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本文(ASTM F2414-2004 Standard Practice for Sealing Sewer Manholes Using Chemical Grouting《用化学灌浆密封污水道检查孔的标准规程》.pdf)为本站会员(confusegate185)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM F2414-2004 Standard Practice for Sealing Sewer Manholes Using Chemical Grouting《用化学灌浆密封污水道检查孔的标准规程》.pdf

1、Designation: F 2414 04Standard Practice forSealing Sewer Manholes Using Chemical Grouting1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 2414; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A numb

2、er in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This practice covers proposed selection of materials,installation techniques, and inspection required for sealingmanholes using chemical g

3、rout. Manholes or sections ofmanholes with active leaks shall be repaired. Manholes to begrouted are of brick, block, cast-in-place concrete, precastconcrete, or fiberglass construction. Manholes or sections ofmanholes with active leaks will be designated by the engineer,owners representative, or au

4、thorized inspector, for manholegrouting.1.2 The contractor shall be responsible for furnishing alllabor, supervision, materials, equipment, and inspectionfollow-up required for the completion of chemical grouting ofmanhole defects in accordance with the contract documents.1.3 Materials, additives, m

5、ixture ratios, and proceduresutilized for the grouting process shall be in accordance withmanufacturers recommendations and shall be appropriate forthe application.1.4 The values stated in inch/pound units are to be regardedas the standard. The values in parentheses are for informationonly.1.5 This

6、standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2

7、.1 ASTM Standards:2F 2304 Practice for Rehabilitation of Sewers Using Chemi-cal Grouting3. Terminology3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1 acrylamideorganic solid of white, odorless, acrylicresinous material available in flake-like crystals and in liquidform. The greatest use of

8、acrylamide is as a coagulant aid indrinking water treatment. Other major uses of acrylamide arein soil stabilization, in grout for repairing sewers and inacrylamide gels used in biotechnology laboratories.3.1.2 acrylatea general term applied to various water-soluble acrylic resinous materials.3.1.3

9、authorized inspectorthe person(s) contracted or ap-proved by the owner or owners representative to do inspec-tions.3.1.4 catalystsubstance which markedly speeds up thecure of an adhesive when added in small quantities ascompared to the amounts of primary reactants.3.1.5 chemical groutinjection repai

10、r media other thancementitious grout that may be multi-component, with orwithout additives, and based on either polyurethane resin oracrylic resin.3.1.6 control agentsubstance added which controls theviscosity or flow properties of the material it is added to.3.1.7 engineeran engineer registered in

11、the state wherethe work is to be done who has been contracted by or is actingon behalf of the owner or the owners representative.3.1.8 exfiltrationleaking or weeping to the external areasoutside the barrier from a source inside the barrier.3.1.9 expanded gasket procedure (EGP)EGP is the seal-ing of

12、joints, cracks, or holes by soaking dry, oil-free oakumwith chemical grout and forcing the oakum/resin plug into theopening until it sets.3.1.10 hydrophilic grouthydrophilic grout will absorb andreact with the water it comes into contact with.3.1.11 hydrophobic grouthydrophobic grout will repelwater

13、 and push it away.3.1.12 manholevertical shafts that intersect with sewersto allow transitions in alignment and grade and to allow entryfor cleaning, inspection, and maintenance.3.1.13 oakumloose hemp or jute fiber, sometimes treatedwith resin or grout, used chiefly for caulking seams instructures a

14、nd boats as well as packing pipe joints.3.1.14 owners representativethe individual who has beencontracted to act on behalf of the owner for project planningand supervision.3.1.15 polyurethane resinany of various polymer resinscontaining the urethane radical; a wide variety of syntheticforms are made

15、 and used as adhesives, plastics, foams, paints,or rubber-like materials.1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F36 on Technologyand Underground Utilities and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F36.20on Rehabilitation of Sewers Using Chemical Grouting Techniques.Current

16、 edition approved Dec. 1, 2004. Published December 2004.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copy

17、right ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.3.1.16 RCPreinforced concrete pipe.3.1.17 rehabilitated manholea manhole restored to itsintended capacity or use per the specifications.3.1.18 repaired or sealed manholea manhole that hasbee

18、n sealed from detected infiltration or exfiltrations, but notnecessarily restored to its original designed capacity.3.1.19 sewerwaste water sewer or storm drain sewer.4. Significance and Use4.1 This practice is used as a guide for the installation ofchemical grout in the practice of sealing sewer ma

19、nholes fromleaks, cracks, and around penetrations. It is attended to assistsewer owners and engineer, owners representative, or autho-rized inspectors for installation method specification and forcontractors to refer to during installations of chemical grout formanhole sealing.5. Materials5.1 Grouti

20、ng MaterialsChemical grout sealing material:5.1.1 Acrylamide base gel,5.1.2 Acrylic base gel,5.1.3 Hydrophilic polyurethane foam or gel,5.1.4 Hydrophobic polyurethane foam or gel, and,5.1.5 Oil-free, oakum-soaked polyurethane resin.5.2 Grouting Materials CharacteristicsSpecific charac-teristics that

21、 pertain to the application requirements are to bedefined and approved by the owners representative or projectengineer of record. The following general characteristics orproperties shall be exhibited by the chemical grout:5.2.1 The chemical grout shall have documented service ofsatisfactory performa

22、nce in similar usage and should have amanufacturers written guarantee of performance for the appli-cation of sewer manhole sealing under intended conditions andwhen installed per the manufacturers instructions.5.2.2 The chemical grout shall have controllable reactiontimes and minimal shrinkage, as s

23、pecified by the owner,owners representative, or engineer, through the use of chemi-cals supplied by the same manufacturer. The minimum set timeshall be established so that adequate grout travel is achieved.5.2.3 The chemical grout shall have resistance to chemicals,most organic solvents, mild acids,

24、 and alkali. The manufacturerof the chemical grout shall e able to certify that the curedchemical grout is resistant to chemicals, most organic solvents,mild acids, and alkali and provide such certification to thecontractor when requested.5.2.4 The chemical grout shall be essentially non-toxic in ac

25、ured form. The manufacturer of the chemical grout shall beable to certify that the cured chemical grout is non-toxic andprovide such certification to the contractor when requested.5.2.5 Sealing material shall not be rigid or brittle whensubjected to dry atmosphere. Use consideration when selectingma

26、terials for freeze/thaw and moving load conditions. Theengineer is to specify which chemical grout type can or cannotbe exposed to dry atmosphere and which types must beinstalled into soils or wet conditions only, based on thechemical grout properties and recommended applications.5.2.6 The sealing m

27、aterial shall be non-corrosive.5.2.7 Careful consideration of current or potential wet-drycycles, ground pressures, and thermal conditions and applica-tion requirements must be thoroughly reviewed by the contrac-tor or engineer when choosing or approving the appropriatetype of chemical grout.5.2.8 C

28、areful consideration of water type (storm waterversus waste water) is to be considered when choosing orapproving the appropriate type of materials.5.3 AdditivesThe chemical grout must be applied so as tohave the grout material flow freely into the defects. To avoidany wasting of the material flowing

29、 through the defects gelcontrol agent may be added. Grout additions may also be usedfor catalyzing the reaction, inhibiting the reaction, buffering thesolution, lowering the freezing temperature of the solution,acting as filler, providing strength, or inhibition of root growth.5.3.1 Additives must n

30、ot alter other intended final propertiesand characteristics of the original material other than theproperties targeted for improvement.5.4 Material IdentificationThe contractor shall com-pletely identify the types of grout, sealant, root control chemi-cals, or any combination thereof, used and provi

31、de casehistories of successful use or defend the choice of groutingmaterials based on chemical and tested physical properties,ease of application, and expected performance to the satisfac-tion of the engineer, owners representative, or authorizedinspector. The grout materialsTechnical Data Sheets, M

32、aterialSafety Data Sheets, and the manufacturers application instruc-tions are to be submitted for approval by the engineer, ownersrepresentative, or authorized inspector.5.5 Mixing and Handling:5.5.1 HazardsMixing and handling of chemical grout,which may be toxic under certain conditions, shall be

33、inaccordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer andin such a manner as to minimize hazard to personnel. It is theresponsibility of the contractor to provide appropriate protec-tive measures to ensure that the chemicals are handled byauthorized personnel and in the proper manner.5.5.2 All e

34、quipment shall be subject to the approval of theengineer, owners representative, or authorized inspector. Onlypersonnel thoroughly familiar with the handling of the groutmaterial and additives shall perform the grouting operations.6. Procedure6.1 Manhole grouting shall not be performed until the rep

35、airor stabilization (bracing) of the manhole frame and grade ringsor any other structural manhole repairs are complete.6.2 Preliminary Repairs:6.2.1 The contractor shall cut and trim all stems and rootswithin the manhole.6.2.2 The contractor shall seal all unsealed lifting holes,unsealed step holes,

36、 and voids larger than approximately12 in.(1 cm) in thickness. All cracked or deteriorated material shallbe removed from the area to be patched and replaced with awaterproof quick-setting mortar in accordance with manufac-turers specifications. The expanded gasket procedure (EGP)method is also accep

37、table for plugging lift holes and similarpatching.6.2.3 As required to complete sealing of the manhole, thecontractor may be required to perform the expanded gasketprocedure (EGP) in addition to, or as well as, the injection ofchemical grout into voids or soil surrounding the manhole toF2414042contr

38、ol inflowing water in larger cracks, joints, or pipe tomanhole boots. EGP is the sealing of joints, cracks, or holes bysoaking dry, oil-free oakum with chemical grout and forcingthe oakum/resin plug into the opening until it sets.6.2.4 The contractor may also be required to perform theEGP to seal in

39、truding drop or lateral connections, slip lineterminal seals, and open joints in RCP manholes.6.2.5 The contractor may also be required to perform theEGP to seal between the corbel and grade rings and betweenthe manhole frame and grade rings.6.2.6 Grout Curtain SealingIf a chemical grout curtain isr

40、equired around a brick or block manhole, the procedure mayinvolve the use of chemical grout in combination with acoating.6.2.7 The manhole surface shall be cleaned, patched, and allactive leaks plugged and confirmed by the engineer, ownersrepresentative, or authorized inspector, before coatings may

41、beapplied.6.3 TemperatureNormal grouting operations shall be per-formed in accordance with manufacturers recommendations.6.4 Chemical Grouting Material UsageChemical grout-ing of the manhole may include corbel, wall, pipe seals,manhole joints, wall to flattop joint, bench/trough, or anycombination t

42、hereof. Chemical grouting may also includeprobe grouting around the exterior of the manhole and into thesurrounding soil in order to seal off or keep water away fromthe manhole, or to stabilize loose soils around the manhole.The engineer, owners representative, or authorized inspector,will direct ar

43、eas of the manhole designated to be grouted. If theentire manhole is scheduled for grouting, grouting shall includethe entire manhole including corbel, wall, pipe seals, andbench/trough. Pipe seal grouting shall include all pipe seals inthe specified manhole and grouting of the specified manholeincl

44、uding the bench/trough to the maximum height of 18 in.(46 cm) from the crown of the pipes (see Fig. 1).6.5 Drilling and Injection:6.5.1 Injection holes shall be drilled through the manholewall at locations as recommended by the manufacturer. Injec-tion holes are always to be drilled staggered within

45、 rows (seeFIG. 1 Manhole with Spiral Pattern Drill HolesF2414043Fig. 1). Additional injection holes shall be drilled near ob-served defects and at pipe seals.6.5.2 Grout shall be injected through the holes under pres-sure with a suitable probe. Injection pressure shall not causedamage to the manhole

46、 structure or surrounding surfacefeatures. Grout shall be injected through the lowest holes first.The procedure shall be repeated until the manhole is externallysealed with grout.6.5.3 External grouting from the ground surface may berequired to seal leaks due to cavities and voids around themanhole.

47、6.5.4 Grout travel shall be verified by observation of groutextruding from defects or adjacent injection holes. Additionalinjection holes shall be drilled, if necessary, to ensure obser-vation of grout travel to all required regions.6.5.5 Injection holes shall be cleaned and patched with awaterproof

48、 quick-setting mortar for appropriate use on the typeof substrate material the manhole is composed of.7. Testing of Sealed Manholes7.1 For exfiltration or vacuum testing usually 10 % of thesealed manholes are tested, as chosen or required by theinspector. Manholes that fail are reworked and retested

49、 by thecontractor. If more that 5 % of the manholes tested fail theinitial test, an additional 10 % of the sealed manholes aretested. This process continues until the testing is satisfactory oruntil all manholes have been tested.7.2 Limitations of testing include recognizing that exfiltra-tion and vacuum testing may be non-applicable or cost-prohibitive for all manholes; therefore, the use of either methodis subject to the following considerations.7.2.1 Complete SealingThese test methods are applicableonly when the entire manhole has been

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