1、Designation: F 2619/F 2619M 07An American National StandardStandard Specification forHigh-Density Polyethylene (PE) Line Pipe1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 2619/F 2619M; the number immediately following the designation indicates theyear of original adoption or, in the case of
2、 revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of lastreapproval. A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers requirements and test methodsfor high-density polyethylene (PE) mater
3、ials, pipe and fittingsfor pressure or non-pressure oil and gas producing applicationsto convey fluids such as oil, dry or wet gas, multiphase fluids,and non-potable oilfield water. This specification does notcover pipe for gas distribution applications.1.1.1 For the purposes of this specification,
4、high-densitypolyethylene material is Specification D 3350 density cellclassification 3 or higher. This specification does not covermaterials having Specification D 3350 density cell classifica-tion less than 3 such as medium or low density polyethylenematerials.1.2 UnitsThe values stated in either S
5、I or inch-poundunits are to be regarded separately as standard. The valuesstated in each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore,each system shall be used independently of each other. Com-bining values from the two systems may result in non-compliance with the standard. Values in parentheses
6、areprovided for information only.1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitat
7、ions prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 638 Test Method for Tensile Properties of PlasticsD 1598 Test Method for Time-to-Failure of Plastic PipeUnder Constant Internal PressureD 1599 Test Method for Resistance to Short-Time Hydrau-lic Pressure of Plastic Pipe, Tubing, and Fitt
8、ingsD 1600 Terminology for Abbreviated Terms Relating toPlasticsD 1603 Test Method for Carbon Black Content in OlefinPlasticsD 2122 Test Method for Determining Dimensions of Ther-moplastic Pipe and FittingsD 2290 Test Method for Apparent Hoop Tensile Strength ofPlastic or Reinforced Plastic Pipe by
9、Split Disk MethodD 2683 Specification for Socket-Type Polyethylene Fittingsfor Outside Diameter-Controlled Polyethylene Pipe andTubingD 2837 Test Method for Obtaining Hydrostatic DesignBasis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials or Pressure DesignBasis for Thermoplastic Pipe ProductsD 3261 Specification
10、for Butt Heat Fusion Polyethylene(PE) Plastic Fittings for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe andTubingD 3350 Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Pipe andFittings MaterialsD 4218 Test Method for Determination of Carbon BlackContent in Polyethylene Compounds By the Muffle-Furnace TechniqueF 412 Termi
11、nology Relating to Plastic Piping SystemsF 1055 Specification for Electrofusion Type PolyethyleneFittings for Outside Diameter Controlled PolyethylenePipe and TubingF 1473 Test Method for Notch Tensile Test to Measure theResistance to Slow Crack Growth of Polyethylene Pipesand ResinsF 1973 Specifica
12、tion for Factory Assembled Anodeless Ris-ers and Transition Fittings in Polyethylene (PE) andPolyamide 11 (PA11) and Polyamide 12 (PA12) Fuel GasDistribution SystemsF 2206 Specification for Fabricated Fittings of Butt-FusedPolyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe, Fittings, Sheet Stock, PlateStock, or Block S
13、tock2.2 Other Documents:CFR 49 Part 192 Transportation of Natural and Other Gasby Pipeline: Minimum Federal Safety Standards3Federal Register Vol. 71, No. 50, March 15, 20063CSA Z662 Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems4FED-STD-123G Federal Standard Marking for Shipment(Civil Agencies)1This specification is
14、 under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F17 on PlasticPiping Systems and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F17.60 on Gas.Current edition approved Nov. 15, 2007. Published December 2007.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service
15、at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from U.S. Department of Transportation, Transportation SafetyInstitute, Pipeline Safety Division, PO Box 25082, Oklahoma City, OK 73125-5050.4Available
16、from Canadian Standards Association (CSA), 5060 Spectrum Way,Mississauga, ON L4W 5N6, Canada, http:/www.csa.ca.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.Military Standard 129P Standard PracticeMilitary Mark-ing for Shipment and
17、 StoragePPI TR-3 Policies and Procedures for Developing Hydro-static Design Basis (HDB), Pressure Design Basis (PDB),Strength Design Basis (SDB), and Minimum RequiredStrength (MRS) Ratings for Thermoplastic Piping Mate-rials or Pipe5PPI TR-4 Listing of Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB),Strength Design
18、Basis (SDB), Pressure Design Basis(PDB) and Minimum Required Strength (MRS) Ratingsfor Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe53. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsUnless otherwise specified, definitions arein accordance with Terminology F 412, and abbreviations arein accordance with Terminology D 1600.3.2 D
19、efinitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 multiphase fluid, noil, gas, and water in any com-bination produced from one or more oil or gas wells, orrecombined oil or gas well fluids that may have been separatedin passing through surface facilities.3.2.2 oilfield water, nfresh or salt water
20、transported bypipeline, regardless of purity or quality, from wells or surfacelocations for the purpose of providing water injection tounderground reservoirs; or disposing of waste water fromhydrocarbon or gas production, processing, or storage facili-ties.3.2.3 production run, nthe continuous extru
21、sion of pipe ofa specific diameter, wall thickness and material compound (see4.1). DiscussionContinuous production may be tempo-rarily interrupted by loss of power or circumstances such asbreakdowns or screen changes, etc.; however, a change ofdiameter or wall thickness (dimension ratio) or m
22、aterialcompound constitutes a new production run.3.2.4 sample, npipe or an element of pipe that representsa quantity of pipe and provides a specimen or specimens fortesting.3.2.5 specimen, npipe or an element of pipe that issubjected to test.4. Materials4.1 Classification and PropertiesPolyethylene
23、materialcompounds suitable for use in the manufacture of pipe andfittings under this specification shall meet SpecificationD 3350, and shall meet the Specification D 3350 classificationand property requirements in Table 1, and shall have HDB andHDS ratings at 73F 23C and HDB ratings at 140F 60Cin ac
24、cordance with PPI TR-3, Test Method D 2837 and Table 1.When tested in accordance with Test Method D 1598, virginPE material compound shall meet Table 5 requirements appli-cable to the material designation code.4.1.1 Color and Ultraviolet (UV) StabilizationPolyethylene material compounds in the pipe
25、shall meetSpecification D 3350 color and UV stabilizer Code C or CodeE. Code C compounds shall contain 2 to 3 percent carbon blackwhen tested per 5.6. Code E color compounds are used only forcoextruded color stripes and shall be colored with UV stabi-lizer. Code E compounds shall contain sufficient
26、UV stabilizerfor at least 24 months of unprotected outdoor storage.4.1.2 The manufacturer shall have procedures for ensuringthat materials meeting 4.1 are received in a condition that issuitable for processing, including receiving inspection to dis-cover damage or contamination from shipping and ver
27、ificationof appropriate material properties.NOTE 1Changes to Specification D 3350 and PPI TR-3 resulted inchanges to thermoplastic material designation codes for polyethylenematerials. (See Terminology F 412 for the thermoplastic material desig-nation code definition.) A Specification D 3350 require
28、ment to usea4forSCG resistance values of 4 or 6 was deleted, density cell 3 was split intocells 3 and 4, and a SCG resistance value of 7 (500 h per Test MethodF 1473 (PENT) was added. Changes to PPI TR-3 provide for an increasedHDS for water at 73F for materials that demonstrate 500 h SCGresistance
29、per Test Method F 1473 (PENT), and a LCL/LTHS ratio of atleast 90 percent per Test Method D 2837, and substantiation per PPI TR-3to show that extrapolation of the 73F stress regression curve is linear tothe 438 000-h (50-year) intercept.4.2 Rework MaterialRework material is acceptable tomanufacture
30、pipe and fittings in accordance with this specifi-cation as part of a blend with virgin material compoundmeeting 4.1 and 4.1.1. Rework material shall be polyethylenematerial compound from the manufacturers own pipe or fittingproduction that met 4.1 and 4.1.1 as virgin material compound.Rework materi
31、al shall be traceable per 4.2.1 and shall have the5Available from Plastics Pipe Institute (PPI), 105 Decker Court, Suite 825,Irving, TX 75062, http:/www.plasticpipe.org.TABLE 1 Specification D 3350 Cell Classification and Property Values for MaterialsPropertyCell ClassificationAand Property ValuesMa
32、terial Designation CodePE3608 PE3708 PE3710 PE4608 PE4708 PE4710Density (natural base resin) 3 3 3 4 4 4Melt Index 4 4 4 4 4 4Flexural Modulus $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $5Tensile Strength at Yield $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4SCG Resistance 6 7 7 6 7 7Hydrostatic Strength Classification 4 4 4 4 4 4Color and UV Stabilizer
33、See 4.1.1 See 4.1.1 See 4.1.1 See 4.1.1 See 4.1.1 See 4.1.1HDS at 73F 23CB, psi MPa 800 5.5 800 5.5 1000 6.9 800 5.5 800 5.5 1000 6.9HDB at 140F 60CB, psi MPaCCCCCCASpecification D 3350 cell classification values reflect typical property values for numerous lots of the material and do not include te
34、sting bias or manufacturingtolerances. Values for individual material lots can vary from typical values. Contact the manufacturer for information about testing bias and material manufacturingtolerances.BHDS and HDB determined in accordance with Test Method D 2837 and PPI TR-3. HDB and HDS listed rat
35、ings are published in PPI TR-4.CRating required; consult manufacturer for rated value.F 2619/F 2619M 072same Specification D 3350 cell classification and propertyvalue or material designation code per Table 1 as the virginmaterial compound in the blend. Pipe containing reworkmaterial shall meet the
36、requirements of this specification.4.2.1 The manufacturer shall have procedures for ensuringthat rework material is clean before use and shall haveprocedures for tracing rework material from its initial process-ing as virgin material through the manufacturers reworkprocess to ensure that material bl
37、ends containing reworkmaterial comply with 4.2. Testing rework material for compli-ance with Table 1 classification and properties is not required.5. Pipe Requirements5.1 WorkmanshipPipe shall be homogeneous throughout.To the extent commercially practical, pipe exiting productionline processing equi
38、pment but before coiling or packaging forshipment shall be free of injurious defects such as visiblecracks, holes, foreign inclusions, voids, blisters, dents, andgrooves, ridges and high or low (flat) areas that extendlengthwise along the pipe (see 5.2.5). To the extent commer-cially practical, pipe
39、 and fittings shall be uniform throughout infinish, opacity and color except for color stripes if applicable.5.1.1 Pipe outside surface color stripes are not required, butif applied, shall be inseparably co-extruded as part of the pipeoutside surface.5.1.2 Cut pipe ends shall be squarely cut and cle
40、an withoutledges, shaving tails, burrs or cracks.5.1.3 The interior of the pipe shall be free of cuttings,shavings and debris when produced.5.2 Dimensions and Tolerances:5.2.1 Dimensions and tolerances shall apply at 73.4 6 3.6F23 6 2C without regard to humidity.5.2.2 Pipe shall be supplied in coils
41、 or straight lengths byagreement between the manufacturer and purchaser.5.2.3 Pipe DiameterThe outside diameter of the pipeshall meet the outside diameter per Table 2 or 5.2.8 whenmeasured in accordance with Test Method D 2122. The outsidediameter measurement shall be taken at a distance at least 1.
42、5times the average outside diameter or 11.8 in. 300 mm,whichever is less, from the cut end of the pipe.5.2.4 Toe-InWhen measured in accordance with TestMethod D 2122, the outside diameter at the cut end of the pipeshall not be more than 1.5 percent smaller than the outsidediameter per Table 2 or 5.2
43、. Outside Surface IrregularityOutside surface irregu-larity tolerance per Table 2 shall be measured per 7.6. Mea-surement is not required where there is no tolerance in Table 2.NOTE 2Irregular outside surface conditions from the extrusion lineprocessing equipment that are not field correctabl
44、e can affect the suitabil-ity of pipe for joining with devices that secure or seal to the pipe outsidesurface, especially electrofusion devices.5.2.6 OvalityThe ovality (elliptical shape) of pipe whenexiting production line processing equipment but before coil-ing or packaging for shipment shall not
45、 exceed 5 percent whendetermined in accordance with 7.7.NOTE 3Ovality is a field correctable condition that results frompackaging or storage. When coiled, pipe will deflect to an oval or ellipticalTABLE 2 Pipe Outside Diameter and ToleranceNominal IPSPipe SizeOutside Diameter and ToleranceAOutside S
46、urface IrregularityAverage Tolerance ToleranceBin. mm in. mm in. mm12 0.840 21.34 60.004 60.10 0.03 0.834 1.050 26.67 60.004 60.10 0.03 0.81 1.315 33.40 60.005 60.13 0.03 0.8114 1.660 42.16 60.005 60.13 0.03 0.8112 1.900 48.26 60.006 60.15 0.06 1.52 2.375 60.33 60.006 60.15 0.06 1.5212 2.875 73.03 6
47、0.007 60.18 0.06 1.53 3.500 88.90 60.008 60.20 0.06 1.54 4.500 114.30 60.009 60.23 0.10 2.55 5.563 141.30 60.010 60.25 0.10 2.56 6.625 168.28 60.011 60.28 0.12 3.08 8.625 219.08 60.013 60.38 0.24 6.110 10.750 273.05 60.015 60.38 0.24 6.112 12.750 323.85 60.017 60.43 0.28 7.114 14.000 355.60 60.063 6
48、1.60 16 16.000 406.40 60.072 61.83 18 18.000 457.20 60.081 62.05 20 20.000 508.00 60.090 62.29 22 22.000 558.80 60.099 62.51 24 24.000 609.60 60.108 62.74 28 28.000 711.20 60.126 63.20 30 30.000 762.00 60.135 63.43 32 32.000 812.80 60.144 63.66 34 34.000 863.60 60.153 63.89 36 36.000 914.40 60.162 6
49、4.11 42 42.000 1066.80 60.189 64.80 48 48.000 1219.20 60.216 65.49 54 54.000 1371.60 60.243 66.17 63 63.000 1600.20 60.284 67.20 65 65.000 1651.00 60.293 67.43 AOutside diameter rounded to 3 decimal places for inch dimensions or to 2 decimal places for mm dimensions.BSee 5.2.5.F 2619/F 2619M 073TABLE 3 Wall Thickness and Tolerance of 12 in. and Smaller Nominal Pipe SizeWall Thickness and ToleranceNominal IPS Pipe Size DRMinimum Wall ThicknessAToleranceBin. mm in. mm
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