1、Designation: F 2439 06An American National StandardStandard Specification forHeadgear Used in Soccer1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 2439; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revis
2、ion. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONSoccer is a sport with inherent risks. Participation in the sport implies acceptance of risk of injury.This specification was d
3、eveloped to address forces of some of the incidental (non-ball) head impactsthat may occur while engaging in soccer. Although headgear satisfying this specification may providelimited protection against heading impacts which are generally sub-concussive, heading impacts arenot addressed by this spec
4、ification. In addition, the issue of multiple sub-concussive impacts is notaddressed here. NoteProtection provided by headgear satisfying this specification is not equivalent tothe protection provided by rigid “helmets” used in many other sports activities. Headgear that meetsthese standard specific
5、ations may not provide significant protection in some head impact situations.This specification is intended to be used with other standards and documents listed in theReferenced Documents.1. Scope1.1 This specification defines performance requirements forheadgear used for participation in the sport
6、of soccer. Thetechnical requirements in this specification do not address theadministrative requirements of soccer governing bodies, so itshould not be assumed that any headgear satisfying thisspecification will be acceptable for use in sanctioned soccerevents.1.2 This specification is intended to r
7、educe the forces fromexternal physical sources reaching the defined impact area ofthe head in impacts that may occur in the sport of soccer. Noheadgear can provide protection against all impacts, foresee-able or not. This specification does not address the potential forinjury from any type of impact
8、. The tests specified in thisspecification are laboratory simulation tests only, and do notpurport to create situations identical to the impacts that mayoccur during the playing of soccer.1.3 All testing and requirements of this specification shallbe in accordance with Test Methods F 1446, except wh
9、erenoted herein. In the event of a discrepancy between therequirements of this specification and those of Test MethodsF 1446, this specification shall prevail.1.4 Partial utilization of this specification is prohibited. Anystatement of compliance with this specification shall be acertification that
10、the headgear meets all of the requirements ofthis specification in its entirety. Headgear that fails to meet anyone of the requirements of this specification is considered tohave failed the specification and should not be sold with anyindication that it meets parts of the specification.1.5 The value
11、s stated in SI units are to be regarded as thestandard.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility
12、 of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2F 1446 Test Methods for Equipment and Procedures Usedin Evaluating the Performance Characteristics of ProtectiveHeadgear2.2 Other Documents:349 CFR Part 572, Subpart E Anthropometric Test DummiesProcedures for Assembl
13、y, Disassembly, and Inspection (PA-DI) of the Hybrid III 50th Percentile Dummys NineAccelerometer Array Head (NAAH) with RedundantHead C. G. Accelerometers3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F08 on SportsEquipment and Facilities and is the di
14、rect responsibility of Subcommittee F08.53 onHeadgear and Helmets.Current edition approved Jan. 15, 2006. Published January 2006.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume informati
15、on, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from National Highway Traffic SafetyAdministration (NHTSA), 4007th St., NW, Washington, DC 20590.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.3.1.1 imp
16、act areathe region of the headform within whichthe center of each impact footprint must fall. F 14464. Significance and Use4.1 The purpose of this specification is to provide reliableand repeatable test methods for the evaluation of headgear forsoccer. Headgear satisfying this specification is inten
17、ded toreduce forces reaching the head in some of the impacts thatmay occur in soccer.5. Apparatus5.1 Apparatus used for this testing shall be in accordancewith Test Methods F 1446 except as noted herein.5.2 Test HeadformsTest headforms used with this speci-fication shall be the 50th percentile Hybri
18、d III adult male headand neck assembly, including the upper and lower neckadjusting brackets and all associated hardware. The equipmentshall be as defined in the United States of America Code ofFederal Regulations (49 CFR Part 572, Subpart E). A completelisting of all parts and components which make
19、 up the head andneck assembly is found in Appendix X1; see also Proceduresfor Assembly, Disassembly, and Inspection (PADI) of theHybrid III 50th Percentile Dummys NineAccelerometerArrayHead (NAAH) with Redundant Head C.G. Accelerometers.5.2.1 The test headform shall be mounted to a standardmonorail
20、or twin-wire system or similar system, as shown inTest Methods F 1446. Mass of the entire drop system shall be8.8 kg 6 5 % (19.4 lb 6 5 %). Accelerometer instrumentationshall be installed into the test headform to measure resultantlinear accelerations of the test headform as specified in thesection
21、on Accelerometer of Test Methods F 1446.5.2.2 The headform center of gravity shall fall within 5 ofthe vertical axis through the point of impact when the testheadform assembly is in the impact position, as described inthe Appendix of Test Methods F 1446.5.3 Steel Post AnvilThe steel post anvil used
22、in thisspecification is to represent a nominal 7.62 cm (3 in.) diametersteel post. The anvil shall consist of a 7.62 cm (3 in.) diametersteel bar (65 %) that is welded (or securely attached tosimilarly minimize vibration between the bar and the plate) ina horizontal position to a steel plate.5.4 Hea
23、dform AnvilThe headform anvil is a 50th percen-tile Hybrid III headform and neck assembly as defined in 5.2.The headform anvil shall be oriented such that the forehead isin an upright target position. The lower neck bracket shall bemounted to a rigid structure. The headform anvil shall bepositioned
24、such that the only impact between the drop head-form and the impact anvil is at the selected impact location,with no other parts of the headform and anvil coming intocontact with each other during the initial impact. The headformanvil need not be instrumented.5.5 MEP AnvilThe MEP anvil shall be as d
25、efined in thesection on Modular Elastomer Programmer (MEP) of TestMethods F 1446. The MEP anvil shall be positioned with itsupper surface horizontal, such that the only impact between thedrop headform and the impact anvil is at the selected impactlocation, with no other parts of the headform and anv
26、il cominginto contact with each other during the initial impact.6. Equipment Calibration and System Checks6.1 Instrumentation used in testing shall be calibrated ac-cording to the requirements of Test Methods F 1446 and 49CFR Part 572, Subpart E.6.2 The 50th percentile Hybrid III adult male test hea
27、dformused with this specification shall pass a system check accordingto the procedures described in Appendix X2. Duration of thesystem check cycle shall be no more than 12 months.6.3 Instrumentation System CheckThe system instrumen-tation shall be checked before and after each series of tests bydrop
28、ping the Hybrid III head and neck assembly (see 5.2) ontothe MEP pad (see section on Modular Elastomer Programmer(MEP) of Test Methods F 1446 ) at an impact velocity of 2.8m/s 6 2 %. The head and neck assembly shall be oriented suchthat the neck of the Hybrid III headform is at a 24 6 1downward angl
29、e relative to the horizontal and the foreheadshall contact the center of the MEP pad. The peak accelerationobtained during this impact shall be 112 6 8 g. Three suchimpacts at intervals of 75 6 15 s shall be performed before andafter each series of tests. If the average peak accelerationobtained in
30、the pretest impacts differs by more than 5 % fromthe average peak acceleration obtained in the post test impacts,recalibration of the instruments and transducers must be carriedout, and all data obtained during that series of impact tests shallbe discarded.7. Samples for Testing7.1 Conditions and At
31、tachmentsHeadgear shall be testedcomplete, in the condition as offered for sale. They must satisfyall requirements of this specification with or without anyincluded attachments.7.2 Number of SamplesA test series requires 12 samplesof each size headgear and shall be tested according to thefollowing s
32、chedule (see Table 1).8. Conditioning Requirements8.1 Ambient ConditionFour samples of each size head-gear shall be conditioned at the ambient condition defined inASTM Test Methods F 1446.8.2 Low TemperatureThree samples of each size headgearshall be conditioned at the low temperature conditions asd
33、efined in Test Methods F 1446.TABLE 1 Sample Test ScheduleHead toForeheadImpactsHead toPostImpactsHead toMEPImpactsMultipleImpactsto MEPNumberofImpactsHeadgear 1, Ambient X 1Headgear 2, Hot X 1Headgear 3, Cold X 1Headgear 4, Wet X 1Headgear 5, Ambient X 1Headgear 6, Hot X 1Headgear 7, Cold X 1Headge
34、ar 8, Wet X 1Headgear 9, Ambient X 1Headgear 10, Hot X 1Headgear 11, Cold X 1Headgear 12, Wet X 1Headgear 1, Ambient X X 6F24390628.3 High TemperatureThree samples of each size head-gear shall be conditioned at the high temperature conditions asdefined in Test Methods F 1446.8.4 Water ImmersionThree
35、 samples of each size headgearshall be conditioned at the water immersion conditions asdefined in Test Methods F 1446.8.5 Testing of conditioned samples must occur within 10min after removal of the sample from the conditioning envi-ronment. If a sample is out of the conditioning environment formore
36、than 10 min, it shall be reconditioned 3 min for eachminute beyond 10 min that it is out of the environment, up toa maximum of 4 h.9. Test Schedule and Procedures9.1 Construction and Materials:9.1.1 ProjectionsThere can be no rigid projections, hardor sharp surfaces, or hard or sharp edges on any pa
37、rt or surfaceof the headgear. Non-rigid projections can project no more than5 mm (0.20 in.) from the primary impact surface of theheadgear, must collapse under a static load of 2.27 kg (5 lb) 610 %, and must be faired with the base surface of the headgear.Any rigid or semi-rigid materials used in th
38、e headgear must bepadded sufficiently so that they satisfy all requirements of thisspecification.9.1.2 MaterialsMaterials known to cause skin irritation ordisease shall not be used in the headgear. Comfort padding, ifused, may be detachable for cleaning. If chemicals such ashydrocarbons, cleaning fl
39、uids, paints, or transfers and otheradditions will affect the headgear adversely, a warning to thiseffect shall be provided.9.2 LabelingEach headgear shall be marked in such a waythat the following information is easily legible by the user andis likely to remain legible throughout the life of the he
40、adgear.The first five items in the following list must be physicallyattached to the headgear; other items may be explained on thepackaging or instructions that accompany the headgear, orboth.9.2.1 Model designation, if appropriate.9.2.2 Name and contact information of manufacturer.9.2.3 A label that
41、 warns the user that no headgear canprotect against all foreseeable impacts, and that for maximumprotection, the headgear must be fitted and attached properly tothe wearers head in accordance with the manufacturers fittinginstructions.9.2.4 A statement that this headgear satisfies the require-ments
42、of ASTM Specification F 2439.9.2.5 A statement that this headgear is intended to reducehead impact forces while playing soccer, and shall not be usedas head protection for other activities.9.2.6 A statement warning the user that the headgear can bedamaged by contact with common substances, for examp
43、le,certain solvents, cleaners, and so forth, and that this damagemay not be visible to the user. The label should also list anyrecommended cleaning agents or procedures, or both.9.3 Marking the Impact AreaThe impact area is an angledband encircling the entire head, 50 mm (2.0 in.) 610 % inlinear hei
44、ght. Using a 50th percentile male Hybrid III head andneck assembly, place the test headform in an orientation suchthat the base of the skull is horizontal (see Fig. 1). Draw a line25 mm (1.0 in.) above the design cg of the Hybrid III testheadform and parallel to the base of the skull and define this
45、line as AA. Point A is the intersection of the line AA and thefront profile of the test headform. Using point A as a guide,draw a line AB that is angled 12 downward to the rear of thetest headform (relative to point A). Draw a line CD that is 50mm (2.0 in.) above and parallel to the line AB. The are
46、aincluded within the region ABCD shall be defined as theimpact area.9.4 Shock Attenuation Impact Tests:9.4.1 Prior to impact testing, conduct the instrumentationsystem check (see 6.3).9.4.2 The anvils to be used for impact tests in this specifi-cation are a headform anvil, a steel post anvil, and an
47、 MEP pad(to simulate impact on the ground).9.4.3 Place the headgear to be tested on the test headform inaccordance with the manufacturers instructions prior to test-ing.9.4.4 With the headgear placed on the headform in accor-dance with the manufacturers instructions, the headgear maybe impacted anyw
48、here within the impact area. Coverage neednot be continuous within the impact area, as long as the impacttests provide satisfactory results in accordance with thisspecification.9.4.5 One impact shall be conducted at one test location oneach sample headgear unless otherwise specified. There shallbe n
49、o overlap of impact footprints in any testing except in themultiple impact testing.9.4.6 Head to Forehead ImpactsThe instrumentedheadform/neck (the test headform) shall be attached to the dropsystem as specified and the headform anvil mounted in a fixedupright target position. An ambient headgear is affixed to the surface of thetest headform in accordance with the manufacturers instruc-tions, such that a position within the impact area of the testheadform is located at the point where the test headform willstrike the forehead of the headform anvil wh
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