1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationRespiratory protective devices Breathing gases for diving and hyperbaric applications Requirements and test methodsBS 8478:20nullnullBS 8478:2011 BRITISH STANDARDnullublishing an
2、d copyright informationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this docnullnullent indicates nullhen the docnullnullent nullas last issnullednullnull BSI 2011ISBN null78 0 null80 nullnullnullnullnull nullInullS 1nullnullnull40nullnull0null null7null220null40The nullollonulling BSI renullerences relate
3、 to the nullornull on this standard: nullonullnullittee renullerence nullHnull4null7 Dranullt nullor conullnullent 10nullnull02104null7 Dnullnullublication historynullirst pnullnulllished Septenullnuller 200nullSecond nullpresentnull edition nullenullrnullary 2011nullmendments issued since publicati
4、onnullate nullenullt affected null BSI 2011 null iBS 8478:2011BRITISH STANDARDnullontentsnullorenullord iiinull Scope 12 Nornullatinulle renullerences 1null Ternulls and denullnitions 14 Renullnullirenullents 2null Test nullethods 7null nullarnulling and lanullelling onull cylinders and nullnullndle
5、s onull cylinders snullpplied nulllled nully a nullannullnullactnullrer 15Binullliography 16nullist of tablesTanullle 1 null nullonullposition onull nullreathing onullygen 3Tanullle 2 null nullonullposition onull onullygen conullpatinullle air 3Tanullle null null nullonullposition onull nitrogen dep
6、leted air 4Tanullle 4 null nullonullposition onull onullygen and nitrogen gas nullinulltnullres 4Tanullle null null nullonullposition onull onullygen and helinullnull gas nullinulltnullres 5Tanullle null null nullonullposition onull onullygennull helinullnull and nitrogen gas nullinulltnullres 6Tanu
7、llle 7 null nullonullposition onull helinullnull 6Tanullle 8 null Innullranullred anullsornullance nullands 10Summary of pagesThis docnullnullent conullprises a nullront conullernull an inside nullront conullernull pages i to inullnull pages 1 to 1nullnull an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacn
8、ull conullernullBS 8478:2011ii null null BSI 2011BRITISH STANDARDThis page deliberately left blanknull BSI 2011 null iiiBS 8478:2011BRITISH STANDARDnullorenullordnullublishing informationThis British Standard is pnullnulllished nully BSI and canulle into enullnullect on 28 nullenullrnullary 2011null
9、 It nullas prepared nully Snullnullconullnullittee nullHnull4null7null Underwater breathing apparatusnull nullnder the anullthority onull Technical nullonullnullittee nullHnull4nullRespiratory protectionnull A list onull organinullations represented on these conullnullittees can nulle onulltained on
10、 renullnullest to their secretarynullSupersessionThis British Standard snullpersedes BS 8478:200nullnull nullhich is nullithdranullnnullnullnformation about this documentThis standard specinulles renullnullirenullents nullor the conullposition and pnullrity onull nullreathing gasesnull other than co
11、nullpressed airnull nullor dinulling and hypernullaric applicationsnull nullonullpressed air nullor nullreathing apparatnulls is specinulled in BS nullN 12021nullThe tonullic and harnullnullnulll enullnullects onull inullpnullrities in nullreathing gases are increased at hypernullaric pressnullresnu
12、ll The linulliting lenullels onull inullpnullrities specinulled in this standardnull nullhich are ginullen as nullalnulles corrected to nornullal atnullospheric pressnullrenull hanulle nulleen rednullced to allonull nullor this enullnullectnullThis is a nullnullll renullision onull the standardnull
13、and introdnullces the nullollonulling principal changesnullanull Renullnullirenullents nullor the conullposition onull onullygen conullpatinullle air and the conullposition onull nitrogen depleted air hanulle nulleen addednullnullnull Renullnullirenullents nullor the conullposition onull helinullnul
14、l nullor nullanulling nullreathing gas nullinulltnullres has nulleen addednullcnull Renullnullirenullents nullor the nullinulling onull gases hanulle nulleen addednulldnull Renullnullirenullents nullor nullreedonull nullronull particnulllate contanullination are no longer specinullednullenull The nu
15、llanullinullnullnull pernullissinullle nullater content in nullreathing onullygennullonullygen and nitrogen gas nullinulltnullresnull onullygen and helinullnull gas nullinulltnullres and onullygennull helinullnull and nitrogen gas nullinulltnullres has nulleen raised nullronull null nullgnullnullnul
16、lnullto 1null nullgnullnullnullnullnullnullnull nullor onullygen and helinullnull gas nullinulltnullresnull the nullanullinullnullnull carnullon nullononullide content has nulleen rednullced nullronull 1 ppnull to 0null2 ppnullnulland the nullanullinullnullnull content onull nullother nonnulltonulli
17、c gasesnull has nulleen rednullced nullronull null1null to null0nullnullnullnullgnull The sanullpling renullnullirenullents hanulle nulleen changednullhnull The test nullethod nullor oil content has nulleen changed so that it no longer renullnullires the nullse onull trichloronulltrinullnulloronulle
18、thane asnull nullnder the nullontreal nullrotocol on Snullnullstances that Deplete the nullnullone nullayer null1nullnull the nullannullnullactnullre onull this snullnullstance is not pernullittednullinull nullethods hanulle nulleen added nullor stain detector tnullnulle and stain systenull analysis
19、 nullor carnullon nullononullidenull carnullon dionullidenull nullater and oil content in gases derinulled nullronull conullpressed air nullsee nullnullnull4nullnullBS 8478:2011inull null null BSI 2011BRITISH STANDARDnullanullard nullarningsnullnullRnullnullnullnullnull This British Standard calls n
20、ullor the nullse onull snullnullstances andnullor procednullres that can nulle innullnullrionulls to health inull adenullnullate precanulltions are not tanullennull It renullers only to technical snullitanullility and does not anullsolnulle the nullser nullronull legal onullligations relating to hea
21、lth and sanullety at any stagenullnullse of this documentIt has nulleen assnullnulled in the preparation onull this British Standard that the enullecnulltion onull its pronullisions nullill nulle entrnullsted to appropriately nullnullalinulled and enullperienced peoplenull nullor nullhose nullse it
22、has nulleen prodnullcednullnullresentational conventionsThe pronullisions onull this standard are presented in ronullan nullinullenull nullprightnulltypenull Its renullnullirenullents are enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principal anullnulliliary nullernull is nullshallnullnullnullonullnull
23、entarynull enullplanation and general infornullatinulle nullaterial is presented in snullaller italic typenull and does not constitute a nornullatinulle elenullentnullnullontractual and legal considerationsThis pnullnulllication does not pnullrport to inclnullde all the necessary pronullisions onull
24、 a contractnull nullsers are responsinullle nullor its correct applicationnullnullompliance nullith a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligationsnullIn particnulllarnull attention is dranulln to the nullontrol onull Snullnullstances Hanullardonulls to Health Regnulllations 2002 nu
25、llas anullendednullnullnull BSI 2011 null 1BS 8478:2011BRITISH STANDARDnull ScopeThis British Standard specinulles renullnullirenullents and test nullethods nullor the conullposition and pnullrity onull nullreathing gasesnull other than conullpressed air as specinulled in BS nullN 12021null nullor n
26、ullse in dinulling and hypernullaric applicationsnullThe standard is applicanullle to the nullollonulling categories onull nullreathing gas nullinulltnullres:anull nullreathing onullygennullnullnull onullygen conullpatinullle airnullcnull nitrogen depleted airnulldnull onullygen and nitrogen gas nul
27、linulltnullresnullenull onullygen and helinullnull gas nullinulltnullresnullnullnull onullygennull helinullnull and nitrogen gas nullinulltnullresnullThe standard also specinulles renullnullirenullents and test nullethods nullor the pnullrity onull helinullnull nullor nullse in nullanulling nullreat
28、hing gas nullinulltnullresnullThe standard is not applicanullle to conullpressed gases nullor nulledical nullsenullor to gases nullor nullse in high altitnullde nullreathing apparatnullsnullnullnullTnull The conullposition and purity of conullpressed air is specinulled in nullnull nullnull 12021null
29、2 nullormative referencesThe nullollonulling renullerenced docnullnullents are indispensanullle nullor the application onull this docnullnullentnull nullor dated renullerencesnull only the edition cited appliesnull nullor nullndated renullerencesnull the latest edition onull the renullerenced docnul
30、lnullent nullinclnullding any anullendnullentsnull appliesnullBS nullN 108nullnullnullnull Transportable gas cylinders null nullas cylinder identinullcation nullenullcluding nullnullnullnull null nullart 3null nullolour codingBS nullN ISnull 722nullnull nullas cylinders null nullrecautionary labelsB
31、S nullN ISnull 1null7nullnullnull nullas cylinders null nulltanullp nullarkingBS ISnull 8null7nullnull2null nullonullpressed air null nullart 2null Test nullethods for oil aerosol contentHnullAnullTH AND SAnullnullTnull nullnullnullnullnullTInullnullnull nullorkplace enullposure linullitsnull nullnu
32、llidance Note nullH 40null Snulldnullnullry: HSnull BoonullsnullHnullAnullTH AND SAnullnullTnull nullnullnullnullnullTInullnullnull nullccupational enullposure linullits for hyperbaric conditionsnull Hanullard Assessnullent Docnullnullent nullH 7nullnull2null Snulldnullnullry: HSnull Boonullsnullnul
33、l nullerms and denullnitionsnullor the pnullrposes onull this British Standard the nullollonulling ternulls and denullnitions applynullnullnullnull onullygen compatible airconullpressed natnullral nullreathing air nullhere the lenullel onull inullpnullrities has nulleen rednullced to nullanulle it s
34、nullitanullle nullor nullse in gas nullinulltnullres containing onullygen concentrations greater than 22nullnullnullTnull 1 nullnullygen conullpatible air is also known in the dinulling industry as nulloil free airnullnull nullclean airnull or nulldouble nullltered airnullnullBS 8478:20112 null null
35、 BSI 2011BRITISH STANDARDnullnullTnull 2 nullhen onullygen conullpatible air is nullinulled with onullygen the nullinullture nullay be known as nullnitronullnullnullnullnullTnull 3 nullhen onullygen conullpatible air is nullinulled with heliunull the nullinullture nullay be known as nulltrinullinull
36、nullnullnullnull2 nitrogen depleted airconullpressed natnullral nullreathing air nullronull nullhich sonulle nitrogen has nulleen renullonulled and nullhere the lenullels onull inullpnullrities hanulle nulleen rednullcednull to nullanulle it snullitanullle nullor nullse innull or asnull a gas nullin
37、ulltnullre containing onullygen concentrations greater than 22nullnullnullTnull nullitrogen depleted air nullay also be known as nullnitronullnullnullnullnullnull onullygen and nitrogen gas minullturegas nullinulltnullre prodnullced nully nullinulling onullygen and nitrogennull capanullle onull snul
38、lpporting hnullnullan linulle nullnder appropriate dinulling or hypernullaric conditionsnullnullTnull 1 This denullnition does not conuller gas nullinulltures produced using onullygen conullpatible air or nitrogen depleted airnullnullnullTnull 2 nullnullygen and nitrogen gas nullinulltures nullay al
39、so be known as nullnitronullnullnullnullnull4 onullygen and helium gas minullturegas conullprising a specinulled nullinulltnullre onull onullygen and helinullnullnull capanullle onull snullpporting hnullnullan linulle nullnder appropriate dinulling or hypernullaric conditionsnullnullTnull nullnullyg
40、en and heliunull gas nullinulltures nullay be known as nullhelionullnullnullnullnullnull onullygennull helium and nitrogen gas minullturegas conullprising a specinulled nullinulltnullre onull onullygennull helinullnull and nitrogennullcapanullle onull snullpporting hnullnullan linulle nullnder appro
41、priate dinulling or hypernullaric conditionsnullnullTnull nullnullygennull heliunull and nitrogen gas nullinulltures nullay be known as nulltrinullinullnullnullnullnullnull bundle of cylindersassenullnullly onull cylinders that are nullastened together and that are interconnected nully a nullaninull
42、old 4 Requirements4nullnull nullreedom from tonullic componentsThe gas shall nulle tested in accordance nullith nullnullnull or nullnull7null Inull in the test any constitnullents onull the gas are identinulled that are not listed in Tanullle 1 to Tanullle 7null these constitnullents shall nulle che
43、cnulled against the list onull snullnullstances nullor nullhich nullornullplace enullposnullre linullits are ginullen in HSnull nullnullidance Note nullH 40null No constitnullent listed in nullH 40 shall nulle present at a lenullel in enullcess onull one tenth onull the eight honullr nullornullplace
44、 enullposnullre linullit ginullen in nullH 40nullnullhere the gas is to nulle nullsed nullor nullreathing at anullnullient pressnullres greater than 10 nullar andnullor periods in enullcess onull 8 honullrsnull the calcnulllations ginullen in nullH 7nullnull2 to tanulle acconullnt onull the increase
45、d pressnullre andnullor dnullration shall nulle appliednullnullnullTnull nullt anullbient pressures greater than 10 bar the lenullel of contanullinants needs to be less than one tenth of the workplace enullposure linullit ginullen in nullnull 40null Thereforenull the calculations ginullen in nullnul
46、l 75null2 need to be appliednullnull BSI 2011 null nullBS 8478:2011BRITISH STANDARD4null2 nullreedom from odourA sanullple onull a gas nullhich has nulleen shonulln to connullornull to 4nullnull shall nulle assessed in accordance nullith nullnullnullnull Inull there is any odonullr classinulled null
47、y any onull the assessors as nullnullnsatisnullactorynull the gas shall nulle deenulled not to connullornull to the standardnull4nullnull nullomposition of breathing onullygennullhen tested nullsing the nullethods specinulled in Tanullle 1null the conullposition onull the gas shall connullornull to
48、the renullnullirenullents specinulled in Tanullle 1nullnullnullTnull nullll nullalues specinullednull with the enullception of water and oilnull are proportions by nullolunulle of dry gasnull The nullalue specinulled for oil is a nullass per unit nullolunulle of dry gasnullTanullle 1 nullomposition
49、of breathing onullygennullomponent nulloncentration at nullnull0nullnull bar and 20 nullnullnullest method specinulled in subclausenullnullygen nullnullnull nullnullnullnullnull nullnullnullnullater nullnullgnullnullnullnullnull 1null nullnull4nullarnullon dionullide nullppnullnull null nullnullnull or nullnullnullnullarnullon nullononullide nullppnullnull 1 nullnullnull or nullnullnullnullil nullnullgnullnullnullnullnull null0null1 nullnullnullnullTotal nullolatile nonnullsnullnullstitnullted hydrocarnullons nullnullaponullr or gasnull as nullethane enullnullinullalent nullppnullnull
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