1、| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BRITISH STANDARD BS 4019-5:1999 ISO 10097-
2、1:1999 ICS 73.100.30 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW Rotary core drilling equipment Specification for wireline diamond drilling equipment System A. Metric unitsThis British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Engineering Sector Committee,
3、was published under the authority of the Standards Committee and comes into effect on 15 November 1999 BSI 11-1999 ISBN 0 580 35593 4 BS 4019-5:1999 Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date Comments National foreword This British Standard reproduces verbatim ISO 10097-1:1999 and implements
4、it as the UK national standard. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee MRE/5, Rock drilling equipment, which has the responsibility to: aid enquirers to understand the text; present to the responsible international/European committee any enquiries on the interpr
5、etation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed; monitor related international and European developments and promulgate them in the UK. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Cross-references The British Standards which
6、 implement international publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the section entitled “International Standards Correspondence Index”, or by using the “Find” facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue. A British Standard does not purport to
7、include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, t
8、he ISO title page, pages ii to iv, pages 1 to 12, an inside back cover and a back cover. The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued.A Referencenumbe r ISO100971:1999 (E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 100971 Firstedition 19991015 Wirelinediamondcoredr
9、illingequipment SystemA Part1: Metricunits quipementdeforageaudiamantlignecbleaveccarottage SystmeA Partie1:UnitsmtriquesISO100971:1999(E) ii Contents 1Scop e1 2Normativereferenc e1 3Designatio n1 4Material s.2 5Dimensionsandtolerance s2 5.1Genera l.2 5.2Conformit y.2 5.3Eccentricit y2 5.4Straightne
10、s s2 5.5Technicalcondition s2 AnnexA (informative) Principaldimensionsofdrillrodthread s.12 ISO100971:1999(E) iii Foreword ISO (the InternationalOrganizationforStandardization)isaworldwidefederationofnationalstandardsbodies(ISO memberbodies).TheworkofpreparingInternationalStandardsisnormallycarriedo
11、utthroughISOtechnical committees.Eachmemberbodyinterestedinasubjectforwhichatechnicalcommitteehasbeenestablishedhas therighttoberepresentedonthatcommittee.Internationalorganizations,governmentalandnongovernmental,in liaisonwithISO,alsotakepartinthework.ISOcollaboratescloselywiththeInternationalElect
12、rotechnical Commission(IEC)onallmattersofelectrotechnicalstandardization. InternationalStandardsaredraftedinaccordancewiththerulesgivenintheISO/IECDirectives,Part3. DraftInternationalStandardsadoptedbythetechnicalcommitteesarecirculatedtoth ememberbodiesforvoting. PublicationasanInternationalStandar
13、drequiresapprovalbyatleast75%ofthememberbodiescastingavote. InternationalStandardISO100971waspreparedbyTechnicalCommitteeISO/TC82,Mining,Subcommittee SC6, Diamondcoredrillingequipment . ISO10097consistsofthefollowingparts,underthegeneraltitleWirelinediamondcoredrillingequipment SystemA : Part1:Metri
14、cunits Part2:Inchunits AnnexAofthispartofISO10097isforinformationonly.ISO100971:1999(E) iv Introduction ISO10097isintendedforindependentuseaswellasforuseincombinationwithISO35511,whichcovers equipmentdesignedforconventionaldiamonddrilling. ThisInternationalStandardcoversequipmentintendedforapplicati
15、onwithdiamondbits,butisshouldbe understoodthatbitsmayhaveothercuttingmaterials.INTERNATIONALSTANDARD ISO100971:1999(E) 1 WirelinediamondcoredrillingequipmentSystemA Part1: Metricunits 1Scope This part of ISO 10097 specifies thenomenclatureandtheleadingdimensionsnecessaryfortheinterchangeability of t
16、he following wireline drilling equipmentfordrillingholes48mmto96mmindiameter,yieldingcoresof27mmto 63mmindiameter. TheequipmentisillustratedinFigure1andcomprisesthefollowing: a)cor ebit; b)reamin gshell; c)cor elifter; d) coreliftercase; e)oute rtube; f)inne rtube; g) drillrod(smoothpipeonly). 2Norm
17、ativereference The following normativedocumentcontainsprovisionswhich,throughreferenceinthistext,constituteprovisionsof thispartofISO 10097.Fordatedreferences,subsequentamendmentsto ,orrevisionsof,thispublicationdonot apply.However,partiestoagreementsbasedonthispartofISO10097areencourage d to invest
18、igate the possibility ofapplyingthemostrecenteditionofthenormativedocumen tindicatedbelow.Forundatedreferences,thelatest editionofthenormativedocumentreferredtoapplies.MembersofISOandIECmaintai n registers of currently valid InternationalStandards. ISO35511:1992, RotarycorediamonddrillingequipmentSy
19、stemAPart1:Metricunits. 3Designation ItemsmadeinaccordancewiththispartofISO 10097shallbedesignatedbyth eidentificationlettersWLandhole dimensions A, B, N, H. EXAMPLE Corebitforwirelinedrillinghole Bdimensions:WLBcorebit.ISO100971:1999(E) 2 4Materials Materialsusedinthemanufactureofthewirelinedrillin
20、gequipmentspecifie dinthispartofISO 10097shallhave theminimummechanicalpropertiesasspecifiedinTable1. Table1Mechanicalproperties Component Minimumtensile strength, R m N/mm 2 (MPa) Minimumyield stress, R e N/mm 2 (MPa) Minimumelongation afterfracture, A % Drillrods 690 550 12 Coretubes 690 550 12 Ot
21、heritems Notspecified 5Dimensionsandtolerances 5.1General AlldimensionsandtolerancesareinmillimetresunlessotherwisestatedandshallbeinaccordancewithTables 3 to 9inclusive. 5.2Conformity In those industries where drilling depthsaremeasuredinmetres,therodlengthsshallbe3m,1,5mor0,75m.But whendrillinginc
22、onformitywithDCDMAandCDDAstandards,thelengthsofrodsmaybe3,04 8 m,1,524mor 0,762m. 5.3Eccentricity Theeccentricityisdefinedasthedistancebetweenthecentresoftheouterandinnerdiametersandmaynot exceed10%ofnominalwallthickness Q. Theeccentricityiscalculatedaccordingtotheformula: QQ Q max min - 2 100 nom w
23、here Q max and Q min aremeasuredvaluesinthesamesection. 5.4Straightness Whenmeasuredoverthewholelengthofthetubebyrollingagainstastraightedge,themaximumdeviationshallnot begreaterthan: fordrillrods 1in2000; forcoretubes 1in1500. 5.5Technicalconditions Tubesshouldbemadeseamless.Tuberollingtechniqueand
24、machiningoperationsareoptional. Tubestraightnessischeckedbyrollingthetubeonahorizontalorslightly inclinedflatsurface.Whenrolling,no clearancesshallbeseenbetweentherodendsandthesurface,norbetweenthemiddl eoftherod(tube)andthe surface. HoledrillingbywirelinesystemAequipmentshallbecasedbysystemAcasinga
25、sspecifiedinISO35511. ISO100971:1999(E) 3 Table2Systemofdimensionalidentificationletters A, A 1 ,etc. Outsidediameters; Abeinglargest; A 1 , A 2 ,etc.progressivelysmaller B, B 1 ,etc. Insidediameters; Bbeingsmallest; B 1 , B 2 ,etc.progressivelylarger C, C 1 ,etc. Externallengths; Cbeinglongest; C 1
26、 , C 2 ,etc.progressivelyshorter D, D 1 ,etc. Internallengths; Dbeinglongest; D 1 , D 2 ,etc.progressivelyshorter E, E 1 ,etc. Majordiameterofpinthreads; Ebeinglargest; E 1 , E 2 ,etc.smaller F, F 1 ,etc. Minordiameterofpinthreads; Fbeinglargest; F 1 , F 2 ,etc.smaller Threadpitch (threadsperinch) P
27、inthreads G, G 1 ,etc. Widthatrootofpinthread H, H 1 ,etc. Lengthofo.d.machinedforexternalthreading J, J 1 ,etc. Minimumlengthforfulldepthofpinthreads K, K 1 ,etc. Lengthofreliefatthestartingpointofpinthreads L, L 1 ,etc. Angleofbevelforpinthreadshoulder M, M 1 ,etc. Majordiameterofboxthreads; Mbein
28、glargest; M 1 , M 2 ,etc.smaller N, N 1 ,etc. Minordiameterofbox; Nbeinglargest; N 1 , N 2 ,etc.smaller Threadpitch (threadsperinch) Boxthreads P, P 1 ,etc. Widthatrootofboxthreads Q, Q 1 ,etc. Lengthofi.d.machinedforinternalthreading R, R 1 ,etc. Minimumlengthforfulldepthofboxthreads S, S 1 ,etc. L
29、engthofcounterboreatthestartingofboxthreads T, T 1 ,etc. Angleofbevelforthreadshoulder U, U 1 ,etc. Includedangles:Internalandexternal V, V 1 ,etc. Internalangles,notpertainingtothreadedconnections W, W 1 ,etc. Externalangles,notpertainingtothreadedconnections X Diamondsetdimensions:External(o.d.) Y
30、 Diamondsetdimensions:Internal(i.d.) NOTE1Alldecimaldimensionsindicateallowabletolerances. NOTE2ThefollowingcommonabreviationshavesometimesbeenusedintablesintheEnglishversion forthesakeofsimplicity: o.d=outsidediameter i.d.=insidediameter.ISO100971:1999(E) 4 Key 1 Head(notstandardized) 6 Reamingshel
31、l 2 Bearingunit(notstandardized) 7 Corelifter 3 Outercorebarrel 8 Coreliftercase 4 Stabilizer(notstandardized) 9 Bit 5 Retractablecorebarrel Figure1Wirelinecorebarrelassembly ISO100971:1999(E) 5 a Clearofdiamonds b Seto.d. c Seti.d. Figure2Wirelinecorebit Table3Wirelinecorebit (seeFigure2) Dimension
32、 WLA WLB WLN WLH A max. min. 46,66 46,56 57,96 57,86 73,91 73,81 94,31 94,21 B max. min. 27,89 27,76 37,70 36,91 48,82 48,02 64,69 63,90 B 1 max. min. 36,91 36,12 46,43 45,64 60,72 59,93 78,18 77,39 C min. 57,91 66,04 65,41 96,22 D max. min. 58,71 57,91 66,83 66,04 66,20 65,41 97,01 96,22 D 1 max. m
33、in. 49,61 48,82 57,55 56,75 54,37 53,58 83,74 82,95 M max. min. 42,09 42,04 52,43 52,37 67,51 67,46 85,78 85,70 N max. min. 40,59 40,51 50,85 50,80 65,99 65.94 84,20 84,12 Threadpitch 6,35 6,35 6,35 6,35 P max. min. 3,20 3,12 3,20 3,12 3,20 3,12 3,20 3,12 Q max. min. 42,29 42,16 42,52 42,39 42,55 42
34、,42 42,75 42,62 R min. 38,89 38,89 38,89 38,89 S max. min. 7,14 6,35 7,14 6,35 7,14 6,35 7,14 6,35 T 15 15 15 15 V 30 30 30 30 X max. min. 47,75 47,50 59,69 59,44 75,44 75,18 95,76 95,38 Y max. min. 27,10 26,85 36,53 36,27 47,75 47,50 63,63 63,37ISO100971:1999(E) 6 a Seto.d. Figure3Wirelinereamingsh
35、ell Table4Wirelinereamingshell (seeFigure3) Dimension WLA WLB WLN WLH A max. min. 46,66 46,56 57,96 57,86 73,91 73,81 94,31 94,21 B max. min. 36,51 36,36 46,04 45,86 60,33 60,12 77,79 77,53 C max. min. 162,32 161,53 159,15 158,35 171,85 171,05 182,96 182,17 E max. min. 41,96 41,91 52,30 52,25 67,39
36、67,34 85,62 85,55 F max. min. 40,44 40,39 50,72 50,67 65,86 65,81 84,05 83,97 Threadpitch 6,35 6,35 6,35 6,35 G max. min. 3,20 3,12 3,20 3,12 3,20 3,12 3,20 3,12 H max. min. 41,28 41,15 41,38 41,25 41,28 41,15 41,20 41,07 J min. 38,89 38,89 38,89 38,89 K max. min. 7,14 6,35 7,14 6,35 7,14 6,35 7,14
37、6,35 L 15 15 15 15 M max. min. 42,09 42,04 52,43 52,37 67,51 67,46 85,78 85,70 N max. min. 40,59 40,51 50,85 50,80 65,99 65,94 84,20 84,12 Threadpitch 6,35 6,35 6,35 6,35 P max. min. 3,20 3,12 3,20 3,12 3,20 3,12 3,20 3,12 Q max. min. 61,01 60,88 61,32 61,19 67,69 67,56 74,04 73,91 R min. 38,89 38,8
38、9 38,89 38,89 S max. min. 7,14 6,35 7,14 6,35 7,14 6,35 7,14 6,35 T 15 15 15 15 X max. min. 48,13 47,88 60,07 59,82 75,82 75,57 96,27 95,89 ISO100971:1999(E) 7 Key 1 Gap Figure4Wirelinecorelifter Table5Wirelinecorelifter (seeFigure4) Dimension WLA WLB WLN WLH A max. min. 30,23 30,18 40,23 40,18 52,0
39、4 51,99 68,94 68,88 B max. min. 26,59 26,54 36,02 35,97 47,12 47,07 62,87 62,81 C max. min. 22,62 21,83 25,80 25,00 28,97 28,18 38,50 37,70 U max. min. 5to15 4to45 5to15 4to45 5to15 4to45 5to15 4to45 V 0 0 0 0 V 1 30 30 30 30ISO100971:1999(E) 8 Figure5Wirelinecoreliftercase Table6Wirelinecorelifterc
40、ase (seeFigure5) Dimension WLA WLB WLN WLH A max. min. 32,94 32,89 43,00 42,95 55,93 55,88 73,23 73,18 A 1 max. min. 30,68 30,63 40,41 40,35 52,73 52,68 67,99 67,94 B max. min. 28,30 28,24 38,02 37,97 49,56 49,50 65,61 65,56 B 1 max. min. 31,09 31,01 41,43 41,33 53,21 53,14 70,38 70,31 C max. min. 6
41、3,90 63,10 70,25 69,45 75,01 74,22 89,30 88,50 M max. min. 31,32 31,27 41,10 41,05 53,47 53,42 70,69 70,64 N max. min. 30,18 30,12 39,93 39,88 52,20 52,15 69,29 69,24 Threadpitch 3,175 3,175 3,175 3,175 P max. min. 1,63 1,55 1,63 1,55 1,63 1,55 1,63 1,55 Q max. min. 40,08 39,29 44,85 44,05 51,59 50,
42、80 67,07 66,28 R min. 20,64 20,64 20,64 20,64 S max. min. 3,97 3,18 3,97 3,18 3,97 3,18 3,97 3,18 T 30 30 30 30 U max. min. 5to15 4to45 5to15 4to45 5to15 4to45 5to15 4to45 V 45 45 45 45 ISO100971:1999(E) 9 Figure6Wirelinecorebarreloutertube(lowerend) Table7Wirelineoutertube(lowerend) (seeFigure6) Di
43、mension WLA WLB WLN WLH A max. min. 46,19 46,04 57,33 57,15 73,23 73,03 92,33 92,08 B max. min. 36,51 36,36 46,04 45,86 60,53 60,33 77,79 77,53 E max. min. 41,96 41,91 52,30 52,25 67,39 67,34 85,62 85,55 F max. min. 40,44 40,39 50,72 50,67 65,86 65,81 84,05 83,97 Threadpitch 6,35 6,35 6,35 6,35 G ma
44、x. min. 3,20 3,12 3,20 3,12 3,20 3,12 3,20 3,12 H max. min. 41,28 41,15 41,48 41,35 41,38 41,25 41,28 41,15 J min. 38,89 38,89 38,89 38,89 K max. min. 7,14 6,35 7,14 6,35 7,14 6,35 7,14 6,35 L min. 15 15 15 15ISO100971:1999(E) 10 Figure7Wirelinecorebarrelinnertube(lowerend) Table8Wirelinecorebarrelinnertube,lowerend Dimension WLA WLB WLN WLH A max. min. 32,67 32,54 42,99 42,86 55,74 55,56 73,23 73,03 B max. min. 28,58 28,45 38,10 37,97 50,01 49,83 66,93 66,73 E max. min. 31,24 31,19 40,97 40,92 53,34 53,29 70,56 70,51 F max. min. 30,07 30,02 39,80
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