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BS 6031-2009 Code of practice for earthworks《土方工程实施规程》.pdf

1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationCode of practice for earthworksBS 6031:2009Incorporating Corrigendum No. 1 BS 6031:2009 BRITISH STANDARDPublishing and copyright infornullationThe BSI copyright notice displayed

2、in this docnullnullent indicates nullhen the docnullnullent nullas last issnullednullnull BSI 2010ISBN 9nullnull 0 nullnull0 null2nullnull9 nullInullS 93null020The nullollonulling BSI renullerences relate to the nullornull on this standard: nullonullnullittee renullerence Bnullnull26 Dranullt nullor

3、 conullnullent 09null300932nullnull DnullPublication historynullirst pnullnulllished nullas nullnull 2003null April 19null9nullirst renullision nullas BS 6031null nullnullne 19null1Second nullpresentnull renullision Decenullnuller 2009nullnullendnullents issued since publicationnullate nullenullt af

4、fected Anullgnullst 2010 nullnullR1null nullnull2null1 NnullTnull 2null nullnull3null1anull and nullnullnullnull1 nullsee nullorenullordnullBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2010 null iBS 6031:2009Contentsnullorenullord iiiSection 1: nulleneral 1Introdnullction 11 Scope 32 Nornullatinulle renullerences 33 Te

5、rnulls and denullnitions 5null The control onull risnull 10Section 2: nullesign and nullanagenullent of earthworks 13null nulllanning onull earthnullornulls 136 Site conditions and innullestigations 17null Design onull earthnullornulls 27null Specinullcation onull earthnullornulls nullll nullaterial

6、s 709 nullonstrnullction onull earthnullornulls 7810 Adoption 8811 nullarthnullornulls asset nullanagenullent 9112 Deconullnullissioning and disposal onull earthnullornulls assets 99Section 3: nullenullporary enullcanullationsnull trenchesnull pits and shafts 10013 Tenullporary enullcanullations 100

7、1null nullonstrnullction procednullre 1061null Trenches 10716 nullits and shanullts 110nullnnenullesAnnenull A nullinnullornullatinullenull nullotential nullodes onull nullailnullre onull slopes 111Binullliography 115nullist of nullguresnullignullre 1 null nulllonull diagranull onull linullecycle on

8、ull an earthnullornulls pronullect 3nullignullre 2 null The iteratinulle nulleednullacnull processes onull a site innullestigation 23nullignullre 3 null nullnullanullple onull possinullle snullrcharge conullnullination on a slope 31nullignullre null null nulleneral procednullre nullor deternullining

9、 characteristic nullalnulles nullronull nulleasnullred nullalnulles 33nullignullre null null nullariations onull fnull nullith displacenullent 35nullignullre 6 null nullariation onull fnullnull fnullrnullith Ip 36nullignullre null null Short and long ternull stanullility onull enullnullannullnullent

10、 and cnulltting slopes 38nullignullre null null Design onull earthnullornulls drainage to captnullre signinullcant nullonulls 50nullignullre 9 null Deternullination onull acceptanullility linullits nullor coarse soils nullsing relationship testing data 61nullignullre 10 null Deternullination onull a

11、cceptanullility linullits nullor nullne soils nullsing relationship testing data 61nullignullre 11 null nullnullanullple onull relationship testing 62nullist of tablesTanullle 1anull null Soil classinullcation nullanullter BS nullN ISnull 1null6nullnullnull1:2002null 7Tanullle 1nullnull null nullron

12、ullping onull soils nullor testing pnullrposes nullanullter BS 13nullnullnull1null 7Tanullle 1cnull null nullonullparison onull soil denullnitions in dinullnullerent earthnullornulls circnullnullstances 8Tanullle 2 null Indicatinulle earthnullornulls tests nully test type and nullaterial type 20Tanu

13、llle 3 null Nonullinal load dnulle to linulle snullrcharge 31Tanullle null null nullartial nullactors on actions or the enullnullects onull actions 41Tanullle null null nullartial nullactors nullor soil paranulleters 42Tanullle 6 null nullartial resistance nullactors nullor slopes and onullerall sta

14、nullility 42Tanullle null null Typical characteristics onull nullonullndation and enullnullannullnullent nullll nullaterials 54BS 6031:2009ii null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDTanullle null null nulllassinullcation onull earthnullornulls nullaterials in the nullnull nully the Highnullays Agency 73Ta

15、nullle 9 null nullnullanullple onull classinullcation and acceptanullility testing tanullle 74Tanullle 10 null nulllassinullcation and acceptanullility tests 75Tanullle 11 null Relenullant sections onull nullIRIA nullnull91 and nullnull92 92Tanullle Anull1 null Denullnitions onull potential nullodes

16、 onull nullailnullre onull slopes 111Sunullnullary of pagesThis docnullnullent conullprises a nullront conullernull an inside nullront conullernull pages i to inullnull pages 1 to 120null an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacnull conullernullBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2010 null iiiBS 6031:2009nul

17、lorewordPublishing infornullationThis British Standard is pnullnulllished nully BSI and canulle into enullnullect on 31 Decenullnuller 2009null It nullas prepared nully Technical nullonullnullittee Bnullnull26nullGeotechnicsnull A list onull organinullations represented on this conullnullittee can n

18、ulle onulltained on renullnullest to its secretarynullnullnfornullation about this docunullentThe start and nullnish onull tenullt introdnullced or altered nully nullorrigendnullnull Nonull 1 is indicated in the tenullt nully tags PQnullSupersessionThis British Standards snullpersedes BS 6031:19null

19、1null nullhich is onullsolescentnullNOTE It was considered important to make the innullormation on timnuller snullpport and other nullarnullenullnull historic adnullice anullainullanullnulle thronullnullh the prenullionulls editionnull which is stinullnull anullainullanullnulle nullrom nullnullInull

20、 nullelationship with other publicationsThe standard has nulleen conullpletely renullnullritten to nullring it into line nullith nulloth nullnull earthnullornulls practice and the nullranullenullornull that is created nully the nullnullrocodesnull The ainull nullas to rednullce the sinulle onull the

21、 docnullnullent and nullherenuller possinullle inclnullde cross renullerences to other enullisting docnullnullentsnullThis renullision onull BS 6031 renullects the nullidespread nullnull practice onull nullsing the Specinullcation nullor Highnullay nullornulls nullSHnullnull 600 series null1null nul

22、lor the constrnullction onull earthnullornullsnull nullithin this standardnull the SHnull has nulleen set as the denullanulllt approach nullor earthnullornulls specinullcation that applies nullnless the designer details an alternatinulle nullornull onull specinullcationnullearthnullornulls nullanage

23、nullent systenullnullnullross renullerences are inclnullded nullithin this standard to nullarionulls other docnullnullentsnull to linnull into the enullisting innullornullation sonullrces anullailanulllenullHonullenullernull it renullains the responsinullility onull the designer onull the earthnullo

24、rnulls nullor a pronullect to assess nullhether a renullerence is relenullant to the particnulllar pronullectnullnullse of this docunullentAs a code onull practicenull this standard tanulles the nullornull onull gnullidance and reconullnullendationsnull It shonullld not nulle nullnulloted as inull i

25、t nullere a specinullcation and particnulllar care shonullld nulle tanullen to ensnullre that clainulls onull conullpliance are not nullisleadingnullAny nullser clainulling conullpliance nullith this standard is enullpected to nulle anullle to nullnullstinully any conullrse onull action that denulli

26、ates nullronull its reconullnullendationsnullIt has nulleen assnullnulled in the preparation onull this standard that the enullecnulltion onull its pronullisions nullill nulle entrnullsted to appropriately nullnullalinulled and enullperienced peoplenull nullor nullhose nullse it has nulleen prodnull

27、cednullPresentational connullentionsThe pronullisions in this standard are presented in ronullan nullinullenull nullprightnulltypenull Its reconullnullendations are enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principal anullnulliliary nullernull is nullshonullldnullnullnullommentarnullnull enullpnulla

28、nation and nulleneranull innullormatinulle materianull is presented in smanullnuller itanullic tnullpenull and does not constitnullte a normatinulle enullementnullBS 6031:2009inull null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDContractual and legal considerationsThis pnullnulllication does not pnullrport to inc

29、lnullde all the necessary pronullisions onull a contractnull nullsers are responsinullle nullor its correct applicationnullConullpliance with a British Standard cannot confer inullnullunity fronulllegal obligationsnullBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2010 null 1BS 6031:2009Section 1: nulleneralnullntroducti

30、onThe strnullctnullre nullor this docnullnullent renullects the actnullal processes that nullight nulle nullollonulled on a typical pronullect to delinuller the earthnullornullsnull In practice earthnullornulls design is an iteratinulle process nullhere design decisions are onullten tanullen nully n

31、ullarionulls parties nullenullployernull consnullltantnull nullain contractornullsnullnullnullcontractors and constrnullction nullalidation teanullnullnull To renullect this sitnullation BS 6031:2009 inclnulldes sonulle snullnullnullects in nullore than one clanullsenullThis renullision onull BS 603

32、1 renullects the nullidespread nullnull practice onull nullsing the Specinullcation nullor Highnullay nullornulls nullSHnullnull 600 series null1null nullor the constrnullction onull earthnullornullsnull nullithin this standardnull the SHnull has nulleen set as the denullanulllt approach nullor eart

33、hnullornulls specinullcation that applies nullnless the designer details an alternatinulle nullornull onull specinullcationnullearthnullornulls nullanagenullent systenullnull nullnullidance on the nullse onull the SHnull can nulle nullonullnd in Notes nullor Gnullidance to the nullpecinullcation nul

34、lor nullinullhwanull nullorks null2nullnullnullarthnullornulls are conullnullonly associated nullith transport innullrastrnullctnullrenullnullnullt there are nullany other inullportant applications: null platnullornulls nullor indnullstrialnull conullnullercial and residential nullnullildingsnullnul

35、l nullater engineeringnull nullood denullence and coastal protection nullornullsnullnull other cinullil engineering pronullectsnullBS 6031 is intended to nulle an allnullenconullpassing code onull practicenull the docnullnullent has nulleen denulleloped to enanullle it to conuller all earthnullornul

36、ls pronullectsnull nullith the enullception onull danullsnull In this regard it is relenullant to note the nullollonullingnullanull nullnullnullannullnullent danulls are constrnullcted either to retain nullater or nullor nullaste inullponullndnullents andnull nullhile sonulle aspects onull the desig

37、nnullconstrnullction and nullaintenance onull snullch enullnullannullnullents are sinullilar to those pertaining to innullrastrnullctnullre enullnullannullnullentsnull those nulleatnullres nullhich relate specinullcally to their nullnullnction as danulls are not nullithin the scope onull this standa

38、rdnull Note that since 1930 resernulloir sanullety in nullreat Britain has nulleen regnulllated nully Act onull nullarlianullentnullnull nullnullide to the nullesernulloirs nullct 1975 1nullnull3null descrinulles the application onull cnullrrent legislation and nulln ennullineerinnull nullnullide to

39、 the sanulletnull onull emnullankment dams in the nullnited nullinnulldom nullnullnull pronullides sonulle relenullant innullornullation on earthnullornullsnullnullnull Snullnullstantial earthnullornulls can tanulle place nullor the pnullrpose onull pronulliding a snullitanullle landnullornull nullo

40、r nullnullilding denullelopnullentnull Typically this can innullolnulle: 1null nullacnullnulllling old pits and nullnullarries nullith engineered nullllnull2null cnullt and nullll operations on natnullral slopes to pronullide terraces nullor nullnullildingnullIn the nullornuller sitnullation the nul

41、lanullor hanullard to nulle gnullarded against is longnullternull settlenullent onull the nullll occnullrring snullnullsenullnullent to nullnullilding denullelopnullentnull in the latter sitnullation slope instanullility can also nulle a signinullcant hanullardnull nullhile nullost onull the technic

42、al nullacnullgronullnd 1nullnullinullely to nulle renullised in 2010nullBS 6031:20092 null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDonull highnullay earthnullornulls nullas captnullred nullithin the SHnull null1nullnull is also relenullant to this type onull applicationnull tnullo signinullcant dinullnullerence

43、s hanulle to nulle recogninulled nullhere strnullctnullres are nullnullilt on nullll:inull settlenullent criteria can nulle nullnullch stricter than those nornullally acceptanullle nullor general earthnullornullsnull the designer has to consider nullhether the SHnull null1null criteria are snullnull

44、nullcient nullor the pronullectnull andiinull the engineering ennullironnullent in nullhich the earthnullornulls are carried onullt does innullnullence the approach that is applicanullle to earthnullornullsnull this is particnulllarly relenullant on conullparatinullely snullall scale pronullects nul

45、lhere the designer nullight need to nullodinully the approach to earthnullornullsnullThis standard has nulleen dranullted to inclnullde snullnullnullcient nullenullinullility to allonull nullor these scenariosnullThis standard is aligned nullith nullnullrocode BS nullN 199nullnull1:200nullnull Adnul

46、lice on nullsing BS nullN 199nullnull1:200null is pronullided in Thonullas Telnullord nullesinullnersnull Gnullide to EN 1997null1 Enullrocode 7null Geotechnicanull nullesinulln null Generanull nullnullnulles nullnullnullnulllocal gonullernnullent gnullide null desinullnernulls simpnulle nullnullide

47、 to nullnull EN 1997 null6nullnulland nullIRIA null6null1null Enullrocode 7null impnullications nullor nullnull practice nullnullnullnull These pnullnulllications help highlight dinullnullerences nulletnulleen BS nullN 199nullnull1:200null and prenullionulls traditional practicenullThe nullorenullor

48、d to BS nullN 199nullnull1:200null states that nullBS 6031 is to nulle nullithdranullnnullnull nullhich is an errornull it has nulleen agreed since the pnullnulllication onull BS nullN 199nullnull1:200null that BS 6031 nullill renullain as part onull the systenull onullearthnullornulls standards in

49、nullnullnullThe style adopted nullithin BS 6031:2009 is to cross renullerence BS nullN 199nullnull1:200null nullnot repeat itnullnull snullnullnullarinulle the aspects onullBS nullN 199nullnull1:200null that nullornull the onullerall nullranullenullornull nullor nullndertanulling an earthnullornulls pronullectnull inclnullde an interpretation onull certain nulley points that are relenullantnullinullportant to earthnullornulls nullenullgnull selection onull partial nullactors to nulle nullsed at design stagenull and add additional innullornullation that is relenullant to earthnullornulls nulli

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