1、BSI BSS4727:PTL: GROUPS07 01 m Lb24bb 0375743 5T0 m BRITISH STANDARD Glossary of Electro t ec hnical , power, t elecomrnunication, electronics, lighting and colour terms Part 1. lkrms common to power, telecommunications and electronics Group 07. Magnetic materials and components BS 4727 : Part 1 : G
2、roup 07 : 1991 IEC SO(221) : 1990 BSI BSt4727:PTL: GROUP*O7 01 Lb24bb 0375742 437 First published November 1973 Amd. No. Second edition February 199 1 BS 4727 : Part 1 : Group 07 : 1991 Text affected Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrus
3、ted by the General Electrotechnical Standards Policy Committee (GEL/-) to Rchnical Committee GEL, 1, upon which the following bodies were represented: Association of Consulting Engineers British Broadcasting Corporation Department of Trade and Industry (Radiocommunications Division) EEA (the Associa
4、tion of Electronics, Telecommunications and Business Electricity Supply Industry in United Kingdom Institute of Physics Institution of Electrical Engineers Equipment Industries) This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the General Electrotechnical Standards Policy Committee
5、, was published under the authority of the Standards hard and comes into effect on 28 February 1991 O BSI 1991 Amendments issued since publication The following BI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference GEW1 Draft for comment 83/25314 DC ISBN O 680 19454 X - BSI BS*4727:
6、PTL: GROUP*O7 O31 = 31624669 0375743 373 W BS 4727 : Part 1 : Group 07 : 1991 Contents Committees responsible National foreword Guide to the glossary Page Inside front cover iv 11 Glossary 221-01 General terms 221-02 State of magnetization 221-03 Permeability and losses 221-04 Magnetic bodies 221-06
7、 Non-reciprocal electromagnetic components 1 7 23 42 54 index 63 i I BSI BS*4727:PTL: GROUP*07 OL W Lb24669 0375744 20T BS 4727 : Part 1 : Group 07 : 1991 National foreword This Group of BS 4727 : Part 1 has been prepared under the direction of the General Electrotechnical Standards Policy Committee
8、 and is identical with IEC 50(221) : 1990 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Chapter 221 : Magnetic materials and components published by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). It supersedes BS 4727 : Part 1 : Group 07 : 1973 which is withdrawn. For ease of production purposes t
9、he definitions given in French and Russian have been retained, together with the translation of the terms (but not the definitions) given in German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Polish and Swedish. The glossary is divided into five Parts, each of which is subdivided into Groups. Each Group wiU comprise
10、the terms and definitions used in a particular branch of electrical engineering and will be issued individually as soon as it is completed. This arrangement makes it possible to add new Groups or review existing Groups at any time without affecting the remainder of the glossary. The five Parts of th
11、e glossary are as follows. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 lrms common to power, telecommunications and electronics lrms particular to power engineering lrms particular to telecommunications and electronics lrms particular to lighting and colour krms particular to electromedical equipment Fundame
12、ntal and general terms common to power, telecommunications and electronics form Groups O1 and 02 of Part 1. Group O1 of Part 3 contains general terms. The specialist Groups (e.g. Groups 03 to 11 of Part 1) contain only the terms and definitions relating to their subject. As far as has been practicab
13、le all terms and definitions established in current usage and failing within the scope of this glossary have been included. Experience has shown that it is rarely possible to replace, or even to modify, a weil established term no matter what the logical or aesthetic shortcomings of that term may be.
14、 Current usage has therefore been accepted as the authority for terms and their meaning except where there has been a very good reason for doing otherwise, e.g. where terms have been considered to be fundamentally wrong, ambiguous, superfluous or in need of standardization. Where two or more synonym
15、ous terms are in use, those which are deprecated are omitted from the body of the text but are entered in the alphabetical index with a cross-reference to the standard term. In cases where it was felt that the time was not yet right to deprecate a synonym, preferred terms are given first and the oth
16、er terms are printed in less prominent type to indicate the intention to deprecate them in the course of time. Where synonyms are considered of equal value they are shown in the same type. Where terms are used with different meanings in different branches of electrical engineering, appropriate defin
17、itions are given in the Groups of the glossary corresponding to these branches. Such a definition, when taken out of the context of its Group, should if possible be quoted with a preamble indicating its proper context. It is to be noted that the given definition of a term represents the generally ac
18、cepted meaning of that term. Under no circumstances should it be regarded as taking the place of a specification. As far as possible the terms are arranged in a logical order proceeding from the general to the specific and from the whole to the part, and allied terms are placed close together. BSI B
19、S*4727:PT1: GROUPr07 O1 1624669 0375745 L4b BS 4727 : Part 1 : Group 07 : 1991 In earlier editions of BS 4727, a special national numbering system was used, however, to facilitate publication of future editions of BS 4727, only the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary numbering system is used.
20、A general view of the position of the Group in the glossary can be obtained from the guide to the glossary. An alphabetical index of the terms of each Group is provided at the end of each Group to facilitate reference to particular terms. It is recommended that the user of any Group of the gossary s
21、hould consider the Group in association with the Groups covering general or fundamental terms within the Part and with Groups O1 and O2 of Part 1. In this glossary parentheses ( ) enclose words or phrases that are not part of the term or definition and can be omitted without affecting the meaning. S
22、quare brackets enclose words which may replace a preceding part of an expression. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Part 1 Tenns common to power, telecommunications and electronics Group O1 Fundamental terminology Group O2 Electrical and ma
23、gnetic devices terminology Group 03 Relay terminology Group 04 Measurement terminology Group 05 Semiconductor terminology Group 06 Electronic tube terminology Group M Magnetic materials and components Group O8 Piezo-electric device terminology Group O9 Radio interference terminology Group 10 insulat
24、ing solids, liquids and gases Group 11 Printed circuits l%les to anyfurther Groups will be added in due course. part 2 km particular to power engineering Group O1 General power terminology (with.drawn) Group 02 Power electronics terminology Group 03 Rotating machinery terminology Group O4 Power tran
25、sformers and reactors Group 05 Voltage fluctuation terminology Group 06 Switchgear and controigear terminology (including fuse terminology) Group 07 lriffs terminology Group 08 Electric cable terminology Group O9 Transducer terminology Group 10 industrial electroheating terminology Group 11 Generati
26、on, transmission and distribution of electricity terminology Group 12 Telecontrol Group 13 Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres Group 14 Power capacitors Group 15 Overhead lines Tik to any further Gmups will be added in due course. Part 3 Terms particular to telecommunications and electron
27、ics Group O 1 General telecommunication and electronics terminology Group 02 Telephony terminology Group 03 Telegraphy, including facsimile, terminology Group 04 Bdcasting, radio and television terminology Group 05 Propagation and media terminology Group O Radio location and navigation terminology G
28、roup 07 Radiocommunication terminology Group 08 Acoustics and electro-acoustics terminology Group O9 Waveguide terminology Group 10 Recording and reproduction of sound and video terminology Group 11 Space radiocommunications terminology Tztles to any further Gmups will be added in due Gaume. Part 4
29、Brms particuia.r to lighting and coour (withdrawn) Part 5 %rins particular to electromedical equipment Group O1 Radiology and radiological physics terminology Titles to any further Gmups will be added in due course. BSI BS*4727:PTl: GROUP*O7 01 lb24bb 0375747 TLq 50(221) O IEC -1- CHAPITRE 221 : MAT
31、nte dun champ lectromagntique caractrise par le vecteur champ magntico magntique i7 et par le vecteur induction magntique B . campo magnetico magnetisch veld Note. - En franais, le terme “champ magntique“ dsigne gnralement le pole magnetyczne vecteur champ magntique (voir le chapitre 121 du VEI). ma
32、gnetiskt flt magnetic field That component of an electromagnetic field which is characterized b,y the magnetic field strength vector a and the magnetic flux density vector B . Note. - In French, the term “champ magnetique“ is generally used for the “magnetic field strength“ (see IEV Chapter 121). di
33、ple migntiqne (ICmentaire) doublet magntiqne magnetischer Dipol (1) dipolo magntico (elemental) ; doblete Entit dont le champ magntique est identique celui dune boucle de courant infiniment petite. dipolo magnetieo elementare magnetische dipool magnetic dipole (1) An entity which, in terms of its ma
34、gnetic field, can be represented by an infinitesimal current loop. diPol magnety imantacin magnetizzazione a saturazione verzadigingsmagnetisatie magnetyzacja nasycenia mttningsmagnetisering de saturacin polahtion magntique saturation (symb. : 4) Valeur maximale de ia polarisation magntique pouvant
35、tre obtenue pour une substance donne une temprature donne. saturation magnetic polarization (symb. : 4) The maximum obtainable magnetic polarization for a given substance at a given temperature. Marmnan nonnpw3nun Hacwuemn (symb. : Js) naasoro MaTepHana npe sanao reMnepaType. MaKCUMaJlbHO nOnyCT11MO
36、e 3HaieHWe MaHHTHOn nonnpe3auuu m magnetische Sttigungspolarisation polarizacin magntica de saturacin polarizzazione magnetica a saturazione magnetische venadigingspolanstie polaryzacja magnetyczna nasycenia (magnetisk) mttningspolarisation dewit daimantation P saturation aimantation qturation spcif
37、ique (symb. : a) Quotient de laimantation saturation par la masse volumique. siturntion magnetization (mass) density specific sahration magnetization (symb. : u) The saturation magnetization divided by the mass density, nJlOT0IIOCTb HMHHleUHOCTH HaCbIUeHH (no MaCCe) YAenbEaSI EIIMPrHHSeHHOCTb HaCbil
38、llQHHR (symb. : o) HMIIIUeHHOCTb HaCbiUleHU, OTHeCeHHW K IIJIOTHOCTB MaTepUaJfa. moment magntique coulombien (symb. : J? Grandeur vectorielle gale B lintgrale de volume de la polarisation magneti- que dans un volume donn. Note. - Le moment magntique coulombien est li6 au moment magntique m, ou momen
39、t magntique amprien, qui est dfini dans le chapitre 121, par la formule j = m, o est ia constante magntique. magnetic dipole moment (symb. : J) A vector quantity given by the volume integral of the magnetic polarization. Note. - The magnetic dipole moment is related to the magnetic area moment m by
40、the expression j = is the magnetic constant. m where m is defined in Chapter 121 and dichtebezogene Sttigungsmagnetisierung densidad de magnetizacin de saturacin ; magnetizacin de saturacin especifica magnetizzazione volumica a saturazione specifieke venadigingsmagnetistie magnetyzacja nasycenin wla
41、Ociwa massrelaterad mttningsmagnetisering magnetisches Dipolmoment momento magoetico culombiano ; momento magntico de dipolo momento magoetico magnetisch dipoolmoment moment magnetyczny dipolowy magnetiskt dipolmomeot BSI BSt472:PTL: GROUPt07 01 m Lb24bb9 0375749 891 m 50(221) O IEC -3- 22 1 -01 -07
42、 22 1-01 -08 221-01-09 22 1-0 1 - 10 221-01-11 221-01-12 MBHHTHbl ArtnOJlbiai MOMeHT (symb. : 11 nonapu3auun. BeKTOpHm BenHSUHa, BbipaXeHHait 06WMHbiM MHTerpnOh OT MBTHUTHOU npU.MeYaHIie. - MNHUTHbl nMI0JIbHbi MOMCHT CBII3aH C MXHMTHbIM MOMeHTOM noeepxaocrw m nocpenmeoM BbipaxeHna j = onpeneneao B r
43、naBe 121, ab itmexx MWHUTHO IIOCTOitHHO. m , rne m anisotropie magntique magnetische Anisotropie Phnomene selon lequel des caractristiques magntiques dune substance anktropa magntica sont diffrentes en diffrentes directions dans un systme de rfrence li ii la magnetica substance. magnetische anisotro
44、pie anizotropia magnetyczna magnetic anisotropy magnetisk anisotrop A phenomenon whereby magnetic properties of a substance are different in different directions relative to a given frame of reference in the substance. Marnuman an30ponun CBOCTBO, 6naronapx KOTOPOMY MarHnTHbie napaepbi MaTepuana pa3J
45、iHYHbl B PalUIHVHbix HanpaBJleHHX OTHOCWTeJibHO 3anaHHOfi CHCTeMbI OTCqeTa. anisotropie magntique induite Anisotropie magntique permanente ou temporaire produite par des causes externes. anisotropia magnetica indotta induced magnetic anisotropy A permanent or temporary magnetic anisotropy produced b
46、y external causes. induzierte magnetische Anisotropie magntica inducida geinduceerde magnetische anisotropie anizotropia magnetyczna indukowana inducerad magnetisk anisotrop substance magntique anisotrope Substance prsentant une anisotropie magntique. magnetically anisotropic substance A substance h
47、aving magnetic anisotropy. MrUHTOPHH3OTponHU MaTepHan MaTepnan c MarHnTHo aw3oponneA. substance magnitique isotrope Substance sans anisotropie magntique apprciable. magneticnlly isotropic substance A substance having no significant magnetic anisotropy. MILHHTOHOTOH MaTepHan MaTepHan, He IiMeKILUIifi
48、 3Ha9UTeJibHO MaHWTHOH aHU30TpOnUU. magnetisch anisotrope Substanz sustancia magntica anistropa materiale magnetic0 anisotrop0 magnetisch anisotroop medium substancja magnetycznie anizotropwa magnetiskt anisotropt material magnetisch isotrope Substanz sustancia magntica istropa materiale magnetic0 i
49、sotrop magnetisch isotroop medium substancja magnetyanie izotropowa magnetiskt isotropt material texture magntique magnetische Textur Structure dun matriau magntique polycristallin qui cause une anisotropie magnttique. struttura magnetica magnetische structuur magnetic texture telstura magnetyczna magnetisk textur A structural ordering of a polycrystalline magnetic material that produces magnetic anisotropy. MarHnT
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