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CAN CSA-ISO IEC 19788-1A-2015 Information technology - Learning education and training - Metadata for learning resources - Part 1 Framework AMENDMENT 1.pdf

1、 ISO/IEC 2014. CSA Group 2015. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited.Amendment 1:2015 (IDT) toCAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 19788-1:15(ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, IDT)National Standard of CanadaAmendment 1:2015 (IDT) to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 19788-1:15Information technology Learning, education

2、 and training Metadata for learning resources Part 1: FrameworkAMENDMENT 1(ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, IDT)Standards Update ServiceAmendment 1:2015 (IDT) to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 19788-1:15December 2015Title: Information technology Learning, education and training Metadata for learningresources Part 1: Framewor

3、kAMENDMENT 1To register for e-mail notification about any updates to this publication go to click on CSA Update ServiceThe List ID that you will need to register for updates to this publication is 2424070.If you require assistance, please e-mail or call 416-747-22

4、33.Visit CSA Groups policy on privacy at to find out how we protect yourpersonal information.Reference numberISO/IEC 19788-1:2011/Amd.1:2014(E)ISO/IEC 2014INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC19788-1First edition2011-01-15AMENDMENT 12014-09-01Information technology Learning, educatio

5、n and training Metadata for learning resources Part 1: Framework AMENDMENT 1 Technologies de linformation Mtadonnes pour ressources dapprentissage Partie 1: Charpente AMENDEMENT 1ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011/Amd.1:2014(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO/IEC 2014 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specif

6、ied, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO

7、s member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web ii ISO/IEC 2014 All rights reservedAmendment 1:2015 (IDT) toCAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 19788-1:15ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011/Amd.1:

8、2014(E) ISO/IEC 2014 All rights reserved iiiForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the developme

9、nt of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental,

10、 in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directiv

11、es, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of document should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of th

12、e elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declar

13、ations received (see Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement. For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information a

14、bout ISOs adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information The committee responsible for this document is ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 36, Information technology for learning, education and

15、training. Amendment 1:2015 (IDT) to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 19788-1:15ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011/Amd.1:2014(E) ISO/IEC 2014 All rights reserved 1Information technology Learning, education and training Metadata for learning resources Part 1: Framework AMENDMENT 1 Page 3, replace ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, subclause 3.1

16、6 with 3.16 domain resource class (3.31) whose resources (3.30) may be described by the property related to the data element specification (3.14) under consideration NOTE The information concerning the domain of a data element specification is provided as the value of its attribute “Domain”. Page 4,

17、 replace ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, subclause 3.28 with 3.28 codomain resource class (3.31) to which the content values (3.10) of the data element (3.11) instances of the data element specification (3.14) under consideration belong, or set of literals (3.21) comprising the string (3.35) representations o

18、f the permissible values of the data element instances of the data element specification under consideration NOTE The information concerning the codomain of a data element specification is provided as the values of its attributes “Codomain” and “Content value rules”. Page 5, replace ISO/IEC 19788-1:

19、2011, subclause 3.29 with 3.29 refine has an associated property which is a sub-property of the property associated with EXAMPLE 1 Property “is son of” refines property “is child of”. EXAMPLE 2 Property “has mother” refines property “has parent”. NOTE 1 Data element specification DES1 refines data e

20、lement specification DES2 if the extension of the property (say p1) related to DES1 is a subset of the extension of the property (say p2) related to DES2. This condition can be expressed as “p1(x,y) implies p2(x,y)”, that is “if x and y are p1-related, then x and y are p2-related”. NOTE 2 If data el

21、ement specification DES1 refines data element specification DES2, then the property (or relation) associated with DES1 is said to refine the property (or relation) associated with DES2. Amendment 1:2015 (IDT) to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 19788-1:15ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011/Amd.1:2014(E) 2 ISO/IEC 2014 All rights r

22、eservedPage 6, in clause 4 replace MLR-1 ISO/IEC 19788-1:2010(E), Information technology Learning, education and training Metadata for learning resources Part 1: Framework (this document) with MLR-1 ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011(E), Information technology Learning, education and training Metadata for learnin

23、g resources Part 1: Framework (this document) Page 8, in subclause 6.2 replace Range (data element range) with Codomain (data element codomain) Page 9, delete rule R0003. Page 9, in subclause, replace R0007 Each data element property name assigned to data elements in ISO/IEC 19788 shall be u

24、nique (considering all parts of ISO/IEC 19788), although it may have multiple equivalent names in different languages. with R0007 In any language: For all DESs the values of the “Property name” attribute shall be unique across all DESs (from all parts of ISO/IEC 19788, all editions) with the same va

25、lues for the attributes “Domain” and “Codomain”. Note: Said otherwise: In any given language, for any DES the triple (property name, domain, codomain) associated with the DES constitutes a global (within ISO/IEC 19788) appellation of the DES (the primary global identifier being provided by the DES a

26、ttribute “Identifier”) Page 10, replace the title of subclause 6.2.6 with Data element specification attribute Codomain Page 10, in subclause 6.2.6, replace Attribute that serves to specify the range of data elements obeying this specification. with Attribute that serves to specify the codomain of d

27、ata elements obeying this specification. Page 10, replace the title of subclause with Rule set for the attribute “Codomain” Amendment 1:2015 (IDT) to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 19788-1:15ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011/Amd.1:2014(E) ISO/IEC 2014 All rights reserved 3Page 10, in subclause 6.2.7, replace When the r

28、ange of a data element is a set of literals with When the codomain of a data element is a set of literals Page 10, in rule R0016 replace Condition: When the range of a data element with Condition: When the codomain of a data element Page 10, replace R0017 with R0017 The value of this attribute is a

29、rule set. Rules of the form indicated below are examples. The codomain of the data element is the set of all literals denoting values of a given datatype. The codomain of the data elements is the set of all literals that conform to a datatype provided in ISO/IEC 11404:2007 Page 11, in subclause 6.2.

30、8.1, replace R0018 The obligation status of this attribute is conditional. Condition: If the data element specification is a refinement of another data element specification, then a value has to be provided for this attribute. with R0018 The obligation status of this attribute is conditional. Condit

31、ion: If the data element specification is a refinement of another data element specification from the ISO/IEC 19788 multipart Standard, then the identifier of that DES has to be provided with this attribute. Page 12, in subclause 6.3 and 6.4, replace Range (mandatory) with Codomain (mandatory) Page

32、12, add the following text and rules below the table, at the end of subclause 6.3: DES attributes are either essential or non-essential. The essential attributes being those that are essential to capture the “essence” of the DES. Two DESs are considered identical when they have the same values for t

33、heir essential attributes. Minor changes that do not change the meaning are allowed, that is, they dont require the creation of a new DES. For DESs (subclause 6.2 and 6.3), the essential attributes are: - Identifier - Property name Amendment 1:2015 (IDT) to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 19788-1:15ISO/IEC 19788-1:

34、2011/Amd.1:2014(E) 4 ISO/IEC 2014 All rights reserved- Definition - Linguistic indicator - Domain - Codomain - Content value rules The non-essential attributes are: - Refines - Example(s) - Note(s) Any Type 1 MLR Part or Type 2 MLR Part reusing DESs from other parts can add non-essential attributes

35、to those. R0055 The value of attribute “Property name” shall be provided in French, English and Russian. R0056 The value of attribute “Definition” shall be provided in French, English and Russian. Page 12, in subclause 6.4, replace Domain (mandatory) Learning Resource (ISO_IEC_19788-1:2010:RC0002) w

36、ith Domain (mandatory) Learning Resource (ISO_IEC_19788-1:2011:RC0002) Page 12, in subclause 6.4, replace Refines (conditional) ISO_IEC_19788-2:2010:DES0900 with Refines (conditional) ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011:DES0900 Page 13, in subclause 7.1 replace (3) contentValue is the actual information recorded a

37、s the content of the data element (its content value) that belongs to the range of the data element (as given in the data element specification); with (3) contentValue is the actual information recorded as the content of the data element (its content value) that belongs to the codomain of the data e

38、lement (as given in the data element specification); Page 13, Example 1, subclause 7.1, replace ISO_IEC_19788-2:2010:DES0300 with ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011:DES0100 Page 14, Example 2, 1st line of table, replace ISO_IEC_19788-2:2010:DES0300 with Amendment 1:2015 (IDT) to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 19788-1:15ISO/IEC

39、19788-1:2011/Amd.1:2014(E) ISO/IEC 2014 All rights reserved 5ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011:DES0100 Page 14, Example 3, 1st line of table, replace ISO_IEC_19788-2:2010:DES0020 with http:/ (or urn:iso:std:iso-iec:19788:-2:ed-1:en:clause:5.1) Page 14, Examp

40、le3, transpose, in the table, the Predicate Line and the Subject Line Page 15, in subclause 8.3, 1st line of table, replace ISO_IEC_19788-2:2010:RC0004 with ISO_IEC_19788-99:2099:RC0099 Page 15, in subclause 8.3, 4th line of table, replace ISO_IEC_19788-2:2010:RC0001 (Learning Resource) with ISO_IEC

41、_19788-1:2011:RC0002 (Learning Resource) Page 15, in subclause 8.4.1 replace Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-1:2010:RC0001 with Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-1:2011:RC0001 Page 15, in subclause 8.4.2 replace Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-1:2010:RC0002 with Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-1:2011:RC0002 Page 15, in subclause

42、 8.4.2, replace SubclassOf ISO_IEC_19788-1:2010:RC0001 (Resource) with SubclassOf ISO_IEC_19788-1:2011:RC0001 (Resource) Page 16, in subclause 8.4.3, replace Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-1:2010:RC0003 with Amendment 1:2015 (IDT) to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 19788-1:15ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011/Amd.1:2014(E) 6 ISO/IEC 2

43、014 All rights reservedIdentifier ISO_IEC_19788-1:2011:RC0003 Page 16, in subclause 8.4.3 replace SubclassOf ISO_IEC_19788-1:2010:RC0001 (Resource) with SubclassOf ISO_IEC_19788-1:2011:RC0001 (Resource) Page 20, delete rule R0029 Page 23, in the table (position 1, column 2) replace ISO_IEC_19788-1:2

44、010:DESO100 with ISO_IEC_19788-1:2011:DES0100 Page 25, delete rule R0040 Page 28, in the Table of Contents template (ISO/IEC 19788-1:2010) add, before the line containing “X Clause title”, the following: 8. Predefined Data Element Group Specification (DEGS) 8.1 Data element group specification (one

45、subclause per data element group specification) 8.2 Data element group specification Page 28, at the end of ISO/IEC 19788-1:2010, subclause 13.3 (outside of the table), add the following rules: R0059 The data element group specifications to be included in the Table of Contents, clause 8 shall not co

46、ntain embedded DEGS. That is, only lines containing DES identifiers are allowed in that clause 8 DEGS. R0060 The use of DEGS is optional and not encouraged. If possible, use resource classes instead of DEGS. Page 33, in the table, replace row 3.16 domain resource class (3.31) whose resources (3.30)

47、are described by the data element (3.11) under consideration NOTE A central resource class for ISO/IEC 19788 is Learning Resource (the set of all learning resources). domaine classe de ressources (3.31) dont les ressources (3.30) sont dcrites par llment de donne (3.11) sous considration NOTE Dimport

48、ance pour la norme ISO/CEI 19788 est la classe de ressources Ressource Pdagogique (lensemble de toutes les ressources pdagogiques). Amendment 1:2015 (IDT) to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 19788-1:15ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011/Amd.1:2014(E) ISO/IEC 2014 All rights reserved 7with 3.16 domain resource class (3.31) whose re

49、sources (3.30) may be described by the property related to the data element specification (3.14) under consideration NOTE The information concerning the domain of a data element specification is provided as the value of its attribute “Domain”. domaine classe de ressources (3.31) dont les ressources (3.30) peuvent tre dcrites par la proprit associe la spcification dlment de donne (3.14) sous considration NOTE

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