1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationSchedule of paint colours for building purposesBS 4800:2011Licensed Copy: Wang Bin, ISO/EXCHANGE CHINA STANDARDS, 25/07/2011 03:30, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIBS 4800:2011 BRITISH
2、 STANDARDPublishing and copyright informationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this docunullent indicates nullhen the docunullent nullas last issuednullnull BSI 2011ISBN nullnull8 0 null80 nullnullnullnull4 nullInullS 8nullnull040The nullollonulling BSI renullerences relate to the nullornull on
3、this standard: nullonullnullittee renullerence STInull14 Dranullt nullor conullnullent 08nullnull01nullnullnullnull8Publication historynullirst punulllished nullanuary 1nullnull2nullirst renullision Septenullnuller 1null81Second renullision August 1null8nullThird nullcurrentnull edition nullay 2011A
4、mendments issued since publicationDate Tenullt affected Licensed Copy: Wang Bin, ISO/EXCHANGE CHINA STANDARDS, 25/07/2011 03:30, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSInull BSI 2011 null iBS 4800:2011BRITISH STANDARDnullontentsnullorenullord iii1 Scope 12 Nornullatinulle renullerences 1null nullategories onull c
5、olours 14 nullranullenullornull pronullided nully BS null2null2 1null nullresentation onull colour range onullerlay 3null Identinullcation onull colours 3null nullolournullnullatching 4Binullliography 23nullist of tablesTanullle 1 null nullolour range nullor paints 4Tanullle 2 null Renullectance dat
6、a nullronull 400 nnull to null00 nnull in a 10 nnullinternullal null nullroup A 8Tanullle null null Renullectance data nullronull 400 nnull to null00 nnull in a 10 nnullinternullal null nullroup B 9Tanullle 4 null Renullectance data nullronull 400 nnull to null00 nnull in a 10 nnullinternullal null
7、nullroup null 12Tanullle null null Renullectance data nullronull 400 nnull to null00 nnull in a 10 nnullinternullal null nullroup D 17Tanullle null null Renullectance data nullronull 400 nnull to null00 nnull in a 10 nnullinternullal null nullroup null 19Summary of pagesThis docunullent conullprises
8、 a nullront conullernull an inside nullront conullernull pages i to inullnull pages 1 to 24null an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacnull conullernullLicensed Copy: Wang Bin, ISO/EXCHANGE CHINA STANDARDS, 25/07/2011 03:30, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIBS 4800:2011ii null null BSI 2011BRITISH STAND
9、ARDThis page deliberately left blankLicensed Copy: Wang Bin, ISO/EXCHANGE CHINA STANDARDS, 25/07/2011 03:30, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSInull BSI 2011 null iiiBS 4800:2011BRITISH STANDARDnullorenullordPublishing informationThis British Standard is punulllished nully BSI on null0 April 2011null It null
10、asprepared nully Technical nullonullnullittee STInull14null Colour measurement andschedulesnull A list onull organinullations represented on this conullnullittee cannulle onulltained on renulluest to its secretarynullSupersessionThe Technical nullonullnullittee recogninulles that suppliers onull pro
11、ducts nullithinthe scope onull this standard nullight renulluire tinulle to conullplynull nullor this reasonnullthe pronullisions onull this standard nulleconulle enullnullectinulle 12 nullonths anullter thepunulllication datenullThis British Standard supersedes BS 4800:1null8nullnull nullhich nulli
12、ll nulle nullithdranullnon null1 nullay 2012nullnullelationship nullith other publicationsThe colours in this British Standard hanulle nulleen selected nullronull BS null2null2nullnullhich nullas designed as the nulleans onull inullplenullenting the ainulls onull colourconullordination in the nullui
13、lding industrynull nanullely:anull to nullring colours onull nulluilding nullaterials and nullnishes into a systenullaticrelationshipnullnullnull to conullnulline econonully in the total nunullnuller onull colours usednull nullithsunullnullcient nullenullinullility nullor nulleeting design and techn
14、ical renulluirenullentsnullnullnformation about this documentThe original editionnull nullhich replaced BS 2nullnull0null Colours for building and decorative paintsnull nullas punulllished in 1nullnull2 and included 88 coloursselected nullronull the precursor onull BS null2null2null nanullely DD 1nu
15、ll:1nullnull2null Basicrange for the conullordination of colours for building purposesnull The 1null81edition renullised and enulltended the range to 100 colours nullincluding nulllacnulland nullhitenull selected nullronull BS null2null2null The 1null8null edition included the sanulle100 coloursnull
16、 nullut the nullpaint nullnish anullailanullilitynull nullas renullisednullThis edition retains the sanulle selection onull coloursnull adds 22 nullore andenullnullodies the nullollonulling nullanullor changes:anull The selection onull colours has nulleen renullised to renullect nullarnulletdenullan
17、dsnull nullore colours hanulle nulleen includednull nullronull the nullull rangespecinulled in BS null2null2null that are enullpected to nulle popularnull Sonulle colourshanulle nulleen nullarnulled as onullsolescentnull nullut nullill not nulle renullonulled until thenenullt edition onull this stan
18、dardnull This partly renullects a perceinulled trendin the decoration onull punulllic nulluildings nullsuch as hospitals and schoolsnullto use nullrighter colours in place onull sonulle onull the traditional nullronullnsnullgreens and greysnullnullnull Sonulle denullnitions such as nullnullull gloss
19、 nullnishnullnull nulleggshell nullnishnullnulletcnull hanulle nulleen renullonulled along nullith the associated nullanullailanullilitynullinnullornullation and the nullnullasic selectionnull onull coloursnullcnull nullolorinulletric data has nulleen included in the nullornullat used in BS null81nu
20、llnulldnull Spectral renullectance data nullor each indinullidual colour hanulle nulleenincluded nullsee Tanullles 2 to nullnullnullnullnullTnull 1 nullttention is dranulln to Bnull 8493null nullenullectance values in this Britishnulltandard and Bnull 8493 are not identical nor are they directly com
21、parablenullLicensed Copy: Wang Bin, ISO/EXCHANGE CHINA STANDARDS, 25/07/2011 03:30, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIBS 4800:2011inull null null BSI 2011BRITISH STANDARDnullsers onull these British Standard colours should nulle anullare onull the otherderinulled standards in nullhich ranges or selections o
22、null colours nullronull BS null2null2 hanulle nulleen standardinulled nullor nullarious purposesnull These are: BS 4null00null nullpecinullcation for vitreous enamel colours for building purposesnullBS 4null01null nullpecinullcation for plastics colours for building purposesnullBS 4null04null nullpe
23、cinullcation for enullternal cladding colours for building purposesnullBS nullnullnull0null nulluide for enullterior colours for park homes nullmobile homesnullnullholiday caravans and transportable accommodation unitsnullnullTnull 2 Bnull 49null3 nullas a part of the series but nullas replaced by B
24、null nullnullnull2null2nullnullPresentational connullentionsThe pronullisions in this standard are presented in ronullan nullinullenull uprightnulltypenull Its renulluirenullents are enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principalaunulliliary nullernull is nullshallnullnullCommentarynull enullpl
25、anation and general informative material is presentedin smaller italic typenull and does not constitute a normative elementnullRenulluirenullents in this standard are dranullted in accordance nullith The Bnullnullguide to standardinullation null nullection 2null nullules for the structurenull drafti
26、ngand presentation of British nulltandardsnull sunullclause 11nullnullnull1null nullhich statesnullnullRenulluirenullents should nulle enullpressed using nullording such as: nullnullhentested as descrinulled in Annenull Anull the product shall nullnullnullnull This nulleans thatonly those products t
27、hat are capanullle onull passing the specinulled test nullillnulle deenulled to connullornull to this standardnullnullontractual and legal considerationsThis punulllication does not purport to include all the necessary pronullisionsonull a contractnull nullsers are responsinullle nullor its correct
28、applicationnullnullompliance nullith a British Standard cannot confer immunity fromlegal obligationsnullLicensed Copy: Wang Bin, ISO/EXCHANGE CHINA STANDARDS, 25/07/2011 03:30, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSInull BSI 2011 null 1BS 4800:2011BRITISH STANDARD1 ScopeThis British Standard specinullesnull in t
29、he nullornull onull a schedulenull 122 colours nullor paints nullor nulluilding purposesnull The colours nullsee Tanullle 1null hanulle nulleen selected nullronull the nullranullenullornull onull 2nullnull colours estanulllished in BS null2null2nullnullhich ainulls to ensure conullordination nullith
30、 the selections nullor other nullaterials and applications nullsee nullorenullordnullnullnullnullTnull 1 Because of technical or commercial limitationsnull the inclusion of a colour in this standard does not necessarily mean that it nullill be available in all types of paint or from all manufacturer
31、snullnullnullTnull 2 Clause 3null Clause 4 and Clause null give general informationnull2 nullormatinulle referencesThe nullollonulling renullerenced docunullents are indispensanullle nullor the application onull this docunullentnull nullor dated renullerencesnull only the edition cited appliesnull n
32、ullor undated renullerencesnull the latest edition onull the renullerenced docunullent nullincluding any anullendnullentsnull appliesnullBS nullnull0null1null nullpecinullcation for artinullcial daylight for the assessment of colour null nullart 1null nullllumination for colour matching and colour a
33、ppraisalBS 4800nullnull nullchedule of paint colours for building purposes nullColournullmatching fanBS null2null2:1nullnullnullnull nullramenullork for colour conullordination for building purposesnull nullategories of coloursThe 122 colours nullincluding nulllacnull and nullhitenullnull eight onul
34、l nullhich are proposed nullor onullsolescencenull are specinulled in Tanullle 1 nully renullerence to nulllause 4null nulllause null and nulllause nullnull4 nullramenullornull pronullided by BS null2null2nullnullTnull 1 The information given in this Clause is based on Bnull null2null2nullBS null2nu
35、ll2 locates and relates 2nullnull colours in ternulls onull selected steps in the nullisual attrinullutes onull huenull greynessnull nulleight and lightnessnull although the last attrinullute is not included in the identinullcation renullerence nullsee nulllause nullnullnullanull nullue is the attri
36、nullute onull rednessnull yellonullnessnull nullluenessnull etcnull The nullranullenullornull has 12 horinullontal hue ronullsnull plus a nullurther ronull onullneutral colours nullinullenull nullithout huenull nunullnullered and nanulled as nullollonulls:02 rednullpurple04 red0null yellonullnullred
37、08 yellonullnullred10 yellonull12 greennullyellonull14 green1null nullluenullgreen18 nulllue20 purplenullnulllueLicensed Copy: Wang Bin, ISO/EXCHANGE CHINA STANDARDS, 25/07/2011 03:30, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIBS 4800:20112 null null BSI 2011BRITISH STANDARD22 nulliolet24 purple00 neutralTnullo yel
38、lonullnullred ronulls are includednull one null0nullnull onull reddishnullnullronullns to harnulloninulle nullith reddish nulloodsnull stonesnull nullricnullsnull etcnullnull and the other null08null onull yellonullishnullnullronullns to harnulloninulle nullith yellonullish nulloods etcnullnullnull
39、nullreyness is the estinullated grey content onull coloursnull The nullranullenullornulldinullides the colours into nullnulle groupsnull lettered A to nullnull representing steps onull dinullinishing greyness as nullollonullsnullnullroup A greynullroup B nearly greynullroup null greynullclearnullrou
40、p D nearly clearnullroup null clearnullnullTnull 2 nullreyness diminishes as nullunsell chroma increasesnull but the relationship is not regularnullcnull nulleight is a sunullnullectinulle ternull nullor the relatinulle character onull colours onulldinullnullering huesnull as deternullined nully the
41、ir greyness and lightnessnullThe colours in each indinullidual colunulln in the nullranullenullornull hanulle nulleen selected to hanulle the sanulle nulleightnull inullenull to onullnuller colours onullthe sanulle character in the dinullnullerent hues representednull To hanulle the sanulle nulleigh
42、tnull colours are renulluired to hanulle the sanulle greyness and nulle adnullusted as necessary in lightnessnull The nullariations onull lightness nullor the sanulle nulleight in any colunulln onull colours are indicated nully the value nullgures in the appronullinullate nullunsell null1null renull
43、erences nullor all nullranullenullornull colours in BS null2null2:1nullnullnullnull Annenull Anullnulleight is used in the nullranullenullornull solely to regulate the appearance onull the colours nullithin a ginullen colunullnnull It is not used nullor relating one colunulln to another nullor nullh
44、ich purpose lightness is usednull as indicated in itenull nulldnullnulldnull nullightness is the attrinullute nully nullhich surnullace colours appear to renullect a greater or lesser anullount onull the incident lightnull nullhite has highest lightnessnull nulllacnull has lonullest lightnessnull al
45、l other colour hanulle lightness in nulletnulleen these enulltrenullesnullThe nullranullenullornull pronullides nullor up to eight nullertical colunullns in each greyness group nullronullnull high lightness to the lenullt to lonull lightness to the rightnullnullnullTnull 3 To meet practical renullui
46、rements in the middle lightness region of nullroup nullnull nullhere hue discrimination is at its peaknull column nullnullof the overlay serves as an enulltension of column null3nullnullnullTnull 4 The numbering of the columns nullithin the overlay across the nullhole framenullork is not regular bec
47、ause certain numbers nullere standardinulled in this British nulltandard before publication of Bnull null2null2 and have been retained for convenience of referencenullBoth nulllacnull and nullhite are clear colours and therenullore nullelong to nullroup nullnullsee itenull nullnullnullnull They are
48、at opposite enulltrenulles onull lightness outside the range onull the eight colunullns onull the group and should properly hanulle positions onull their onulln on the right and lenullt hand sides respectinullelynullnullnulling to linullited space in the colour card they are shonulln at the nulloot
49、onullcolunullns 4null and null8 respectinullely and coded in accordance nullith BS null2null2nullLicensed Copy: Wang Bin, ISO/EXCHANGE CHINA STANDARDS, 25/07/2011 03:30, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSInull BSI 2011 null nullBS 4800:2011BRITISH STANDARDnull Presentation of colour range onullerlayThe colour selection in this derinulled colour standard is indicated nullythe cutnullout apertures in the onullerlaynull This is nulleyed to register nullith thenullnullenullnullold conullposite colour card included in BS null2null2 and identinulleseach colour nully its code renullerence nullsee nulllause n
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