1、Amendment 1Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4-34: Testing and measurement techniques Voltag e dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests for equipment with mains current more than 16 A per phaseAmendement 1Compatibilit lectromagntique (CEM) Partie 4-34 : Techniques dessa
2、i et de mesure Essais dimmunit aux creux de tension, coupures brves et variations de tension pour matriel ayant un courant dalimentation de plus de 16A par phaseAmendment 1:2010 (IDT) to National Standard of CanadaModification 1:2010 (IDT) la Norme nationale du CanadaCAN/CSA-CEI/IEC 61000-4-34-06(CE
3、I/IEC 61000-4-34:2005, IDT)NOT FOR RESALE.PUBLICATION NON DESTINE LA REVENTE.CSA Standards Update ServiceAmendment 2:2010 toCAN/CSA-CEI/IEC 61000-4-34-06December 2010Title: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4-34: Testing and measurement techniques Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage
4、 variations immunity tests for equipment with mains current more than 16 A per phasePagination:18 pages To register for e-mail notification about any updates to this publicationgo to www.shopcsa.caclick on E-mail Services under MY ACCOUNTclick on CSA Standards Update ServiceThe List ID that you will
5、 need to register for updates to this publication is 2418080.If you require assistance, please e-mail techsupportcsa.ca or call 416-747-2233.Visit CSAs policy on privacy at www.csagroup.org/legal to find out how we protect your personal information.Service de mise jour desnormesCSAModification 1:201
6、0 laCAN/CSA-CEI/IEC 61000-4-34-06Dcembre 2010Titre : Compatibilit lectromagntique (CEM) Partie 4-34 : Techniques dessai et de mesure Essais dimmunit aux creux de tension, coupures brves et variations de tension pour matriel ayant un courant dalimentation de plus de 16A par phaseNombre de pages : 18
7、pages Vous devez vous inscrire pour recevoir les avis transmis par courriel au sujet des mises jour apportes ce document :allez au www.shopcsa.cacliquez sur Services par courriel en dessous de MON COMPTEcliquez sur Service de mise jour des normes CSA Le numro didentification dont vous avez besoin po
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9、 protgeons vos renseignements personnels.IEC 61000-4-34Edition 1.0 2009-05INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALEElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4-34: Testing and measurement techniques Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests for equipment with mains curr
10、ent more than 16 A per phase Compatibilit lectromagntique (CEM) Partie 4-34: Techniques dessai et de mesure Essais dimmunit aux creux de tension, coupures brves et variations de tension pour matriel ayant un courant dalimentation de plus de 16 A par phase IEC61000-4-34:2005/A1:2009 BASIC EMC PUBLICA
11、TION PUBLICATION FONDAMENTALE EN CEMAMENDMENT 1 AMENDEMENT 1 THIS PUBLICATION IS COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Copyright 2009 IEC, Geneva, Switzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanica
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25、ou si vous avez des questions, visitez le FAQ du Service clients ou contactez-nous: Email: csciec.ch Tl.: +41 22 919 02 11 Fax: +41 22 919 03 00 IEC 61000-4-34Edition 1.0 2009-05INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALEElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4-34: Testing and measurement techniqu
26、es Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests for equipment with mains current more than 16 A per phase Compatibilit lectromagntique (CEM) Partie 4-34: Techniques dessai et de mesure Essais dimmunit aux creux de tension, coupures brves et variations de tension pour matri
28、lectrotechnical Commission Marque dpose de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale 2 61000-4-34 Amend. 1 IEC:2009 FOREWORD This amendment has been prepared by subcommittee 77A: Low frequency phenomena, of IEC technical committee 77: Electromagnetic compatibility. The text of this amendment is
29、based on the following documents: Enquiry draft Report on voting 77A/670/CDV 77A/688/RVCFull information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table. The committee has decided that the contents of this amendment and the base publ
30、ication will remain unchanged until the maintenance result date indicated on the IEC web site under “http:/webstore.iec.ch“ in the data related to the specific publication. At this date, the publication will be reconfirmed, withdrawn, replaced by a revised edition, or amended. The contents of the co
31、rrigendum of October 2009 have been included in this copy. _ Main title Replace the part title on the cover page, the title page, above the Foreword and the Scope by the following: Part 4-34: Testing and measurement techniques Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests f
32、or equipment with mains current more than 16 A per phase 1 Scope Replace the entire second paragraph of the scope by the following: This standard applies to electrical and electronic equipment having a rated mains current exceeding 16 A per phase. (See Annex E for guidance on electrical and electron
33、ic equipment rated at more than 200 A per phase.) It covers equipment installed in residential areas as well as industrial machinery, specifically voltage dips and short interruptions for equipment connected to either 50 Hz or 60 Hz a.c. networks, including 1-phase and 3-phase mains. NOTE 1 Equipmen
34、t with a rated mains current of 16 A or less per phase is covered by publication IEC 61000-4-11. NOTE 2 There is no upper limit on rated mains current in this publication. However, in some countries, the rated mains current may be limited to some upper value, for example 75 A or 250 A, because of ma
35、ndatory safety standards. 3.6 rated input voltage Delete this term and definition and renumber the following terms and definitions accordingly. Amendment 1:2010 to CAN/CSA-CEI/IEC 61000-4-34-0661000-4-34 Amend. 1 IEC:2009 3 5 Test levels Modify the first sentence as follows: The voltages in this sta
36、ndard use the rated voltage for the equipment as a basis for voltage test level specification (UT). 5.1 Voltage dips and short interruptions Delete the last two paragraphs before Table 1, beginning with “Shorter durations in the table”, and ending with “after the voltage dip.” Table 1 Preferred test
37、 level and durations for voltage dips Replace the existing Table 1 by the following new Table 1: ClassesaTest level and durations for voltage dips (ts) (50 Hz/60 Hz) Class 1 Case-by-case according to the equipment requirements Class 2 0 % during 1 cycle 70 % during 25/30c cycles Class 3 0 % during 1
38、 cycle 40 %dduring 10/12c cycles 70 % during 25/30c cycles 80 % during 250/300ccycles Class XbX X X X aClasses as per IEC 61000-2-4; see Annex B. bTo be defined by product committee. For equipment connected directly or indirectly to public network, the levels must not be less severe than class 2. c
39、“25/30 cycles“ means “25 cycles for 50 Hz test“ and “30 cycles for 60 Hz test“, “10/12 cycles” means “10 cycles for 50 Hz test” and “12 cycles for 60 Hz test” and “250/300 cycles” means “250 cycles for 50 Hz test” and “300 cycles for 60 Hz test”. dMay be replaced by product committee with a test lev
40、el of 50 % for equipment that is intended primarily for 200 V or 208 V nominal operation. 5.2 Voltage variations (optional) Add the following paragraph immediately below Table 3: For voltage variations in three-phase systems with or without neutral, all the three phases shall be tested simultaneousl
41、y. Simultaneous voltage variations in three-phase systems are positioned at the zero-crossing of one of the voltages. Amendment 1:2010 to CAN/CSA-CEI/IEC 61000-4-34-06 4 61000-4-34 Amend. 1 IEC:2009 Table 4 Generator specifications Replace the existing Table 4 by the following new Table 4: Output vo
42、ltage at no load As required in Table 1, 5 % of residual voltage value Voltage at the output of the generator during equipment test As required in Table 1, 10 % of residual voltage value, measured as r.m.s. value refreshed each cycle per IEC 61000-4-30 Output current capability See Annex A Peak inru
43、sh current capability (no requirement for voltage variation tests) See Annex A Instantaneous peak overshoot/undershoot of the actual voltage, generator loaded with resistive load see NOTE 1 Less than 5 % of UTVoltage rise (and fall) time tr(and tf), during abrupt change, generator loaded with resist
44、ive load see NOTE A and NOTE 1 Between 1 s and 5 s for current 75 A Between 1 s and 50 s for current 75 A Phase angle at which the voltage dip begins and ends 0 to 360 with a maximum resolution of 5, see NOTE B Phase relationship of voltage dips and interruptions with the power frequency Less than 5
45、 Zero crossing control of the generators 10 NOTE A These values must be checked with a resistive load as per NOTE 1 after this table, but they need not be checked when an EUT is connected. NOTE B Phase angle adjustment may be required to comply with 5.1. 6.1.1 Characteristics and performance of the
46、generator Replace the last sentence before NOTE 1 by the following: For generating interruptions, a high impedance open circuit is permitted. 8.2.1 Voltage dips and short interruptions Delete, in the second paragraph, “except for cycle test which shall occur at 90” Delete the entire NOTE after the s
47、econd paragraph. Replace the last sentence of the sixth paragraph by the following: See Figure 3a, Figure 3b and Figure 3c. Replace the last sentence of the seventh paragraph by the following: See Figure 3b and Figure 3c. Annex A Test generator peak inrush current drive capability Replace the title
48、of Annex A as follows: Amendment 1:2010 to CAN/CSA-CEI/IEC 61000-4-34-0661000-4-34 Amend. 1 IEC:2009 5 Annex A (normative) Test generator current drive capability Add the following new paragraph as the second paragraph of Annex A: During voltage dip testing on polyphase loads, the current on non-dip
49、ped phases may increase to as much as 200 % of the rated current, for the duration of the dip. Replace the existing second paragraph (now third paragraph) by the following: Current capablility at the output of a test generator may be a function of both the test generator and of the a.c. mains source that supplies power t
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