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BS 0-2016 A standard for standards Principles of standardization《标准统一 标准化原则》.pdf

1、BS 0:2016A standard for standards Principles of standardizationBSI Standards PublicationWB11885_BSI_StandardCovs_2013_AW.indd 1 15/05/2013 15:06Publishing and copyright informationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the documentwas last issued. The British Standards In

2、stitution 2016Published by BSI Standards Limited 2016ISBN 978 0 580 94429 1ICS 01.120The following BSI references relate to the work on this document:Committee reference SPSCDraft for comment 16/30342350 DCPublication historyFirst published as Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4, February and March 19

3、74Second edition of Part 4, December 1975Part 1 and Part 3 first published as Part 1 and Part 2, November 1981Part 2 and Part 4 first published as Part 3, November 1981Third edition of Part 1 and Part 2, October 1991Second edition of Part 3, November 1991Fourth edition of Part 1 and Part 2 and third

4、 edition of Part 3, August 1997Part 1 and Part 2 first published as Part 1 and Part 3 first published as Part 2,December 2005First edition as a single part, August 2011Second (present) edition, December 2016Amendments issued since publicationDate Text affectedBS 0:2016 BRITISH STANDARDContentsForewo

5、rd iiiIntroduction 11 Scope 12 Normative references 23 Terms and definitions 24 Principles of standardization 74.1 Context and purpose 74.2 The National Standards Body 84.3 Application of standards 94.4 Transparency 105 Development of British Standards 105.1 Principles 105.2 New work 115.3 Internati

6、onal standardization 125.4 European standardization 135.5 Common features of international and European standardization 135.6 UK participation in international and European standardization 145.7 British Standards of UK origin 155.8 Consultation Draft for public comment (DPC) 156 Publishing and maint

7、aining standards 156.1 Publication 156.2 Maintenance 167 BSI committees 177.1 Principles 177.2 Committee constitution 187.3 Nominating organizations 197.4 Co-option for specific tasks 207.5 Decision making 207.6 Minutes 217.7 Disputes 227.8 Legal advice 227.9 External communication 227.10 Delegation

8、 of responsibilities 237.11 Intercommittee liaison 238 Roles and responsibilities 238.1 BSI 238.2 BSI staff 248.3 Conduct 248.4 Committee members 248.5 Committee chairs 258.6 Panels for national standards 268.7 Committee secretaries 278.8 Feedback and comments 279 Content and drafting of standards 2

9、89.1 Principles 289.2 Relationship with the law 289.3 Drafting 299.4 Types of standardization publication 309.5 Intellectual property rights (IPR) 31BRITISH STANDARD BS 0:2016 The British Standards Institution 2016 iAnnexesAnnex A (informative) Glossary of common terms in standardization 34Bibliogra

10、phy 39Index 40List of figuresFigure 1 Stages of standards development, publication and maintenance 11Summary of pagesThis document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv,pages 1 to 44, an inside back cover and a back cover.BRITISH STANDARDBS 0:2016ii The British Standards Inst

11、itution 2016ForewordPublishing informationThis British Standard is published by BSI Standards Limited, under licence fromThe British Standards Institution, and came into effect on 31 December 2016. Itwas prepared on behalf of the BSI Standards Policy and Strategy Committee.SupersessionThis British S

12、tandard supersedes BS 0:2011, which is withdrawn.Contractual and legal considerationsThis publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of acontract. Users are responsible for its correct application.Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legalobligatio

13、ns.BRITISH STANDARD BS 0:2016 The British Standards Institution 2016 iiiBRITISH STANDARDBS 0:2016This page deliberately left blankiv The British Standards Institution 2016IntroductionBS 0, A standard for standards, is the main document by which BSI sets out howBritish Standards and related documents

14、 are developed and maintained.The principal changes introduced in this edition of BS 0 are as follows: clarification of roles and responsibilities; the addition of information on panels for national standards; new details for submitting feedback and comments.Certain topics regularly arise during any

15、 revision of BS 0, and it was decided: to retain the “z” spelling usage (e.g. “standardization”) for consistency withthe preferred variant listed in the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, notingalso that it is the traditional English usage rather than an Americanism; to retain the decimal point in p

16、reference to the decimal comma, noting thatit reflects the overwhelmingly predominant practice in the UK and isinconsistent with many international and European standards that areadopted without change by BSI; and to retain the “f” spelling of “sulfur” and its derivatives, noting that it is theagree

17、d variant adopted by the International Union of Pure and AppliedChemistry (IUPAC) and most analogous professional bodies in the UK, andreflects the general usage of most of those in the UK scientific community.1 ScopeThis British Standard sets out the principles of standardization undertaken bythe B

18、ritish Standards Institution (BSI) in its role as the UK National StandardsBody (NSB).The principles encompass the development, publication, maintenance andapplication of British Standards and related standardization documents,together with the UKs participation in European and internationalstandard

19、ization.The principles set out in this document do not include discussion of BSIsnon-NSB activities, nor detailed discussion of the rules and procedures of theinternational and European standardization bodies.BRITISH STANDARD BS 0:2016 The British Standards Institution 2016 12 Normative referencesTh

20、e following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in thisdocument and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, onlythe edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of thereferenced document (including any amendments) applies.1)N1ISO/IEC D

21、irectives, Part 2:2016, Rules for the structure and drafting ofInternational Standards Internal Regulations, Part 3, Rules for the structure anddrafting of CEN/CENELEC publications, Rules for the structure and drafting of UK 2)3 Terms and

22、definitionsFor the purposes of this British Standard, the following terms and definitionsapply.NOTE Additional terms, abbreviations and definitions are given in Annex A.3.1 amendmentalteration and/or addition to previously agreed technical or editorial content ofan existing standard3.2 British Stand

23、ardBSstandard, developed and published by BSI following the principles set out in thisstandard3.3 BSI Boardgoverning body of BSI3.4 European Committee for StandardizationCENEuropean standards body, of which BSI is the UK member, officially recognizedby the European Union and the European Free Trade

24、Association3.5 European Committee for Electrotechnical StandardizationCENELEC CLCEuropean standards body, of which BSI is the UK member, officially recognizedby the European Union and the European Free Trade Association forstandardization in the area of electrotechnical engineering3.6 CEN/CENELEC en

25、quirystage of the development process at which a draft standard (prEN) is distributedby the CEN/CENELEC Management Centre to CEN or CENELEC national membersfor public consultation3.7 chairformally appointed leader of a committee1)This clause, which contains standard wording used for all European and

26、 internationalstandards, is intended to identify all other documents to which reference might needto be made in the application of this standard. In practice, it might be possible toapply this and many other standards without recourse to all or any such externalreferences.2)Last viewed 13 December 2

27、016.BRITISH STANDARDBS 0:20162 The British Standards Institution 20163.8 committeeNOTE The term “committee” is used in this standard to refer to both technicalcommittees (3.8.1) and subcommittees (3.8.2). It does not refer to any otheradministrative or governance committee of BSI.3.8.1 technical com

28、mitteeTCbody responsible for a particular area of standards work3.8.2 subcommitteeSCsubordinate committee of a technical committee3.8.3 UK mirror committeenational mirror structure to the European/international technical committees,ensuring the formulation of coherent national positions3.9 committee

29、 memberperson serving on a BSI committee or panel3.10 common modificationalteration, addition to or deletion from the content of a reference document,approved by CEN/CENELEC and thus forming part of the EN (and HD forCENELEC)CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, Part 2:2015, definition 2.14 13.11 compli

30、anceaction of a person or body in fulfilling provisionsNOTE See also conflict of interestsituation in which, because of other activities or relationships, transparent andeffective representation of declared interests, or of a mandated brief, is or couldbe compromised3.13 conformityfulfilme

31、nt of a provisionBS EN ISO 9000:2005, definition 3.6.1, modifiedNOTE See also consensusgeneral agreement, characterized by the absence of sustained opposition tosubstantial issues by any important part of the concerned interests and by aprocess that involves seeking to take into account th

32、e views of all partiesconcerned and to reconcile any conflicting argumentsNOTE Consensus need not imply unanimity.ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004, definition 1.7 23.15 consumerindividual member of the general public purchasing or using property, productsor services for private purposesBS ISO 26000:2010, defini

33、tion 2.2BRITISH STANDARD BS 0:2016 The British Standards Institution 2016 33.16 corrigendumalteration and/or addition to a standard that corrects one or more errors orambiguities inadvertently introduced in either drafting or production and whichcould lead to incorrect or unsafe application of the p

34、ublication3.17 decision-making processtransactions of a committee or panel directly related to establishing whetherconsensus has been reached on any particular matter requiring a decision3.18 delegaterepresentative of a national standards body to a committee of an internationalor European standards

35、bodyNOTE The representative is usually a committee member.3.19 draft for public commentDPCstage in the development of a British Standard at which wider consultation issought3.20 draftstandard or other deliverable under development3.21 European standardENstandard adopted by CEN/CENELEC and carrying w

36、ith it an obligation ofimplementation as an identical national standard and withdrawal of conflictingnational standardsCEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, Part 2:2015, definition 2.5 1NOTE A European Standard produced by ETSI carries with it the same obligations.3.22 essential intellectual property ri

37、ghtsessential IPRintellectual property rights that have been included within a standard such thatit would be impossible to implement the standard without making use of thoserights, and the only way to avoid an infringement of the rights in respect ofimplementation of the standard is therefore to req

38、uest a licence from the owner3.23 European Telecommunications Standards InstituteETSIEuropean standards body officially recognized by the European Union and theEuropean Free Trade Association for standardization in the area oftelecommunications3.24 expertperson nominated from a national committee to

39、 contribute to the detailed workof a working group (or similar body) in ISO, IEC, CEN or CENELEC3.25 formal votestage of the development process at which the final text of a prEN (FprEN) iscirculated by the CEN/CENELEC Management Centre to national members forapproval by weighted voting3.26 Internat

40、ional Electrotechnical CommissionIECinternational standards body for standardization in the area of electrical andelectronic technology and engineering, of which BSI is the UK memberBRITISH STANDARDBS 0:20164 The British Standards Institution 20163.27 IEC Conformity Assessment BoardIEC/CABbody respo

41、nsible for setting the IECs conformity assessment policy, reporting tothe IEC Council Board3.28 informativecharacteristic of material in a standard that supplements normative material byoffering advice, information and guidance3.29 international standardISO or IEC standard3.30 intellectual property

42、rightsIPRrights having no tangible form, but representing the product of creative work orinventionNOTE Such rights include: copyright and related rights, rights in designs; patents, rights to inventions, whether registered or unregistered.3.31 Internal Regulations (of CEN/CENELEC)IRrules of the Euro

43、pean standards bodies3.32 International Organization for StandardizationISOinternational standards body, of which BSI is the UK member3.33 ISO Conformity Assessment CommitteeISO/CASCOISOs policy development committee on conformity assessment, reporting tothe ISO Council3.34 normativecharacteristic o

44、f material in a standard that is essential to the application of thestandard in the manner intended, and against which it is possible todemonstrate and claim conformity to the standard3.35 normative referencedocument to which reference is made in a standard in such a way as to make itindispensable f

45、or the application of the standard3.36 panelsubordinate group of a BSI technical committee or subcommittee, responsiblefor specific delegated tasks, broadly equivalent to an international or EuropeanWorking GroupNOTE Panels are led by a convenor, who does not have the authority of a formallyappointe

46、d chair.3.37 provisionnormative element of a standard3.38 regulationdocument providing binding legislative rules, that is adopted by an authorityISO/IEC Guide 2:2004, definition 3.6 2BRITISH STANDARD BS 0:2016 The British Standards Institution 2016 53.39 Standards Policy and Strategy CommitteeSPSCpo

47、licy committee established by the BSI Board to advise it as appropriate onmatters of standardization policy and strategy and to oversee all workundertaken in BSI committees3.40 standarddocument, established by consensus and approved by a recognized body, thatprovides, for common and repeated use, ru

48、les, guidelines or characteristics foractivities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree oforder in a given contextNOTE Standards should be based on the consolidated results of science, technologyand experience, and aimed at the promotion of optimum community benefits.ISO/IE

49、C Guide 2:2004, definition 3.2 23.41 standardizationactivity of establishing, with regard to actual or potential problems, provisionsfor common and repeated use, aimed at the achievement of the optimumdegree of order in a given contextNOTE 1 In particular, the activity consists of the processes of formulating, issuingand implementing standards.NOTE 2 Important benefits of standardization are improvement of the suitability ofproducts (including services) and processes for their intend

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