1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationDD ISO/TS 3691-7:2011Industrial trucks Safetyrequirements and verificationPart 7: Regional requirements for countrieswithin the European CommunityDD ISO/TS 3691-7:2011 DRAFT FOR
2、DEVELOPMENTNational forewordThis Draft for Development is the UK implementation of ISO/TS3691-7:2011.This publication is not to be regarded as a British Standard.It is being issued in the Draft for Development series of publicationsand is of a provisional nature. It should be applied on this pro-vis
3、ional basis, so that information and experience of its practicalapplication can be obtained.Comments arising from the use of this Draft for Developmentare requested so that UK experience can be reported to theinternational organization responsible for its conversion toan international standard. A re
4、view of this publication willbe initiated not later than 3 years after its publication by the inter-national organization so that a decision can be taken on its status. Notification of the start of the review period will be made in an announcement in the appropriate issue of Update Standards.Accordi
5、ng to the replies received by the end of the review period,the responsible BSI Committee will decide whether to support theconversion into an international Standard, to extend the life of theT e c h n i c a l S p e c i f i c a t i o n o r t o w i t h d r a w i t . C o m m e n t s s h o u l d b e s e
6、 n tto the Secretary of the responsible BSI Technical Committee at BritishStandards House, 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL.The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to TechnicalCommittee MHE/7, Industrial trucks.A list of organizations represented on this committee can beobtained o
7、n request to its secretary.This publication does not purport to include all the necessaryprovisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correctapplication. The British Standards Institution 2012ISBN 978 0 580 66150 1ICS 53.060Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity fromleg
8、al obligations.This Draft for Development was published under the authority ofthe Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 January 2012.Amendments issued since publicationDate T e x t a f f e c t e dDD ISO/TS 3691-7:2011Reference numberISO/TS 3691-7:2011(E)ISO 2011TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ISO/TS
9、3691-7First edition2011-12-15Industrial trucks Safety requirements and verification Part 7: Regional requirements for countries within the European Community Chariots de manutention Exigences de scurit et vrification Partie 7: Exigences rgionales pour les pays de la Communaut europenne DD ISO/TS 369
10、1-7:2011ISO/TS 3691-7:2011(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editi
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13、he address given below. COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO 2011 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from eit
14、her ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyrightiso.org Web www.iso.org Published in Switzerland ii ISO 2011 All rights reservedDD ISO/TS 3691-7:2011I
15、SO/TS 3691-7:2011(E) ISO 2011 All rights reserved iiiContents Page Foreword iv Introduction.v 1 Scope1 2 Normative references1 3 Terms and definitions .2 4 Safety requirements and/or protective measures3 4.1 European requirements additional to ISO 3691-1 3 4.2 European requirements additional to ISO
16、 3691-2 6 4.3 European requirements additional to ISO 3691-3 8 4.4 European requirements additional to ISO 3691-4 8 4.5 European requirements additional to ISO 3691-5 9 4.6 European requirements additional to ISO 3691-6 9 5 Verification of safety requirements and/or protective measures.11 6 Informat
17、ion for use12 6.1 Instruction handbook(s) .12 6.2 Marking.12 Annex A (informative) List of significant hazards .13 Bibliography16 DD ISO/TS 3691-7:2011ISO/TS 3691-7:2011(E) iv ISO 2011 All rights reservedForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of n
18、ational standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. Inter
19、national organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the
20、 rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by
21、 at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. In other circumstances, particularly when there is an urgent market requirement for such documents, a technical committee may decide to publish other types of document: an ISO Publicly Available Specification (ISO/PAS) represents an agreement betwe
22、en technical experts in an ISO working group and is accepted for publication if it is approved by more than 50 % of the members of the parent committee casting a vote; an ISO Technical Specification (ISO/TS) represents an agreement between the members of a technical committee and is accepted for pub
23、lication if it is approved by 2/3 of the members of the committee casting a vote. An ISO/PAS or ISO/TS is reviewed after three years in order to decide whether it will be confirmed for a further three years, revised to become an International Standard, or withdrawn. If the ISO/PAS or ISO/TS is confi
24、rmed, it is reviewed again after a further three years, at which time it must either be transformed into an International Standard or be withdrawn. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible
25、for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO/TS 3691-7 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 110, Industrial trucks, Subcommittee SC 2, Safety of powered industrial trucks. ISO 3691 consists of the following parts, under the general title Industrial trucks Safety requirements and verifica
26、tion: Part 1: Self-propelled industrial trucks, other than driverless trucks, variable-reach trucks and burden-carrier trucks Part 2: Self-propelled variable-reach trucks Part 3: Additional requirements for trucks with elevating operator position and trucks specifically designed to travel with eleva
27、ted loads Part 4: Driverless industrial trucks and their systems Part 5: Pedestrian-propelled trucks Part 6: Burden and personnel carriers Part 7: Regional requirements for countries within the European Community Technical Specification Part 8: Regional requirements for countries outside the Europea
28、n Community Technical Specification DD ISO/TS 3691-7:2011ISO/TS 3691-7:2011(E) ISO 2011 All rights reserved vIntroduction The ISO 3691 series has been developed to provide globally relevant International Standards for industrial trucks. This goal was achieved with most of the issues. Where divergent
29、 regional requirements remain, these are addressed by this part of ISO 3691 and by ISO/TS 3691-8. This part of ISO 3691 addresses those legal requirements related to European Directives which could not be accepted worldwide; ISO/TS 3691-8 addresses requirements related to regulations in force in oth
30、er countries that are not applicable elsewhere. Annex A presents a list of significant hazards not covered exhaustively by ISO 3691-1, ISO 3691-2, ISO 3691-3, ISO 3691-4, ISO 3691-5 or ISO 3691-6. This part of ISO 3691 does not repeat all the technical rules which are state of the art and are applic
31、able to the material used to construct the industrial truck. For these, see ISO 12100. DD ISO/TS 3691-7:2011DD ISO/TS 3691-7:2011TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ISO/TS 3691-7:2011(E) ISO 2011 All rights reserved 1Industrial trucks Safety requirements and verification Part 7: Regional requirements for countr
32、ies within the European Community 1 Scope This part of ISO 3691 gives regional requirements specific to the countries within the European Community (EC) and European Economic Area (EEA) for the types of industrial trucks specified in the scopes of ISO 3691-1, ISO 3691-2, ISO 3691-3, ISO 3691-4, ISO
33、3691-5 and ISO 3691-6, respectively. Additional significant hazards, not covered by the above-mentioned parts of ISO 3691, are defined in Annex A. It is intended to be used in conjunction with each of those parts of ISO 3691. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensabl
34、e for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 3691-1:2011, Industrial trucks Safety requirements and verification Part 1: Self-propelled indus
35、trial trucks, other than driverless trucks, variable-reach trucks and burden-carrier trucks ISO 3691-2:1), Industrial trucks Safety requirements and verification Part 2: Self-propelled variable-reach trucks ISO 3691-3:1), Industrial trucks Safety requirements and verification Part 3: Additional requ
36、irements for trucks with elevating operator position and trucks specifically designed to travel with elevated loads ISO 3691-4:1), Industrial trucks Safety requirements and verification Part 4: Driverless industrial trucks and their systems ISO 3691-5:2009, Industrial trucks Safety requirements and
37、verification Part 5: Pedestrian-propelled trucks ISO 3691-6:1), Industrial trucks Safety requirements and verification Part 6: Burden and personnel carriers ISO 5053:1987, Powered industrial trucks Terminology ISO 6292:2008, Powered industrial trucks and tractors Brake performance and component stre
38、ngth ISO/TR 11688-1:1995, Acoustics Recommended practice for the design of low-noise machinery and equipment Part 1: Planning 1) To be published. DD ISO/TS 3691-7:2011ISO/TS 3691-7:2011(E) 2 ISO 2011 All rights reservedISO 13564-12), Powered industrial trucks Test methods for verification of visibil
39、ity Part 1: Sit-on and stand-on operator trucks up to and including 10 t capacity ISO 22915-21:2009, Industrial trucks Verification of stability Part 21: Order-picking trucks with operator position elevating above 1 200 mm EN 360:2002, Personal protective equipment against falls from a height Retrac
40、table type fall arresters EN 361:2002, Personal protective equipment against falls from a height Full body harnesses EN 363:2008, Personal fall protection equipment Personal fall protection systems EN 795:1996, Protection against falls from a height Anchor devices Requirements and testing, together
41、with Amendment 1, 2000 EN 953:1997, Safety of machinery Guards General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards, together with Amendment 1, 2009 EN 1175-1:1998, Safety of industrial trucks Electrical requirements Part 1: General requirements for battery powered trucks
42、, together with Amendment 1, 2010 EN 1175-2:1998, Safety of industrial trucks Electrical requirements Part 2: General requirements for internal combustion engine powered trucks, together with Amendment 1, 2010 EN 1175-3:1998, Safety of industrial trucks Electrical requirements Part 3: Specific requi
43、rements for the electric power transmission systems of internal combustion engine powered trucks, together with Amendment 1, 2010 EN 1755:2000, Safety of industrial trucks Operation in potentially explosive atmospheres Use in flammable gas, vapour, mist and dust, together with Amendment 1, 2009 EN 1
44、2053:2001, Safety of industrial trucks Test methods for measuring noise emissions, together with Amendment 1, 2009 EN 12895, Industrial trucks Electromagnetic compatibility EN 13059:2002, Safety of industrial trucks Test methods for measuring vibration, together with Amendment 1, 2008 EN 13490, Mech
45、anical vibration Industrial trucks Laboratory evaluation and specification of operator seat vibration EN 15000:2008, Safety of industrial trucks Self-propelled variable reach trucks Specification, performance and test requirements for longitudinal load moment indicators and longitudinal load moment
46、limiters 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 5053, ISO 3691-1, ISO 3691-2, ISO 3691-3, ISO 3691-4, ISO 3691-5 and ISO 3691-6 apply. 2) To be published. DD ISO/TS 3691-7:2011ISO/TS 3691-7:2011(E) ISO 2011 All rights reserved 34 Safety requ
47、irements and/or protective measures 4.1 European requirements additional to ISO 3691-1 4.1.1 General The following applies to the self-propelled industrial trucks, other than driverless trucks, variable-reach trucks and burden-carrier trucks, dealt with in ISO 3691-1. These are additional to the req
48、uirements of ISO 3691-1 and, in certain instances, replace them. 4.1.2 Electrical requirements Electrical systems and equipment shall be in accordance with EN 1175-1, EN 1175-2 and EN 1175-3. 4.1.3 Travel speed The travel speed of variable-speed pedestrian-controlled trucks operating on level ground
49、 shall not exceed 6 km/h. The maximum speed on level ground of stand-on trucks and pedestrian-controlled trucks fitted with a foldable platform when the operator is on the platform shall not exceed 16 km/h. See ISO 3691-1:2011, 4.2.3. 4.1.4 Brakes The parking and service brakes of trucks that can travel with an elevated operator position and/or elevated load above 500 mm, and up to and including 1 200 mm, are subject to th
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