1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationGeotechnical investigation and testing Sampling methods and groundwater measurements Part 2: Qualification criteria for enterprises and personnelBS 22475-2:2011BS 22475-2:2011 BR
2、ITISH STANDARDPunulllishing and copnullright innullormationThe BSI copyright notice displnullyed in this docnullnullent indicnulltes nullhen the docnullnullent nullnulls lnullst issnullednullnull BSI 2011ISBN null7null 0 5null0 nullnull01null 7InullS nullnullnull020The nullollonulling BSI renulleren
3、ces relnullte to the nullornull on this stnullndnullrd: nullonullnullittee renullerence Bnull52nullnullnull Drnullnullt nullor conullnullent 10nullnull020null257 DnullPunulllication histornullnullirst pnullnulllished nullnullnnullnullry 2011nullmendments issued since punulllicationnullate nullenullt
4、 anullnullected null BSI 2011 null iBS 22475-2:2011BRITISH STANDARDnullontentsnullorenullord ii1 Scope 12 Nornullnulltinulle renullerences 1null Ternulls nullnd denullnitions 14 Renullnullirenullents 2Summarnull onull pagesThis docnullnullent conullprises null nullront conullernull nulln inside null
5、ront conullernull pnullges i to iinull pnullges 1 to 4null nulln inside nullnullcnull conuller nullnd null nullnullcnull conullernullBS 22475-2:2011ii null null BSI 2011BRITISH STANDARDnullorewordPunulllishing innullormationThis British Stnullndnullrd is pnullnulllished nully BSI nullnd cnullnulle i
6、nto enullnullect on null1 nullnullnnullnullry 2011null It nullnulls prepnullred nully Snullnullconullnullittee Bnull52nullnullnullnull Site investigation and ground testingnull nullnder the nullnullthority onull Technicnulll nullonullnullittee Bnull52nullnull Geotechnicsnull A list onull orgnullninu
7、llnulltions represented on this conullnullittee cnulln nulle onulltnullined on renullnullest to its secretnullrynullSupersessionThis pnullrt onull BS 22475 snullpersedes DD nullnullN ISnullnullTS 22475-2:200nullnull nullhich is nullithdrnullnullnnullnullelationship with other punulllicationsBS 22475
8、null Geotechnical investigation and testing Sampling methods and groundwater measurementsnull is pnullnulllished in tnullo pnullrts:null BS 22475-2: Qualification criteria for enterprises and personnelnullnullndnull BS 22475-null: Conformity assessment of enterprises and personnel by third partynull
9、BS 22475 is intended to nulle renulld in connullnullnction nullith BS nullN ISnull 22475-1nullnullhich specinulles the technicnulll principles nullor the enullecnulltion onull snullnullpling nullnd gronullndnullnullter nullenullsnullrenullents in the contenullt onull geotechnicnulll innullestignullt
10、ion nullnd testingnullnullse onull this documentIt hnulls nulleen nullssnullnulled in the prepnullrnulltion onull this British Stnullndnullrd thnullt the enullecnulltion onull its pronullisions nullill nulle entrnullsted to nullpproprinulltely nullnullnulllinulled nullnd enullperienced peoplenull nu
11、llor nullhose nullse it hnulls nulleen prodnullcednullPresentational conventionsThe pronullisions onull this stnullndnullrd nullre presented in ronullnulln nullinullenull nullprightnulltypenull Its renullnullirenullents nullre enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principnulll nullnullnullilinul
12、lry nullernull is nullshnullllnullnullCommentary, explanation and general informative material is presented in smaller italic type, and does not constitute a normative elementnullnullontractual and legal considerationsThis pnullnulllicnulltion does not pnullrport to inclnullde nullll the necessnullr
13、y pronullisions onull null contrnullctnull nullsers nullre responsinullle nullor its correct nullpplicnulltionnullnullompliance with a British Standard cannot connuller immunitnull nullrom legal onullligationsnullnull BSI 2011 null 1BS 22475-2:2011BRITISH STANDARD1 ScopeThis pnullrt onull BS 22475 s
14、pecinulles renullnullirenullents nullor the nullnullnulllinullcnulltion criterinullonull enterprises nullnd personnel pernullornulling snullnullpling nullnd gronullndnullnullter nullenullsnullrenullent sernullices in nullccordnullnce nullith BS nullN ISnull 22475-1null2 nullormative renullerencesThe
15、 nullollonulling renullerenced docnullnullents nullre indispensnullnullle nullor the nullpplicnulltion onull this docnullnullentnull nullor dnullted renullerencesnull only the edition cited nullppliesnull nullor nullndnullted renullerencesnull the lnulltest edition onull the renullerenced docnullnul
16、lent nullinclnullding nullny nullnullendnullentsnull nullppliesnullBS null550null Guide for the auditing of water nulluality samplingBS 22475-nullnull Geotechnical investigation and testing Sampling methods and groundwater measurements nullart nullnull Conformity assessment of enterprises and person
17、nel by third partyBS nullN ISnull 5nullnull7-nullnullBS null0nullnull-nullnullnullnull nullater nulluality Sampling nullart nullnullGuidance on the preservation and handling of water samplesBS nullN ISnull 14nullnullnull-1null Geotechnical investigation and testing nulldentification and classificati
18、on of soil nullart 1null nulldentification and descriptionBS nullN ISnull 14nullnullnull-1null Geotechnical investigation and testing nulldentification and classification of rocnull nullart 1null nulldentification and descriptionBS nullN ISnull 22475-1null Geotechnical investigation and testing Samp
19、ling methods and groundwater measurements nullart 1null nullechnical principles for executionBS ISnull 5nullnull7-11nullBS null0nullnull-nullnull11null nullater nulluality Sampling nullart 11nullGuidance on sampling of groundwatersBS ISnull 5nullnull7-22null nullater nulluality Sampling nullart 22nu
20、ll Guidance on the design and installation of groundwater monitoring pointsnull nullerms and denullnitionsnullor the pnullrposes onull this British Stnullndnullrdnull the ternulls nullnd denullnitions ginullen in BS 22475-null nullnd BS nullN ISnull 22475-1 nullnd the nullollonulling nullpplynullnul
21、lnull1 enterpriseorgnullninullnulltion thnullt cnullrries onullt specinulled pnullrts onull snullnullpling nullndnullor gronullndnullnullter nullenullsnullrenullents in nullccordnullnce nullith BS nullN ISnull 22475-1nullnull2 nullualinulled operatorperson nullho hnulls docnullnullented conullpetenc
22、e to pernullornull specinulled pnullrts onull snullnullpling nullndnullor gronullndnullnullter nullenullsnullrenullents in nullccordnullnce nullith BS nullN ISnull 22475-1nullnullnullnull 1 Qualified operators can include nullead nullrillers on boring and rotary drillsnullnullnullnullnull 2 nullocum
23、ented competence for nullead nullrillers may be membership of a relevant competencenullbased scheme such as nullnullnull nulluditnullBS 22475-2:20112 null null BSI 2011BRITISH STANDARDnullnullnull responsinullle enullpertperson nullho hnulls docnullnullented conullpetence nullnd is responsinullle nu
24、llor the enullecnulltion onull specinulled pnullrts onull snullnullpling nullndnullor gronullndnullnullter nullenullsnullrenullents nullnd checnulling the nullnullnulllity onull the pernullornullnullnce in nullccordnullnce nullith BS nullN ISnull 22475-14 nullenulluirements4null1 nullenulluirements
25、nullor the enterprise4null1null1 The enterprise cnullrrying onullt snullnullpling nullndnullor gronullndnullnullter nullenullsnullrenullents in nullccordnullnce nullith BS nullN ISnull 22475-1 shnullll nulle nullnullle to denullonstrnullte nulldenullnullnullte conullpetence nullnd hnullnulle:nullnul
26、l enullperienced personnel nullnd nullnullcilities to nullnullnnullge nullnd to pernullornullspecinulled types onull sernullicesnullnullnull itenulls onull enullnullipnullent connullornulling to BS nullN ISnull 22475-1nullcnull null henulllth nullnd snullnullety systenullnull nullnddnull null nullnu
27、llnulllity nullssnullrnullnce systenullnull4null1null2 The enterprise shnullll ensnullre thnullt nullll specinulled enullnullipnullent connullornulls to the nullpproprinullte technicnulll specinullcnulltions nullnd is correctly nullnullintnullinednull cnulllinullrnullted nullnd nullsed in nullccordn
28、ullnce nullith the nullpproprinullte technicnulll specinullcnulltions nullnd opernullting nullnullnnullnulllsnull4null1nullnull A nullnullnulllinulled opernulltor shnullll nulle continnullonullsly present nullnd nulle responsinullle nullor the pernullornullnullnce onull snullnullpling nully drilling
29、null instnullllnulltionsnullnullenullsnullrenullents nullnd recording nullt enullch drill rignull4null1null4 The enterprise shnullll nullppoint null responsinullle enullpert nullor enullch pronullect nullho shnullll nulllso sign the reportnull4null1null5 The enterprise shnullll hnullnulle nullnonull
30、ledge onull relenullnullnt nullylnullnullsnull henulllth nullnd snullnullety regnulllnulltions nullnd technicnulll rnullles nullor the corresponding nulleld onull nullctinullitynull4null1nullnull The enterprise shnullll nulle conullered nullor pnullnulllic linullnullilitynull4null2 nullenulluirement
31、s nullor personnel4null2null1 General4null2null1null1 The enterprise shnullll hnullnulle null nullininullnullnull onull one responsinullle enullpertnull nullnd nullnullnulllinulled opernulltors in nulldenullnullnullte nnullnullnullers nullppointed nullor enullch pronullect onull specinulled pnullrts
32、 onull snullnullpling nullndnullor gronullndnullnullter nullenullsnullrenullentnull4null2null1null2 The enterprise shnullll pronullide nullocnulltionnulll trnullining onull its personnel on null regnulllnullr nullnullsis nullnd nullnullintnullin records onull this trnulliningnull4null2null1nullnull
33、The nullnullnulllinullcnulltion onull enullternnulll personnel nullnd snullnull-contrnullctors shnullll nulleet the renullnullirenullents specinulled in 4null2null2 nullnd 4null2nullnullnull nulls relenullnullntnullnullnd shnullll nulle nullerinulled nully the enterprisenullnull BSI 2011 null nullBS
34、 22475-2:2011BRITISH STANDARD4null2null2 nullualinulled operator4null2null2null1 The conullpetence onull null nullnullnulllinulled opernulltor shnullll nulle docnullnullented in nullccordnullnce nullith BS 22475-nullnull A nullnullnulllinulled opernulltor shnullll hnullnulle proonull onull null snul
35、litnullnullle period onull nullornull enullperience nullhich depends on the snullnullpling nullethodsnull in nulln enterprise thnullt pernullornulls specinulled pnullrts onullsnullnullpling nullndnullor gronullndnullnullter nullenullsnullrenullent sernullices in nullccordnullnce nullith BS nullN ISn
36、ull 22475-1null4null2null2null2 All nulloring nullnd drilling opernulltinullesnull to inclnullde nullenulld Drillers nullnd Drillers nullDrilling Snullpport nullpernulltinullesnullnull enullployed on the contrnullct shnullll hold nulln Nnullnull in nullnullnd Drilling nullnd hold null nullnulllid nu
37、llnd cnullrrent nullnulldit cnullrd onullconullpetencenull This shnullll nulle nullpplicnullnullle to the nullornull nullnd specinullc drilling opernulltion on nullhich they nullre engnullged nulls issnulled nully the British Drilling Associnulltion nulltd or nulln enullnullinullnulllent nullody in
38、null Stnullte onull the nullnullropenulln nullnionnull4null2null2nullnull The nullnullnulllinulled opernulltor shnullll hnullnulle denullonstrnullnullle nullnonullledge onull:nullnull the pnullrpose onull geotechnicnulll gronullnd innullestignulltionnullnullnull nullnullsic nullnonullledge onull the
39、 nullnullndnullnullentnulll principles onull geologynull soil nullechnullnicsnull rocnull nullechnullnics nullnd hydrogeologynullcnull relenullnullnt henulllthnull snullnullety nullnd ennullironnullentnulll regnulllnulltionsnull4null2null2null4 The nullnullnulllinulled opernulltor shnullll nulle snu
40、llitnullnullly trnullined nullnd hnullnulle docnullnullented conullpetence regnullrding:nullnull specinulled pnullrts onull snullnullpling nullndnullor gronullndnullnullter nullenullsnullrenullents inclnullding nullorehole nullnullcnullnullllingnull hnullndlingnull trnullnsport nullnd stornullge onu
41、llsnullnullples in nullccordnullnce nullith BS nullN ISnull 22475-1nullnullnullnullnull nullhose nullualified operators responsible for groundwater sampling from installations should also have documented competence of the relevant sections of nullS nullnull nullSnull nullnullnullnullnullnull, nullS
42、nullSnull nullnullnullnullnull11 and nullS nullSnull nullnullnullnullnull22nullnullnull conullpletion onull records in nullccordnullnce nullith BS nullN ISnull 22475-1nullcnull prelinullinnullry identinullcnulltion onull soil nullndnullor rocnull in enullch snullnullple in nullccordnullnce nullith B
43、S nullN ISnull 14nullnullnull-1 nullnd BS nullN ISnull 14nullnullnull-1 dnullring the snullnullpling processnulldnull nullnonullledge onull the relenullnullnt henulllthnull snullnullety nullnd ennullironnullentnulll regnulllnulltionsnullenull the nullnullnctioningnull snullnulle opernulltion nullnd
44、nullnullintennullncenullnulleld checnulls onullthe enullnullipnullentnull nullndnullnull nullpplicnulltion onull the nullnullnulllity nullssnullrnullnce systenullnull4null2nullnull nullesponsinullle enullpert4null2nullnullnull1 The responsinullle enullpert shnullll hnullnulle:nullnull null college o
45、r nullninullersity degree in null relenullnullnt snullnullnullect nullnd proonull onullsnullitnullnullle nullornull enullperience onull nullt lenullst three yenullrs in nulln enterprise thnullt pernullornulls specinulled pnullrts onull snullnullpling nullndnullor gronullndnullnullter nullenullsnullr
46、enullent in nullccordnullnce nullith BS nullN ISnull 22475-1null ornullnull conullpleted nullocnulltionnulll trnullining in null relenullnullnt snullnullnullect nullnd proonull onullsnullitnullnullle nullornull enullperience onull nullt lenullst nullnulle yenullrs in nulln enterprise thnullt pernull
47、ornulls specinulled pnullrts onull snullnullpling nullndnullor gronullndnullnullter nullenullsnullrenullent in nullccordnullnce nullith BS nullN ISnull 22475-1nullcnull null relenullnullnt pronullessionnulll nullnullnulllinullcnulltion together nullith nullenullnullership onull null relenullnullnt c
48、onullpetence-nullnullsed registrnulltion schenullenull nullor enullnullnullple the nullnull Register onull nullronullnd nullngineering nullronullessionnulllsnullBS 22475-2:20114 null null BSI 2011BRITISH STANDARD4null2nullnullnull2 The responsinullle enullpert shnullll hnullnulle snullnullnullcient
49、pronullen nullnonullledge concerning:nullnull the relenullnullnt lnullnullsnull henulllth nullnd snullnullety regnulllnulltionsnull technicnulll rnullles nullnd stnullndnullrdsnull nullor enullnullnullple BS null550 nullor nullnulldit prnullctice nullor nullnullter nullnullnulllity snullnullplingnullnullnull the pnullrpose onull geotechnicnulll gronullnd innullestignulltions nullnd relenullnullnt geologicnulllnull geonullechnullnicnulll nullnd hydrogeologicnulll principlesnullcnull nullpproprinullte pnullrts onull BS nullN ISnull 22475-1 nullor snullnullpling
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