1、 The purpose of an errata sheet is to notify the public that a published standard has a typographical error. Errata sheets provide a list of errors and their corrections on an AWS standard introduced during the publication stages. (Errata Notice: 11/4/2014) AWS Errata Sheet The following Errata have
2、 been identified and will be incorporated into the next reprinting of this document. AWS Standard: D1.2/D1.2M:2014, Structural Welding CodeAluminum p. xi, Table of Contents: delete line Foreword 179 p. 78, Figure 4.2: change TABLE 4.6 to TABLE 5.3 pp. 106-111, Clause 7: change page header from CLAUSE 7. STRENGTHENING AND REPAIR OF EXISTING STRUCTURES to CLAUSE 7. FRICTION STIR WELDING p. 174, Annex I: change page header from ANNEX K to ANNEX I p. 176, Annex J: change page header from ANNEX L to ANNEX J