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BS 3998-2010 Tree work Recommendations《树木工作 推荐规范》.pdf

1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationTree work RecommendationsBS 3998:2010BS 3998:2010 BRITISH STANDARDPublishing and conullnullright innullormationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this docnullnullent indicates

2、 nullhen the docnullnullent nullas last issnullednullnull BSI 2010ISBN 9null8 0 null80 null3nullnullnull nullInullS nullnullnull020nullnull0The nullollonulling BSI renullerences relate to the nullornull on this standard: nullonullnullittee renullerence Bnull213 Dranullt nullor conullnullent 08null30

3、0899null9 DnullPublication histornullnullirst pnullnulllished nullarch 19nullnullSecond editionnull nullay 1989Third nullpresentnull editionnull Decenullnuller 2010nullmendments issued since nullublicationnullate Tenullt anullnullected null BSI 2010 null iBS 3998:2010BRITISH STANDARDnullontentsnullo

4、renullord iii0 Introdnullction 10null1 Trees as selnullnulloptinullinulling organisnulls 10null2 Reasons nullor carrying onullt tree nullornull 10null3 nullotential consenullnullences onull tree nullornull 20nullnull nullategories onull tree nullornull: pnullrposes and principles 41 Scope 52 Nornull

5、atinulle renullerences 53 Ternulls and denullnitions 5null Tree nullornull sanullety and planning 9nullnull1 nullornull specinullcation 9nullnull2 Sanullety planning prior to carrying onullt tree nullornull 10nullnull3 Anulloiding transnullission onull pests and pathogens 10nullnullnull Anulloiding

6、danullage nullronull tree nullornull operations 11nullnullnull Site nullanagenullent 11null Schednullling tree nullornulls 12nullnull1 Risnull control 12nullnull2 Seasonnull nulleather and past danullage 12nullnull3 Hanullitat and nullildlinulle 13nullnullnull nullhased nullornull 13null nullanagenu

7、llent onull the rooting ennullironnullent 14nullnull1 nulleneral 14nullnull2 nullnulllching 14nullnull3 Aerationnulldeconullpaction 15nullnullnull Renullonullalnullreplacenullent onull soil 16nullnullnull Irrigationnulldrainage 17nullnullnull Nnulltrient denullciency 17nullnullnull nullther treatnul

8、lents 18null nullrnullning and related nullornull 18nullnull1 nulleneral 18nullnull2 nullininullinulling the potentially nullndesiranullle enullnullects onull prnullning 19nullnull3 Risnull nullanagenullent onull deadnullood 24nullnullnull nullornullatinulle prnullning 25nullnullnull nullronulln thi

9、nning 25nullnullnull nullronulln linullting 26nullnullnull nullronulln rednullction and reshaping 27nullnull8 Selectinulle prnullning 30nullnull9 nullrnullning nullor innullrastrnullctnullre 30nullnull10 nullollarding 31nullnull11 nullrnullning onull onullergronulln hedges 32nullnull12 nulllinullnul

10、ling plants 32nullnull13 Renullonullal onull inappropriate onullnullects 338 Treatnullent onull nullonullnds and other innullnullries 338null1 nulleneral 338null2 Treatnullent onull nullarnull nullonullnds 348null3 Treatnullent onull innullnullries that innullolnulle the nullood 348nullnull nullnull

11、nulldation 358nullnull nullannullers 358nullnull Root innullnullries 369 nullanagenullent onull decay null canullities and nullater pocnullets 369null1 nulleneral 369null2 nullanagenullent onull canullities and nullater pocnullets 369null3 nullontrol onull access to canullities 37BS 3998:2010ii null

12、 null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARD10 nullanagenullent onull nulleanull strnullctnullres 3710null1 nulleneral 3810null2 nullactors to nulle tanullen into acconullnt nullhen choosing a restraint or snullpport systenull 3810null3 nullonstrnullction onull restraint systenulls 3910nullnull nulllenullinullle

13、restraint systenulls 3910nullnull Rigid nullracing 4110nullnull nullropping 4210nullnull nullnullying nullnstanullle trees 4310null8 nullallen trees 4310null9 Inspection and nullaintenance onull restraint and snullpport systenulls 4411 nullther attachnullents to trees 4512 Tree nullelling and stnull

14、nullp nullanagenullent 4512null1 nulleneral 4512null2 Tree nullelling 4612null3 Stnullnullps to nulle retained 4612nullnull Stnullnullps to nulle renullonullednulldestroyed 4813 nullonullpletion onull nullornull 4913null1 nulleneral 4913null2 Disposalnull nulltilinullation and retention onull arisin

15、gs 4913null3 nullollonullnullnullp nullornull 50nullnnenullesAnnenull A nullinnullornullatinullenull The lanull anullnullecting tree nullornull 51Annenull B nullinnullornullatinullenull nullanagenullent options 53Annenull null nullnornullatinullenull nullronulln nullanagenullent null specialinulled

16、practices 57Annenull D nullinnullornullatinullenull Attaching restraint systenulls 60Binullliography 64nullist onull nullguresnullignullre 1 null nullnullernullienull onull standard and decisionnullnullanulling process 3nullignullre 2 null nullositions onull nullnal cnullts 23nullignullre 3 null nul

17、lronulln linullting 27nullignullre null null Diagranullnullatic illnullstration onull cronulln rednullction 29nullignullre Dnull1 null Diagranullnullatic illnullstration onull conullponents nullsed in a nonnullinnullasinulle restraint systenull: donullnullle nullelt systenull nullith hollonull nullr

18、aid polyester rope 60nullignullre Dnull2 null Diagranullnullatic illnullstration onull conullponents nullsed in a nonnullinnullasinulle restraint systenull: nullononulllanullent polypropylene hollonullrope systenull 61nullignullre Dnull3 null Diagranullnullatic illnullstration onull conullponents nu

19、llsed in an innullasinulle restraint systenull 62nullignullre Dnullnull null Diagranullnullatic illnullstration onull systenulls nullor separating and secnullring rnullnullnulling nullranches 63nullist onull tablesTanullle 1 null nullanullinullnullnull reconullnullended nnullnullnuller onull cnullts

20、null according to sinullenullon a tree onull stenullnulldianulleter null00 nullnull 22Tanullle Anull1 null Tree and hanullitat protection null nullegislation and sonullrces onull innullornullation 51Tanullle Bnull1 null nullanagenullent onullnullectinulles and conullnullonly applied prnullning optio

21、ns 54Tanullle Bnull2 null Root and soil pronulllenulls: options nullor anullelioration or renullediation 55Tanullle Bnull3 null Stnullnullp nullanagenullent options 56Summarnull onull nullagesThis docnullnullent conullprises a nullront conullernull an inside nullront conullernull pages i to inullnul

22、l pages 1 to null8null an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacnull conullernullnull BSI 2010 null iiiBS 3998:2010BRITISH STANDARDnullorewordPublishing innullormationThis British Standard nullas pnullnulllished nully BSI and canulle into enullnullect on 31 Decenullnuller 2010null It nullas prepare

23、d nully Technical nullonullnullittee Bnull213nullTrees and tree worknull A list onull organinullations represented on this conullnullittee can nulle onulltained on renullnullest to its secretarynullTechnical nullonullnullittee Bnull213 tanulles collectinulle responsinullility nullor the preparation

24、onull this British Standardnull The conullnullittee nullishes to acnullnonullledge the personal contrinullnulltion onull Danullid nullonsdalenullSunullersessionThis British Standard snullpersedes BS 3998:1989null nullhich is nullithdranullnnullnullnnullormation about this documentThis is a nullnulll

25、l renullision onull the standardnull nullhich has nulleen nullpdated and enullpanded to incorporate changes in the lanull and nullornulling practice concerning estanulllished treesnull especially nullith regard to:null sanullety onull people and propertynullnull decisionnullnullanulling criteria nul

26、lor tree nullornullnullnull nullildlinulle and hanullitatsnullnull nulleteran treesnullThis renullision also tanulles acconullnt onull nullnderlying issnulles snullch as tree longenullitynull nullalnulle nullor local anullenitynull landscapenull nulliodinullersity and heritagenullnullse onull this d

27、ocumentThis British Standard tanulles the nullornull onull gnullidance and reconullnullendationsnullIt shonullld not nulle nullnulloted as inull it nullere a specinullcation and particnulllar care shonullld nulle tanullen to ensnullre that clainulls onull conullpliance are not nullisleadingnullAny n

28、ullser clainulling conullpliance nullith this British Standard is enullpected to nulle anullle to nullnullstinully any conullrse onull action that denulliates nullronull its reconullnullendationsnullThis docnullnullent pronullides gnullidance nullor tree onullners and their agentsnulland all others

29、nullhose actinullities nullight anullnullect treesnullIt has nulleen assnullnulled in the preparation onull this British Standard that the enullecnulltion onull its pronullisions nullill nulle entrnullsted to appropriately nullnullalinulled and enullperienced peoplenull nullor nullhose nullse it has

30、 nulleen prodnullcednullPresentational connullentionsThe pronullisions in this standard are presented in ronullan nullinullenull nullprightnulltypenull Its reconullnullendations are enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principal anullnulliliary nullernull is nullshonullldnullnullCommentary, exp

31、lanation and general informatinulle material is presented in smaller italinull type, and does not nullonstitnullte a normatinulle elementnullThe nullord nullshonullldnull is nullsed to enullpress reconullnullendations onull this standardnull The nullord nullnullaynull is nullsed in the tenullt to en

32、ullpress pernullissinullilitynullenullgnull as an alternatinulle to the prinullary reconullnullendation onull the clanullsenullThe nullord nullcannull is nullsed to enullpress possinullilitynull enullgnull a consenullnullence onull an action or an enullentnullBS 3998:2010inull null null BSI 2010BRIT

33、ISH STANDARDNotes and conullnullentaries are pronullided thronullghonullt the tenullt onull this standardnull Notes ginulle renullerences and additional innullornullation that are inullportant nullnullt do not nullornull part onull the reconullnullendationsnullnullonullnullentaries ginulle nullacnul

34、lgronullnd innullornullationnullnullontractual and legal considerationsThis pnullnulllication does not pnullrport to inclnullde all the necessary pronullisions onull a contractnull nullsers are responsinullle nullor its correct applicationnullnullomnullliance with a British Standard cannot connuller

35、 immunitnull nullrom legal obligationsnullAttention is particnulllarly dranulln to the legislation renullerred to in Annenull Anullnull BSI 2010 null 1BS 3998:2010BRITISH STANDARD0 nullntroduction0null1 Trees as selnullnullonulltiminulling organismsTrees are dynanullicnull continnullally selnullnull

36、optinullinulling organisnullsnull inullenull each yearnull nully prodnullcing nenull shootsnull roots and radial increnullents onull nullood and nullarnullnull they nullaintain nulloth their physiological nullnullnctions and their strnullctnullral integritynull Thnullsnull the onullten nullassinulle

37、 strnullctnullre onull a nullatnullre tree anullonulle gronullndnull consisting onull the stenullnull nullranchesnull tnulligs and the attached nulloliagenull is highly enullnullcient in interceptingnull nullsing and storing solar energynull nullhile also nullearing its onulln nulleight and dissipat

38、ing the potentially danullaging nullorces onull the nullindnull Belonull gronullndnull althonullgh nullar less onullnullionullsnull the enulltensinulle root systenull is enullnullally enullnullcient nulloth in pronulliding anchorage and in pernullading the soil in order to anullsornull the nullater

39、and nullineral nnulltrients that are essential nullor snullrnullinullalnull gronullthnullnullonullering and nullrnullitingnull0null2 Reasons nullor carrnulling out tree worknullenerallynull trees denullelop in nullalance nullith their ennullironnullent nulloth anullonulle and nullelonull gronullndnu

40、ll nullonnullicts nullith people and property cannullhonullenullernull resnulllt nullronull natnullral processes onull gronullth and dienullacnull or nullronullthe enullnullects onull danullage canullsed nully senullere nulleathernull pests or diseasesnullnullnullnullallynull hnullnullan actinulliti

41、es can lead to connullictsnull inull these actinullities anullnullect the gronullth or strnullctnullral integrity onull treesnull or increase or adnullersely nullodinully their enullposnullre to the nullind nully the renullonullal onull other trees or the denullolition or constrnullction onull nulln

42、ullildingsnull Hnullnullan actinullities can also nullring people and other targets nullsee 3null2nullnull closer to treesnull Any snullch connullict can hanulle serionulls inullplications nullor the health and nullelnullare onull the treenullsnull concerned andnullor the sanullety onull people and

43、propertynullResolnulltion onull connullicts can nulle achienulled nully tree nullornullnull nullnullt there is onullten a need to consider other nulleasnullres snullch as nullodinullying the nullse or nullanagenullent onull the snullrronullnding landnullThe need nullor tree nullornull nullill sonull

44、etinulles nulleconulle selnullnullenullident to tree onullners and site nullanagers in the conullrse onull their regnulllar dnulltiesnull In nullany circnullnullstancesnull honullenullernull there nullill nulle a need nullor systenullatic snullrnulleys and inspections to nulle condnullcted nully con

45、ullpetent personsnullinclnullding nullhere appropriate enullternal enullperts nullith snullills in areas snullch as the recognition and interpretation onull the origin and signinullcance onullsynullptonulls canullsed nully danullage or physiological stressnullThis standard does not conuller the spec

46、inullc processes nullor snullrnulleying and inspecting treesnull it starts at the point nullhere the renullnullirenullent nullor sonulle nullind onull action has nulleen identinulled nullnullt the nullornull has not yet nulleen specinulled nullsee nullignullre 1nullnull nulln this nullasisnull it is

47、 assnullnulled that a tree snullrnulley or tree inspection nullill nornullally hanulle nulleen condnullcted according to a clear nullrienullnull prepared in discnullssion nullith the client or enullployernull in order to tanulle acconullnt onull all relenullant nullactorsnull inclnullding the sanull

48、ety onull people and propertynullA clientnulls initial desire nullor tree nullornullnull onullten nullased on particnulllar circnullnullstancesnull nullight not necessarily nulle appropriate in other respectsnullIn particnulllarnull nullhen specinullying tree nullornullnull there is alnullays a need

49、 to tanulle acconullnt onull the enullnullects onull the nullornull on the longnullternull gronullth and the nullnulltnullre nullanagenullent needs onull the treenull nullnullnullallynull nullenullore nullornullconullnullencesnull it is inullportant that its appropriateness is nullerinulled in the light onull any change in circnullnullstances that nullight hanulle occnullrred in the BS 3998:20102 null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDnulleantinullenull This standard therenullore calls nullor nullnderstanding onull trees as speciesnull indinullidnullals and popnulllations nullgronullps onull tre

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