1、BSI Standards PublicationBS 76000:2015Human resource Valuingpeople Managementsystem Requirements andguidancePublishing and copyright informationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the documentwas last issued. The British Standards Institution 2015Published by BSI Stand
2、ards Limited 2015ISBN 978 0 580 86200 7ICS 03.100.30The following BSI references relate to the work on this document:Committee reference HCS/1Draft for comment 14/30298953 DCPublication historyFirst published, July 2015Amendments issued since publicationDate Text affectedBS 76000:2015 BRITISH STANDA
3、RDContentsForeword ii0 Introduction 11 Scope 32 Normative references 43 Terms and definitions 44 Context of the organization (see Figure 2) 85 Leadership (see Figure 3) 116 Planning (see Figure 4) 157 Support 188 Operation 239 Performance evaluation (see Figure 6) 2610 Improvement (see Figure 7) 28A
4、nnexesAnnex A (informative) Determining the scope of the management system forvaluing people 31Annex B (informative) Documented information 32Annex C (informative) Performance evaluation 34Bibliography 38List of figuresFigure 1 Management system for valuing people 2Figure 2 Evaluating the organizati
5、ons context and purpose 8Figure 3 Requirements for and challenges of leadership 11Figure 4 Planning requirements to address opportunities and risks of valuingpeople 15Figure 5 Determining the resource requirements to support the plan 18Figure 6 Evaluating the operation of the system 26Figure 7 Impro
6、vements and redesign to existing system 28Summary of pagesThis document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to ii,pages 1 to 38, an inside back cover and a back cover.BRITISH STANDARD BS 76000:2015 The British Standards Institution 2015 iForewordPublishing informationThis British
7、 Standard is published by BSI Standards Limited, under licence fromThe British Standards Institution, and came into effect on 31 July 2015. It wasprepared by Technical Committee HCS/1, Human capital. A list of organizationsrepresented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary.Inf
8、ormation about this documentBS 76000 is an overarching document that is intended to be supported by otherstandards related to the management and development of people inorganizations, including social inclusion and diversity.Relationship with other publicationsBS 76000 is aligned with current or for
9、thcoming editions of other widely-usedmanagement system standards through the use of a common structure and coretext.Presentational conventionsThe provisions of this standard are presented in roman (i.e. upright) type. Itsrequirements are expressed in sentences in which the principal auxiliary verb
10、is“shall”.Commentary, explanation and general informative material is presented insmaller italic type, and does not constitute a normative element.For convenience, a number of boxes have been included in the main body oftext to give useful guidance on, and examples of, the implementation of therequi
11、rements. An overview of the management system and each of its elementsis given in Figure 1 to Figure 7.Contractual and legal considerationsThis publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of acontract. Users are responsible for its correct application.Compliance with a Briti
12、sh Standard cannot confer immunity from legalobligations.BRITISH STANDARDBS 76000:2015ii The British Standards Institution 20150 IntroductionLong-term organizational effectiveness is achieved through the contributions ofthose people who work on behalf of an organization. This British Standardprovide
13、s a framework for an organization to create an individually-tailoredmanagement system, or to align existing systems, to realize the full value (actualor potential) that people provide to the organization through their capabilities,knowledge, skills, networks, experience, behaviours and attitudes. Th
14、e use of amanagement system promotes a structured and thoughtful approach to peoplevalue management at both strategic and operational levels of the organization.By establishing a dialogue between the organization, its people andstakeholders, mutual respect can be fostered to acknowledge the diversec
15、ontributions these bring to the organization and to its shared values and socialsustainability. By implementing the management system, an organization canengage and enable people in addressing issues and providing solutions tocontribute to sustained success.This standard is based on a set of high-le
16、vel values and principles for valuingpeople in an organization:a) people working on behalf of the organization have intrinsic value inaddition to their protections under the law or in regulation, which needs tobe respected;b) stakeholders and their interests are integral to the best interests of the
17、organization;c) every organization is part of wider society and has a responsibility to respectits social contract as a corporate citizen and operate in a manner that issustainable;d) a commitment to valuing people who work on behalf of the organizationand to meeting the requirements of this standar
18、d which is made andsupported at the highest level; ande) each principle is of equal importance.These principles, taken together, form a holistic approach to the understandingand operation of the management system. Consequently, substantial applicationof the requirements does not automatically transl
19、ate to compliance. Thestandard takes into account all relevant stakeholders, recognizing that not onlydirect employees contribute value to the organization. Taking into account thelegitimate interests and expectations of wider stakeholders is not merely ofvalue to the organizations purpose, but refl
20、ects the belief that recognizing andrespecting the value of people beyond the minimum rights stated in law haslong-term personal and societal benefit.“Organizational value of people” and “valuing people” are not confined to thecalculation of directly quantifiable monetary value, transactional utilit
21、y or returnon investment, either achieved or anticipated. The terms are used in recognitionthat “value”, defined as the inherent and unique merit and worth of people,connotes the actual or potential contribution people at all levels in theorganization make as a result of their unique capabilities, k
22、nowledge, skills,networks, experience, attitudes and insights. Understood in these terms,recognition of the value of people is an underpinning principle of enacting therequirements of this management system standard.NOTE A management system for valuing people is illustrated in Figure 1.BRITISH STAND
23、ARD BS 76000:2015 The British Standards Institution 2015 1The way in which an organization values its people and stakeholders is at theheart of its success. Organizational performance and people management anddevelopment are interlinked. People management and development influenceindividual, group a
24、nd organizational performance. This standard acknowledgesthat organizations are complex and that people develop themselves andcontribute to organizational performance in a range of different ways.Therefore, the standard does not prescribe specific people management anddevelopment practices. Instead
25、it focuses on the principles and processesthrough which an organization can identify and develop its own strategicapproach to recognizing and benefitting from the organizational value ofpeople in ways that are contextually and organizationally appropriate.The standard acknowledges that an organizati
26、on might already practise theprinciples enshrined in this standard. The standard therefore provides anoverarching framework through which such an organization can demonstrate itscommitment to valuing people, enhancing its responsiveness to risk andopportunity, and continually improving its existing
27、policies and practices.Recognizing the importance of people to an organization, this British Standardprovides a framework for:1) enhancing organizational resilience and flexibility;2) developing and empowering people, and encouraging employees to feelpart of the larger whole and able to influence an
28、d participate in thedevelopment of policies;3) promoting transparency, accountability, sustainability and effectivegovernance;Figure 1 Management system for valuing peopleBRITISH STANDARDBS 76000:20152 The British Standards Institution 20154) successfully managing change;5) improving communications
29、to facilitate and nurture open dialogue; and6) reflecting the organizations commitment to the principle that peoplewithin its influence have intrinsic value.Recognizing that every organization has a unique culture that develops overtime, this standard requires that the organizational culture recogni
30、zes theinherent value of people, and emphasizes the importance of leaders activelyencouraging the development of a culture that acknowledges the value ofpeople.1 ScopeThis British Standard specifies high-level, strategic requirements for amanagement system for valuing people to enable an organizatio
31、n to manageand develop its people, and realize and manage their actual and potentialvalue, such that the organization is sensitive to its environment, managesrelated risks, and improves its people strategy and performance.NOTE 1 This standard does not require the creation of an entirely newmanagemen
32、t system for valuing people within an organization. Its requirements areapplicable to elements of other strategies, processes and systems relating to thegovernance, deployment and development of people.NOTE 2 The concept of “organization” includes, but is not limited to, a small/microand medium busi
33、ness, company, corporation, firm, enterprise, authority, partnership,charity or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether incorporated or not,public or private.This British Standard is applicable to any organization that wishes to:a) establish a strategic management system to plan, improv
34、e and realize theintrinsic value of people under its control; andb) implement, maintain, review and continually improve a strategicmanagement system that addresses the organizational value of people.The requirements of this standard are generic and are intended to be applicableto all organizations (
35、or parts thereof), regardless of type, size, nature andcomplexity of business, and whether in the public, private or voluntary sector.The extent of the application of these requirements depends on such factors asthe organizations strategic policies addressing the value of people, the natureof its ac
36、tivities and the risks and complexity of its operations.The standard recognizes that each organization is different and thatdecision-makers need to determine the most appropriate approach according totheir organizations context.This standard does not specify performance criteria or prescribe operati
37、onalprocesses or procedures, such as employee recruitment, performancemanagement or sickness absence, nor does it define what constitutes “good”people management and development.BRITISH STANDARD BS 76000:2015 The British Standards Institution 2015 32 Normative referencesThere are no normative refere
38、nces.3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this British Standard, the following terms and definitionsapply.3.1 auditsystematic, independent, documented process (3.21) for obtaining documentedinformation (3.7), statements of fact or other relevant information and assessingthem objectively to det
39、ermine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilledNOTE to entry: An audit can be an internal audit (first party) or an external audit(second party or third party), and it can be a combined audit (combining two ormore disciplines).3.2 competenceability to apply knowledge and skills to achiev
40、e intended resultsSOURCE: ISO/IEC Annex SL:2012, 3.10NOTE 1 to entry: Competence may also refer to the inherent potential of theindividual to adapt and develop to meet changing demands and opportunities.NOTE 2 to entry: Competence also includes behaviours appropriate to tasks andresponsibilities.3.3
41、 conformityfulfilment of a requirement (3.22)SOURCE: ISO/IEC Annex SL:2012, 3.183.4 continual improvementrecurring activity to enhance performance (3.19)SOURCE: ISO/IEC Annex SL:2012, 3.223.5 correctionaction to address a gap in the existing management system or to eliminate adetected nonconformity
42、(3.13)SOURCE: ISO/IEC Annex SL:2012, 3.20, modified3.6 corrective actionaction in response to a gap in the existing management system (3.10), or toeliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity (3.13) and to preventrecurrence3.7 documented informationinformation required to be controlled and mainta
43、ined by an organization (3.15)and the medium on which it is containedNOTE 1 to entry: Documented information can be in any format and media andfrom any source.NOTE 2 to entry: Documented information can refer to: the management system (3.10), including related processes (3.21); information created i
44、n order for the organization to operate (documentation); evidence of results achieved (records).SOURCE: ISO/IEC Annex SL:2012, 3.11BRITISH STANDARDBS 76000:20154 The British Standards Institution 20153.8 effectivenessextent to which planned activities are realized and planned results achievedSOURCE:
45、 ISO/IEC Annex SL:2012, 3.063.9 functionactivity performed by a designated individual or unit of the organization (3.15)3.10 management systemset of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization (3.15) to establishpolicies (3.20) and objectives (3.14) and processes (3.21) to achieve thoseo
46、bjectivesNOTE 1 to entry: A management system can address a single discipline or severaldisciplines.NOTE 2 to entry: The system elements include the organizations structure, rolesand responsibilities, planning, operation, etc.NOTE 3 to entry: The scope of a management system may include the whole of
47、 theorganization, specific and identified functions of the organization, specific andidentified sections of the organization, or one or more functions across a group oforganizations.SOURCE: ISO/IEC Annex SL:2012, 3.043.11 measurementprocess (3.21) to determine a valueSOURCE: ISO/IEC Annex SL:2012, 3
48、.16NOTE to entry: The value that people bring to an organization is both tangible andintangible. Measurement is taken to include systematic processes of assessment andevaluation that utilize both qualitative and quantitative forms of data to take intoaccount the value that is contributed by people o
49、ver a longer time frame and in amore diffused way than is assumed with the measurement of any directlyquantifiable monetary value, transactional utility or return on investment.3.12 monitoringdetermining the status of a system, a process (3.21) or an activityNOTE to entry: To determine the status there may be a need to check, supervise orcritically observe.SOURCE: ISO/IEC Annex SL:2012, 3.153.13 nonconformitynon-fulfilment of a requirement (3.22)SOURCE: ISO/IEC Annex SL:2012, 3.193.14 objectiveresult to be achievedNOTE 1 to
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