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本文(ASTM G49-1985(2011) Standard Practice for Preparation and Use of Direct Tension Stress-Corrosion Test Specimens《直接拉伸应力腐蚀试样的制备和使用的标准操作规程》.pdf)为本站会员(appealoxygen216)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM G49-1985(2011) Standard Practice for Preparation and Use of Direct Tension Stress-Corrosion Test Specimens《直接拉伸应力腐蚀试样的制备和使用的标准操作规程》.pdf

1、Designation: G49 85 (Reapproved 2011)Standard Practice forPreparation and Use of Direct Tension Stress-CorrosionTest Specimens1This standard is issued under the fixed designation G49; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of originaladoption or, in the case of revision,

2、 the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscriptepsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This practice covers procedures for designing, prepar-ing, and using ASTM standard tension test specimens

3、 forinvestigating susceptibility to stress-corrosion cracking. Axi-ally loaded specimens may be stressed quantitatively withequipment for application of either a constant load, constantstrain, or with a continuously increasing strain.1.2 Tension test specimens are adaptable for testing a widevariety

4、 of product forms as well as parts joined by welding,riveting, or various other methods.1.3 The exposure of specimens in a corrosive environmentis treated only briefly because other standards are beingprepared to deal with this aspect. Meanwhile, the investigatoris referred to Practices G35, G36, G3

5、7, and G44, and toASTMSpecial Technical Publication 425 (1).22. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:3E8 Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic MaterialsG35 Practice for Determining the Susceptibility of StainlessSteels and Related Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys toStress-Corrosion Cracking in P

6、olythionic AcidsG36 Practice for Evaluating Stress-Corrosion-Cracking Re-sistance of Metals and Alloys in a Boiling MagnesiumChloride SolutionG37 Practice for Use of Mattssons Solution of pH 7.2 toEvaluate the Stress-Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility ofCopper-Zinc AlloysG44 Practice for Exposure of

7、Metals and Alloys by Alter-nate Immersion in Neutral 3.5 % Sodium Chloride Solu-tion3. Summary of Practice3.1 This practice covers the use of axially loaded, quantita-tively stressed ASTM standard tension test specimens forinvestigating the resistance to stress-corrosion cracking ofmetallic material

8、s in all types of product forms. Considerationis given to important factors in the selection of appropriatespecimens, the design of loading equipment, and the effects ofthese factors on the state of stress in the specimen as corrosionoccurs.4. Significance and Use4.1 Axially loaded tension specimens

9、 provide one of themost versatile methods of performing a stress-corrosion testbecause of the flexibility permitted in the choice of type andsize of test specimen, stressing procedures, and range of stresslevels.4.2 The uniaxial stress system is simple; hence, this testmethod is often used for studi

10、es of stress-corrosion mecha-nisms. This type of test is amenable to the simultaneousexposure of unstressed specimens (no applied load) withstressed specimens and subsequent tension testing to distin-guish between the effects of true stress corrosion and mechani-cal overload (2). Additional consider

11、ations in regard to thesignificance of the test results and their interpretation are givenin Sections 6 and 10.4.3 Wide variations in test results may be obtained for agiven material and specimen orientation with different speci-men sizes and stressing procedures. This consideration issignificant es

12、pecially in the standardization of a test procedurefor interlaboratory comparisons or quality control.5. Test Specimens5.1 Whenever possible, tension test specimens used inevaluating susceptibility to stress-corrosion cracking shouldconform to the dimensions of standard tension test specimensspecifi

13、ed in Test Methods E8, which contain details forspecimens machined from various product forms.5.2 A wide range of sizes for tension test specimens ispossible, depending primarily upon the dimensions of theproduct to be tested. Because the stress-corrosion test resultscan be markedly influenced by th

14、e cross section of the testspecimen, this factor should be given careful consideration1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee G01 on Corrosionof Metals and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee G01.06 on Environmen-tally Assisted Cracking.Current edition approved March 1, 2

15、011. Published April 2011. Originallyapproved in 1976. Last previous edition approved in 2005 as G4985(2005). DOI:10.1520/G0049-85R11.2The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end ofthis standard.3For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or

16、contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.with regard to the

17、 object of the investigation. Although largerspecimens may be more representative of most actual struc-tures, they often cannot be machined from product forms to beevaluated; and they present more difficulties in stressing andhandling in the laboratory. Also, larger specimens of somematerials may re

18、quire longer exposure periods than smallerspecimens.5.3 Smaller cross-section specimens are widely used be-cause they (1) have a greater sensitivity to the initiation ofstress-corrosion cracking, (2) usually give test results morequickly, and (3) permit greater convenience in testing. On theother ha

19、nd, the smaller specimens are more difficult to ma-chine, and their performance is more likely to be influenced byextraneous stress concentrations resulting from non-axial load-ing, corrosion pits, etc. Therefore, specimens less than about 10mm (0.4 in.) in gauge length or 3.0 mm (0.12 in.) in diame

20、terare not recommended for general use.5.4 Tension specimens containing machined notches havebeen used in studies of stress-corrosion cracking and hydrogenembrittlement (3). The presence of a notch induces a triaxialstress state at the root of the notch wherein the actual stress willbe greater by a

21、concentration factor dependent on the notchgeometry. Advantages of such specimens include the probablelocalization of cracking to the notch region and acceleration offailure. However, unless directly related to practical conditionsof usage, spurious results may ensue.5.5 Tension specimens containing

22、 a machined notch inwhich a mechanical precrack (for example, a fatigue or tensioncrack) has been started will be the subject of another ASTMstandard. Various types of precracked specimens are discussedin other publications (2, 4).6. Stress Considerations6.1 There are several factors that may introd

23、uce bendingmoments on specimens, such as a longitudinal curvature,misalignment of threads on threaded-end round specimens, andthe corners of sheet-type specimens. The significance of thesefactors is greater for specimens with smaller cross sections.Even though eccentricity in loading can be minimize

24、d to equalthe same standards accepted for tension testing machines,inevitably, there is some variation in the tensile stress aroundthe circumference of the test specimen which can be of suchmagnitude that it will introduce considerable error in thedesired stress. Tests should be made on specimens wi

25、th straingages affixed to the specimen surface (around the circumfer-ence in 90 or 120 intervals) to verify strain and stressuniformity and determine if machining practices and stressingjigs are of adequate tolerance and quality.6.2 Another consideration is the possible increase in netsection stress

26、 that will occur when corrosion develops duringthe environmental exposure (1, 5). As shown schematically inFig. 1, there are two limiting curves: one for zero stiffness(dead weight) and the other for infinite stiffness (ideal constantstrain). In actual testing with various types of stressing frames,

27、such as those shown in Figs. 2-4, the increase in net sectionstress will be somewhere in between. When the net sectionstress becomes greater than the nominal gross section stressand increases to the point of fracture, either of two events canoccur: (1) fracture by mechanical overload of a material t

28、hat isnot susceptible to stress-corrosion cracking, or (2) stress-corrosion cracking of a material at an unknown stress higherthan the intended nominal test stress. The occurrence of eitherof these phenomena would interfere with a valid evaluation ofmaterials with a relatively high resistance to str

29、ess corrosion.These considerations must be taken into account in experi-ments undertaken to determine “threshold” stresses. The sig-nificance of these factors is discussed further in Section 10.7. Stressing Methods7.1 General Considerations:7.1.1 Tension specimens may be subjected to a wide rangeof

30、stress levels associated with either elastic or elastic andplastic strain. Because the stress system is intended to beessentially uniaxial (except in the case of notched specimens),great care must be exercised in the construction of stressingframes so that bending stresses are avoided or minimized.7

31、.1.2 Although a number of different stressing frames havebeen used with tension specimens, three basic types areconsidered herein: constant (sustained) load, constant strain(deformation), and continuously increasing strain. A constantload can be obtained with dead weight, but truly constant strainlo

32、ading is seldom achieved because a stressing frame withinfinite stiffness would be required. Stress-corrosion test resultscan be influenced by the type of loading in combination withthe design of the test specimen; therefore, the investigatorshould select loading conditions most applicable to the pu

33、rposeNOTEThe behavior shown is generally representative, but the curveswill vary with specific alloys and tempers.FIG. 1 Effect of Loading Method and Extent of Cracking orCorrosion Pattern on Average Net Section StressG49 85 (2011)2of the investigation. Further information in regard to the typeof lo

34、ading most applicable to various types of structures isgiven in Ref (2).7.2 Stressing Frames:7.2.1 Constant Load: The simplest method is a dead weight hung on oneend of the specimen, and it is particularly useful for wirespecimens (6). For specimens of larger cross section, however,lever syst

35、ems such as are used in creep testing machines aremore practical. The advantage of any dead-weight loadingdevice is the constancy of the applied load. An approximation of a constant-load system can beattained by the use of springs with a ring such as that shown inFig. 2 (7). The principle of

36、the proving ring, as used in thecalibration of tension testing machines, has also been adaptedto stress-corrosion testing to provide a simple, compact, andeasily operated device to apply axial load (8); see Fig. 3(a).The load is applied by tightening a nut on one of the bolts andis determined by car

37、efully measuring the change in ringdiameter.Another similar but less sophisticated ring device canalso be used, the difference being that the load is applied witha hydraulic jig (8) as shown in Fig. 3(b). In either ring device,the bolt contains a keyway to prevent a torsional stress frombeing applie

38、d to the specimen while tightening the nut.7.2.2 Constant StrainStress-corrosion tests performed inlow-compliance tension testing machines are of the constant-strain type. The specimen is loaded to the required stress leveland the moving beam then locked in position. Other laboratorystressing frames

39、 have also been used, generally in testingspecimens of lower strength of smaller cross section (9). Fig.4(a) shows an exploded view of such a stressing frame, andFig. 4(b) shows a special loading device developed to ensureaxial loading with a minimum of torsion and bending of thespecimen. For

40、 stressing frames that do not contain any mecha-nism for the measurement of load, it is desirable to determinethe stress levels from measurement of the strain. It must benoted, however, that only when the intended stress is below theelastic limit of the test material is the average linear stress (s)

41、proportional to the average linear strain (e), s/e = E, where theconstant E is the modulus of elasticity. When tests are conducted at elevated temperatureswith constant-strain loaded specimens, consideration should begiven to the possibility of stress relaxation.7.2.3 Continuously Increasing

42、StrainA tension testingmachine may be used to load the test specimen at a constantrate to failure (10). If the specimen is surrounded by a testenvironment and strain rate is slow enough, stress-corrosioncracking may occur during the test. This can result in shortertimes to fracture or in lower value

43、s of elongation or reductionof area, or both, than obtained for a specimen strained at thesame rate in air or in an inert environment at the sametemperature as the corrodent. Appropriate combinations ofspecimen cross section and corrosive environment must bedetermined, as well as the range of critic

44、al strain rate forspecific alloy systems.FIG. 2 Spring-Loaded Stressing Frame (7)FIG. 3 Sustained Load Devices Using Ring Frames (8)G49 85 (2011)38. Preparation of Specimens8.1 The pronounced effect of surface conditions on the timerequired to initiate stress-corrosion cracking in test specimensis w

45、ell-known. Unless it is desired to evaluate the as-fabricatedsurface, the final surface preparation generally preferred is amechanical process followed by simple degreasing. Suitablemechanical finishes include a machined or machine-groundsurface with a quality of about 32 in. rms or better.8.2 Care

46、should be taken to avoid overheating or excessivepressure during the final preparation; otherwise, residualstresses or metallurgical changes may be induced in thesurface.8.3 When the final surface preparation involves a chemicaltreatment, care must be taken to ensure that the solution doesnot select

47、ively attack alloy constituents in the metal or leaveundesirable residues on the surface.FIG. 4 Constant-Strain Type of Stressing Frame (9)G49 85 (2011)48.4 Chemical or electrochemical treatments that producehydrogen on the specimen surface must not be used onmaterials that are subject to hydrogen e

48、mbrittlement or thatreact with hydrogen to form a hydride.9. Exposure of Specimens9.1 The environmental testing conditions will depend uponthe intent of the test but, ideally, should be the same as thoseprevailing for the intended use of the alloy or relatable to theanticipated service conditions.9.

49、2 The stressed specimens should be exposed to the testenvironment, either gaseous or liquid, as soon as possible afterstressing. When practicable, it is recommended that the speci-mens be stressed with the corrodent already present.9.3 In the experimental setup for exposure of the specimento the test environment (for example, total immersion, alternateimmersion, atmospheric exposure, etc.), appropriate precau-tions must be taken to avoid galvanic action or crevicecorrosion between the specimen, the stressing frame, andexposure racks. If necessary, protective coatings can b

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