1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationBS 644:2012Timber windows anddoorsets Fully finishedfactory-assembled windowsand doorsets of varioustypes SpecificationPublishing and copyright informationThe BSI copyright notic
2、e displayed in this document indicates when thedocument was last issued. The British Standards Institution 2012Published by BSI Standards Limited 2012ISBN 978 0 580 70985 2ICS 91.060.50The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard:Committee references B/538/1 and B/538/2Draft for
3、comment 12/30218393 DCPublication historyFirst published as BS 644-1, January 1945; BS 644-2, November 1946BS 644-3, August 1951Second edition as BS 644-1, June 1951; BS 644-2, December 1958Third edition as BS 644-1, January 1989First published as BS 644, April 2003Second edition as BS 644, February
4、 2009Third (present) edition as BS 644, December 2012Amendments issued since publicationDate Text affectedBS 644:2012 BRITISH STANDARDContentsForeword ii1 Scope 12 Normative references 23 Terms and definitions 44 Handing 55 Components 56 Appearance and finish 87 Fabrication 98 Glazing 119 Use, clean
5、ing and maintenance 1110 Security 1211 Safety in case of fire 1212 Safety in use 1213 Weathertightness 1214 Operation and strength characteristics 1215 Hygiene, health and the environment 1316 Acoustic performance 1317 Energy conservation 1318 Marking 13AnnexesAnnex A (informative) Guidance on the e
6、valuation of conformity 14Annex B (informative) Durability and recycling 15Annex C (normative) Specification for handing 17Annex D (informative) Guidance for specifiers 19Bibliography 21List of figuresFigure C.1 UK drawing conventions for window types 18Figure C.2 UK drawing conventions for doorset
7、types 19List of tablesTable 1 Maximum difference in length of diagonals 11Summary of pagesThis document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to ii,pages 1 to 22, an inside back cover and a back cover.BRITISH STANDARD BS 644:2012 The British Standards Institution iForewordPublishin
8、g informationThis British Standard is published by BSI Standards Limited, under licence fromThe British Standards Institution, and came into effect on 31 December 2012. Itwas prepared by Subcommittee B/538/1, Windows, and B/538/2, Doors, under theauthority of Technical Committee B/538, Doors, window
9、s, shutters, hardware andcurtain walling. A list of organizations represented on these committees can beobtained on request to their secretary.SupersessionThis British Standard supersedes BS 644:2009, which is withdrawn.Relationship with other publicationsThe requirements for raw materials and prope
10、rties are given inBS EN 942:2007 and BS EN 14220:2006.This British Standard is also related to the following other standards. BS EN 14351-1 is the harmonized European product standard for windowsand external pedestrian doorsets without resistance to fire and smokeleakage characteristics. It gives a
11、list of performance characteristics andclassifications of performance, but does not give guidance on determiningthe appropriate classification for any specific application. BS 6375 is the national application document in the UK, giving performancerequirements and guidance for the selection of approp
12、riate classes ofperformance from BS EN 14351-1. The performance aspects in BS 6375 are referred to in BS 644. Guidance on the survey and installation of windows is given in BS 8213-4.Information about this documentThis is a full revision of the standard. The principal change is to the scope of thest
13、andard, which has been expanded to cover external pedestrian doorsets.Presentational conventionsThe provisions of this standard are presented in roman (i.e. upright) type. Itsrequirements are expressed in sentences in which the principal auxiliary verb is“shall”.Commentary, explanation and general i
14、nformative material is presented insmaller italic type, and does not constitute a normative element.Contractual and legal considerationsThis publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of acontract. Users are responsible for its correct application.Compliance with a British
15、Standard cannot confer immunity from legalobligations.BRITISH STANDARDBS 644:2012ii The British Standards Institution1 ScopeThis British Standard specifies requirements for the design, construction andperformance of fully finished and glazed factory-assembled timber windows andexternal pedestrian do
16、orsets of various types.This British Standard applies to windows and doorsets that have been treatedwith either opaque or non-opaque finishes or that are designed to support anexternally fixed covering of another material, and that have beenfactory-glazed. It does not apply to windows or doorsets su
17、pplied as kits for siteassembly.This British Standard does not apply to composite doorsets as defined inBS 8529:2010, but does cover doorsets that are predominantly timber-framed(stile and rail construction) with replaceable composite panels.It applies to windows and doorsets fabricated in a factory
18、, to be installedvertically (15) into the external face of buildings, as single or multi-light units,or in coupled assemblies when appropriate, of the following types:a) windows:1) hinged: side-hung (open in or out), top-hung (open out), bottom-hung(open in), tilt and turn or turn before tilt;2) pro
19、jecting: side-hung (open in, open out or reversible) and top-hung(open out or reversible);3) pivoted: horizontal and vertical (hung centrally or off-centre);4) sliding: horizontal and vertical;5) fixed light (direct glazed frames);6) fixed casement;7) parallel opening;8) double opening French caseme
20、nt windows;b) doorsets:1) single leaf, single-swing or double-swing doors with or without sidelights and top lights;2) double leaf, single-swing or double-swing doors with or without sidelights and top panels;3) single track sliding doors;4) single track sliding folding doors;5) inward or outward op
21、ening doors.It is applicable to assemblies in which any frame member is not longer than 3 m.It does not apply to curtain walls that span across horizontal structural membersof floors but is applicable to windows or doorsets within a curtain wallingsystem.It is applicable to assemblies up to the fact
22、ory gate.NOTE Guidance on the evaluation of conformity is given in Annex A. Guidance ondurability and recycling is given in Annex B.BRITISH STANDARD BS 644:2012 The British Standards Institution 12 Normative referencesThe following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in thisdo
23、cument and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, onlythe edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of thereferenced document (including any amendments) applies.Standards publicationsBS 1186-2, Timber for and workmanship in joinery Part 2: Specification
24、forworkmanshipBS 3987, Specification for anodic oxidation coatings on wrought aluminium forexternal architectural applicationsBS 4255-1, Rubber used in preformed gaskets for weather exclusion frombuildings Part 1: Specification for non-cellular gasketsBS 4842, Specification for liquid organic coatin
25、gs for application to aluminiumalloy extrusions, sheet and preformed sections for external architecturalpurposes, and for the finish on aluminium alloy extrusions, sheet and preformedsections coated with liquid organic coatingsBS 6100-1 (BS ISO 6707-1), Building and civil engineering Vocabulary Part
26、 1:General termsBS 6100-12, Building and civil engineering Vocabulary Part 12: Plant,equipment and personsBS 6262-1, Glazing for buildings Part 1: General methodology for the selectionof glazingBS 6262-2, Glazing for buildings Part 2: Code of practice for energy, light andsoundBS 6262-3, Glazing for
27、 buildings Part 3: Code of practice for fire, security andwind loadingBS 6262-4, Glazing for buildings Part 4: Code of practice for safety related tohuman impactBS 6262-7, Glazing for buildings Part 7: Code of practice for the provision ofinformationBS 6375-1, Performance of windows and doors Part 1
28、: Classification forweathertightness and guidance on selection and specificationBS 6375-2, Performance of windows and doors Part 2: Classification foroperation and strength characteristics and guidance on selection andspecificationBS 6375-3, Performance of windows and doors Part 3: Classification fo
29、radditional performance characteristics and guidance on selection andspecificationBS 6496, Specification for powder organic coatings for application and stovingto aluminium alloy extrusions, sheet and preformed sections for externalarchitectural purposes, and for the finish on aluminium alloy extrus
30、ions, sheetand preformed sections coated with powder organic coatingsBS 7412, Specification for windows and doorsets made from unplasticizedpolyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) extruded hollow profilesBS 8000-7, Workmanship on building sites Part 7: Code of practice for glazingBS 8529:2010, Composite doorsets
31、 Domestic external doorsets SpecificationBS 8417, Preservation of wood Code of practiceBRITISH STANDARDBS 644:20122 The British Standards InstitutionBS EN 1991-1-4, Eurocode 1: Actions on structures Part 1-4: General actions Wind actionsBS EN 204:2001, Classification of thermoplastic wood adhesives
32、fornon-structural applicationsBS EN 330, Wood preservatives Field test method for determining the relativeprotective effectiveness of a wood preservative for use under a coating andexposed out-of-ground contact L-joint methodBS EN 350-2:1994, Durability of wood and wood-based products Naturaldurabil
33、ity of solid wood Part 2: Guide to natural durability and treatability ofselected wood species of importance in EuropeBS EN 351-1:2007, Durability of wood and wood-based products Preservative-treated solid wood Part 1: Classification of preservativepenetration and retentionBS EN 485 (both parts), Al
34、uminium and aluminium alloys Sheet, strip and plateBS EN 599-1:2009, Durability of wood and wood-based products Efficacy ofpreventive wood preservatives as determined by biological tests Part 1:Specification according to use classBS EN 755-2:2008, Aluminium and aluminium alloys Extruded rod, bar, tu
35、beand profiles Part 2: Mechanical propertiesBS EN 755-9:2008, Aluminium and aluminium alloys Extruded rod/bar, tube andprofiles Part 9: Profiles, tolerances on dimensions and formBS EN 927-1, Paints and varnishes Coating materials and coating systems forexterior wood Part 1: Classification and selec
36、tionBS EN 927-2:2006, Paints and varnishes Coating materials and coating systemsfor exterior wood Part 2: Performance specificationBS EN 942:2007, Timber in joinery General requirementsBS EN 951, Door leaves Method for measurement of height, width, thicknessand squarenessBS EN 952, Door leaves Gener
37、al and local flatness Measurement methodBS EN 1279 (all parts), Glass in building Insulating glass unitsBS EN 1529:2000, Door leaves Height, width, thickness and squareness Tolerance classesBS EN 1530:2000, Door leaves General and local flatness Tolerance classesBS EN 1670:2007, Building hardware Co
38、rrosion resistance Requirements andtest methodsBS EN 1982, Copper and copper alloys Ingots and castingsBS EN 12020-1:2008, Aluminium and aluminium alloys Extruded precisionprofiles in alloys EN AW-6060 and EN AW-6063 Part 1: Technical conditions forinspection and deliveryBS EN 12020-2:2008, Aluminiu
39、m and aluminium alloys Extruded precisionprofiles in alloys EN AW-6060 and EN AW-6063 Part 2: Tolerances ondimensions and formBS EN 12165, Copper and copper alloys Wrought and unwrought forging stockBS EN 12206-1, Paints and varnishes Coating of aluminium and aluminiumalloys for architectural purpos
40、es Part 1: Coatings prepared from coatingpowderBRITISH STANDARD BS 644:2012 The British Standards Institution 3BS EN 12365-1, Building hardware Gasket and weatherstripping for doors,windows, shutters and curtain walling Part 1: Performance requirements andclassificationBS EN 12420, Copper and copper
41、 alloys ForgingsBS EN 12519, Windows and pedestrian doors TerminologyBS EN 12608, Unplasticized polyvinylchloride (PVC-U) profiles for the fabricationof windows and doors Classification, requirements and test methodsBS EN 13141-1, Ventilation for buildings Performance testing ofcomponents/products f
42、or residential ventilation Part 1: Externally andinternally mounted air transfer devicesBS EN 13142, Ventilation for buildings Components/products for residentialventilation Required and optional performance characteristicsBS EN 13307-1, Timber blanks and semi-finished profiles for non-structural us
43、es Part 1: RequirementsBS EN 13986, Wood-based panels for use in construction Characteristics,evaluation of conformity and markingBS EN 14220:2006, Timber and wood-based materials in external windows,external door leaves and external doorframes Requirements and specificationsBS EN ISO 4042, Fastener
44、s Electroplated coatingsBS EN ISO 7599, Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys General specificationsfor anodic oxidation coatings on aluminiumBS EN ISO 9227, Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres Salt spray testsPD 6484, Commentary on corrosion at bimetallic contacts and its alleviationOther pub
45、licationsN1BRITISH WOODWORKING FEDERATION. Guide to the selection, applicationand testing of end grain sealants for timber windows. BWF guide Note 18.London: British Woodworking Federation, 2002.N2KELLY, D.J. and GARVIN, S.L. Factory glazed windows. BRE Digest 497, Part 1.Watford: Building Research
46、Establishment, 2006.3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this British Standard, the terms and definitions given inBS 6100-1, BS 6100-12, BS EN 12519 and the following apply.3.1 casementframed window light that is hinged, pivoted or fixed3.2 fixingcomponent that is used to secure separate parts
47、 of a window or doorsetassembly to each other, to secure an item of hardware to a window part, or tosecure a completed window assembly into the structure of a building3.3 glazing gasketplastic or synthetic rubber member used between the glazing and the frameand/or between the glazing and the glazing
48、 bead3.4 hardwaredevice attached to a structural member to facilitate opening, closing or makingthe product secure in the frameBRITISH STANDARDBS 644:20124 The British Standards Institution3.5 insulating glass unitassembly consisting of at least two panes of glass, separated by one or morespacers, h
49、ermetically sealed along the periphery, mechanically stable anddurableNOTE Systems are available where the spacer and hermetic seal are included withina single edge sealing system.SOURCE: BS EN 1279-1:2004, 3.13.6 multi-lightwindow incorporating two or more lights, opening and/or fixed, within oneperimeter frame3.7 rangegroup of assemblies with defined limits of size, type, configuration, hardware,glazing, constru
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