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2、.10 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW Specification for Draughtstrips for the draught control of existing doors and windows in housing (including test methods)BS 7386 : 1997 This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Sector Board for B
3、uilding and Civil Engineering, was published under the authority of the Standards Board and comes into effect on 15 December 1997 BSI 1997 First published as BS 7386 November 1990 Second edition December 1997 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference B/540
4、/5 Draft for comment 96/107550 DC ISBN 0 580 28345 3 Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date Text affected Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by Technical Committee B/540, Energy performance of materials components and bu
5、ildings, to Subcommittee B/540/5, Draught control of installed doors and windows, upon which the following bodies were represented: Association for the Conservation of Energy Association of Metropolitan Authorities British Plastics Federation Department of the Environment (Construction Sponsorship D
6、irectorate) Department of the Environment (Housing and Urban Monitoring and Analysis Directorate) Draught Proofing Advisory Association Ltd. Energy Action Grants Agency Neighbourhood Energy ActionBS 7386 : 1997 BSI 1997 i Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front cover Foreword ii Specificat
7、ion Introduction 1 1 Scope 1 2 References 1 3 Definitions 2 4 Classification 2 5 Test procedures 2 6 Product size and dynamic characteristics 3 7 Set in product under sustained compression/deflection 3 8 Integrity of working section and carrier of draughtstrip 3 9 Adhesion of draughtstrips secured b
8、y an adhesive only 3 10 Air leakage through product 3 11 Resistance to wear 4 12 Marking and product information 4 Annexes A (normative) Test methods and evaluation 5 B (informative) Advisory notes on the seasonal movement of external doors made of wood 17 C (informative) Advisory notes on materials
9、 specification and resistance to weather 17 Tables 1 Dynamic characteristics of working sections, related to type of doorset or window 3 A.1 Sequence of test methods 5 Figures A.1 Product size and dynamic characteristics: compression/deflection force test (typical arrangement) 9 A.2 Mounting block f
10、or set in product under sustained compression/deflection test (typical arrangement of equipment) 10 A.3 Method of measuring height of working section (typical arrangement of equipment) 10 A.4 Sliding friction force test (typical arrangement of equipment) 11 A.5 Integrity of working section and carri
11、er test (typical arrangement of equipment) 11 A.6 Test of adhesion of draughtstrips secured by an adhesive only (typical arrangement of equipment) 12 A.7 Air leakage test (typical arrangement of equipment) 13 A.8 Maximum air leakage through product plotted against applied pressure difference 14 A.9
12、Resistance to wear test (typical arrangement of equipment) 15 List of references Inside back coverii BSI 1997 BS 7386 : 1997 National foreword This British Standard has been prepared by Subcommittee B/540/5. It is a revision of BS 7386 : 1990 which is superseded and withdrawn. It principally covers
13、draughtstrip products for the high proportion of existing doors and windows in housing which were not originally designed to take draughtstripping. These doors and windows vary in age and the variations in detail design and manufacture over a long period, combined with wear and tear in service, pose
14、 more difficult dimensional requirements than those for products engineered into new doorsets and windows at the production stage, even after allowing for prior repair of the most ill-fitting of existing doors and windows. Products used in new doorsets and windows at the production stage and therefo
15、re not included. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages 1 to 18, an inside back cover and a back cover. BSI 1997 1 BS 7386 : 1997 Specification
16、Introduction National surveys on housing (see Building Research Establishment Digest 319) have shown that, when considered by broad door or window type, four categories cover 95 % of the existing doors and windows which were not originally designed for draughtstripping. These are hinged doors in woo
17、d, sliding windows in wood and hinged windows in wood and steel. Amongst any one category, experience has shown that only a small minority of doorsets and windows are of poor fit. The poor fit is usually confined to a minor part of the opening perimeter and, if a draughtstrip does not seal completel
18、y at the worst points, its overall effectiveness is unlikely to be markedly impaired. It is impractical to seek to seal the poor fit of a small minority of a door or window category, or to deal with all the manifold varieties amongst a rare type like a sliding wood door. These are situations where s
19、pecial measures may be needed. Hence it has been deemed reasonable to base this standard on products to fill the gaps around 90 % of the four categories, without making them hard to close. Products to fill gaps between doorset or window frames and walls, or to fill gaps at any glazing, for which app
20、ropriate sealant products should be used, are not included. Doorsets and windows identical to those in the four common categories can be found in building applications other than housing. Draughtstrip products conforming to this standard could also be suitable for them, given that the conditions in
21、service are comparable with domestic occupation. It does not follow that draughtstrip products conforming to this standard are unsuitable for other categories of door and window, or for use elsewhere in housing such as at loft hatches. It is also necessary in these categories to consider their abili
22、ty both to fill the air leakage gaps and to retain an ease of component closing. Test methods and evaluation are given in annex A. Advisory notes on the seasonal movement of external doors made of wood and on materials specification are given in annex B and annex C respectively. 1 Scope This British
23、 Standard specifies requirements for draughtstrip products to fit the common types of installed doors and windows in housing that were not originally designed to incorporate draughtstripping, and applies to hinged doors in wood, sliding windows in wood, hinged windows in wood and steel and domestic
24、loft hatches. NOTE. Unless specifically designed as such, draughtstrips conforming to this standard should not be fitted as smoke control seals without the approval of the fire authority, nor should they be fitted to doors with intumescent seals without the prior approval of the manufacturer of the
25、door or consultation with the fire authority. Gap filling and in-situ gaskets, applied like sealants, are not dynamic products and are excluded from this standard. Letter box seals are excluded from this standard because they do not generally function in the manner of a draughtstrip. Draughtstrip ma
26、terials specifically designed for use on the bottom of doors are also excluded from this standard. 2 References 2.1 Normative references This British Standard incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are made at the appropriate place
27、s in the text and the cited publications are listed on the inside back cover. For dated references, only the edition cited applies; any subsequent amendments to or revisions of the cited publication apply to this British Standard only when incorporated in the reference by amendment or revision. For
28、undated references, the latest edition of the cited publication applies, together with any amendments. 2.2 Informative references This British Standard refers to other publications that provide information or guidance. Editions of these publications current at the time of issue of this standard are
29、listed on the inside back cover, but reference should be made to the latest editions.2 BSI 1997 BS 7386 : 1997 3 Definitions For the purposes of this British Standard, the definitions given in BS 6100 : Subsection 1.3.5 apply together with the following: 3.1 perimeter gap Air leakage gap remaining b
30、etween a door leaf or window sash and its frame when the leaf/sash is shut. 3.2 draughtstrip Product with dynamic characteristics for closing perimeter gaps in particular for retrospective fitting to existing doors and windows that were not originally designed to receive such products. NOTE. The dra
31、ughtstrips have to be attached either to the frame or door leaf/window sash and may consist entirely of a working section or the working section may be attached to a carrier. 3.3 size and dynamic characteristics Attributes of draughtstrip products which enable them to fill a range of gap sizes witho
32、ut undue resistance and follow seasonal changes in gap size. These embrace cross-sectional dimensions and the ability to deflect, compress and recover. Where relevant, they also include an ease of sliding against opposing surfaces. 3.4 code of action Manner in which a draughtstrip forms a seal, char
33、acterized by three basic modes; compression, wiping and sliding. NOTE. In practice, products are likely to operate in more than one mode of action. For example, a product working in compression on the hinge side of a door may experience some wiping action. 3.5 compression mode Reduction of working s
34、ection height by an openable member of a doorset or window, broadly in the direction of local final closure for the member, in order to match the size of the working section to the perimeter gap. 3.6 wiping mode Reduction of working section height, broadly in a direction perpendicular to that of the
35、 local closure motion of an openable member, with the working section (eventually) slipping against the member or doorset or window frame at a size which matches the perimeter gap. 3.7 sliding mode Similar to wiping mode but with closure (and opening) motion parallel to the axis of a draughtstrip, s
36、uch that some or all of the working section may remain deflected at a size which matches the perimeter gap. 3.8 working section Part of the draughtstrip which exhibits the dynamic characteristics. 3.9 carrier Part of the draughtstrip designed to hold and fix the working section in its operating posi
37、tion. 3.10 test piece Section of softwood, steel, plastic or other material used to simulate that part of a doorset or window to which a draughtstrip is intended to be attached. 3.11 test surface Planed softwood surface brush painted with one coat of undercoat paint followed by two coats of gloss fi
38、nish topcoat paint. 3.12 measurement datum Any convenient line or plane on the test equipment relative to which the height of a draughtstrip in a mounting block is measured. 4 Classification Products conforming to this standard shall be classified as follows. a) Class 1. Products intended for use on
39、 poorly fitting external hinged wood doors which have maximum perimeter gaps greater than 2 mm and/or have large seasonal movements (see annex B). NOTE. An indication of large seasonal movement might be, for example, particular difficulty in operating locks and bolts at the door head and door bottom
40、 at certain times of the year. b) Class 2. Products intended for use on domestic loft hatches and internal or well fitting external hinged wood doors which have maximum perimeter gaps less than 2 mm and have small seasonal movements (see annex B). NOTE. An indication of small seasonal movement might
41、 be, for example, slight difficulty in operating locks and bolts at the door head and door bottom at certain times of the year. c) Class 3. Products intended for use on hinged wood and steel windows and sliding wood windows. 5 Test procedures The test procedures and evaluation shall be as described
42、in annex A and the draughtstrip products shall conform to clauses 5 to 10. BSI 1997 3 BS 7386 : 1997 6 Product size and dynamic characteristics NOTE. This requirement is intended to ensure that, when installed as recommended, the draughtstrip products will not make the opening or closing of draughts
43、tripped doorsets and windows unduly difficult. When tested by the method described in A.2 the load required to compress/deflect the draughtstrip by any amount up to 6 mm or 3 mm as appropriate shall not exceed the maximum resistance shown in table 1. In addition, products which are designed to opera
44、te in a wiping or sliding mode shall be tested by the method described in A.4 and shall have a sliding friction force of no greater than 20 N/m length when compressed by a minimum of 6 mm or 3 mm as appropriate (see table 1). Table 1. Dynamic characteristics of working sections, related to type of d
45、oorset or window (see A.2) Application Minimum deflection range mm Maximum resistance anywhere in specified height or deflection range N/m Hinged external doors: class 1 draughtstrips 6 60 Hinged external or internal doors; domestic loft hatches: class 2 draughtstrips 3 60 Windows (all types): class
46、 3 draughtstrips 3 80 7 Set in product under sustained compression/deflection NOTE. This requirement is intended to ensure suitable resistance of draughtstrip products to a permanent loss in functional height or change of shape arising from sustained pressure. When tested by the method described in
47、A.3 and subjected to sustained compression/deflection, in the mode in which the product is installed in practice, the mean value of the compression/deflection recovery, i.e. the recovery of functional height from the compressed/deflected state, for each set of 10 specimens tested shall be not less t
48、han 55 % of the applied compression/deflection. 8 Integrity of working section and carrier of draughtstrip NOTE. This requirement is intended to ensure that the working section and carrier of a draughtstrip will neither become detached from each other, nor from the doorset or window when installed a
49、s recommended. When tested and subjected to the sliding and pulling forces described in A.5, the working section of a draughtstrip shall neither become detached from the carrier, nor shall the working section or carrier become detached from the test piece. 9 Adhesion of draughtstrips secured by an adhesive only NOTE. This requirement is intended to ensure that draughtstrip products without a carrier which are fixed by means of an adhesive only, will resist becoming detached from a doorset or window. When tested by the method described in A.6, the draughtstrip shall not become totally
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