1、EUROPEAN RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE ERC Decision of 24th October 1994 on the frequency band to be designated for the coordinated introduction of the Digital European Cordless Telecommunications system (ERC/DEC/(94)03) EUROPEAN CONFERENCE OF POSTAL AND TELECOMMLJNICATiONS ADMINISTRATIONS STD.CEPT
2、ERC/DEC/(94)03-ENGL 3994 6 2326434 OOL44Yb 35T m Copyright 1994 the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Admmktrations (CEPT) EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM i. INTRODUCTION The DECT (Digital European Cordless Telecommunications) standard covers cordless communications for voice and data. The
3、 intention is for one standard to provide voice and data telecommunications at home, in the office and in the street. The system is intended to allow user densities up to one hundred times those of cellular radio systems. The base stations will have theoretical fiee-space coverage diameters of up to
4、 50Om; normal coverage in the office will be 50-1OOm. When ushg the allocated 20 MHz of frequency spectrum, a cell may have a theoretical peak capacity of between 50 to 144 voice channels depending on overlap with other DECT cells. The core technology is intended to be able to support second generat
5、ion advanced applications with existing installed infrastructure. DECT system designers will have the advantage of being able to tailor the air interface technology to meet the majority of these applications, and DECT will therefore go a lot further than other cordless standards and could facilitate
6、 these more advanced applications. 2. BACKGROUND The past few years have seen an increasing number of developments in Europe in the field of cordless telephony. Amongst these have been the emergence of new standards including CT1+ as an enhanment of the CEPT CTl standard, CT2 used primarily for Tele
7、point applications and DCT 900 for Wireless PBX use. CEPT esbblished a sub-working group to prepare a specication for a Digital European Cordless Telectnnmunications system, now known as DECT. The DECT specification will define a radio access technique which couid be used to replace the fixed Wire c
8、onnection both to the PSTN and the fature ISDN. As such it will offer a significantly greater capability to users than a simple cordless telephone system. Since DECT will provide an extension to the PSTNflSDN, most applications of the fixed network will be able to be supported by DECT. In addition,
9、since a radio link replaces the fixed link, these applications could be mobile. In 1989, CEPT agreed Recommendation TBR 22-02 which designated the band 1880-1900 MHz for DECT. In 1991, Council of the European Communities adopted a Directive which required member states to designate 1880-1900 MHz for
10、 DECT and to ensure that any services remaining in this band do not interfere with any DECT systems that may be established according to commercial demand. 3. REQUIREMENT FOR AN ERC DECISION The allocation or designation of a fiequency band for its use by a service or system under specified conditio
11、ns in CEPT member countries is laid down by law, regulation or administrative action. The ERC recognises that for DECT to be introduced successfully throughout Europe, manufacturers and operators must be given the confidence to make the necessary investment in this new pan-European radioconununicati
12、on system and service. Therefore ERC believes it is necessary to designate a fiequency band to be used by the DECT system under specified conditions. A commitment by CEPT member countries to implement an ERC Decision will provide a clear indication that the required fiequency band will be made avail
13、able on time and on a Europe-Wide basis. Council Directive on the frequency band to be designated for the coordinated introduction of digital European cordless telecommunications (DEO into the Community. (91/287/EEC) 1 ERC DECISION of 24th October 1994 on the frequency band to be designated for the
14、coordinated introduction of the Digital European Cordless Telecommunications system (ERC/DEC/(94)03) The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations, considering a) that current cordless telephone systems in use in Europe and the fiequency bands they operate in, vary widely
15、and may not allow the benefits of Europe-wide services or benefit fkom the economies of scale associated with a truly European market, b) that the European implementation of DECT will provide an important opportunity to establish truly European digital cordless telephone facilities, c) that the Euro
16、pean Telecommunications Standard Institute (ETSI) has developed the European Telecommuniations Standards for DECT, d) that market studies have indicated that the estabiishment of DECT on a Europe-wide basis will require the designation of a common 20 MHz fiequency band for the time division duplex t
17、ransmission between the xed and portable stations, e) that this frequency band can be made available progressively in order to satisfy commercial demand, f) that Member States of the European Union have implemented the Council Directive (91/287/EEC) and Council Recommendation 91/288/EEC. g) that sev
18、eral non-EEA countries have become associate members of the European Union and have expressed their intention to implement the existing EU legislation, DECIDES 1. that for the purposes of this Decision, the Digital European Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) shall mean equipment complying with the E
19、uropean Telecommunications Standards and the telecommunications systems, both public and private, which directly utilise DECT technology, 2. to designate the fiequencyband 1880-1900 MHz for DECT from 24th October 1994, 3. that DECT shall have priority over other radio systems in that band, and be pr
20、otected, m the designated band, 4. that after the date of designation of the frequency band for DECT, existing radio systems may continue in the band, providing that they do not interfere with DECT systems that may be established according to commercial demand. STD-CEPT ERC/DEC/(4)03-NGL 1994 232b41
21、4 0014450 880 $I WLChI.Y.iI ANNEX 1 Micial Jonmal ofthe European Communities No L lu45 8.6.91 n (Aas whose publication is not obligatory) COUNCIL COUNCILDIRECTNE of 3 June 1991 on the frequency bauds to be designated for the coordinatedintroduetion of digital European cordless telecommunications (DE
22、CT) into the Conmiunity (9rnWIEEC) THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROFEAN COMMUNlTrn, Having regard to the Treaty establishmg the European Economic Codty, and inparticular Article 1Oa therd, Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (I): In coopaation with the European Parliament (X Ha* regard to the o
23、phion of the Economic and Social Commitlee Whmas Remmmedation 84/549/EEC (*) calls for the introduction of services on the basis of a common harmonise3 approach in the field of telemmmunicationq Whereas the Cwncil in its resolution of 30 June 1988 c) on the development of the common market for telea
24、mmunications Services and equipment calls fca the promdon of Europe-wide savices according to mkeirequirements; Whereas the rBouTces derd by modeni telecommunications netwcaks should be. utilised to the fdl for the emnomic development of the Comrminay; Whereas Cod Directive 8936/EEC of 3 May 1989 on
25、 the approximation of the laws of Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility (3 is applicable, and particular attention should be taken to avoid harmful electromagnetic intexferemei Whereas current mdless telephone systems in use in the Community, and the frequency bands they operate in
26、, VIY widely and may not allow the benefits of Emopewide services or benefit from the emnomies of scale associated with a truly European market; Whereas the European Telecommunications Standard Institute (FiTSI) is currentiy developing the European Telecommunications standard (ETS) or digital Europe
27、an cordless telecommunications (DECT); Whereas the development of the European Telecommunications Standard (ETS) must take account ofthe safdy ofusers, and the need fca Europswide interoperability and enable users provided with a serviCe based on DECT technology in one Member State to gain access to
28、 the savice in any other Member State, where appropriate; Whereas the European implementation of DECT will provide an important oppormity to establish dy European digital cordless telephone facilities; Whereas ETSI has estimated that DECT will require 20 MHz in high density areas; ()OJNoC 187,27.7.1
29、990,. 5. (*)OJNo C 19,28.1.1991.p. 97 and OJNo C 106,22.4.1991,. 78. (3) OJNo C 332,31.12.1990,. 172. (4)OJNoL298, 16. 11.1984,p.49. Wh-s the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) has recommended the wmmon European frequency band 1880-1900 MHz for DECT, recognis
30、ing thaf subject to the system, development of DECT additional frequency spectrum may berequir4 Whereas this should be taken into account in the preparation for the 1992 World AdministrativeRadio Conexen 0: Whereas afia the date of bignation of the frequency band for DEC, exisiing services may conti
31、nue in the band, providing that they do not intedere with DECT systems that may be established according to commercial demand; Whereas the implementation of Council Recommendation 91/288/EEC of 3 June 1991 on the coordinated introduction of DEC into the Community (I). will ensure the implementation
32、of DECT by 31 December 1992 at the latest Whereas Cmcil Directive 91/263/EEC of 29 April 1991 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning telammunications texminai equipment, including the mutual recognition of their codormity () will ailow the rapid establishment of common conf
33、ormity specincations for DECT; Whmas the establishment of DEC depeads on the allocation and availability of a frequency band in order to transmit and receive. between xed-base stations and mobile stations; Whereas some flexibility will be needed in order to take account of different frequency requir
34、emats in different Member States; it will be necessary to ensure that such flexibilii does not slow down the implementation of DECT technology according to commercial demand across the Community; Whereas the progressive availability of the full range of the frequency band set out above will be indis
35、pensable for the establishment of DECT on a Europswide basis; () OJ No C 257,4.10.1988, p. 1. (7 OJ NOL 139,23.5.1989, p. 19. () See page 47 of this official Journal () OJNoL 128,23.5.1991,. 1. 08.06.1991 NOL 1W46 Onicial Journal of the European Communities HAS ADOPTF,D THIS DIRECTiVE: Article 1 For
36、 the purposes of this DMve, rhe digital European cordless Lelmmmunications (DECI) system shall mean technology conforming to the European Telecommunications Standard TS) Recommendation 91/288/EEC, and the telecommunications systems, both public and private, which directly utilise such for digital co
37、rdless telecommunications refend to in tedumlogy. Article 2 Memba States shall, in accordance with CEP Recommendation T/R 22-02 of the European Conference of Postal and Teleoommunicetions Administrations designate the frenuemy band 1880-1900 MHz for digital European cordless teleannmu-nications (DEC
38、T) by 1 January 1992. In acaadance with the CEPT Recommendation, DECT shall have prior over other services in the same band, and be protected in the designated band. Article 3 1. Member Sta Exempt from licensing; Frequency manual Sw;tzerland Ministry of transport, posts and telecommunications of the
39、 Slovak republic is under our telecommunications law the authority approving implementation of the ERCIDEC and REC. The approval of implementation of ERC/DEC and REC is announced to the Telecommunications Office of the Slovak Republic. This office is responsible for frequency management (assignment, coordination etc.) and type approval procedures and Decisions of the ministry are binding. The Dubiication of - Decisions is done through the ministry journal 16.1 2.1 995. Regulation on technical requirement for DECT (0ff.Gaz. of SVN, No. 69/95) Yes
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