1、 -2NOTE: Although care was taken in choosing and presenting the data in this guide, AWS cannot guarantee that it is error free. Further, thisguide is not intended to be an exhaustive treatment of the topic; therefore, it may not include all available information, particularly with respectto safety a
2、nd health issues. By publishing this guide, AWS does not insure anyone using the information contained herein against any liability orinjury to property or persons arising from such use.Originated/Compiled byKenneth W. Coryell, P.E.Welding Quality Consultant, Cleveland, Ohio 2005 by American Welding
3、 Society. All rights reservedPrinted in the United States of America550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, Florida 33126ii-1Chapter 1Introduction1Chapter 2Welding Procedure Specifications (WPSs)3Chapter 3Forms7AWS B2.1-1-004:2002 8AWS B2.1:2005.12AWS D1.1/D1.1M:200416AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5:2002.222001 ASME IX
4、 with 2003 Addenda26API 1104 Twentieth Edition, 200534Chapter 4Procedure Qualification VariablesSAW 39Chapter 5Procedure Qualification VariablesSMAW.49Chapter 6Procedure Qualification VariablesGMAW 59Chapter 7Procedure Qualification VariablesFCAW71Chapter 8Procedure Qualification VariablesGTAW .83Ch
5、apter 9Terms and Definitions93Annex IObservations .123Annex IIStandard Welding Procedure Specifications .127Table of Contentsiii0Additional CreditsKent Baucher Vice President, Technicon Engineering Services, Inc., Fresno, CA; Member, Product DevelopmentCommittee; Member, AWS Board of DirectorsReview
6、er, GeneralHarvey H. Castner Chair, Product Development Committee; AWS Director-at-Large; Past Chair, AWS WeldingHandbook Committee; Member, AWS Board of DirectorsReviewer, GeneralLeonard P. Connor Consultant, Hollywood, FL; Managing Director, AWS Technical Services (Retired); Member, AWSBoard of Di
7、rectorsReviewer, PrimaryDavid Landon Corporate Welding Engineer, Vermeer Manufacturing Company, Pella, IA; Chair, AWS TechnicalActivities CommitteeReviewer, GeneralDavid L. McQuaid President, D. L. McQuaid Vice Chair, D1 Subcommittee 10ASSHTO/AWS Bridge WeldingReviewer, D1.5 (2002)Ronald C. Pierce C
8、hair, Welding Engineering Supply Company, Prichard, AL; Advisor, AWS Product DevelopmentCommittee; AWS Past PresidentReviewer, GeneralAllen W. Sindel President, Sindel and Associates, Whitehouse, TX; Past Chair, D1 Subcommittee 2 Qualification Reviewer, D1.1 (2004)Walter J. Sperko President, Sperko
9、Engineering Services, Greensboro, NC; AWS Technical Representative toASMEReviewer, ASME, IX(2001/2003)Debrah C. Weir Secretary, AWS Product Development Committee General EditorMat Wisbrock QA Materials/QE Test Supervisor, Lockheed Martin Missiles, Dallas, TX; Chair, B2 Committee onProcedure and Perf
10、ormance QualificationReviewer, B2.1 (2005)Robert R. Wright President, Moody International, Inc. (Retired), Knoxville, TN; AWS Technical Representative toAPIAPI 1104, 20th Editioniv1This Professionals Advisor is intended to provide insight and guidanceto the welding professional in the preparation of
11、 welding procedure specifi-cations and procedure qualification records. In no way is this a substitutenor should it be used in lieu of a code or other standards document.Standards, whether codes or specifications, provide the authoritative andcomprehensive requirements for the WPS and PQR.This Advis
12、or has concentrated on the common arc welding processes,including SAW, SMAW, GMAW, FCAW, and GTAW. Documentationand qualification requirements differ somewhat among the various qualifi-cation standards. This Advisor is not intended to be comprehensive for allapplications, but rather is focused on fi
13、ve common standards:(1) AWS B2.1:2005, Specification for Welding Procedure and Perfor-mance Qualification(2) AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2004, Structural Welding CodeSteel(3) AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5:2002, Bridge Welding Code(4) Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications, ASME Boiler andPressure Vessel Code 200
14、1 with 2003 Addenda(5) API 1104 2005, Welding and of Pipelines and Related FacilitiesThe American Welding Society and the Welding Research Council havejoined in a cooperative effort to generate standard welding procedures forindustry. The need for pretested welding procedures that are supported byad
15、equate test data and that satisfy the technical requirements for the com-monly used construction codes and specification has been expressed by manyindividuals and organizations. The purpose of a welding procedure qualifica-tion is to provide test data for assessing the properties of a weld joint.Cha
16、pter 1IntroductionNOTE: The documentation and qualification requirements from the codes or specifications cited in this Advisor are those listed in the specific edition of thecode or specification referenced. Documentation and qualification requirements are subject to change in later editions of the
17、 reference codes or specifications.2Notes3Data to be RecordedWelding Procedure Specifications may be prepared in many differentways and may be either brief or long and detailed. Some codes and specifi-cations have suggested forms which provide sufficient information, butwill not cover complex weldin
18、g conditions. More complex and criticalapplications should have more detailed procedure specifications. Theseforms may be supplemented with additional notes or instructions or newforms devised to suit the specific requirement. The sample WPSs whichfollow illustrate examples of formats suggested by A
19、WS B2.1, AWS D1.1,AASHTO/AWS D1.5, ASME IX, and API 1104. Supporting ProcedureQualification Records (PQRs) are also shown. The data shown is illustrativeonly, and not the results of actual testing. It is simply typical of results com-monly found and is provided as a guide for preparation of the docu
20、ments.The following information is typical of the type of data which isincluded in a WPS. Additional information may be required, depending onspecific applications.A. Joint Design1. Joint type and dimensions2. Treatment of backside, method of gouging/preparation3. Backing material, if usedB. Base Me
21、tal1. Material number, subgroup2. Thickness range qualified3. Diameter (tubular only)C. Filler Metal1. Specification classification, F- and A-Number, or if not classifiedthe nominal chemical composition2. Weld metal thickness by process and filler metal classification3. Filler metal size or diameter
22、4. Flux classification5. Supplemental filler metal6. Consumable insert and typeD. Position1. Welding position(s)2. Progression for vertical weldingE. Preheat and Interpass1. Preheat minimum2. Interpass temperature maximum (if applicable)3. Preheat maintenanceF. Heat Treatment (if applicable)1. PWHT
23、temperature and timeG. Shielding Gas1. Torch shielding gas and flow rate range2. Root shielding gas and flow rate rangeH. Electrical1. Current (or wire feed speed), current type, and polarity2. Voltage range (except for manual welding)3. Type and diameter of tungsten electrodeChapter 2Welding Proced
24、ure Specifications (WPSs)44. Transfer mode5. A change from pulsed currentI. Variables1. Welding process and whether manual, semiautomatic, mechanized,or automatic2. For mechanized or automatic, single or multi electrode and spacing3. Single or multi pass4. Contact tube to work distance5. Cleaning6.
25、Peening7. Stringer or weave bead8. Travel speed range for mechanized or automatic weldingQualification of WPSsThe purpose of the procedure qualification is to determine, by prepara-tion and testing of standard specimens, that welding in accordance with theWPS will produce sound welds and adequate me
26、chanical properties. Thetype and number of tests required are designated in the standard. The testsare selected to provide sufficient information on strength, ductility, tough-ness, or other properties of the joint. The qualification variables are speci-fied to maintain desired properties. When sign
27、ificant changes are made tothe WPS qualification variables, the properties of the weld joint may beaffected, and requalification or a new WPS is required.Qualification tests may or may not simulate the actual conditions antici-pated for a given project. Usually, such tests involve conventional buttj
28、oints on pipes or plates, or fillet welds between two plates. Base metals,welding consumables, and thermal treatments must follow productionwelding plans, within specific ranges. However, certain other variables,such as joint geometry, welding position, and accessibility may not be con-sidered to be
29、 WPS qualification variables.The recommended steps in the qualification of a welding procedure areas follows:(1) Prepare a preliminary WPS.(2) Prepare and weld a suitable test weldment using the preliminary WPS.(3) Conduct the nondestructive and destructive tests required by thequalification standar
30、d in use.(4) Evaluate the results of preparation, welding, and testing.(5) Document the results on a PQR.(6) Issue approved PQR.(7) Issue qualified WPS.Test of Procedure Qualification WeldsTest specimens are usually removed from the sample joints for exami-nation to determine certain properties. The
31、 type and number of specimensremoved and test details depend on the particular application, code, orspecification. Usually, the tests included tensile and guided bend speci-mens to determine strength, ductility, and soundness. Additional tests maybe specified: Fracture tests to determine the notch t
32、oughness of the weld and theheat-affected zone. Fracture tests are usually conducted at a speci-fied temperature to minimize the risk of brittle fracture above thattemperature. Charpy V-notch specimens are most commonly usedfor such tests, but many other tests, including drop weight and crack-openin
33、g-displacement (COD) tests, are sometimes employed.5 Nick-break tests to determine weld soundness at selected locations. Free bend tests to determine the ductility of weld metal. Shear tests to determine the shear strength of fillet welds or cladbonding. Hardness tests to determine adequacy of heat
34、treatment, preheat,postheat, and suitability for certain service conditions. Such testsmay be performed on surfaces or on cross sections of welds. All-weld metal tension tests to determine the mechanical propertiesof the weld metal in the diluted condition. Elevated temperature tests to determine me
35、chanical properties attemperatures resembling service conditions. Restraint tests to determine crack susceptibility and the ability toachieve sound welds under restrained conditions. Corrosion tests to determine the properties needed to withstandaggressive environments. Nondestructive examination an
36、d macroetch or microetch tests todetermine the soundness of the weld. Delayed cracking tests to detect resistance to hydrogen cracking inhigh strength, low alloy steels, and some other alloys.OthersRecording Test ResultsThe details of the welding of the test weld, the tests, and the results ofall te
37、sts and examinations are entered on a Procedure Qualification Record(PQR). Typical record formats follow the sample WPSs provided.(Remember: The data shown is illustrative only.) When the qualifier issatisfied that the records and results are accurate, they become certifiedwhen the qualifier signs t
38、he PQR. If the results meet the requirements of ajob, code, or specification, then the WPS may be finalized and issued forproduction welding. Since the PQR is a certified record of a qualificationtest, it should not be revised. If information needs to be added later, it canbe in the form of a supple
39、ment or attachment; records should not bechanged by revision. A PQR may support several WPSs. Similarly, severalPQRs may support a single WPS.Changes in a Qualified ProcedureIf a fabricator has qualified a welding procedure and desires at somelater date to make changes in that procedure, it may be n
40、ecessary to con-duct additional qualifying tests. Those tests should establish that thechanged welding procedure will produce satisfactory results.Such requalification tests are not usually required when only minordetails of the original procedure are changed. They are required, however,if the chang
41、es might alter properties of the resulting welds. Referenceshould always be made to the governing code or specification to determinewhether an essential variable has been changed. Typical procedure vari-ables that may require requalification of the WPS are presented in thetables that follow. Variabl
42、es identified with a “Q” require requalification.Variables identified with a “T” require requalification when toughness test-ing is required. Variables identified with an “A” require requalification forautomatic welding processes.The tables present the variables for the SAW, SMAW, GMAW,FCAW, and GTA
43、W processes for five common standards: B2.1, D1.1,D1.5, ASME IX, and API 1104. The tables should be regarded as illustra-tive only, since the various standards are revised periodically.6Notes7Chapter 3FormsThe sample forms in this chapter (WPSs and PQRs) were taken fromthe following publications: AW
44、S B2.1, AWS D1.1, AASHTO/AWS D1.5,ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (Section IX), and API 1104. Eachof these 8-1/2“ 11“ forms have been split in half for the purposes of thisProfessionals Advisor, so that the top and bottom half of the forms areviewable as visual spreads, beginning with pages 12
45、and 13.Form No. Source Title Page No. AWS B2.1-1-004 Standard Welding Procedure Specification (SWPS) for Gas Metal Arc Welding(Short Circuiting Transfer Mode) of Carbon Steel (M-1, Group 1), 18 through 10 Gauge,in the As-Welded Condition, with or without Backing. 8AWS B2.1 Suggested Procedure Qualif
46、ication Record (PQR) Format to AccommodateProvisions of AWS B2.1 (Page 1 of 2) . 12AWS B2.1 Suggested Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) Format to AccommodateProvisions of AWS B2.1 (Page 2 of 2) . 14E-1 (Front) AWS D1.1 D1.1-Approved Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) (Qualified by Testing) . 1
47、6E-1 (Front) AWS D1.1 D1.1-Approved Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) 18E-1 (Back) AWS D1.1 D1.1-Approved Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) Test Results 20III-2 AASHTO/AWS D1.5 D1.5-Approved Welding Procedure Specification 22III-1 AASHTO/AWS D1.5 D1.5-Approved Procedure Qualification Record (
48、PQR) for Qualification,Pretest, and Verification Results . 24E00006 (Front) ASME IX QW-482 Suggested Format for Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) . 26E00006 (Back) ASME IX QW-482 Suggested Format for Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) . 28E00007 (Front) ASME IX QW-483 Suggested Format for Pro
49、cedure Qualification Records (PQR) 30E00007 (Back) ASME IX QW-483 Suggested Format for Procedure Qualification Records (PQR) 32 API 1104 Sample Procedure Specification Form 34 and 35 API 1104 Sample Coupon Test Report Form 36 and 378Standard Welding Procedure Specification (SWPS) for Gas Metal Arc Welding (Short Circuiting Transfer Mode)of Carbon Steel (M-1, Group 1), 18 through 10 Gauge, in the As-Welded Condition, with or without BackingLIMITATIONSThis procedure is not qualified for Notch Toughness or PWHT applica
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