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BS 4940-1-1994 Technical information on construction products and services - Guide for management《建筑产品及服务技术信息 第1部分 管理指南》.pdf

1、BSI BS*491rO: PART* in contrast, for a small organization with no in-house publicity department, it can be a once-only task and therefore somewhat daunting. Production of technical information requires the commitment of senior management if it is to be successful. Lack of finance, expertise and time

2、 are reasons why many new publications fall short of the desirable quality and why, as a result, planned sales of products or services are not achieved. It is important therefore that senior management should plan the work within a realistic timetable and give approval to the allocation of adequate

3、funds, the employment of qualified staff (including professional consultants if required) and the provision of enough staff time in which to develop and complete the project. Lack of resources may result in a poor publication which would have an adverse effect on sales. Scope 3 BSI BSX4940: PART* be

4、 used as a marketing aid at seminars and exhibitions; 0 act as a reference and briefing source in the preparation of other documents and in public relations and advertising; 0 be used as an information source in education, thus making students aware of the existence of a firms products or services;

5、0 help to ensure that the product or service is correctly used. The specifier will need technical information that is clearly presented, accurate and up to date. The information should be convenient to: find; read and follow; 0 compare with similar technical information from other manufacturers or s

6、ources; 0 handle, file and retrieve by the use of a recognized classification system; 0 reference in building specifications and bills of quantities; 0 distribute and transmit through microform and electronic information systems; 0 use on the drawing board and/or on site, depending on the subject ma

7、tter. 5 Getting started No work should start before a basic policy has been decided by management. Basic policy decisions are required on the following: 0 Need. Why is a technical publication needed? What is it intended to achieve? 0 Budget. How much money must be allocated for this project? What ar

8、e the related future cost implications? o Mayket. To whom should the technical information be directed (customers, architects, engineers, suppliers or others)? 0 Programme. How much time, realistically, is needed to complete the project? Should it be coordinated with any other project or event (a sa

9、les drive, for example)? Policy Statement The decisions should be set down in a short Policy Statement, following which the detailed planning of the project can begin. It is essential to have clear directions on all aspects that will guide and coordinate the tasks required to achieve the desired res

10、ult. 4 Purpose of technical information BSI BS*4940: PART*:L 94 Lb24bb9 0400749 897 BS 4940 : Part 1 : 1994 Guide for management Initial Report An Initial Report should be prepared by a senior manager, taking account of the Policy Statement, to cover the aspects listed in table 1, This report should

11、, if possible, be prepared in consultation with the prospective Project Leader. Some aspects may need further study before clear direction can be given. The report should be written as a checklist for management approval. It should not contain too much detail since this will be provided at the next

12、stage by a Project Brief which is the responsibility of the Project Leader assisted, where necessary, by a Project Team (see clause 6). Figure 1 sets out the sequence of actions necessary for the preparation of the Initial Report and for the approval of the Project Brief. Project Brier Pro,ject Tean

13、i Table 1. Checklist for contents of policy documents INITIAL REPORT Prepared by a senior manager assisted by the Project Leader or a consultant. Identify the product, product range or service. PROJECT BRIEF Prepared by the Project Leader or Project Team. Defiie the products and services to be cover

14、ed and, if necessary, those that are not. Identify the information user groups, the size and importance of each group and the information that each requires. Decide whether information is to be used in Europe and overseas. Define the target audience and the approximate numbers and information requir

15、ements for each information user group. Assess the required print run. Specify infortnation users outside the UK. Decide the basis for the presentation of the information (product, building element or problem to be solved). ConFirm the approach to presentation. Is the information to deal with the pr

16、oduct or service: on its own; or with its application in a building element; or with a specific problem such as fire protection or vandalism? Establish the means of distribution to be used (mailing lists, delivery by technical representatives, distribution at exhibitions or promotional activities).

17、Confirm the method of distribution. What mailing list (customers and others) will be used? How will postage and packing be arranged? What representatives will be needed for distribution? For other distribution: what quantities? Establish the need for updating to keep pace with technical and product

18、changes. Plan for amendments and for keeping customers informed. Decide the preferred form and type of document to be produced (see BS 4940 : Part 2): unbound (e.g. data sheets), bound (e.g. catalogues) or other forms (eg. video pack). NOTE. Other fornis are not covered in BS 4940. Decide whether th

19、e information is to be part of a series. Assess the staff and skis required: to manage the project; to produce and distribute the technical information; to service the project in the future, e.g. to maintain and revise it. Assess total project costs, including staff, outside services, design, printi

20、ng and distribution. Assess annual costs of servicing and updating the information. Establish an overall timetable. Specify the sequence of tasks to be completed and realistic completion dates for each one. Confirm the plans for updating, the method of informing customers of changes and the distribu

21、tion of revised information. Confirm the form and type of information. If loose sheets, will a binder be available or will they be inserted into other documents? If a larger document, what type of binding is preferred? If part of a series will all other items in the series be similar? Select print q

22、uality and use of colour. Specify the skills and man-days required. What are the requirements for in-house staff and for commissioning of researchers, technical writers, technical designers, photographers, illustrators, translators and other specialists? Specify consultation required with other depa

23、rtments, trade associations and outside organizations. Confirm the allocation of costs. How much will be available from existing resources, for additional resources, for completion of project and for future servicing? Allocate a part of the budget to each person responsible for its control. Confirm

24、the project programme. Has reasonable time been allowed for data collection, writing, preliminary and final design, artwork, printing, packaging and distribution? Provide supporting information, e.g. mock-ups to indicate intentions and samples of other publications. Provide background material. Are

25、there lessons to be learned from previously prepared technical information or reports? Are there examples from elsewhere that should be followed? Getting started 5 BSI BSr4940: PARTdL 94 = It624659 0400750 509 BS 4940 : Part 1 : 1994 Guide for management Obtain agreement to the Initial Report Appoin

26、t the Project Team (i required) Authorize preparation of the Project Brief (see table 1) and selection of outside specialist help (i required) I Agree the Projec Brief and authorize the budget and he use of resoyrces Figure 1. Sequence of actions by senior management for preparation of the Initial R

27、eport and approval of the Project Brief 6 Project Team When approval has been given to the Initial Report, a Project Brief covering the aspects set out in table 1 should be prepared by the Project Leader, assisted where necessary by a Project Team. In a small organization the Project Leader may do m

28、ost of the work, whereas in a large one the work load can be shared by a Project Team. A Project Team should have representatives from departments such as: 0 marketing; 0 sales; 0 research and development; production; technical; design. Each member of staff representing a department should possess t

29、he knowledge and experience of the companys products necessary for the production of technical information. 6 Project Team ES1 BS*4940: PART*L 74 1624669 0400753 445 BS 4940 : Part 1 : 1994 Guide for management 7 Information user groups Technical information may be provided in various forms, to meet

30、 the needs of different information user groups. Information users can, for convenience, be divided into groups as shown in table 2. It should be borne in mind, however, that there are differences and overlaps between the needs of different groups at each stage of construction and for related activi

31、ties. 8 Preparing the Project Brief Table 1 provides a checklist for use by the Project Leader or Project Team in preparing the Project Brief for approval by senior management. Figure 2 sets out the sequence of actions to be coordinated for preparation and approval of the Project Brief. It is essent

32、ial to prepare a programme of work with agreed timing for each task, taking into consideration any deadline (see table 1). Table 2. Typical information user groups Information needed Information wer groupe Technical Designers and specifiers (architects, engineers and surveyors) Purchasers (estimator

33、s and buyers, quantity surveyors, maintenance and facilities managers, DlY) Legislators (planning departments, building control, fire officers, health and safety) Developers and insurers , Builing contractors (contract managers and agents, operatives) Subcontractors (instaiiers, contractors for ment

34、 work) InspectoFs (building control, insurers, fire officer, health and safety) Construction Operational Managers (in charge of running and cleaning the building and storage of materials) Maintenance and repair staff (surveyors, facilities managers, operatives) General Schools (primary and secondary

35、) Colleges and trade training (HNC sti2dents) Universities (degree courses and professional quaiifications) Test laboratories Assessment and certification bodies Information user groups i BSI BSX4740: PARTJL 9Li Lb24bb 0400752 381 BS 4940 : Part 1 : 1994 Guide for management Review the Initial Repor

36、t and the budget to determine tasks and responsibilities I Agree the timetable, showing the place of each task within it, giving realistic dates for achievement (see Project Brief Checklist in table 1) Itemize the need for: technical data commercial data translations technical checks including refer

37、ence io British Standards and other standards - use of CE and other marks technical diagrams, other illustrations computer software (see BS 4940 : Part 2) photographic policy Identify and prepare to commission outside work, tests, verification of calculations and software, artwork and copywriting Pr

38、epare and agree dummy mock-up, prepare to commission printing, arrange for archival retension of master copy and background documentation (see BS 4940 : Part 3) Figure 2. Sequence of actions to be coordinated for preparation and approval of the Project Brief 9 Contents, arrangement and form The info

39、rmation contained in a technical document should be: written simply using plain language; accurate; easy to comprehend; relevant; up to date. A checklist of headings for categories of information to be included in the text is given in table 2 of BS 4940 : Part 2 : 1994. 8 Contents, arrangement and f

40、orm ES1 BSm4940: PART*L 94 = Lb24667 0400753 2LB = BS 4940 : Part 1 : 1994 Guide for management O 10 Material to be used for the project, whether from inside the company or from other organizations, may include: 0 existing written or printed text and reports; 0 existing in-house knowledge and experi

41、ence; 0 new text to be written; o technical data (including research and development) in the form of tables, graphs and charts; 0 test reports and assessments; 0 technical drawings; 0 photographs; 0 feedback. Careful consideration should be given to the type of document required to provide the inten

42、ded information (see table 1 of ES 4940 : Part 2 : 1994) to ensure that the content is relevant. The usual means of obtaining photographs for use in technical documents are: 0 selection from the organizations own collection; 0 selection from a commercial photograph library; 0 commissioning new photo

43、graphs. There is therefore a need for action to ensure that suitable photographs are available. Technical writing and illustrating are professional skills and should be undertaken only by suitably qualified persons. The scope and form of a technical document will affect the way it is retained and re

44、vised by information users. If it deals with a number of unrelated products or services it may be difficult to find the most appropriate place for it on library shelves. When a new edition of a document is issued, information users may need to be made aware that part, or all, of the document has bee

45、n revised and should be replaced by a new version. These issues are discussed in BS 4940 : Part 2. A technical document is likely to include text and illustrations from different sources and to undergo several revisions before a final draft is ready for printing. Time can be saved and mistakes avoid

46、ed if, from the outset, compatible technology is used for generating illustrations, text processing and typesetting so that conversion of disks and reformatting of text is avoided. Selection of a writer and a designer Senior management should make a decision at an early stage on the choice of techni

47、cal copy writer and graphic designer. Either or both of these may be selected in house or by using outside consultants. The possible relative advantages of each may be summarized as follows. In-house staff 0 detailed understanding of the companys products and its sales, marketing and technical polic

48、ies; 0 ready access to company information and the knowledge of colleagues; o close control by management; o economic use of internal resources. Selection of a writer and a designer 9 BSI BS*4940: PARTtL 94 H It624669 0400754 154 H BS 4940 : Part 1 : 1994 Guide for management Outside consultants: 0

49、fresh input to complement existing views; wider perspective; 0 objective view of the company and its products; 0 defined commitment in time and cost. If it is decided that the work should be commissioned it is highly desirable that the consultant should have knowledge of how construction work is carried out. Terms and conditions should be mutually agreed at the outset between the commissioning organization and the consultant. Stage payments and payment for any work rejected by the commissioning organization should be included. It is essential that responsibility for directing

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