know the proce-dures to be followed when searching in hazardous areas andco

45、nditions.7.13 Land Search Team Members shall know the dangers ofairborne and blood-borne pathogens and how to mitigate therisks, including:7.13.1 Types of pathogens.7.13.2 Methods of transmission.7.13.3 Body substance isolation methods.7.13.4 Personal protective equipment (PPE) for airborneand blood

46、-borne pathogens and its use.8. Land Navigation8.1 Land Search Team Members shall know the differencebetween topographic maps and road maps, and the advantagesand disadvantages of each.8.2 On topographic maps, Land Search Team Membersshall demonstrate the ability to:8.2.1 Identify and explain the me

47、aning of common symbols.8.2.2 Describe legend information and its use.8.2.3 Identify, and know the significance of, contour linesand spacing.8.2.4 Identify, and know the significance of, true North,magnetic North, grid North, and declination.8.2.5 Orient a map using terrain.F2209 1438.2.6 Orient a m

48、ap using a compass.8.2.7 Determine the distance between two points on a map.8.2.8 Determine the heading, bearing, or azimuth betweentwo points on a map.8.3 Land Search Team Members shall know how man-madeand naturally occurring phenomenon affect the accuracy of acompass.8.4 Land Search Team Members

49、shall demonstrate theability to do the following in the field:8.4.1 Follow a compass heading, azimuth, or bearing.8.4.2 Estimate distance traveled in the field.8.4.3 Using a compass, determine a heading, azimuth, orbearing in the field and plot it on a map.8.5 Land Search Team Members shall know the advantagesand disadvantages of the following when used to determine aposition:8.5.1 Latitude/Longitude.8.5.2 Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Grid system.8.5.3 US National Grid system (USNG).8.5.4 References to features on a map.8.5.5 Any AHJ specified methods.8.6 Land S

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