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CAN CSA-E60335-2-67-2001 Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances - Part 2 Particular Requirements for Floor Treatment and Floor Cleaning Machines for Industrial and C.pdf

1、CSA INTERNATIONAL - - National Standard of Canada CAN/CSA-E60335Z-67-01 Norme nationale du Canada International Standard CEI/IEC 60335-2-67: 1997 (second edition, 1997-02), including Amendment 1:2000 has been adopted with Canadian deviations as CSA Standard CANKSA-E60335-2-67-01, which has been appr

2、oved as a National Standard of Canada by the Standards Council of Canada. ISBN I-55324-522-9 March 2001 I I La norme intemationale CEI/IEC 60335-2-67: 1997 (dew - la CEI 417: Symboles graphiques utilisables SW le matWe/. Index, relevd et compilation des feuilles individuelles; - la CEI 617: Symboles

3、 graphiques pour schbmas; et pour les appareils Blectrom - IEC 417: Graphical symbols for use on equipment. Index, survey and compilation of the single sheets; - IEC 617: Graphical symbols for diagrams; and for medical electrical equipment, - IEC 878: Graphical symbols for electromedical equipment i

4、n medical practice. The symbols and signs contained in the present publication have either been taken from IEC 27, IEC 417. IEC 617 and/or IEC 878, or have been specifically approved for the purpose of this publication. IEC publications prepared by the same technical committee The attention of reade

5、rs is drawn to the end pages of this publication which list the IEC publications issued by the technical committee which has prepared the present publication. Service de mise jour des normesCAN/CSA-E60335-2-67-01Mars 2001Titre : Scurit des appareils lectrodomestiques et analogues Partie 2: Rgles par

6、ticulires pour les machines de traitement et de nettoyage des sols, usage industriel et commercialNombre de pages : 44 pages (CSA/1CSA/9 et 35 pages de texte)Vous devez vous inscrire pour recevoir les avis transmis par courriel au sujet des mises jour apportes ce document :allez au shop.csa.caclique

7、z sur Service de mises jourLe numro didentification dont vous avez besoin pour vous inscrire pour les mises jour apportes ce document est le 2011952.Si vous avez besoin daide, veuillez nous contacter par courriel au ou par tlphone au 416-747-2233.Consultez la politique du Gro

8、upe CSA en matire de confidentialit au pour savoir comment nous protgeons vos renseignements personnels.Standards Update ServiceCAN/CSA-E60335-2-67-01March 2001Title: Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Part 2: Particular requirements for floor treatment and floo

9、r cleaning machines, for industrial and commercial usePagination: 44 pages (CSA/1CSA/9 and 35 text)To register for e-mail notification about any updates to this publicationgo to shop.csa.caclick on CSA Update ServiceThe List ID that you will need to register for updates to this publication is 201195

10、2.If you require assistance, please e-mail or call 416-747-2233.Visit CSA Groups policy on privacy at to find out how we protect your personal information.LAssociation canadienne de normalisation, maintenant connue sous le nom Mars 200 7 0 CSA International

11、 - 200 7 Tous droits rservs. Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut tre reproduite par quelque moyen que ce soit sans /a permission pralable de lditeur. 1 impression du document CE/ a t autorise. Lorsque le texte dit “cette norme internationale”, le lecteur doit comprendre “cette Norme nationale

12、 du Canada”. Toute demande de renseignements sur cette Norme nationale du Canada devrait tre adresse 0 CSA International, 7 78, boul. Rexdale, Toronto (Ontario) Canada, M9W 7 R3. CSA/4 Mars 200 7 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Part 2: Particular requirements for floor treatm

13、ent and floor cleaninq CAN/CSA-E60335-Z-67-07 machines, for industrial and commercial use CAlV/CSA-E603352-67-01 Safety of household and similar electrical appZiances - Part 2: ParticuZar requirements for floor treatment and floor cZeanin machines, for itidustriaZ and commerciaZ use CSA Preface This

14、 is the second edition of CSA Standard CAN/CSA-E60335-2-67, Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Part 2: Particular requirements for floor treatment and floor cleaning machines, for industrial and commercial use, which is an adoption, with Canadian deviations, of the identically t

15、itled CEVIEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) Standard 60335-2-67 (second edition, 1997-02), including Amendment 1:2000, currently available from IEC in English only. It supersedes the previous edition, published in 1994 as CAN/CSA-E3352-67 (adopted CEI/IEC 3352-67:1992). This Standard wa

16、s reviewed for Canadian adoption by the CSA Technical Committee on International Standards under the jurisdiction of the Strategic Resource Group, and has been formally approved by the Technical Committee. A list of the members of the Technical Committee is available upon request. This Standard has

17、been approved as a National Standard of Canada by the Standards Council of Canada. Interpretations: The Strategic Resource Group has provided the following direction for the interpretation of standards under its jurisdiction: “The literal text shall be used in judging compliance of products with the

18、 safety requirements of this Standard. When the literal text cannot be applied to the product, such as for new materials or construction, and when a relevant committee interpretation has not already been published, CMs procedures for interpretation shall be followed to determine the intended safety

19、principle.” March 200 7 0 CSA International - 200 7 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the prior permission of the publisher. /EC material is reprinted with permission. Where the words “this International Standard” appear in the text, th

20、ey should be interpreted as “this National Standard of Canada“. Inquiries regarding this National Standard of Canada should be addressed to CSA International, 7 78 Rexdale Boulevard, Toronto, Ontario, M9W I R3. March 200 1 CSA/S CAN/CSA-E603352-67-O 1 Scurit des appareils lectrodomestiques et analog

21、ues - Partie 2: Rgles particulires pour les machines de traitement et de nettovaae des sols, usaqe industriel et commercial Avant-propos CSA LAssociation canadienne de normalisation, maintenant connue sous le nom CSA International (CSA), offre des services de certification aux fabricants qui, avec s

22、on autorisation, dsirent apposer lune des marques dposes de la CSA sur leurs produits afin den dmontrer la conformit aux normes CSA. Nombre de produits sont certifis par la CSA pour maintenir des normes consensuelles de qualit, de rendement, dinterchangeabilit et (ou) de scurit. Le cas chant, la cer

23、tification peut devenir la base dacceptation par les services dinspection des pouvoirs de rglementation. Si un fabricant, consommateur ou autre intress dsire faire certifier un produit non encore normalis, un programme est mis au point cet gard, dans la mesure du possible. Dans lexercice de ses fonc

24、tions conformment aux objectifs quelle sest fixs, la CSA nassume aucune responsabilit du fabricant envers une tierce partie ni ne sengage len relever. Les opinions et conclusions de lAssociation constituent le point de vue de son personnel technique, compte tenu des invitables contraintes dordre pra

25、tique et des rgles de lart au moment o la norme est labore. Les produits qui satisfont cette norme mais qui prsentent une lgre diffrence ou une nouvelle caractristique peuvent tre considrs comme conformes la norme, condition que cette diffrence ou nouvelle caractristique soit juge acceptable en se f

26、ondant sur les procdures pertinentes de la division Certification et essais de la CSA. Les produits conformes cette norme mais qui prsentent des caractristiques supplmentaires incompatibles avec lobjet de la norme ne sont pas admissibles la certification. De la mme faon, les produits qui contrevienn

27、ent aux lois et rglements en vigueur ne sont pas admissibles la certification. Dans bien des cas, des techniques, des mthodes et un appareillage dessai particuliers doivent tre prescrits par la division Certification et essais de la CSA comme complment aux exigences techniques des normes. Outre les

28、marquages spcifis dans la norme, la division Certification et essais de la CSA peut exiger dautres directives ou marquages spciaux. Certains essais exigs par les normes CSA comportent des dangers intrinsques. LAssociation nassume pas la responsabilit en cas de blessures ou de dommages subis au cours

29、 ou la suite des essais, peu importe o ces derniers sont excuts, en totalit ou en partie, par le fabricant ou par lAssociation, que le matriel, les installations ou le personnel ncessaires leur excution soient fournis par le fabricant ou par lAssociation. En cas de divergence entre la division Certi

30、fication et essais de lAssociation et les fabricants sur linterprtation de certaines exigences, il existe une procdure dappel : le plaignant doit soumettre le cas par crit au secrtaire de lAssociation canadienne de normalisation. Si cette norme doit servir une date ultrieure en vue de lobtention de

31、la certification CSA, il est ncessaire pour la prparation de la demande de certification, de se procurer les plus rcentes modifications ainsi que les bulletins, avis et lettres d information technique pertinents. On peut se procurer cette documentation moyennant, dans certains cas, des frais minimes

32、, en crivant la section Demandes et service la clientle, CSA International, 178, boulevard Rexdale, Toronto (Ontario) M9W 1 R3. CSA/O Mars 200 7 CAN/CSA-E60335-2-67-O 7 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Part 2: Particular requirements for floor treatment and floor cleaning mach

33、ines, for industrial and commercial use CSA Foreword The Canadian Standards Association, which operates under the name CSA international (CSA), provides certification services for manufacturers who, under license from CSA, wish to use the appropriate registered CSA Marks on certain products of their

34、 manufacture to indicate conformity with CSA Standards. CSA Certification for a number of products is provided in the interest of maintaining agreed-upon standards of quality, performance, interchangeability and/or safety, as appropriate. Where applicable, certification may form the basis for accept

35、ance by inspection authorities responsible for enforcement of regulations. Where feasible, programs will be developed for additional products for which certification is desired by producers, consumers or other interests. In performing its functions in accordance with its objectives, CSA does not ass

36、ume or undertake to discharge any responsibility of the manufacturer or any other party. The opinions and findings of the Association represent its professional judgement given with due consideration to the necessary limitations of practical operation and state of the art at the time the Standard is

37、 processed. Products in substantial accord with this Standard but which exhibit a minor difference or a new feature may be deemed to meet the Standard providing the feature or difference is found acceptable utilizing appropriate CSA Certification and Testing Division Operating Procedures. Products w

38、hich comply with this Standard shall not be certified if they are found to have additional features which are inconsistent with the intent of this Standard. Products shall not be certifiable if they are discovered to contravene applicable laws or regulations. Testing techniques, test procedures and

39、instrumentation frequently must be prescribed by the CSA Certification and Testing Division in addition to the technical requirements contained in Standards of CSA. In addition to markings specified in the Standard, the CSA Certification and Testing Division may require special cautions, markings an

40、d instructions that are not specified by the Standard. Some tests required by CSA Standards may be inherently hazardous. The Association neither assumes nor accepts any responsibility for any injury or damage that may occur during or as the result of tests, wherever performed, whether performed in w

41、hole or in part by the manufacturer or the Association, and whether or not any equipment, facility or personnel for or in connection with the test is furnished by the manufacturer or the Association. Manufacturers should note that, in the event of the failure of the CSA Certification and Testing Div

42、ision to resolve an issue arising from the interpretation of requirements, there is an appeal procedure: the complainant should submit the matter, in writing, to the Secretary of the Canadian Standards Association. If this Standard is to be used in obtaining CSA Certification please remember, when m

43、aking application for certification, to request all current Amendments, Bulletins, Notices and Technical information Letters that may be applicable and for which there may be a nominal charge. For such information or for further information concerning CSA Certification please address your inquiry to

44、 Applications and Customer Service, CSA International, 178 Rexdale Boulevard, Toronto, Ontario M9W 1 R3. March 200 7 CSA/7 CAN/CSA-E60335-2-67-01 Scurit des appareils lectrodomestiques et analogues - Partie 2: Rgles particulires pour les machines de traitement et de nettoyage des sols, usage industt

45、iel et commercial Exigences propres au Canada - La norme internationale CEI/IEC 603352-67:1997 (deuxime dition), y compris IAmendement 1:2000, a servi de document de base pour la norme CANKSA-E60335-2-67, laquelle ne contient aucune autre exigence propre au Canada que celles qui figurent dans la nor

46、me CANKSA-E3351/3E-94. CSA/8 Mars 200 1 CAN/CSA-E60335-2-67-O 7 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Part 2: Particular requirements for floor treatment and floor cleaning machines. for industrial and commercial use Canadian Deviations International Standard CEVIEC 60335-2-67: 199

47、7 (second edition), including Amendment 1:2000, forms the basis for CSA Standard CANKSA-E60335-2-67, which contains no additional deviations to those shown in CSA Standard CANKSA-E335-1/3E-94. March 200 7 CSA/9 NORME CEI INTERNATIONALE IEC INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 60335-2-67 Deuxieme 6dition Second ed

48、ition 1997-02 Securite des appareils electrodomestiques et analogues - Partie 2: Regles particulieres pour les machines de traitement et de nettoyage des sols, a usage industriel et commercial Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Part 2: Particular requirements for floor treatment

49、 and floor cleaning machines, for industrial and commercial use 0 IEC 1997 Droits de reproduction any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-governmental organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation. The IEC collaborates closely with the International Organization for Standardiza

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