1、SM AWWA Management Standard Wastewater Collection System Operation and Management Effective date: May 1, 2017. First edition approved by AWWA Board of Directors. This edition approved Jan. 14, 2017. Approved by American National Standards Institute Mar. 2, 2017. ANSI/AWWA G520-17 Copyright 2017 Amer
2、ican Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved. ii AWWA Standard This document is an American Water Works Association (AWWA) standard. It is not a specification. AWWA standards describe minimum requirements and do not contain all of the engineering and administrative information normally containe
3、d in specifications. The AWWA standards usually contain options that must be evaluated by the user of the standard. Until each optional feature is specified by the user, the product or service is not fully defined. AWWA pub- lication of a standard does not constitute endorsement of any product or pr
4、oduct type, nor does AWWA test, certify, or approve any product. The use of AWWA standards is entirely voluntary. This standard does not supersede or take precedence over or displace any applicable law, regulation, or code of any governmental authority. AWWA standards are intended to represent a con
5、sensus of the water supply industry that the product described will provide satisfactory service. When AWWA revises or withdraws this standard, an official notice of action will be placed in the Official Notice section of Journal - American Water Works Association. The action becomes effective on th
6、e first day of the month fol- lowing the month of Journal - American Water Works Association publication of the official notice. American National Standard An American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions. An American National Standard
7、is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general public. The existence of an American National Standard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether that person has ap - proved the standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, process
8、es, or procedures not conforming to the standard. American National Standards are subject to periodic review, and users are cautioned to obtain the latest editions. Producers of goods made in conformity with an American National Standard are encour - aged to state on their own responsibility in adve
9、rtising and promotional materials or on tags or labels that the goods are produced in conformity with particular American National Standards. Caution n oti Ce : The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approval date on the front cover of this standard indicates completion of the ANSI approva
10、l process. This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. ANSI procedures require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of ANSI approval. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current infor
11、mation on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036; 212.642.4900; or emailing infoansi.org. ISBN-13, print: 978-1-62576-221-4 eISBN-13, electronic: 978-1-61300-421-0 DOI:http:/dx.doi.org/10.12999/AWWA.G520.17
12、 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information or retrieval system, except in the form of brief excerpts or quotations for review purposes, without the writte
13、n permission of the publisher. Copyright 2017 by American Water Works Association Printed in USA hours of work by your fellow water professionals. Revenue from the sales of this AWWA material supports ongoing product development. Unauthorized distribution, either electronic or photocopied, is illega
14、l and hinders AWWAs mission to support the water community. This AWWA content is the product of thousands of Copyright 2017 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved. iii Committee Personnel The AWWA Standards Committee on Wastewater Collection Systems Operation and Manage- ment, which r
15、eviewed and approved this standard, had the following personnel at the time of approval: Kenneth C. Morgan, Chair General Interest Members R.W. Arbour, Rick Arbour and Associates Inc., Eagan, Minn. (AWWA) K. Burgi, Black write to the department at 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235-3098; or e
16、mail at standardsawwa.org. Copyright 2017 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved. 1 AWWA Management Standard Wastewater Collection System Operation and Management SECTION 1: GENERAL Sec. 1.1 Scope This standard describes the critical requirements for the effective operation and manage
17、ment of a wastewater collection system. Sec. 1.2 Purpose The purpose of this standard is to define the minimum requirements for the operation and management of a wastewater collection system, including maintain- ing infrastructure and operation and maintenance (O&M) of facilities. Sec. 1.3 Applicati
18、on This standard can be referenced in the evaluation of wastewater collection systems operation and management. The stipulations of this standard apply when this document has been referenced and then only to the operation and manage- ment of wastewater collection systems. ANSI/AWWA G520-17 Copyright
19、 2017 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved. 2 AWWA G520-15 SECTION 2: REFERENCES This standard references the following documents. In their latest editions, they form a part of this standard to the extent specified within the standard. In any case of conflict, the requirements of th
20、is standard shall prevail. ANSI/AWWA G400Utility Management System. ANSI/AWWA G430Security Practice for Operation and Management. ANSI/AWWA G440Emergency Preparedness Practices. ANSI/AWWA G510Wastewater Treatment Plant Operation and Main- tenance. USEPAGuide for Evaluating Capacity, Management, Oper
21、ation, and Main- tenance (CMOM) Programs at Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems. SECTION 3: DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply in this standard: 1. Capacity, management, operations, and maintenance (CMOM): A flex- ible, dynamic framework for municipalities to identify and incorporate wi
22、dely accepted wastewater industry practices to a. Better manage, operate, and maintain collection systems. b. Investigate capacity constrained areas of the collection system. c. Respond to sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) events. 2. Collection system: A system composed of gravity pipes, manholes, tanks
23、, lift stations, control structures, and force mains that gather used water from resi- dential and nonresidential customers and convey the flow to the wastewater treat- ment plant. 3. Combined sewer overflow (CSO): Overflows in the combined system resulting from defective materials, system blockages
24、, joint failures, line breaks, wet- weather events, and other activities that discharge a combination of raw sewage and stormwater from within the system onto adjacent areas. 4. Corrective maintenance: A maintenance task performed to identify, iso- late, and rectify a fault in an asset so that it ca
25、n be returned to a condition that allows it to perform its intended function. 5. Documented procedure: A procedure that is established, documented, implemented, and maintained. Copyright 2017 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved. WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT
26、 3 6. Easements: A nonpossessory right to use and/or enter onto the real property of another without possessing it. 7. Exfiltration: Wastewater that seeps from the collection system into the surrounding ground and groundwater through defective pipe, pipe joints such as gaskets, and broken or rupture
27、d pipe. 8. Infiltration: Surface water or groundwater that seeps into a collection system through defective pipes, pipe joints, broken or ruptured pipe, and manhole structures below the manhole lid. 9. Inflow: Stormwater that enters a collection system from sources such as private laterals, downspou
28、ts, manhole defects and/or openings, foundation piping, broken or ruptured pipe, and cross-connections with storm drains. 10. National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit: A requirement from the US Environmental Protection Agency administered through USEPA and state and county agen
29、cies. The provisions of the permit are intended to assist the wastewater collection agency in being a responsible service provider. The NPDES can also be implemented by USEPA Regions. 11. Predictive maintenance: Scheduled maintenance based on monitoring of the condition of the equipment to determine
30、 when maintenance is performed rather than just time-based scheduled maintenance. 12. Preventive maintenance: Regularly scheduled tasks performed on an asset to maintain its functionality and identify and correct any faults before they result in a failure. 13. Private lateral: The segment of the san
31、itary sewer system located on private property that connects a residence or business to the sanitary sewer system. 14. Reclaimed water: Wastewater that becomes suitable for beneficial use as a result of treatment. 15. Sanitary sewer overflow (SSO): Overflows resulting from defective materials, syste
32、m blockages, joint failures, line breaks, wet-weather events, and other activity that discharge raw sewage from within the system onto adjacent areas. 16. Service provider: The entity identified and registered with the state and/or federal agency to provide wastewater collection service to customers in the identified area. 17. Standard operating procedures (SOPs): A set of step-by-step instruc- tions created to carry out routine operations. Their purpose is to achieve efficiency, Copyright 2017 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.
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