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本文(CAN CSA-E598-2-17-1998 Luminaires - Part 2 Particular requirements - Section Seventeen Luminaires for stage lighting television and film studios (outdoor and indoor) (First Editio.pdf)为本站会员(吴艺期)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

CAN CSA-E598-2-17-1998 Luminaires - Part 2 Particular requirements - Section Seventeen Luminaires for stage lighting television and film studios (outdoor and indoor) (First Editio.pdf

1、Luminaires Deuxime partie: Rgles particulires Section dix-sept Luminaires pour Iclairage des scenes de thtre, pour prises de vues de tlvision et de cinema (a lextrieur et a Iintrieur) Luminaires Part 2: Particular requirements Section Seventeen Luminaires for stage lighting, television and film stud

2、ios (outdoor and indoor) CE 1984 Dro Is de repodjclion rsers Ccoyrignt h:s reseRed Bre8u CentaJ de Je CommissJon EJecrotechniqus Jrteinatjonele 3, rje ce Varembd Genve, Ssse Norme nationale du Canada CAN/GSA -E598-2- 17-98 National Standard of Canada La norme internationale CEI/IEC 598-2-17:1984 (pr

3、emiere edition, 1984), y compris Modifications 1:1987 et 2:1990, a t adopte, avec exigences propres aux Canada, et porte maintenant la designation CAN/CSA-E598-2-17-98. Rile a t approuve comme Norme nationale du Canada par le Conseil canadien des normes. ISSN 0317-8935 Mars 1998 International Standa

4、rd CEI/IEC 598-2-17:1984 (first edition, 1984), including Amendments 1:1987 and 2:1990, has been adopted with Canadian deviations as CSA Standard CAN/CSA-E598-2-17-98, which has been approved as a National Standard of Canada by the Standards Council of Canada. ISSNO317-5669 March1998 Revision de la

5、prsente publication Revision of this publication Le conlenu technique des publications de Ia CE I est constam- ment revu par Ia Commission afin dassurer quil reflte bien ltat actuel de la technique. Les renseignements relatifs a cc travail de revision, a ltablis- sement des editions rvisCes et aux m

6、ises a jour peuvent tre obtenus auprs des Comits nationaux de la C El et en consultant les documents ci-dessous: Bulletin de la CE I Annuaire de Ia CEI Catalogue des publications de La CE! Publi annuellement Terminologie En cc qui concerne la tcrminologie gCnCrale, le lecteur se repor- tera ala Publ

7、ication 50 de Ia CEI: Vocabulaire Electrotechnique International (VEI), qui est tablie sous forme de chapitres spars traitant chacun dun sujet dfini, lIndex gnral tant publi spa- rment. Des details complets sur le VEI peuvent tre obtenus sur demande. Les termes et definitions figurant dans Ia prsent

8、e publication ont t soit repris du VET, sod spcifiquement approuvs aux fins de cette publication. Symboles graphiques et littraux Pour les symboles graphiques, sym boles littraux et signes dusage gnral approuvs par Ia CET. le lecteur consultera: Ia Publication 27 de Ia CEI: Symboles littraux a utili

9、ser en lectrotechnique Ia Publication 617 de La C El: Symboles graphiques pour schmas. Les symboles et signes contenus dans la prsente publication ont t soit repris des Publications 27 ou 617 de la CEI, Soil spcifi- quement approuvs aux fins de cette publication. Publications de Ia CEI tablies par l

10、e mme Comit dEtudes Lattention du lecteur est attire sur les pages 3 et 4 de Ia cou- verture, qui numrent les publications de la CE I prpares par Ic Comit dEtudes qui a tabli la prsente publication. The technical content of I BC publications is kept under con- stant review by the I EC, thus ensuring

11、 that the content reflects current technology. Information on the work of revision, the issue of revised edi- tions and amendment sheets may be obtained from I EC National Committees and from the following I E C sources: IEC Bulletin IEC Yearbook Catalogue of! E C Publications Published yearly Termi

12、nology For general terminology, readers are referred to I E C Publica- tion 50: International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (1EV), which is issued in the form of separate chapters each dealing with a specific field, the General Index being published as a separate booklet. Full details of the 1EV will

13、be supplied on request. The terms and definitions contained in the present publication have either been taken from the 1EV or have been specifically approved for the purpose of this publication. Graphical and letter symbols For graphical symbols, and letter symbols and signs approved by the I E C fo

14、r general use, readers are referred to: I EC Publication 27: Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology; I E C Publication 617: Graphical symbols for diagrams. The symbols and signs contained in the present publication have either been taken from IEC Publications 27 or 617, or have been spec

15、ifically approved for the purpose of this publication. I E C publications prepared by the same Technical Committee The attention of readers is drawn to pages 3 and 4 of the cover, which list I EC publications issued by the Technical Committee which has prepared the present publication. Note lutilisa

16、teur General InstructionFiche n 2 No. 2oCAN/CSA-E598-2-17-98 CAN/CSA-E598-2-17-98Septembre 2002 September 2002Titre : Luminaires Deuxime partie : Rgles Title: Luminaires Part 2: Particularparticulires Section dix-sept Luminaires pour requirements Section Seventeen Luminaires forlclairage des scnes d

17、e thtre, pour prises de vues de stage lighting, television and film studios (outdoortlvision et de cinma ( lextrieur et lintrieur) and indoor) originally published March 1998publie initialement en mars 1998Les modifications suivantes aux exigences propres au The following revisions to the CanadianCa

18、nada ont t officiellement approuves. Elles sont deviations have been formally approved and arepublies dans les feuilles rvises ci-jointes et sont marked by the symbol delta () in the margin onindiques par le symbole delta () dans la marge : the attached replacement pages:Modification Article 17.1 Re

19、vised Clause 17.1Ajout Aucun New NoneAbrogation Aucune Deleted NoneLa norme CAN/CSA-E598-2-17-98 comptait CSA Standard CAN/CSA-E598-2-17-98 originally42 pages (CSA/1 CSA/7 et 35 pages de texte). consisted of 42 pages (CSA/1CSA/7 and Elle compte maintenant les pages suivantes : 35 text). It now consi

20、sts of the following pages:CSA/1CSA/4 dated March 1998 and 135;CSA/1 CSA/4 dates de Mars 1998 et 1 35 ;etCSA/5 CSA/7 dates de Septembre 2002.andCSA/5CSA/7 dated September 2002.! Insrez les feuilles rvises dans votre exemplaire ! Update your copy by inserting these revisedde la norme pour la tenir jo

21、ur. pages.! Conservez les pages primes titre de rfrence. ! Keep the pages you remove for reference.CAN/CSA-E598-2-17-98Luminaires Part 2: Particular requirements SectionSeventeen Luminaires for stage lighting, television andfilm studios (outdoor and indoor)September 2002(Replaces p. CSA/5, March 199

22、8) Canadian Standards AssociationCSA/5ForewordThe Canadian Standards Association provides certification services for manufacturers who, under licensefrom CSA, wish to use the appropriate registered CSA Marks on certain products of their manufacture toindicate conformity with CSA Standards.CSA certif

23、ication for a number of products is provided in the interest of maintaining agreed-uponstandards of quality, performance, interchangeability and/or safety, as appropriate. Where applicable,certification may form the basis for acceptance by inspection authorities responsible for enforcement ofregulat

24、ions. Where feasible, programs will be developed for additional products for which certification isdesired by producers, consumers or other interests.In performing its functions in accordance with its objectives, CSA does not assume or undertake todischarge any responsibility of the manufacturer or

25、any other party. The opinions and findings of theAssociation represent its professional judgement given with due consideration to the necessarylimitations of practical operation and state of the art at the time the Standard is processed.Products in substantial accord with this Standard but which exh

26、ibit a minor difference or a new featuremay be deemed to meet the Standard providing the feature or difference is found acceptable utilizingappropriate CSA Certification Division operating procedures. Products which comply with this Standardshall not be certified if they are found to have additional

27、 features which are inconsistent with the intentof this Standard. Products shall not be certifiable if they are discovered to contravene applicable Federallaws or regulations. Testing techniques, test procedures and instrumentation frequently must beprescribed by the CSA Certification Division in ad

28、dition to the technical requirements contained in CSAStandards. In addition to markings specified in the Standard, the CSA Certification and Testing Division mayrequire special cautions, markings and instructions that are not specified by the Standard.Some tests required by CSA Standards may be inhe

29、rently hazardous. The Association neither assumesnor accepts any responsibility for any injury or damage that may occur during or as the result of tests,wherever performed, whether performed in whole or in part by the manufacturer or the Association,and whether or not any equipment, facility or pers

30、onnel for or in connection with the test is furnished bythe manufacturer or the Association.Manufacturers should note that, in the event of the failure of the CSA Certification and Testing Divisionto resolve an issue arising from the interpretation of requirements, there is an appeal procedure: thec

31、omplainant should submit the matter, in writing, to the Secretary of the Canadian StandardsAssociation.If this Standard is to be used in obtaining CSA certification please remember, when making applicationfor certification, to request all current amendments, bulletins, notices and technical informat

32、ion lettersthat may be applicable and for which there may be a nominal charge. For such information or forfurther information concerning details about CSA certification please address your inquiry to theApplications and Records Section, Canadian Standards Association, 178 Rexdale Boulevard, Etobicok

33、e, Ontario M9W 1R3.CAN/CSA-E598-2-17-98Luminaires Deuxime partie : Rgles particulires Section dix-sept Luminaires pour lclairage des scnes de thtre, pour prises de vues detlvision et de cinma ( lextrieur et lintrieur)CSA/6 Association canadienne de normalisation (Remplace p. CSA/6, Mars 1998)Septemb

34、re 2002Exigences propres au CanadaLa norme internationale CEI/IEC 598-2-17:1984 (premire dition), y compris les amendements 1:1987et 2:1990, a servi de base la norme CAN/CSA-E598-2-17. Cette norme contient les exigences propresau Canada qui suivent en plus de celles nonces dans la norme CAN/CSA-E605

35、98-1:02.17.1 Domaine dapplication)Remplacer cet article par ce qui suitCette norme dtaille les prescriptions applicables aux luminaires pour lclairage des scne de thtre,des studios de tlvision, de cinma et de photographie (y compris les projecteurs intensifs et extensifs), utiliser lextrieur et lint

36、rieur avec des lampes filament de tungstne, des lampes tubulaires fluorescence at autres lampes dcharge conues pour tre installes sur des drivations dune tensionnominale dau plus 600 V entre conducteurs, conformment la norme CSA C22.1-02, Code canadiende llectricit, Premire partie. Elle doit tre lue

37、 conjointement avec les articles de la norme CAN/CSA-E60598-1 auxquels il est fait rfrence. Notes :1) Un crochet (trier) fait partie du luminaire. Les supports tels que trpieds, flches tlescopique etsuspensions ne font pas partie du luminaire. Le cas chant, les ballasts sont incorpors au luminaire o

38、u ensont spars. 2) Les fabricants qui conoivent des produits pour le march canadien pourront trouver un rsum utile desexigences relatives aux appareils du Code canadien de llectricit, Premire partie dans la publication spcialeCSA SPE-2000-94, Guide for Electrical Equipment for Installation and Use i

39、n Canada.17.5.7Remplacer larticle par ce qui suitLes luminaires qui ne comportent pas de protection contre lclatement des lampes (voir paragraphe17.6.3) doivent porter lavertissement suivant : ATTENTION. Nutiliser que des lampes pourvues dune enveloppe extrieure complte. 17.6.3Rviser le quatrime par

40、agraphe comme suitLe luminaire est cens satisfaire la prescription concernant labsence de trajectoire directe si lesouvertures sont masques par une toile mtallique mailles ne dpassant pas 3 mm ou par un labyrinthe. 17.10.1Ajouter un nouveau paragrapheLes luminaires portatifs doivent tre quips dun co

41、rdon souple ou dun ensemble spcial deconducteurs sous enveloppe : a) ayant des caractristiques nominales au moins gales celles des types J, SJO et SJT (trs rsistant) ;b) du type pour utilisation lextrieur comme SJOW ou SJTW pour luminaires pour emplacementmouill ou humide ; c) ayant un courant admis

42、sible suffisant ; cependant, les conducteurs ne doivent en aucun cas tre desection infrieure 18 AWG ; d) se terminant par une fiche avec mise la terre si mise la terre est exige ; e) convenant la temprature en service. CAN/CSA-E598-2-17-98Luminaires Part 2: Particular requirements SectionSeventeen L

43、uminaires for stage lighting, television andfilm studios (outdoor and indoor)September 2002(Replaces p. CSA/7, March 1998) Canadian Standards AssociationCSA/7Canadian DeviationsInternational Standard CEI/IEC 598-2-17:1984 (first edition), including Amendments 1:1987 and 2:1990,forms the basis for CS

44、A Standard CAN/CSA-E598-2-17, which contains the following deviations inaddition to those shown in CSA Standard CAN/CSA-E60598-1:02.17.1 Scope)Replace this clause with the followingThis Standard specifies requirements for stage, television, film and photographic studio luminaires(including spot and

45、floodlighting projectors) for use, outdoors and indoors, with tungsten filament,tubular fluorescent, and other discharge lamps designed to be installed on branch circuits not exceeding600 V nominal or less between conductors in accordance with the rules of CSA Standard C22.1-02, Canadian Electrical

46、Code, Part I. It is to be read in conjunction with those clauses of CSA StandardCAN/CSA-E60598-1 to which reference is made.Notes: (1) A hanger (stirrup) is a part of the luminaire. Supporting devices such as tripods, telescopic booms, and suspensionsare not parts of the luminaire. Where applicable,

47、 ballasts are built into or mounted separately from the luminaire.(2) Manufacturers designing products for use in Canada may find a helpful summary of the equipment-relatedrequirements of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, in CSA Special Publication SPE-2000-94, Guide for ElectricalEquipment for

48、Installation and Use in Canada.17.5.7 Replace clause as followsLuminaires that do not have protection against shattering lamps (see Clause 17.6.3) shall be marked asfollows:WARNING: USE ONLY LAMPS PROVIDED WITH AN INTEGRAL OUTER LAMP ENVELOPE.17.6.3 Revise the fourth paragraph as followsThe luminaire is deemed to comply with the direct-path requirements if openings are screened with amesh with openings not exceeding 3 mm or are screened with a labyrinth.17.10.1 Add a new paragraphPortable luminaires shall be provided with a length of flexibl

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