1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationBS ISO 24617-1:2012Language resource management Semantic annotation framework (SemAF)Part 1: Time and events (SemAF-Time, ISO-TimeML)BS ISO 24617-1:2012 BRITISH STANDARDNational
2、forewordThis British Standard is the UK implementation of ISO 24617-1:2012. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted toT e c h n i c a l Committee TS/1, Terminology.A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary.This publication does no
3、t purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. The British Standards Institution 2013. Published by BSI Standards Limited 2013.ISBN 978 0 580 64814 4 ICS 01.020 Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunityfrom legal ob
4、ligations.This British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 January 2013.Amendments issued since publicationDate T e x t a f f e c t e dBS ISO 24617-1:2012Reference numberISO 24617-1:2012(E)ISO 2012INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO24617-1First edit
5、ion2012-01-15Language resource management Semantic annotation framework (SemAF) Part 1: Time and events (SemAF-Time, ISO-TimeML) Gestion des ressources langagires Cadre dannotation smantique (SemAF) Partie 1: Temps et vnements (SemAF-Time, ISO-TimeML) BS ISO 24617-1:2012ISO 24617-1:2012(E) COPYRIGHT
6、 PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO 2012 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or I
7、SOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyrightiso.org Web www.iso.org Published in Switzerland ii ISO 2012 All rights reservedBS ISO 24617-1:2012ISO 24617-1:2012(E) ISO 2012 All rig
8、hts reserved iiiContents Page Foreword vi Introduction . vii 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and definitions . 1 4 Overview . 4 5 Motivation and requirements . 4 6 Basic concepts and metamodel . 5 7 Specification of ISO-TimeML 8 7.1 Overview . 8 7.2 Abstract syntax 8 7.2.1 Introduction 8
9、7.2.2 Conceptual inventory 9 7.2.3 Syntax rules . 9 7.3 Concrete XML-based syntax 10 7.3.1 TimeML vs. ISO-TimeML: Stand-off annotation and other differences . 10 7.3.2 Naming conventions . 12 7.3.3 Example annotations 12 7.3.4 Basic elements: , , and . 12 7.3.5 Link elements: , , and . 18 7.3.6 Othe
10、r tags: , and . 22 8 Towards a semantics for ISO-TimeML 26 8.1 Overview . 26 8.2 Tense and aspect in language . 26 8.2.1 Tense 26 8.2.2 Aspect . 26 8.3 Temporal relations 27 8.4 An interval-based semantics for ISO-TimeML 28 8.4.1 Technical preliminaries for interval temporal logic . 28 8.4.2 Basic e
11、vent-structure 29 8.4.3 The interpretation of . 31 8.4.4 Interpretive rule summary 36 8.5 An event-based semantics for ISO-TimeML . 37 8.5.1 Introduction 37 8.5.2 Defining an event-based semantics 38 Annex A (normative) Core annotation guidelines . 41 A.1 Introduction 41 A.2 ISO-TimeML elements and
12、their attributes . 41 A.2.1 The element 41 A.2.2 The element . 48 A.2.3 The element . 55 A.3 The link elements: , , and . 56 A.3.1 Overview . 56 A.3.2 The element 56 A.3.3 The element 59 A.3.4 The element . 61 A.3.5 The element . 62 BS ISO 24617-1:2012ISO 24617-1:2012(E) iv ISO 2012 All rights reser
13、vedAnnex B (informative) Completely annotated examples .63 B.1 Complex TIMEX3 examples 63 B.2 Complex TLINK and SLINK examples .64 B.3 Causative examples 67 Annex C (informative) Event and temporal annotations for Chinese 68 Annex D (informative) Annotation for Italian fragment .74 D.1 Introduction
14、74 D.2 Basic references 74 D.3 ISO-TimeML elements and their attributes .74 D.3.1 How to annotate EVENTs 74 D.3.2 Event identification and tag span 75 D.3.3 What NOT to tag .78 D.3.4 Introductory note .78 D.4 The element .81 D.5 The link tags .82 D.6 Informative: Examples of tense, aspect and mood a
15、nnotation in Italian.82 D.7 Sample of Italian annotation .84 Annex E (informative) Temporal annotation of predicates in Korean .89 E.1 Introduction 89 E.2 Basic references 89 E.3 Morpholoy of Korean predicates 89 E.4 Temporal structure: informative 91 E.5 Temporal annotation of non-Latin texts 92 E.
16、6 Tense .93 E.6.1 Tense markers 93 E.6.2 Annotation guidelines for the attribute tense .95 E.6.3 Contextual interpretation of tense .96 E.7 Aspect 114 E.7.1 Aspect markers . 114 E.7.2 Annotation of aspect markers . 115 E.7.3 Interpretation of aspectual features 116 E.7.4 Interpretation conditions of
17、 aspect . 118 E.8 Modality . 118 E.8.1 Conjectural modal markers . 118 E.8.2 Annotation of modality CONJECTURAL 119 E.8.3 Interpretation of modality CONJECTURAL 120 E.9 Mood 120 E.9.1 Mood markers . 120 E.9.2 Annotation of mood RETROSPECTIVE 121 E.9.3 Interpretation of RETROSPECTIVE mood 122 E.10 Sp
18、ecific values for attributes in Korean 122 E.11 Summary 122 Annex F (informative) Past and current activities on temporal and event annotation . 124 F.1 Introductory remarks 124 F.2 Annotating temporal expressions . 124 F.3 Annotating events . 125 F.4 Annotating relations between times and events .
19、127 F.4.1 Ways of capturing time-event relational information 127 F.4.2 Subordinating and aspectual relations 129 Annex G (informative) Tools and templates 130 G.1 Overview 130 G.2 Annotation tools and templates 130 G.2.1 Overview 130 G.2.2 The ALEMBIC workbench 131 G.2.3 The CALLISTO toolkit . 131
20、G.2.4 The TANGO temporal relation editor 131 G.3 Analytic tools 132 BS ISO 24617-1:2012ISO 24617-1:2012(E) ISO 2012 All rights reserved vG.3.1 Overview . 132 G.3.2 The TARSQI toolkit 132 G.3.3 The IBM TimeML annotator 133 G.3.4 The Amsterdam temporal component extractor 133 G.3.5 The Time Calculus a
21、nalyser . 133 Annex H (normative) Specification . 134 H.1 Requirement . 134 H.2 Attribute classes 134 H.2.1 att.anchored . 134 H.2.2 att.annotate 135 H.2.3 att.id 135 H.2.4 att.lang 135 H.2.5 att.linguistic . 136 H.2.6 att.pointing . 138 H.2.7 att.typed 138 H.3 Elements . 139 H.3.1 . 139 H.3.2 . 139
22、 H.3.3 140 H.3.4 . 141 H.3.5 . 141 H.3.6 142 H.3.7 . 143 H.3.8 145 H.3.9 . 146 H.3.10 146 H.3.11 . 146 H.3.12 146 Bibliography 147 BS ISO 24617-1:2012ISO 24617-1:2012(E) vi ISO 2012 All rights reservedForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of nati
23、onal standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. Internat
24、ional organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the ru
25、les given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at
26、 least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO 24617-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/
27、TC 37, Terminology and other language and content resources, Subcommittee SC 4, Language resource management. ISO 24617 consists of the following parts, under the general title Language resource management Semantic annotation framework (SemAF): Part 1: Time and events (SemAF-Time, ISO-TimeML) Part 2
28、: Dialogue acts The following parts are under preparation: Part 4: Semantic roles (SemAF-SRL) Part 5: Discourse structure (SemAF-DS) The following parts are planned: Part 3: Named entities (SemAF-NE) Part 6: Principles of semantic annotation Part 7: Spatial information (ISO-Space) Part 8: Relations
29、in Discourse (SemAF-DRel) BS ISO 24617-1:2012ISO 24617-1:2012(E) ISO 2012 All rights reserved viiIntroduction This part of ISO 24617 results from the agreement between the TimeML Working Group and the ISO Working Group, ISO/TC 37/SC 4/WG 2, Language resource management Semantic annotation, that a jo
30、int activity should take place to accommodate the two existing documents for annotating temporal information, TimeML 1.2.1 and TimeML Annotation Guidelines, into ISO international standards. This work should lead to the achievement of two objectives: modification of the two documents in conformance
31、to the ISO International Standards; verification of the annotation guidelines for a wide coverage of multilingual resources. It should be noted that this part of ISO 24617 provides normative guidelines not just for temporal information, but also for information content in various types of events in
32、English as well as other languages. BS ISO 24617-1:2012BS ISO 24617-1:2012INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 24617-1:2012(E) ISO 2012 All rights reserved 1Language resource management Semantic annotation framework (SemAF) Part 1: Time and events (SemAF-Time, ISO-TimeML) 1 Scope Temporal information in natur
33、al language texts is an increasingly important component to the understanding of those texts. This part of ISO 24617, SemAF-Time, specifies a formalized XML-based markup language called ISO-TimeML, with a systematic way to extract and represent temporal information, as well as to facilitate the exch
34、ange of temporal information, both between operational language processing systems and between different temporal representation schemes. The use of guidelines for temporal annotation has been fully attested with examples from the TimeBank corpus, a collection of 183 documents that have been annotat
35、ed by TimeML before the current version of ISO-TimeML was formulated. NOTE Throughout this document, SemAF-Time refers to the ISO 24617-1, while ISO-TimeML refers to the annotation language specified in this document. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for th
36、e application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. NOTE The first reference shows how dates and times are represented and the second provides a format for the
37、standoff representation of ISO-TimeML annotation presented here. ISO 8601:2004, Data elements and interchange formats Information interchange Representation of dates and times ISO 24612:2011, Language resource management Linguistic annotation framework (LAF) 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes
38、of this document, the terms and definitions in ISO 8601:2004 and the following apply. NOTE The terms and definitions provided below are provided to clarify the terminology relating to the metamodel, specification, and semantics of ISO-TimeML. Terminology derived from XML and other formal languages a
39、s well as from general temporal logics is not defined here. 3.1 ALINK linking tag that represents a phase relation between an aspectual verb (or morpheme) and a predicate denoting an event (3.5) 3.2 annotation process of adding information to segments of language data or that information itself BS I
40、SO 24617-1:2012ISO 24617-1:2012(E) 2 ISO 2012 All rights reserved3.3 beginning instant (3.6) at which a temporal interval (3.17) begins NOTE Adapted from Hobbs and Pan (2004). 3.4 end instant (3.6) at which a temporal interval (3.17) ends NOTE Adapted from Hobbs and Pan (2004). 3.5 event eventuality
41、 something that can be said to obtain or hold true, to happen or to occur NOTE The term “event” is used here with a very broad notion of event, which includes all kinds of actions, states, processes, etc. It is not to be confused with the more narrow notion of event as something that happens at a ce
42、rtain point in time (such as the clock striking 2, or waking up) or during a short period of time (such as laughing). 3.6 instant point in time with no interior points NOTE Time is often viewed as a straight line from minus infinity to plus infinity. In this view, time is formed by an infinite seque
43、nce of points. An instant can also be seen as an infinitesimally small interval. Cf. OWL-Time Ontology for “instant”: http:/www.w3.org/TR/owl-time/. 3.7 markable entity in general, or segment of a text in particular, that is subject to an annotation (3.2) 3.8 MLINK linking tag that represents the me
44、asurement of the duration of an event (3.5) or the measurement of the length of a (possibly discontinuous) time span 3.9 point of event instant (3.6) at which the event (3.5) mentioned in a given utterance occurs NOTE Next to a point of speech, a point of event also needs to be defined in order to i
45、nterpret tense. For example, in “Arthur smiled”, the temporal location of the point of event can be defined as being prior to the point of speech. 3.10 point of reference instant (3.6) of temporal perspective on the event (3.5) in a given utterance NOTE 1 “Arthur will have gone by tomorrow”, where t
46、he point of speech is now, the point of event is some time in the future, but before the point of reference referred to by “tomorrow”. NOTE 2 To locate certain tenses in time, a third anchor point is also required, defined as the point of reference. 3.11 point of speech time unit (3.17) at which a g
47、iven utterance occurs NOTE 1 The notion of point of speech is needed in order to interpret tense. This requires the use of anchor points in time, of which the point of speech is one (point of text, see 3.12, is another one). For example, in “Arthur smiled”, the point of speech is the time that the u
48、tterance is made. NOTE 2 For a document as a whole, this may be considered to be the same as the document creation time. BS ISO 24617-1:2012ISO 24617-1:2012(E) ISO 2012 All rights reserved 33.12 point of text instant (3.6) at which reported speech is anchored NOTE It is the point of time considered
49、in the text of the speech. So for example, when a person is telling a story, it is not enough to know the point of the speech itself (the document creation time), but the point at which the speech in the story is taking place. 3.13 representation format in which an annotation (3.2) is rendered, for instance in XML, independent of its content 3.14 SLINK linking tag that represents a subordinating relation between two events (3.5) 3.15 temporal interval period uninterrupted stretch of time, with
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