1、The OfficialBook of D1.1InterpretationsA Collection ofResponses to FormalInquiries about theRequirements of AWSD1.1 (19762008)550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126THE OFFICIAL BOOKofD1.1 INTERPRETATIONSSecond Edition, 2008This publication is designed to provide information in regard to the subject
2、matter covered. It is made available with theunderstanding that the publisher is not engaged in the rendering of professional advice. Reliance upon the informationcontained in this document should not be undertaken without an independent verification of its application for a particularuse. The publi
3、sher is not responsible for loss or damage resulting from use of this publication. This document is not aconsensus standard. Users should refer to the applicable standards for their particular application.THE OFFICIAL BOOK OF D1.1 INTERPRETATIONSiiInternational Standard Book Number: 978-0-87171-083-
4、3American Welding Society550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126 2008 by American Welding SocietyAll rights reservedPrinted in the United States of AmericaPhotocopy Rights. No portion of this standard may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in anyform, including mechanical, ph
5、otocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyrightowner.Authorization to photocopy items for internal, personal, or educational classroom use only or the internal, personal, oreducational classroom use only of specific clients is granted by the American Weldin
6、g Society provided that the appropriatefee is paid to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, tel: (978) 750-8400; Internet:.iiiTHE OFFICIAL BOOK OF D1.1 INTERPRETATIONSTABLE OF CONTENTSPage No.Introduction 1D1.1-76.1D1.1-79.1D1.1-80.3D1.1-81.3D1.1-82.6D1.1-83.8D1.1-84
7、.9D1.1-85.13D1.1-86.13D1.1-88.14D1.1-90.15D1.1-92.26D1.1-94.28D1.1-96.31D1.1-98.32D1.1:2000 .33D1.1:2002 .35D1.1:2004 .38D1.1:2006 .38Index by Subject of Inquiry39Index by Code Provision 43Users Log of Official Interpretations 47List of AWS Documents on Structural Welding49NOTE: This Publication con
8、tains interpretations of AWS D1.1, Structural Welding CodeSteel, by the AWS D1Committee. The interpretations contained herein are the results of balloted responses to submitted inquiries approvedby the D1 Structural Welding Committee, made for specific Code editions. The concept of assembling D1 Com
9、mitteeinquiry responses into one convenient source came forward from the AWS Product Development Committee in 1995.This page is intentionally blank.THE OFFICIAL BOOK OF D1.1 INTERPRETATIONSivD1.1-76 THE OFFICIAL BOOK OF D1.1 INTERPRETATIONS1INTRODUCTIONAWS D1.1, Structural Welding CodeSteel, is prep
10、ared by the AWS Structural Welding Committee. Because theCode is written in the form of a specification, it cannot present background material or discuss the committees intent.Since the publication of the first edition of the Code, the nature of inquiries directed to the American Welding Societyand
11、the Structural Welding Committee has indicated that there are some requirements in the Code that are either difficultto understand or not sufficiently specific, and others that appear to be overly conservative.It should be recognized that the fundamental premise of the Code is to provide general sti
12、pulations applicable to anysituation and to leave sufficient latitude for the exercise of engineering judgement. Another point to be recognized is thatthe Code represents the collective experience of the committee; and, while some provisions may seem overly conserva-tive, they have been based on sou
13、nd engineering practice.The format of this document presents Code interpretations grouped according to the Code date. Individual inquiriesfor the specific issue date of the Code are arranged by the applicable section number within the Code. To assist thereader, an index is provided that is compiled
14、by subject matter, and a second index is provided that supplies the varioussection numbers referenced in the document in numerical order, regardless of Code date.Readers are reminded that the basic format of the Code was reorganized extensively in the 1996 edition. Therefore,the provision numbers of
15、 the interpretations included herein in most cases will not be similar to the provision numbers ofeditions for 1996 or later.This is the second edition of this document, and it is the intent of the Society to provide an updated version of thispublication on a frequent schedule. The first edition of
16、this document was published in 2000.Recent official interpretations of AWS D1.1 technical requirements are published regularly in the July and Novemberissues of the Welding Journal. Original requests for official interpretation of any Code requirement shall be submitted inwriting to the Managing Dir
17、ector of Technical Services, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami,FL 33126.D1.1-76Subject: Essential VariablesCode Edition: D1.1-76Code Provision: Subsection 5.5AWS Log: D1-86-011Inquiry: In procedure qualification, does the Code permit the use of several different variations of cu
18、rrent,voltage, travel speeds, or wire feed speeds during the course of the qualifications?Response: Yes, provided that the variables used during qualification are recorded on a form similar to Appen-dix E, Form E-2, Welding Qualification Test Record.D1.1-79Subject: Code Thickness LimitationsCode Edi
19、tion: D1.1-79Code Provision: Subsection 1.2.2AWS Log: D1-85-017(1)Inquiry: What is the meaning of the thickness limitation provisions of 1.2.2 in AWS D1.1-79 (1.2.3 in AWSD1.1-83 through D1.1-94 editions)?76, D1.1-79THE OFFICIAL BOOK OF D1.1 INTERPRETATIONS D1.1-762Response: (1) When the thickness o
20、f the material is over 0.18 in., the rules of AWS D1.1 apply.(2) When the thickness of the material is between 1/8 and 0.18 in., either AWS D1.1 or AWS D1.3apply, as applicable.(3) When the thickness of the material is less than 1/8 in., the rules of AWS D1.3 should apply.(4) When welding a material
21、 less than 1/8 in. thick to a material more than 0.18 in. thick, the rulesof AWS D1.3 should apply, but they are to be supplemented by the provisions of AWS D1.1(e.g., adequate preheat, low hydrogen electrode, etc.).Subject: Code Thickness Limitations for Performance and WPS QualificationCode Editio
22、n: D1.1-79Code Provision: Subsection 1.2.2AWS Log: D1-85-017(2)Inquiry: May a fabricator qualify welding procedures and welders for flare-bevel-groove welds and filletwelds on material having thickness less than 1/8 in. in accordance with the provisions of AWSD1.1?Response: No. The provisions of AWS
23、 D1.1 are not intended to apply to the welding of base metals having athickness less than 1/8 in.Subject: Prequalified Skewed T-JointsCode Edition: D1.1-79Code Provision: Subsection 2.7.4, Figure 2.7.1AWS Log: D1-85-026Inquiry: Are welds made in skewed T-joints, (e.g., Figure 2.7.1), where the groov
24、e angle is less than 60,accorded prequalified status?Response: Yes. Welds made in skewed T-joints, where the groove angle is less than 60, are accorded pre-qualified status provided that the welds are made with a prequalified joint welding procedure inaccordance with 5.1.1 and the welder is qualifie
25、d for groove welding.Subject: Inspector ResponsibilitiesCode Edition: D1.1-79Code Provision: Subsections 6.5.4, 6.5.5AWS Log: D1-84-010Inquiry: (1) Does 6.5.5 require that all welding related activities listed in Section 3, including preparation ofbase metal and assembly, have 100% documentation of
26、inspection by the Inspector?(2) Is the inspector required to systematically verify that the criteria in Section 3 are met by randomchecks to assure compliance with the workmanship requirements?Response: (1) No.(2) Yes. 6.5.4 and 6.5.5 require observation of the work at suitable intervals to verify t
27、hat applicablerequirements of Section 4 and Section 3, respectively, are met.D1.1-79D1.1-80 THE OFFICIAL BOOK OF D1.1 INTERPRETATIONS3D1.1-80Subject: Web Flatness TolerancesCode Edition: D1.1-80Code Provision: Subsections 3.5, 9.23AWS Log: D1-85-024Inquiry: What tolerances should be used for the fla
28、tness of the panel between the bearing stiffener and theend of the web?Response: These dimensional tolerances are not addressed by AWS D1.1 except in 8.13.3 and 9.23.3 whenend panels are connected to other girders by bolted splices. Agreement between the contractor andthe owner should be in accordan
29、ce with Mill Scale on Flange SurfacesCode Edition: D1.1-81Code Provision: Subsection 3.2.1AWS Log: D1-85-021Inquiry: Is the flange surface directly under the web considered to be a weld surface requiring all mill scaleto be removed?Response: Yes.Subject: Prequalified WPS Req
30、uirementsCode Edition: D1.1-81Code Provision: Subsection 5.1.1 and Appendix EAWS Log: D1-84-014(5)Inquiry: Why does 5.1.1 not specifically state the required information to be presented on Form E-1 forprequalified joint welding procedures, and reference at least one qualified procedure with a histor
31、yof satisfactory performance?Response: Table E-1 lists the mandatory Code requirements for prequalified joint welding procedures; listingin 5.1.1 would be awkward and redundant.Subject: Welding Personnel Qualification ResponsibilityCode Edition: D1.1-81Code Provision: Subsection 5.3AWS Log: D1-84-01
32、4(7)Inquiry: Who should actively participate in the qualification of welders and welding operators?Response: It is clearly the responsibility of the contractor, although the actual mechanism of qualification varieswith the individual organization.80, D1.1-81THE OFFICIAL BOOK OF D1.1 INTERPRETATIONS
33、D1.1-814Subject: Witness of TestsCode Edition: D1.1-81Code Provision: Subsections 5.13, 5.31AWS Log: D1-84-014(1)Inquiry: Does 5.13 and 5.31 require the contractor to witness all tests and record all data on suggested formsin Appendix E?Response: Yes.Subject: Performance Qualification WPSCode Editio
34、n: D1.1-81Code Provision: Subsections 5.25, 5.36AWS Log: D1-84-014(2)Inquiry: Do qualification provisions in 5.25 and 5.36 require a welder or welding operator to follow a quali-fied or a prequalified joint procedure specification?Response: Yes. Either a qualified or prequalified procedure specifica
35、tion is acceptable.Subject: Performance Qualification RT/Bend RequirementsCode Edition: D1.1-81Code Provision: Subsections 5.26, 5.37AWS Log: D1-84-014(4)Inquiry: Why are not both radiographic testing and mechanical testing required for welder or welding opera-tor qualification in 5.26 and 5.37?Resp
36、onse: In the Committees opinion, either radiography or mechanical bend tests are acceptable for deter-mining the soundness of the weld.Subject: Evidence of QualificationCode Edition: D1.1-81Code Provision: Subsection 5.29AWS Log: D1-84-014(3)Inquiry: What constitutes evidence; what are the specific
37、time intervals; and what degree of further trainingor practice must be established before a retest is valid in 5.29?Response: The contractor must determine the individual requirements.Subject: Ultrasonic InspectionCode Edition: D1.1-81Code Provision: Section 6, Part CAWS Log: D1-SUTInquiry: (1) One
38、of the questions concerns the evaluation of discontinuities once they have been located byone of the scanning methods specified in Table, Page 117 and 118 of the 1980 Edition.The method numbers are derived from the procedure chart, based upon the type of joint andmaterial thickness. The num
39、ber in the left side of the box refers you to the procedure legend,D1.1-81 THE OFFICIAL BOOK OF D1.1 INTERPRETATIONS5which specifies the angles that will be used to scan the various weld areas. In the procedurechart, the only way you get to the right side of the box under the asterisk, is when a fus
40、ion zonediscontinuity is suspected. In the case of a T-joint in 2 in.-thick material, the procedure chartrefers you to “F” or “XF” for further evaluation of a suspected fusion zone discontinuity. Para-graph F reads as follows:Further evaluate fusion zone indications, with either 70, 60, or 45 search
41、 unit, which-ever sound path is nearest to being perpendicular to the suspected fusion surface.“X” Check From Face “C”In the type joints in question, face “C” always has a continuity plate shop-welded betweenflanges, thereby nullifying examinations from face “C.”We interpret this to mean that if the
42、 indication being evaluated is suspected of being in the ver-tical member fusion zone, we would use a 70 search unit to evaluate the severity of the discon-tinuity regardless of its elevation in the weld throat. Further, if the indication found is suspectedto be in the horizontal member fusion zone
43、(i.e., flange bevel), an angle which most nearlyintersects the fusion zone perpendicularly would be used for evaluation. For example, if thefusion zone bevel is 30, you should use a 60 search unit along the entire 30 bevel. If thefusion zone bevel is 45, you should use a 45 search unit along the ent
44、ire 45 bevel.Question: Are you limited to making evaluation of a discontinuity from face “A” only, or canyou evaluate from face “B”?(2) In the past, we have evaluated discontinuities from whichever face (A or B), that allowed us toperform the evaluation in Leg 1. We use a search unit whose sound pat
45、h angle is nearest tobeing perpendicular to the largest plane of the discontinuity for further evaluation.Question: Are you limited to using only the angles specified in the procedure legend for theupper, middle, and bottom portions of the weld, when evaluating a discontinuity?(3) Another question w
46、hich has been raised concerns discontinuity indications which are not in thevertical column fusion zone or in the horizontal member fusion zone bevel. Indications of dis-continuities may occur anywhere in the weld area and may be indicative of slag inclusions,cracks, or lack of fusion between indivi
47、dual weld beads or layers. It has been our practice toevaluate these indications with a 70, 60, or 45 search unit to determine at what angle the larg-est reflecting surface of the indications is perpendicular to. Then, an accept or reject evaluationis made using the attenuation formula and the appro
48、priate severity level from Table 8.15.3 forthe angle used.We have been challenged relative to our ultrasonic examinations, as questioned and exampledabove, due to the fact that the Code does not state specifically that examinations may be con-ducted in these manners. It has been suggested that the i
49、ntent of the Code was to evaluate onlyflaws in the fusion zone, as these are the only flaws of interest We feel it is evident that theCode procedure chart does not cover all situations as evidenced by paragraph 6.13.2 under Part C.Question: Do we ignore flaws other than fusion zone flaws, which exceed the critical limitsof Table 8.15.3? Also, should we not try to make the evaluation in Leg 1 where possible andshould we not also use whatever angle most nearly intersects the largest plane of the flawperpendicularly?Response: 1) It is correct to interpret that flaws in the
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