1、CEPT NET*3*PART*2 89 232b4L4 00002b2 7 European Telecommunications Standards Inotitute ETSI LEUROBXAIN STANDARD TELiECOMMUbJTCATXON Approval requirements for terminal equipment to connect to ISDN b using ISDN basic acceas, layer 3 aspect (candidate NET :3, part 2) Europoan Talocoaununicatons Standar
2、ds Instituto BP 152 P-06561 VALBONNE CEDEX APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TERMIN,RL EQUIPMENT TO CONNECT TO INTEGRATED SERVICES DIGITAL NETWORK (ISDN) USING ISDN BASIC ACCESS - 1,ayt.r 3 A8pt.CtS FOREWORD This standard is based on the following considerations : (a) It is of the highest importance for app
3、licants (manufacturers, sUpplitrr8. or users ) and telecommunication testing houses to be informed as accurately as possible of the interface tests necessary to obtain approval of terminal equipment for connection to public telecommunications networks, (b) Administrations or Reccgnibed Private Opera
4、ting Agencies (RPOAs) are responsible for the quality of service and for the proper functioning of tho telecommunications networks and services provided and maintained by them, (cl There is a need to protect the networks and subscribersinstallations, as well as network staff and users? from damage a
5、nd injury, (d) NET 3, Part 1 (May 1988) specifies the approval requirements concerning layer 1 and 2 aspects for terminal equipment to connect to ISDN using ISDN basic access , (e) ETC CA (TC doc. No. T/S 46-30) and ETS CB (TC doc. No. T/S 46-31) specify the layer 3 of the ISDN user - network interf
6、ace (Basic Call Control and SDL description respectively), (f) Suppliers of terminal equipment should comply with the following procedures and technical requirments in addition to those apecifitrd in NET 3, Part 1 and the terminal aguipment shall be tested for conformance to these requiruoents using
7、 the teata 8peCifhd in Annex A to thi8 atandard. TE 04-22 CEPT NET*3*PART*2 89 232ibYl14 0000264 O scapri .*.i. 3 18 O.b. o.* 3 1.1 IntroQctiai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2 mgurati?matU8ar- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3 1.3 RaatiooirNptootharAttadmmttiaw . . . 3 1.5 Infomm
8、tialtobrprwibbbythw.rruistu8k . 0 . . 4 1.4 T.rtLigud-uIw?. o I 4 2. 3. D.ihda-Mb-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2 CEPT NET*3*PART*2 89 232b414 00002b5 2 1 I I SCOPE In accordance with CCITT Recommendation 1.420 151 and ETS CA (TC doc. No. T/S 46-30) 2 and ETS CE (TC doc. No. T/S 46- 31) 3,
9、thi8 atandard 8pecifier the layer 3 accesa control protocol to be offered by terminal equipment at an interface to a public telocommunicationa network presented at an ISDN basic acceuu point. NOTE Some references in this standard reflect the fact that the text was initially produced in CEPT working
10、groups. For practical reasons it has not always been possible to re-edit the text appropriately at this strige. 1. General 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 This standard specifies the basic requirements concerning the layer 3 basic call control protocol which Terminal Equipment (TE) has to meet for attachment
11、 to the public ISDN basic user - network interface at the S/T reference points. The requiremenls sppcified in this standard are in addition to those relating to the layer 1 and 2 aspects given in NET 3, Part 1. This standard does not cover all the requirements which a specific type of TE has to meet
12、. However, standards/NETs which define attachment requirements relevant to a specific type of TE should reft-c to this standard for the attachment requirements within th43 mope of this standard. 1.1.2 Unless otherwise stated, the use of the term TE within this specification refers to c:ustomers term
13、inal apparatus which may be a TE (Terminal Equipment Type i), a TA (Terminal Adaptor) or an NT2 (Network Termination Type 2) as defined in CCITT Recommendation X.411 141. 1.1.3 Communication between adjacent layers (primitive procedures) is conceptual and allows the description of interactions betwe
14、en functions dedicated to different layers within a TE. These primitive procedures do not constrain implementation, are system internal and therefore cannot be tested in isolation. However, as seen from outside, the design of TE shall be such that the strquence of events across the user - network in
15、terface must be the 8-e as if the primitives were implemented as described in ETS CA (TC doc. No. T/S 46-30) 2 and ET6 CB (TC doc. No. T/S 46-31) 3. 1.2 Cmfisurations at User Prtmiaes. The operational configurations 8pocifiod in $ 1.2 of NET 3, Part 1 Cl aro appllcablo to this standard. 1.3 Relation
16、ship to othor Attirohmont Itandard8/NBTr. Whero a TE rupportr 8orvica8 rp.cifi.6 in othor NETr, additional roquiromontr may rpply and will ba found in tho rpocific terminal NET. 3 CEPT NET*3*PART*2 89 m 1232b414 00002bb Y 4 CEPT NET*3*PART*2 89 23261iL4 00002b7 b 2.1 ceneral Lhis section defines tbn
17、 Dchannal Uyer 3 protoa01 with rrfsranei ta BMic ml -1. flor TE apua+iai da- to tha A TE shall support the priotoools associated with th. unr rib. in aooordanoe with Recoamruidatiais T/S 46-30 and T/S 46-31 wbm applicsbla 1IIyt those unctionality specified in a -tA.ai/NET mrwrnwd with a spcific type
18、 of TE. functional requirements WNCh am CulpJlSlory to powir th. Ylmirnication Ihe layer 3 -1- Senrices SDLS CEPT NET*3*PART*2 89 = 232b434 O000280 9 M 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Referencrs Rseaniyrrdatian T/S 46-30 (ditar8 niot.) - ISIN U-rk Intarface -ya3 sp.cificatian for Basic c
19、cirll caifsol. Application of CCITT Qe930/1.450 arid Q.93J,/I.451. Rsccmpneridatian T/S 46-31 (ditars nat.) - ICSCW U-rk Intartace Uyer 3 Spocificatiai for Bade Ca11 ooiitzp1 - SCIL Diagram. Application of CeTTT -ticm 4.931 Arnnx A. - CTm . s 0 . . . 68 7.2 Rw=siptofaRELEWEnnasap 69 7.3 RiceiptofaRR
20、uspeJDfrunthetend.il 8.4.1 Reipt of an hpp0rniemaan;laa . Reipt of a syrrtacticlilly wid rssage 8.5 Ibiptofanmnssage 8.6 ReiptofaSTATUSm . . . . . . . . 8.10 n?antheL e e e 78 . . 79 80 . . ai . . a2 . . 82 . . 83 . . 83 . *. 84 . . a5 . . 86 . . 86 . . 87 . . aa . . a9 . . 90 . . 91
21、 10 cALC.SIIATESIIATEl 93 10.1 ReiptofaREmSEnmmsage 93 10.2 RaoeiptofaREIEASEnumage 94 10.3 Fbcdpt of an nn me9.p 95 10.3.1 mpt of an -te missage 95 10.3.2 mpt of a qntactbriiy invalid message . 96 rriecipt of an irnn call refemanca format . 97 10.4 Receiptof aSAZVsnwsage . 98 10.4.1 Wca- t
22、ho 4U.l cite . 98 10.4.2 IndLcating a oatpatiblab call rrtate . 99 10.5 RaiptofaC?UPRlCEmXmw 100 10.6 mipt of a SENP II- . 101 mipt of an unrrrognize message type 96 11 QVERIAPsmDsrxrETsIs. 8TATEa . 102 3 12 CEPT NET*3*PART*2 89 m 232b4L4 0000284 b 11.1 Rrwript of a DIsCUWEa nutssage . 102
23、11.2 mipt of amnsnga 103 11.3 RiptofaRELEASEmxe type . . r)soeipt of an invalid call mfaranoe format 12.5 Wpt0fan-CU- 12.6 ReceiptofaSIIALIUSmssage . xnicatirq a cutpatible dl state . 12.7 RaceiptofaPmaEssxssaqe 12.8 Reoeiptofanmemqa . 12.9 ReoeiptofaCiffiPIECTnraacyqe 12.6.1 Indicating the
24、 NU1 Stab m 12.6.2 l2.1ODmaaawgthetarmkral 117 117 . . 118 . . 119 . . 120 . . 120 . 121 . . 121 . . 122 . . 123 . . 124 . . 124 125 e 126 . . 127 . . 128 e 129 13 .-.TESIS, .4 . e 130 13.1 PeceptofaDSCNNET . 130 13.2 ReceiptofaRELEASEmssage .( . 131 13.3 RecdptofaREZEASEnierssage 132 13.4 mpt of an
25、 leummms1 messagi3 133 13.4.1 ptofan . 133 13.4.2 Rmipt of a Wdlly irnrali mssage . 134 U.4.2.1 Wdpt of an unrer=ognlzed message type 134 Ibadpt of an invalid call mferenm fomt . . 135 13.5 baaipt of an ZwEDBFPITfoN meesaqrt 136 13.6 FaceiptofaSiNWrniiauap 137 13.6.1 Indicating thr Null SUV
26、A . 137 13.6.2 Iniicating a axqatiblo call otato . . 138 13.7 Rmeptofa- . 139 13.8 Raiptofa- . 140 13.9 D-irOmth, tudrral 141 4 CEPT NET*3*PART*2 67 = 2326434 0000265 6 mW4 . -sllAIlcem 142 14 DISsITATE., .11 142 14.1 Rnipt of . DfSQ3“#TTnmsap . . 142 14.2 FbaiptofaREWa- . . 143 14.3 .iptofamzEnuraa
27、cbqe. . . . . . 188 19 TZMERTESTS.oo.o*.o.o 189 19.2 T*T303 e 190 19.1 TUT302 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 19.3 TkT304 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 19.3.1 ctarted on reiving SElWPAcKNDwLE#;E message . . . 191 19.3.2 started asi senq INFXR“ mescage . . . . : . . 192 19.4 TkT305 . .
28、. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 19.5 TkT308 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*. 194 19.6 TkT310 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 19.7 TkT313 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 19.9 Therm19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 19.9.1 MaximmVaiue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
29、8 19.9.2 -Val- . . . . IB . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 19.lOTkaarT322 . . . . . . . #p . . . . . . . . . 200 19.8 TkT318 .omr e. e 197 smxTm7 - . . o I . . . . . . . . . . . 201 References 1. Recamiendatiai T/S 46-30 and T/S 46-31 (editors note) - Ism U- -a iam 3 Speciflcatiasi for Basic call. wlicat
30、ion of Rsmmmatim Q.930fi.450 arid Q.93lJI.451. 6 CEPT NET*3*PART*2 89 W 23264LiY 0000287 L Ihe mBsgzLQes sent by the - to th. TbnniMl in the following test seqmces are either tvalidn or lltl (ie ttLiopporhniett or %yntactically invalidtt) 7 CEPT NET*3*PART*2 89 = 232b414 0000288 3 krt wfiich TE rewg
31、nbu, ard thmm values shall not be uma$ for %ynhctically invaiid” xmssage tupe) or, 1.1.2) a masaga which contali. a al mformom irrionmtim deraient with an mid Call rafatrner format (i. With bits 5 to 8 not equzil to “0000”) or, - a in which a mandafory infarmation ele ia miss-. 08.4.1 5 13.4.1 f 14
32、4 1 516.3.1 5 17 4 1 f18.4.1 CEPT NET*3*PART*2 89 2326414 0000287 5 m * If the first - mmEcr. is thoALRrR=, CEPT NET*3*PART*Z 89 I 2326414 0000270 L I I i i I in addition, thsse -1 k rrp.atd savual tlnuP with #a infonmtion elepnants involved in Oalpatibility dwc)cirq (ag 8.ati.r Qqphility, High laye
33、r ccmpatibilify, etc) in tb inmnhg SENP rnoeided so that the sinnilated in#nirig call i. irwrmpatibl. with the araractaristics of the tanninal iinder tesf a8 spcifld by th llrr. aiir TE shall be considered to have passed Uwrsr tssto if it rrjeets tho irrxrming call in aa!mhm with the pmmdums specifi
34、8d in Plurninarnrticn T/S 46-30, 85.2.2. 10 CEPT NET*3*PART*2 89 = 232b414 0000291 3 supplier. This test shaild be rqeat& for each capability specified by the supplier for th. TE iirider tort. Not. - tozminal “Is my speciry more,. detaild OCI tho COdLig of particular infomation elm eg aeamr Qipabili
35、fy ani High XApr cEnpa+ibilify. undar cartain c- e.g. human -on, thr mspmm 1 TE urb3er tast may k longer than 2 saccmlm, krt it shall nsyerbo larger than In order to get correct msults, the tester 1IL1st aOap1- ita check sequence timrofthe the time-art value specified for the wrpatvisian of tho w. durhg the nmdq tim of one or mrxi of tho T/S 46-30 -ide thm. If this - at a point in tn t.st nreosg. in odar to iolicit a SIAIUS a maw meseag. was fzmth.Ti.rmLinal, thmtn1L.t.rihall trariepit th T.naLial.
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