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ASTM F2549-2008 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Frame Child Carriers.pdf

1、Designation: F 2549 08Standard Consumer Safety Specification forFrame Child Carriers1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 2549; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in

2、 parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONThis consumer safety specification is intended to address incidents reported by the U.S. ConsumerProduct Safety Commission (CPSC) relating to fr

3、ame child carriers.In response to the incident data compiled by the CPSC, this consumer safety specification attemptsto minimize the hazards associated with these products from the following: (1) occupant retention, (2)structural integrity, and (3) deficiency of consumer education regarding product

4、use. This consumersafety specification is intended to deal with reasonably foreseeable use and misuse of the products.This consumer safety specification does not apply to products that are blatantly misused, nor does itapply to products used by consumers in a careless manner, violating normal practi

5、ce or disregardingthe instructions or warnings provided with the product, or both.1. Scope1.1 This consumer safety specification covers performancerequirements, test methods, and marking requirements topromote safe use of frame child carriers.1.2 This consumer safety specification is intended to min

6、i-mize the risk of injury to a child from the normal use andreasonably foreseeable misuse of these products.1.3 For purposes of definition, a frame child carrier is aproduct, normally of sewn fabric construction on a tubularmetal or other frame, which is designed to carry a child, in anupright posit

7、ion, on the back of the caregiver. A frame childcarrier is intended for use with a child that is able to sit uprightunassisted and weigh between 16 lb (7.3 kg) and up to 40 lb(18.1 kg). The frame child carrier is intended to be worn on theback of the caregivers body, with the carrier, and thus thech

8、ild, suspended from both shoulders of the caregiver. Theseated position of the child is either facing towards or awayfrom the caregiver.1.4 No frame child carrier produced after the approval dateof this consumer safety specification shall, either by label orother means, indicate compliance with the

9、specification unlessit complies with all of the requirements contained herein.1.5 This consumer safety specification is not intended toaddress incidents and injuries resulting from the interaction ofother persons or objects with the caregiver and child while theframe child carrier is in use.1.6 The

10、values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to SI units that are provided for information onlyand are not considered standard.1.7 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to thetest method portion, Section 7 of

11、this consumer safety speci-fication. This standard may involve the use of hazardousmaterials, operations, and equipment. This standard does notpurport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associatedwith its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standardto establish appropriate

12、safety and health practices anddetermine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior touse.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 3359 Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape TestF 963 Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety2.2 EN Standard:3EN 13209 Child Use and Care Articles (

13、Child CarriersSafety Requirements and Test Methods)1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F15 onConsumer Products and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F15.21 onInfant Carriers, Bouncers and Baby Swings.Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2008. Published December 200

14、8. Originallyapproved in 2006. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as F 2549 06.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary pa

15、ge onthe ASTM website.3Available from European Committee for Standardization (CEN), 36 rue deStassart, B-1050, Brussels, Belgium, http:/ ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.2.3 Federal Regulations:416 CFR 150

16、0 Hazardous Substance Act regulations includ-ing:1500.3 (c) (6) (i) Definition of “Flammable Solid”1500.44 Method for Determining Extremely Flammableand Flammable Solids1500.48 Technical Requirements for Determining a SharpPoint in Toys or Other Articles Intended for Use ByChildren Under Eight Years

17、 of Age1500.49 Technical Requirements for Determining a SharpMetal or Glass Edge in Toys or OtherArticles Intended forUse By Children Under Eight Years of Age1500.50-52 Test Methods for Simulating Use and Abuse ofToys and Other Articles for Use by Children16 CFR 1501 Method for Identifying Toys and

18、OtherArticles Intended for Use by Children Under Three Yearsof Age Which Present Choking, Aspiration or IngestionHazards Because of Small Parts16 CFR 1303 Ban of Lead Containing Paint and CertainConsumer Products Bearing Lead-Containing Paint2.4 Other Document:CAMI Infant Dummy, Mark II (see Fig. 1)

19、3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 conspicuousvisible when the product is in themanufacturers use position to a caregiver who is placing theoccupant in the frame child carrier or when the caregiver placesthe product on his or her body.3.1.2 cordlength of slender, flexible material includingmonofila

20、ments, rope, woven and twisted cord, plastic or textiletapes, ribbons, and those fibrous materials commonly calledstring.3.1.3 fabricany woven, knit, coated, laminated, extruded,or calendered flexible material that is intended to be sewn,welded, heat sealed, or glued together as an assembly.3.1.4 ha

21、ndlea component intended to facilitate lifting ofthe frame child carrier.3.1.5 kickstanda hinged frame member designed to de-ploy and allow the child carrier to stand freely, in the uprightposition, for loading of child. The frame member can then beretracted when the carrier is in use.3.1.6 leg open

22、ingthe opening in the frame child carrierthrough which the occupants legs extend when the product isused in any of the manufacturers recommended use positions.3.1.7 manufacturers recommended use position(s)anyposition that is presented as a normal, allowable, or acceptableconfiguration for use of th

23、e product by the manufacturer in anydescriptive or instructional literature. This specifically ex-cludes positions that the manufacturer shows in a like mannerin its literature to be unacceptable, unsafe, or not recom-mended.3.1.8 occupantthat individual who is restrained in aseated position inside

24、the frame child carrier in one of themanufacturers recommended use positions.3.1.9 occupant retention systema system provided tosecure the occupant in a seated position in any of themanufacturers recommended use positions.3.1.10 non-paper labelany label material (such as plasticor metal) that either

25、 will not tear without the aid of tools ortears, leaving a sharply defined edge.3.1.11 paper labelany label material that tears without theaid of tools and leaves a fibrous edge.3.1.12 seama means of joining fabric components, suchas sewing, welding, heat sealing, or gluing.3.1.13 static loada verti

26、cally downward force applied bya calibrated force gage or by dead weights.4. Calibration and Standardization4.1 The product shall be completely assembled in accor-dance with the manufacturers instructions.4.2 No testing shall be conducted within 48 h of manufac-ture.4.3 The product to be tested shal

27、l be at an ambient tempera-ture of 73 6 9F (23 6 5C) for at least 1 h before testing. Alltesting shall be conducted in this temperature range.4.4 All testing required by this consumer safety specifica-tion shall be conducted on the same unit in the order presentedin this specification.5. General Req

28、uirements5.1 Hazardous Sharp Points or EdgesThere shall be nosharp points or edges as defined by 16 CFR 1500.48 and 16CFR 1500.49 before and after testing.5.2 Small PartsThere shall be no small parts as defined by16 CFR 1501 before testing or liberated as a result of testing tothis specification.5.3

29、 Lead in PaintThe paint or surface coating on theproduct shall comply with 16 CFR 1303.5.4 Wood PartsPrior to testing, any wooden parts shall besmooth and free of splinters.4Available from U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents,732 N. Capitol St., NW, Mail Stop: SDE, Washington,

30、 DC 20401, http:/ 1 CAMI Dummy, Mark IIF25490825.5 Scissoring, Shearing, PinchingA product, when in amanufacturers recommended use position, shall be designedand constructed so as to prevent injury to the occupant from anscissoring, shearing, or pinching when members or compo-

31、nents rotate about a common axis or fastening point, slide,pivot, fold, or otherwise move relative to one another. Scissor-ing, shearing, or pinching that may cause injury shall not bepermissible when the edges of any rigid parts admit a probegreater than 0.210 in. (5.30 mm) and less than 0.375 in.

32、(9.50mm) diameter at any accessible point throughout the range ofmotion of such parts.5.6 OpeningsHoles or slots that extend entirely through awall section of any rigid material less than 0.375 in. (9.53 mm)thick and admit a 0.210 in. (5.33 mm) diameter rod shall alsoadmit a 0.375 in. (9.53 mm) diam

33、eter rod. Holes or slots thatare between 0.210 in. (5.33 mm) and 0.375 in. (9.53 mm) andhave a wall thickness less than 0.375 in. (9.53 mm), but arelimited in depth to 0.375 in. (9.53 mm) maximum by anotherrigid surface shall be permissible (see Fig. 2). The product shallbe evaluated in all manufact

34、urers recommended use positions.5.7 Exposed Coil SpringsAny exposed coil spring whichis accessible to the occupant, having or capable of generatinga space between coils of 0.210 in. (5.33 mm) or greater duringstatic load testing (see 7.3) shall be covered or otherwisedesigned to prevent injury.5.8 L

35、ocking and LatchingAny frame child carrier thatfolds, for storage or transport, shall have a latching or lockingdevice or other provision in the design that will prevent the unitfrom unintentionally folding when properly placed in themanufacturers recommended use position. The unit shallremain in it

36、s manufacturers recommended use position duringand upon completion of the test in accordance with 7.10.Ifaunit is designed with a latching or locking device, that deviceshall remain engaged and operative after testing.NOTE 1This requirement does not apply to the carrier kickstand.FIG. 2 Opening Exam

37、pleF25490835.9 Unintentional FoldingIf the frame child carrier isdesigned to allow it to stand freely in the upright position, thecarrier shall remain in the manufacturers recommended useposition before and after completion of all tests in LabelingWarning labels (whether paper or non-paper

38、) shall be permanent when tested in accordance with 7.7,7.8, and Warning statements applied directly onto the surfaceof the product by hot stamping, heat transfer, printing, woodburning, and so forth shall be permanent when tested inaccordance with Non-paper labels shall not li

39、berate small parts whentested in accordance with Protective ComponentsIf a child can grasp compo-nents between the thumb and forefinger or teeth (such as caps,sleeves, or plugs used for protection from sharp edges, points,or entrapment of fingers or toes), or if there is at least a 0.040in.

40、 (1.00 mm) gap between the component and its adjacentparent component, such component shall not be removed whentested in accordance with There shall be no flammable solids as defined in 16CFR 1500.3 (c) (6) (i) before or after testing in accordancewith this specification.5.13 ToysToy acces

41、sories attached to, removable from, orsold with a child frame carrier, as well as their means ofattachment, must meet applicable requirements of ConsumerSafety Specification F 963.6. Performance Requirements6.1 Leg OpeningsLeg openings shall not permit the pas-sage of the Leg Opening Test Sphere whe

42、n tested in accor-dance with Dynamic StrengthThe carrier shall not create a haz-ardous condition, such as frame or fasteners breaking ordisengaging or seams separating, when tested in accordancewith 7.2. Adjustable elements in the occupant retention systemshall not slip more than 1 in. (25.4

43、 mm) per strap as a result ofthe dynamic testing in accordance with Static LoadThe carrier shall not create a hazardouscondition, such as not supporting the test weight, frame orfasteners breaking or disengaging, or seams separating, whentested in accordance with 7.3. Adjustable elements in

44、theoccupant retention system shall not slip more than 1 in. (25.4mm) when tested in accordance with StabilityIf the frame child carrier is designed to allowit to stand freely in the upright position, the frame child carriershall not tip over when tested in accordance with Retention S

45、ystem:6.5.1 A retention system, including a shoulder restraint,shall be provided to secure the occupant in a seated position inany of the manufacturers recommended use positions whentested in accordance with Before shipment, the manufacturer shall attach theretention system in such a manne

46、r that it will not detach innormal usage.6.5.3 If the retention system includes a crotch restraintdesigned to work with a lap belt, it shall be designed such thatits use is mandatory when the retention system is in use.6.6 Handle IntegrityThe carrier shall not create a hazard-ous condition such as h

47、andle or frame breaking or disengagingor seams separating when tested in accordance with 7.6.7. Test Methods7.1 Leg Openings:7.1.1 If the leg opening is adjustable in size to allow forgrowth, it shall be tested with the leg opening adjusted to itssmallest size as described in the manufacturers liter

48、ature orinstructions.7.1.2 Place the Leg Opening Test Sphere (Fig. 3)inthecarrier leg opening and adjust the carrier in a manner such thatthe leg opening of the carrier is horizontal. Remove the testsphere.NOTE 2Sphere shall be fabricated from a smooth, rigid materialweighted to 7.0 lb (3.20 kg). Sp

49、here is machined to 16.5 in. (419.1 mm)circumference.7.1.3 Place the Leg Opening Test Sphere inside the carrierand gradually allow the sphere to rest in the leg opening overa period of 5 s. Allow the sphere to rest in the opening for anadditional 1 min.7.1.4 Repeat the test for the other leg opening.7.2 Dynamic Strength Test:7.2.1 Fasten the frame child carrier to a test torso (see Fig.4) in the same or similar manner as the instruction manualdirects the carrier should be attached to the human torso duringactual use.7.2.2 Position a

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