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CAN CGSB-4 162-M80-1980 Hospital Textiles - Flammability Performance Requirements.pdf

1、CGSB CANICGSB- 4-Lb2-M80 * 1874650 0004437 bb7 N AT1 O NA L STANDARD OF CANADA DU CANADA NORME N AT1 O N ALE Hospital Text i I es Textiles - uti I ises Flammability dans les h- Performance pitaux - Requirements Exigences de rsistance a Iinf lamma- bilit6 Canadian General Office des normes Standards

2、Board gnrales du Canada CGSB CANICGSB- 4.Lb2-fl80 XX = This standard has oeen developed by tne CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD !CGSB) for the application stated in the Scope clause The user of this standard is responsiole for ludging its suitability for his particular purpose or application The Can

3、adian General Standards Board develops voluntary standards through standards committees and fhe consenws process All relevant interests are invited to be represented on the standards committees, including producers, consumers and other users, retailers governments, educational institutions, technica

4、l, professional and trade societies and research and testing organizations CGSB is recognized by the Standards Council of Canada as a national standards-writing organization CGSB produces standards to meet part cuiar needs in response to requests from both the public and the private sectors CGSB sta

5、ndards are subject to periodic review to ensure that they keep abreast of technological progress. Suggestions for their improvement, which are always welcome, are brought to the notice of the standards committees concerned. Changes to standards are issued either as separate amendment sheets or in ne

6、w editions of the standards. Further information on CGSB and its services and standards rnay be obtained from. Canadian General Standards Board Ottawa, Canada KIA 1G6 The STANDARDS COUNCIL OF CANADA is the co-ordinating body of the National Standards System. a federation of independent. aute nomous

7、organizations working towards the further development and improvement of voluntary standardization in the national interest. The principal objects of the Council are to foster and promote voluntary standardization as a means of advancing the national economy, benefiting me health, safety and welfare

8、 of the public, assisting and protecting the consumer, facilitating domestic and international trade, and furthering international co-ooeration in the field of standards. A National Standard of Canada is a standard that has been approved by the Standards Council of Canada and one that reflects a rea

9、sonable agreement among the views of a number of capable individuals whose collective interests provide to the greatest practicable extent a balance of representation of producers, users, consumers and others with relevant interests, as rnay be appropriate to the subiect in hand. It normally is a st

10、andard that is capable of making a significant and timely contribu- tion to the national interest Approval by the Standards Council of Canada indicates that a standard conforms to the criteria and prqcedujes established by the Council. Approval does not indicate that a review of the technical conten

11、t of the standard has been made bv the Council; this remains the continuing responsibili h, of the accredited standards-writing organization. Those who have a need to apply standards are encouraged to use National Standards of Canada whenever practicable. These standards are subject to periodic revi

12、ew: therefore, users are cautioned to obtain the latest edition from the organization preparing the standard. National Standards of Canada are approved by the Standards Council of Canada 350 Sparks Street Otiawa, Ontario KIA 7sa L874b50 0004438 5T3 D La oreseqte norme dont lapplication ?st grocIseo

13、3 3ii“pa r,:;? Objet. a ere labore par OFFICE DES NORMES GENE3ALES Jv CANADA (ONGC). Lusager de cette ?orme doit dcider si eiie 2e-t servir ses fins, LOffice des normes generales du Canada redige des normes facultat,en a laide de comits des normes qui se prononcent la majorite des VOIX. Tous les gro

14、upes intresss aux normes a ltude, notamment les fabri- cants, es consommateurs et autres Iisagers, les dtaillants, les gouverve. ments, les institutions denseignement, les associations techniques, professionnelles et commerciales, ainsi que les organismes de rechercne et dessai sont invites A faire

15、partie des comits des normes. LONG: -?st reconnue par le Conseil canadien des normes a titre dorganisme redac- teur de normes nationales. LONGC rdige galement des normes visant des besoins particuliers a la demande tant du secteur prive que du secteur public. tant donn lvolution technique, les norme

16、s de IONGC fonr lobjet de rvisions priodiques. Toutes les suggestions susceptsbies den amliorer la teneur sont accueillies avec grand interet et portees a lattention des comites des normes concernes. Les changements appor- ts aux normes sont publis sous la forme de modificatifs, distincts, ou incorp

17、ores dans les nouvelles ditions des normes. Pour de plus amples renseignements sur IONGC. ses services normes, sadresser : LOffice des normes genrales du Canada Ottawa, Canada K1A 1G6 . . Le CONSEIL CANADIEN DES NORMES est Iorgansme de coordina- tion du Systeme de normes nationales, une fderation do

18、rganismes independants et autonomes qui travaillent au develoopement 2t a Iamelioratiom de la normalisation volontaire dans linter . national Les principaix buts du Conseil sont dencourager et de promwvoir la normalisation volontaire comme moyen dameliorer 8economie nationale, damliorer la sant, la

19、scurit et le bien-btre du public, daider et de protvr le consommateur, de faciliter le commerce rational et international et de favoriser la coopration internationale dans le domaine de la normalisation. Une Norme nationale du Canada est une norme, approuve par le Conseil canadien des normes, qui re

20、flete une entente raisonnable oarmi les points de vue dun certain nombre de personnes competentes dont les intrets reunis forment, au degr le plus lev possible, une representation quilibre des producteurs, utilisateurs, consommateurs et au tres personnes intresses, selon le domaine envisas. I I sagi

21、t genralemenr dune norme qui peut apporter une contribution apprciable, en temps oppormn, a Iintn?t national. Lapprobation du Conseil canadien des normes indique quune norme est conforme ax critres et mthodes tablis par le Conseil. Eile nin- dique pas que le Conseil a procd une tude de laspect Techn

22、ique de ia norme, cette tude demeurant la responsabilit de Ioryi.iiw rdacteur de normes accrdit. II est recommande aux personnes qui ont besoin de normes de se jemir des Normes nationales du Canada lorsque la chose est posible. Ces normes font lobier dexamens priodiques; cest pourquoi 11 est recom-

23、mande ax utilisateurs de se procurer Ibdition la plus rkente de ia norme aipres de lorganisme qui la prpare. Les Normes nationales du Canada sont approuvees oar e Conseil canadien des normes 350, rue Sparks Ottawa, Ontario KIR 7% CGSB CAN/CGSB- Y.ItbZ-fl80 sx 1874650 0004433 43“ NATIONAL STANDARD OF

24、 CANADA NORME NATIONALE DU CANADA HOSPITAL TEXT1 LES - FLAMMABILITY PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS TEXTILES UTI LISES DANS LES HPITAUX - EXIGENCES DE RSISTANCE LINFLAMMABILIT This standard is expressed in SI (Metric) units in response to the requirements of Canadas metric conversion program. Les valeurs d

25、e la prsente norme sont exprimes en units SI (mtriques) conformment aux exigences du Programme canadien de conversion au systme mtrique. Prepared by Canadian General Standards Board Approved by %Canada tandards Council Published June 1980 by the Canadian General Standards Board c Minister of Supply

26、and Services Canada - 1980 No pan of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the publtsher. Prpare par lOffice des normes gnrales du Canada Approuve par le Conseil canadien ad es normes Publie, juin 1980, par lOffice des normes gnrales du Canada O C Mmi,tie des

27、 Approvisionnements et Services Canada - 1980 Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut tre reproduite d aucune manire sans la permission pralable de lditeur CGSB CANKGSB- 4.1bz-rn80 t* rn 1874650 o004440 151 m CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD OFFICE DES NORMES GENERALES DU CANADA COMMITTEE ON FLAM

28、MABILITY OF HOSPITAL TEXT1 LES COMIT DE LINFLAMMABILIT DES TEXTILES UTILISS DANS LES HPITAUX (Membership at date of approval by the Committee) lComposition a ia date dapprobation) Ontario Research Foundation Technical Services Laboratory (Manitoba) Dominion Textile Inc. Ontario Hospital Association

29、National Research Council of Canada Ottawa Civic Hospiral Waterloo Bedding Co. Ltd. Underwriters Laboratories of Canada Department of Public Works Department of National Health and Welfare (Dominion Fire Commissioners Office) Canadian Hospi tal Associa ti on Department of Consumer and Corporate Affa

30、irs Lac-Mac Ltd. G.A. Hardie Co. Du Pont Canada lnc. Canadian Carpet Institute Ottawa Regional Hospital Linen Service Canadian Textiles Institute Centennial Hospirai Linen Service Vernon Jubilee Hospital (B rit ish Col um bia) Wabasso Ltd. Erco Industries Ltd. CGSB/DSS Williams, Dr M.J. Chairman/PrS

31、sident Bawden, G. Connor, J.B. Dabbs, H.M. Day, Dr M. Graham, A.E. Healy, M.J. Higginson, P. Hornby, S. Irvine, T.C Jones, G.G.L. Kasem, Dr M.A. Keenan, W. McCauley, C.W. Monk, W.B. Nance, P. Rainville, i. Robertson, J.M. Rutherford, L. Sasseville, A.E. Mrs.!Mme Sewell, W.R. Talanow, N. Macdonald, M

32、.R. Secretarv/Secrtaire Fondatior de recherches de lOntario Technical Services Laborarory (Manitoba) Dominion Textile Inc. Ontario Hospital Association Conseil national de recherches du Canada Hpital Civic dOttawa Waterloo Bedding Co. Ltd. U nde r w r i te r s La bora t or i es of Ca n ad a Minister

33、e des Tiavaux publics Ministre de la Sant nationale et du Ben-etr- Association des hpitaux du Canada Ministre de la Consommation ST des Corporations Lac-Mac Ltd. G.A. Hardie Co. DU Pont Canada Inc. Institut canadien du tapis Ottawa Regional Hospital Linen S?rv-c:, Institut canadien des textiles Cent

34、ennial Hospital Linen Servict. Vernon Jubilee Hospital (British Col um bia) Wabasso Lte Erco Industries Ltd. ON GC/M AS (Bureau du Commissaire fdrai des incerdicsi social Acknowledgement is made for the French translation of this National Standard of Canada by the Translation Bureau of the 0.:. J th

35、e Secretary of State and the technical editing of the translation bv the Supply Information and Data Management Branch of t*. :. , I -ent of Supply and Services. La prsente Norme nationale du Canada a et6 traduite en francais par le Bureau des traductions du Secrtariat dtat. La rvisonsihilty of the

36、hospital to ensure that the flame retardant IrPalmenrs be applied as required to guarantee that the articles conrinue to comply with the requirements of this standard. - REMARQUE 1: Lorsquil sagit de sassurer quils satisfont aux exigences prescrites, les articles textiles reconnus comme ayant reus u

37、n apprt non durable peuvent tre soumis a les- sai “ltat de rception“ seulement lorsque lutilisateur est en mesure de rappliquer un apprt quivalent aprs le lavage afin de conserver le degr requis de retard linflammation. Lorsquon adopte cette faon de procder, il incombe aux au- torits de lhpital de s

38、assurer que les traitements retardateurs de iinflammation sont appliqus de faon garantir que les articles satisfont toujours aux exigences de la norme. CAN2-4.162-M80 CGSB CAN/CGSB- Li.lb2-MBO * m L874b50 0004443 9b0 m direction from the nearest point of the cigarette in its original location and by

39、 observifig the presence of combustion in the mattress covering and within the mattress specimen after the cigarette is extin- guished. The method of test described in CAN2-4.2-M, Method 27.7 - Combustion Resistance of Mattresses - Cigarette Test (Appendix D) shall apply. 4.2.1 Ten specimens represe

40、ntative of the mattress con- struction to be evaluated shall be tested; if one fails, another five shall be tested, all of which must pass. Failure is recorded: a. when any part of the damaged area of the surface of the specimen exceeds 50 mm in any direction from the cigarette. b. when any combusti

41、on continues in the mattress assembly 10 min after the cigarette has extin- guished. 4.3 Bed Linen - The flammability of bed linen shall be evaluated by supporting a specimen of the given material at an angle of 45“ and exposing its upper surface to a flame for a period of 1 s. The degree of flammab

42、ility shall be determined by measuring the time taken for a flame to spread up the fabric a distance of 127 mm. The method of test described in CAN2-4.2-M, Method 27.5 - Flame Resistance - 45“ Angle Test - One Second Flame Impingement (Appendix BI shall apply. 4.3.1 Five specimens shall be tested an

43、d to be judged acceptable for bed linen, all of these must be either: a. not ignite, b. ignite but not burn the stop cord (as per Method 27.51, c. have a flame spread time (.e. time to burn the stop cord) of more than 7 s where the products do not have a raised-fiber surface, or d. have a flame spre

44、ad time of more than 7 s where the products have a raised-fiber surface and exhibit ignition or fusion of their base fibers. 4.3.2 Bed linen shall conform with the specified degree of flame resistance, after one laundering (CAN2-4.2-M, Method 34 B.4) (NOTE 1). 4.4 Window Drapes and Cubicle Curtains

45、- The flamma- bility of a window drape or a cubicle curtain shall be assessed by applying a flame for a specified time to the lower edge of a specimen held vertically. The partir du point le plus rapproch de la cigarette dans sa position initiale et en observant sil y a un indice de combustion sur l

46、enveloppe du matelas et a lintrieur de ce dernier aprs quon a teint la cigarette. La m- thode dessai 27.7, Rsistance des matelas la combus- tion - Essai de brlure de cigarette (annexe O), dcrite dans la norme CAN2-4.2-M sapplique ici. Dix spcimens reprsentatifs du matelas qui doit tre valu doivent t

47、re soumis lessai; si un spcimen ne satisfait pas aux exigences, cinq autres doivent tre soumis et doivent tous tre satisfaisants. Un spcimen ne satisfait pas aux exigences lorsque: a. toute brlure la surface du spcimen dpasse 50 mm dans nimporte quelle direction partir de la cigarette b. toute combu

48、stion se perptue dans le matelas 10 min aprs que la cigarette ait t teinte. Literie - II faut dterminer linflammabilit de la lite- rie en soutenant un spcimen dun tissu donn un angle de 45“ et en exposant sa face suprieure une flamme pendant 1 s. Le degr dinflammabilit doit tre dtermin en mesurant l

49、e temps que prend la flamme pour se propager sur une distance de 127 mm. La mthode dessai 27.5, Rsistance linflammabilit sous un angle de 45“ - Application de la flamme pen- dant une seconde (annexe B), dcrite dans la norme CAN2-4.2-M sapplique ici. Cinq spcimens doivent tre soumis lessai et, afin que la

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