1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationBS 5306-8:2012Fire extinguishinginstallations and equipmenton premisesPart 8: Selection and positioning ofportable fire extinguishers Code ofpracticePublishing and copyright info
2、rmationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the documentwas last issued. The British Standards Institution 2012Published by BSI Standards Limited 2012ISBN 978 0 580 57262 3ICS 13.220.10The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard:Committee reference
3、FSH/2Draft for comment 12/30152565 DCPublication historyFirst published October 2000Second (present) edition, October 2012Amendments issued since publicationDate Text affectedBS 5306-8:2012 BRITISH STANDARDContentsForeword iiIntroduction 11 Scope 12 Normative references 13 Terms and definitions 24 P
4、rovision of extinguishers General recommendations 35 Extinguisher characteristics 46 Positioning of extinguishers 67 Suitability of extinguishers for various classes of fire 88 Distribution of extinguishers according to fire classification and rating ofextinguisher 99 Fires involving electrical equi
5、pment 2110 Provision of replacement extinguishers 21Bibliography 22List of figuresFigure 1 Grouping of class B hazards 14List of tablesTable 1 Provision of foam extinguishers for single open top containers 11Table 2 Provision of wet chemical (class F) extinguishers 17Summary of pagesThis document co
6、mprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv,pages 1 to 24, an inside back cover and a back cover.BRITISH STANDARD BS 5306-8:2012 The British Standards Institution 2012 iForewordPublishing informationThis part of BS 5306 is published by BSI Standards Limited, under licence fromThe Bri
7、tish Standards Institution, and came into effect on 31 October 2012.It was prepared by Technical Committee FSH/2, Fire extinguishers. A list oforganizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to itssecretary.SupersessionThis part of BS 5306 supersedes BS 5306-8:2000, which is w
8、ithdrawn.Relationship with other publicationsThe other parts of BS 5306 published are as follows: Part 0: Guide for selection of installed systems and other fire equipment; Part 1: Hose reels and foam inlets; Part 2 (obsolescent): Specification for sprinkler systems; Part 3: Commissioning and mainte
9、nance of portable fire extinguishers Code of practice; Part 4: Specification for carbon dioxide systems; Part 5: Halon systems: Section 5.1: Specification for halon 1301 total flooding systems; Section 5.2: Specification for halon 1211 total flooding systems.This part of BS 5306 is intended to be re
10、ad in conjunction with BS EN 2 andBS EN 3 (see also Information about this document).Information about this documentWell maintained and professionally installed fire extinguishers arefundamentally safe and easy to use. Research has shown that extinguishers aresuccessful in a significant number of fi
11、res each year and make a majorcontribution to first aid fire safety.This is a full revision of the standard, and introduces the following principalchanges: recognition of changes in relevant legislation; recommendations added on environmental impact; information on the use of powder revised; clarifi
12、cation on the requirements for class A hazards; changes in the recommendations for class B and class C hazards; erroneous reference to class E removed; references to fire blankets removed; travel distances revised; changes to the recommendations on signs; calculation examples updated; advice on redu
13、cing vandalism added;BRITISH STANDARDBS 5306-8:2012ii The British Standards Institution 2012 recommendations added on the preservation of service information; advice added on extinguisher discharge characteristics.The rating system of BS EN 3, in which the fire performance of extinguishers onclass A
14、 and class B fires, as defined in BS EN 2, are assessed on the basis of theirability to extinguish specified test fires, is used in this part of BS 5306 for thedetermination of the distribution of extinguishers on premises. In this revision,class B ratings recommended are determined by direct readin
15、gs from tables togive the same result as by calculation but more simply. Additional considerationis given to factors that could affect the type of extinguisher selected for class Afires. Special precautions for class C and class D fires are outlined. Specificrecommendations are given for controlling
16、 class F fires. The provisions of thepresent part of BS 5306 could in general be applied to the needs of a buildingor on a building site.Hazard warningsWARNING. This British Standard calls for the use of substances and/orprocedures that can be injurious to health if adequate precautions are nottaken
17、. It refers only to technical suitability and does not absolve the userfrom legal obligations relating to health and safety at any stage.Use of this documentAs a code of practice, this part of BS 5306 takes the form of guidance andrecommendations. It should not be quoted as if it were a specificatio
18、n andparticular care should be taken to ensure that claims of compliance are notmisleading.Any user claiming compliance with this part of BS 5306 is expected to be able tojustify any course of action that deviates from its recommendations.Presentational conventionsThe provisions in this standard are
19、 presented in roman (i.e. upright) type. Itsrecommendations are expressed in sentences in which the principal auxiliaryverb is “should”.Commentary, explanation and general informative material is presented insmaller italic type, and does not constitute a normative element.Contractual and legal consi
20、derationsThis publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of acontract. Users are responsible for its correct application.Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legalobligations.Attention is drawn to the following statutory regulations; this list is n
21、ot to betaken as definitive or exhaustive: Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 1 and associated GuidanceNotes; Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006 2 and associated Guidance Notes; Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001 3 andassociated Guidance Notes; Fire (Scotla
22、nd) Act 2005 4; Fire Safety Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2010 5; Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996 6;BRITISH STANDARD BS 5306-8:2012 The British Standards Institution 2012 iii Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations (Northern Ireland)1996 7; Pressure Sy
23、stems Safety Regulations 2000 8; Pressure Systems Safety Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2004 9; Transportable Pressure Vessels Regulations 2001 10; Transportable Pressure Vessels Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003 11; Environmental Protection (Controls on Ozone-Depleting Substances)(Amendment) Regu
24、lations 2011 12; Controls on Ozone-Depleting Substances Regulations (Northern Ireland)2011 13; Health and Safety at Work Act etc. 1974 14; Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 15; Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (Northern Ireland)2000 16.BRITISH STANDARDBS 530
25、6-8:2012iv The British Standards Institution 2012IntroductionIt is important for the fire protection of a building to be considered as a whole.Portable fire extinguishers form an important part of such facilities, although itcannot be assumed that their provision entirely obviates the need for other
26、protection, e.g. internal rising main, hose reels, sprinklers, other automatic ormanual extinguishing systems, mobile extinguishing units, and fire alarmsystems.Portable fire extinguishers are valuable in the early stages of fire when theirportability and immediate availability for use by one person
27、 enable a promptattack to be made. They cannot be expected to deal with a large fire since theyare essentially first aid fire-fighting appliances of a limited capacity.The recommendations of this part of BS 5306 are intended to assist the person(s)responsible for the safety of the building in planni
28、ng to control theconsequences of possible fires.It is a legal obligation to ensure that subsequent preventative and protectivemeasures are carried out by a competent person. It is important to note that thecarrying out of a fire risk assessment is part of the duty of care legally requiredof the resp
29、onsible person having control of a workplace.Advice on such matters can be obtained from fire engineering companies, fireauthorities, the Health and Safety Executive, fire insurers and fire safetyconsultants.1 ScopeThis part of BS 5306 gives advice and guidance on the suitability and positioningof p
30、ortable fire extinguishers, primarily those conforming to BS EN 3, that canbe carried by one person and that are used for the protection of buildings,other premises, contents and to assist evacuation.This part of BS 5306 is not applicable to aircraft, caravans or marine craft.NOTE Portable fire exti
31、nguishers for use in aircraft are specified in BS 7867, theirprovision in caravans is dealt with in BS 3632 and BS EN 1645-1, whilst those formarine craft and motor vehicles are the subject of a number of internationalagreements, government regulations and advisory publications.2 Normative reference
32、sThe following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in thisdocument and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, onlythe edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of thereferenced document (including any amendments) applies.BS 5306-3,
33、 Fire extinguishing installations and equipment on premises Part 3:Commissioning and maintenance of portable fire extinguishers Code ofpracticeBS 7863, Recommendations for colour coding to indicate the extinguishingmedia contained in portable fire extinguishersBS EN 2, Classification of firesBS EN 3
34、 (all parts), Portable fire extinguishers1)1)This standard also gives informative references to BS EN 3-7:2004+A1:2007.BRITISH STANDARD BS 5306-8:2012 The British Standards Institution 2012 13 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this part of BS 5306, the following terms and definitionsapply.3.1
35、 chargemass or volume of extinguishing medium contained in an extinguisherNOTE The charge of a water-based medium is expressed as a volume in litres.Charges for other media are expressed as a mass in kilograms.3.2 clean agentelectrically non-conducting, volatile or gaseous, fire extinguishing medium
36、 thatdoes not leave a residue upon evaporation3.3 competent personperson with enough training, experience or knowledge and other qualities to beable to assist in the implementation of preventative and protective measuresNOTE The competent person is often the competent person undertaking themaintenan
37、ce of extinguishers as defined in BS 5306-3.3.4 extinguishing mediumsubstance contained in an extinguisher which causes extinction of a fire3.5 fire extinguisherappliance containing an extinguishing medium which can be expelled by theaction of internal pressure and be directed on to a fireNOTE This
38、pressure can be stored in the body or produced by the release of anauxiliary gas.3.6 fire hazardsource or situation with potential to result in a fireNOTE Examples of fire hazards include ignition sources and accumulation of wastethat could be subject to ignition. Guidance is given in PAS 79.3.7 fir
39、e riskcombination of likelihood and consequence(s) of fireNOTE In the context of this standard, the relevant consequences are thoseinvolving injury to people, as opposed to damage to property. Guidance is given inPAS 79.3.8 fire risk assessmentoverall process of identifying fire hazards and evaluati
40、ng the risks to life andproperty arising from them, taking account of existing risk controls (or, in thecase of a new activity, proposed risk controls)NOTE A fire risk assessment is a legal requirement for virtually all non-domesticpremises, and for certain multiple-occupancy dwellings and parts of
41、such dwellings.Guidance is given in PAS 79.3.9 flash-spreadrapid transfer of ignition between grouped open-topped containers offlammable liquids if any member of the group becomes ignited3.10 portable fire extinguisherfire extinguisher which is designed to be carried and operated by hand andwhich, i
42、n working order, has a mass of not more than 20 kgNOTE Hereinafter referred to as an “extinguisher”.BRITISH STANDARDBS 5306-8:20122 The British Standards Institution 20123.11 responsible personperson or persons responsible for, or having effective control over, fire safetyprovisions adopted in or ap
43、propriate to the premises or building or fire hazardwhere an extinguisher is installedNOTE For the purposes of this part of BS 5306, the term “responsible person”includes a nominated representative, and is the person defined by this term in theRegulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 1.3.12 storey
44、floor or level within a building, including basements and mezzanines andground floor4 Provision of extinguishers Generalrecommendations4.1 Importance of early planningAlthough portable extinguishers are not permanent fittings in a structure, theyform part of the whole concept of fire protection, and
45、 in new buildings theirprovision should be taken into account at the design stage. When the use of thebuilding has been decided, or, for existing structures, if the use or layout is to bechanged, a fire risk assessment should be carried out. The findings of this firerisk assessment should be used to
46、 help determine requirements for increasedlevels of extinguisher cover above the scale of provision of portableextinguishers as recommended in Clause 8.NOTE Attention is drawn to the legal obligation to ensure that preventative andprotective measures are carried out by a competent person.4.2 The env
47、ironmentThe impact of the discharge of the extinguishing medium on the environmentshould be taken into account.Extinguishing medium can cause collateral damage to many things such as, butnot restricted to, food, machinery, building fabric, fixtures, fittings, artefacts andsensitive equipment. Expert
48、 advice on the impact of the discharge from a fireextinguisher on the local environment should be sought from a competentperson.Advice on the impact of extinguishers (and their content) on the widerenvironment should be sought from extinguisher manufacturers anddistributors.4.3 Erection, refurbishme
49、nt and demolition of buildingsThe results of a fire risk assessment should identify the types and numbers ofextinguishers in the following circumstances:a) during the erection of a building, particularly where material or equipmentis stored pending use or installation;b) when a building is in process of demolition;c) where any part of a building is brought into occupation prior tocompletion.4.4 Unoccupied buildingsThe responsible person or competent person should assess the provision
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