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BS 6069-2-1994 Characterization of air quality - Glossary《空气质量表征方法 第2部分 术语》.pdf

1、BS 6069 : Part 2 : 1994 IS0 4225 : 1994 Characterization of air quality Part 2. Glossary x x o) BS 6069 : Part 2 : 1994 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Environment and Pollution Stantlards Policy Committee (EPC/-) to Tech

2、nical Committee EPC/35, upon which the following bodies were represented: Association of Consulting Scientists British Cement Association British Coal Corporation Combustion Engineering Association Department of Health Department of the Environment (Her Majestys Inspectorate of Pollution) Department

3、 of Trade and Industry (Laboratory of the Government Chemist) Department of Trade and Industry (Warren Spring Laboratory) Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association European Resin Manufacturers Association GAMBICA (BEAMA Ltd.) Health and Safety 13xecutive Institute of Petroleum Institutio

4、n of Environmental Health Officers National Society for Clean ,4ir Royal Society of Chemistry The following b0dic.s were also represented in the drafting of the standard, through subcommit tees and panels: BCIRA British Steel plc Institute of Occupational Medicine This British Standard, having been

5、prepared under the direction of the Environment and Pollution Standards Policy Committee, was published under the authority of the Standards Board and comes into effect on 15 August 1994 G BSI 1994 Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. 1 Date Text affected First published March 1983 Second ed

6、ition August 1994 The following RSI referenc e5 relate to the work on this standard. Committee reference EPG35 Draft for comment 91/58054 DC ISBN O 580 23424 X I BS 6069 : Part 2 : 1994 National foreword x x m This Part of BS 6069 has been prepared under the direction of the Environment and Pollutio

7、n Standards Policy Committee and is identical with IS0 4225 Air quality - b) considerable extension in the number of terms and definitions; c) inclusion of a normative reference; d) inclusion of parallel French text for ease of reproduction. In accordance with common practice in ISO, as the English

8、terms in this standard are arranged in alphabetical order, the IS0 text includes only a French language alphabetical index. BS 6069 is being published in a series of Parts and Sections that will generally correspond to particular international standards arising from the UK participation in the work

9、of ISO/Tc 146. This Part of BS 6069 is one of several relating to characterization of air quality. ?bpics relating to other aspects of air quality characterization will be published as further Parts or Sections of BS 6069. Methods for the determination of particular constituents of ambient air are b

10、eing published as Parts of BS 1747 Methods for the nzeasurement of air pollution. Cross-references The Technical Committee has reviewed the provisions of the draft IS0 9169, to which normative reference is made in the text, and has decided that they are acceptable for use in conjunction with this st

11、andard. When IS0 9169 is published, it is intended to implement it as an identical British Standard. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. i 11 blank INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE IS0 4225: 1994(E/F) Air quality - General aspects

12、- Vocabulary 1 Scope This International Standard explains the meanings, in English and French, of a selection of terms com- monly used in connection with the sampling and measurement of gases, vapours and particles for the determination of air quality. - - The terms are arranged in alphabetical orde

13、r in - English. An alphabetical index of the French terms is also given - = x x 2 Normative reference m The following standard contains provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publi- cation, the edition indicated was vali

14、d. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the standard indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of cur- rently valid International Sta

15、ndards. IS0 9169:-l), Air quality - Determination of per- formance characteristics of measurement methods. Qualit de lair - Aspects gnraux - Vocabulaire 1 Domaine dapplication La prsente Norme internationale explique, en an- glais et en franais, un choix de termes couramment utiliss pour lchantillon

16、nage et la mesure des gaz, des vapeurs et des particules, pour la dtermination de la qualit de lair. Les termes dfinis sont classs par ordre alphabti- que anglais. Un rpertoire alphabtique des termes franais est galement donn. 2 Rfrence normative La norme suivante contient des dispositions qui, par

17、suite de la rfrence qui en est faite, constituent des dispositions valables pour la prsente Norme inter- nationale. Au moment de la publication, ldition indique tait en vigueur. Toute norme est sujette rvision et les parties prenantes des accords fonds sur la prsente Norme internationale sont invite

18、s rechercher la possibilit dappliquer ldition la plus rcente de la norme indique ci-aprs. Les membres de la CE1 et de IISO possdent le registre des Normes internationales en vigueur un moment donn. IS0 9169:-), Qualit de lair - Dtermination des caractristiques de performance des mthodes de mesurage.

19、 li To be published. 1) publier. 1 3 Terms and definitions 3.1 abatement: Reduction or lessening as opposed to elimination of a type of discharge or pollutant. 3.2 aerosol: Suspension in a gaseous medium of solid particles, liquid particles or solid and liquid particles having a negligible falling v

20、elocity. 3.3 air pollutant: Any material emitted into the atmosphere either by human activity or natural processes and adversely affecting man or the en- vi ro n ment. 3.4 air pollution: Usually the presence of sub- stances in the atmosphere resulting either from human activity or natural processes,

21、 present in suf- ficient concentration, for a sufficient time and under circumstances such as to interfere with comfort, health or welfare of persons or the environment. 3.5 Aitken nuclei: Small particles less than 0,l pm in diameter which normally exist in the atmosphere in numbers varying from a f

22、ew thousand to a few hundred thousand per millilitre. They are emitted into the atmosphere by anthropogenic and natural processes. They are also formed in the atmosphere by physical and chemical processes. 3.6 ambient air: Outdoor air to which people, plants, animals or material may be exposed. 3.7

23、ambient air quality: State of the ambient air as indicated by the degree of contamination. 3.8 ambient air quality standard: Specified quality of the ambient air having a legal status, frequently defined statistically by setting a limit to the concentration of an air pollutant over a specified avera

24、ging time. 3.9 arrester: Equipment designed to remove par- ticles from a gaseous medium. 3.10 ash: Solid residue remaining after combustion of carbonaceous materials. Ash may contain incompletely burned fuel although, for analytical purposes, complete combustion is often assumed. 3.11 atmosphere (of

25、 the Earth): Entire mass of air which surrounds the Earth. 3.12 averaging time: Interval of time over which the air quality has been expressed as an average (with reference to methods of measurement, see IS0 9169). 3 Termes et dfinitions 3.1 rduction: Diminution par opposition a llimi- nation dun ty

26、pe de dcharge ou de polluant. 3.2 arosol: Suspension, dans un milieu gazeux, de particules solides ou liquides, ou les deux, pr- sentant une vitesse de chute ngligeable. 3.3 polluant de lair: Toute substance mise dans latmosphre, soit par une activit humaine, soit par un processus naturel, qui affec

27、te lhomme ou lenvi- ron nem e nt. 3.4 pollution de lair: Signifie communment la prsence, dans latmosphre, de substances rsul- tant de lactivit humaine ou de processus naturels, en concentration suffisante pendant un temps suffi- sant et dans des circonstances telles quelles affec- tent le confort, l

28、a sant ou le bien tre des personnes ou lenvironnement. 3.5 noyaux dAitken: Petites particules dun diam- tre infrieur 0,l pm qui se trouvent normalement dans latmosphre des concentrations variant de quelques milliers quelques centaines de milliers par millilitre. Elles sont mises dans latmosphre par

29、des processus anthropogniques ou des pro- cessus naturels. 3.6 air ambiant: Air extrieur auquel peuvent tre exposs les personnes, les plantes, les animaux et les matriaux. 3.7 qualit de lair ambiant: tat de lair ambiant comme indiqu par le degr de contamination. 3.8 norme de qualit de lair ambiant:

30、Qualit de lair ambiant spcifie possdant un statut lgal, souvent dfinie statistiquement par la fixation dune limite la concentration dun polluant de lair par rapport une dure moyenne spcifie. 3.9 sparateur: Appareil conu pour enlever les particules dun milieu gazeux. 3.10 cendre: Rsidu solide restant

31、 aprs combus- tion de matriaux carbons. Les cendres peuvent contenir du combustible incompltement brl, bien que pour les besoins analytiques, on supposera souvent quil y a eu combustion complte. 3.11 atmosphre (de la terre): Totalit de la masse dair qui entoure la terre. 3.12 temps moyen: Intervalle

32、 de temps pendant lequel la qualit de lair a t exprime sous forme de moyenne (en rfrence aux mthodes de mesu- rage, voir IS0 9169). 2 IS0 4225:1994(E/F) x x m 3.13 background concentration (of air pollution): That portion of air quality which cannot be directly related to the sources under study. 3.

33、14 bag filter: Fabric shaped to remove particles from a gas stream by filtration. 3.15 baghouse: Assembly of filters and a mechanism for discharging particles into containers inside a protecting outer structure. (See 3.14, bag filter.) 3.16 breathing zone: Immediate portion of the atmosphere from wh

34、ich humans breathe. This con- sists of a hemisphere, generally accepted to be 3 dm in radius, extending in front of the human face centred on the midpoint of a line joining the ears. The base of the hemisphere is the plane through this line, the top of the head and the larynx. 3.17 bubbler: Apparatu

35、s for passing a gas sarnple through a liquid absorption medium. The gas inlet tube terminates beneath the surface of the liquid and may be fitted with a distributor to disperse the gas thoroughly in the liquid. 3.18 cascade impactor: Device for simultaneously collecting particles separately in a num

36、ber of size ranges by impaction, depending on the momentum. 3.19 chimney effect: Phenomenon consisting of upwards movement of a localized mass of air or other gases caused by temperature differences. 3.20 cut-off Size of particles at which the retention efficiency of an instrument device drops below

37、 a specified value under defined conditions. 3.21 cyclone (1) Dust (and grit) or droplet separator utilizing essentially the centrifugal force derived from the motion of the gas. (2) Large circulatory wind system around a region of low atmospheric pressure. (Meteorology) 3.22 dispersion parameters,

38、Gaussian: Parameters, in terms of sigma values, which describe the size of an assumed Gaussian plume or puff as a function of travel distance or time. They vary with atmospheric sta bi iity. 3.13 bruit de fond (de la pollution de lair): Fraction de la qualit de lair ambiant observ qui ne peut pas tr

39、e directement impute aux missions tu- dies. 3.14 filtre manches: Manche en tissu conu pour retenir par filtration les particules dun coulement de gaz. 3.15 batterie de filtres manches: Ensemble de filtres et mcanisme de rejet des particules dans des rcipients lintrieur dune structure protge. (Voir 3

40、.14, filrre manches.) 3.16 zone respiratoire: Portion datmosphre immdiate dans laquelle les tres humains respi- rent. Cela consiste en un hmisphre, gnralement accept comme tant de rayon gal 3dm, stendant devant le visage dun homme, centr sur le point mdian dune ligne joignant les oreilles. La base d

41、e cet hmisphre est le plan passant par cette ligne, le sommet de la tte et le larynx. 3.17 barboteur: Dispositif pour faire passer un chantillon de gaz au travers dun milieu dabsorp- tion liquide. Le tube dadmission du gaz arrive sous la surface du liquide et peut tre quip dun distri- buteur pour di

42、sperser plus vigoureusement le gaz dans le liquide. 3.18 impacteur en cascade: Appareil qui prlve simultanment, par impact, des particules en les sparant en un certain nombre de classes granulo- mtriques en fonction de leurs paramtres dinertie. 3.19 effet de chemine: Phnomne consistant en un mouveme

43、nt ascendant dune masse localise dair ou dautres gaz, d des diffrences de temp- rature. 3.20 diamtre de coupure: Dimension des particu- les partir de laquelle le rendement dun sparateur devient infrieur une valeur spcifie dans des conditions donnes. 3.21 cyclone (1) Dpoussireur ou dvsiculeur utilisa

44、nt es- sentiellement la force centrifuge issue du mouvement propre du gaz. (2) Phnomne de grands vents autour dune zone basse pression atmosphrique. (Mtorologie) 3.22 parametres gaussiens de dispersion: Param- tres, en terme de valeurs de sigma, qui dcrivent laugmentation de dimension dun panache ou

45、 dun souffle dair gaussien en fonction de la distance parcourue ou du temps. Ils varient avec la stabilit atmosphrique. 3 IS0 4225:1994(E/F) 3.23 droplet: Small liquid particle of such size and density that it will fall under still conditions but may remain suspended under turbulent conditions; main

46、ly in the size range less than 200 pm. 3.24 dry adiabatic lapse rate: See 3.53, lapse rate. 3.25 dust: Small solid particles, conventionally taken as those particles below 75 pm in diameter, which settle out under their own weight but which may remain suspended for some time. (See 3.41, grit.) NOTE

47、1 In some languages, other than English, a single term is used for the English terms “dust“ and “grit“, for example, in French, “poussire“. 3.26 effective chimney height: Height used for the purposes of calculating the dispersion of emitted gases from a chimney, and which differs from the real chimn

48、ey height by an amount which depends on such factors as the exit velocity, buoyancy effects and wind speed; it may be affected by topography. 3.27 electrostatic precipitator: Device for removing particles from a gas stream. The gas is passed between sets of electrodes across which a very high voltag

49、e is maintained. The particles are charged, attracted to the highly charged electrodes and de- posited on the electrodes. 3.28 elutriation: Method of separating particles using the difference in settling velocity which may exist between the particles when they are suspended in a flowing fluid. 3.29 emission: Discharge of substanc

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