1、2326414 O006216 8 (3 Page E 1 Recommendation T/R 01-01 (Rome 1967) RECOGNITION OF “CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE” FOR EQUIPMENT CAPABLE OF PRODUCING RADIO INTERFERENCE Recommendation proposed by the “Radiocommunications” Working Group T/WG 3 Text of the Recommendation adopted by the “Telecommiinications
2、” Commission: “The European Conference of Postal and Telecommiinications Administrations, considering - that regulations concerning the various types of equipment capable of producing radio interference are, or will soon be, in force in many European countries and that these regulations provide for
3、the issue of certificates authorising their use, - that with the object of facilitating European trade, it is desirable, for suchequipment, to obviate the need to submit them to similar tests in the different countries, - that it is desirable to avoid repeating the same work in the different Europea
4、n countries, O recommends 1. that to the extent that national regulations permit, member administrations should accept certificates issued by other member Administrations or by duly authorised organisations fundamentally concerned with the approval of equipment capable of producing radio interferenc
5、e. These certificates should mention: (a) that the equipment concerned complies with the regulations of the country of origin; or (b) that the equipment has been tested under clearly specified conditions and should reproduce indicate the test figures obtained, 2. that Administrations, or organisatio
6、ns approved by them, should place at the disposal of other Administrations, the manufacturer or the importer of the equipment, on request, the results of measurements made during the oficial tests, Edition of September 15, 1988 -. r - W 2326414 O006217 T I TIR 01-01 E Page 2 3. that Administrations
7、should furnish to all other member Administrations the following information, keeping them advised without delay of any subsequent modifications, (a) regulations in respect of radio interference or any other requirement/provisions concerning tests on production equipment and the issuing of certifica
8、tes of approval for various types of equipment, indicating: - the radiation limits or terminal voltage, or both, - the prescribed test methods, - all special requirements for example, in the case of ISM equipment, the frequencies for which radiation - the methods for suppressing the ignition systems
9、 of internal combustion engines, when these methods are (b) the full address of administrative services concerned with measuring radio interference, checking of suppres- (c) the names and addresses of stations authorised to measure radio interference and to test production equipment is limited or un
10、limited in the country of origin, regarded as ensuring adequate protection, sors, and the establishment of regulations for the protection of radio communications, for conformity, indicating the types of equipment within their competence.” Edition of September 15, 1988 232bll34 0006238 3 M Recommanda
11、tion T/R 01-01 (adopte en 1967) / Recommendation T/R 01-01 (adopted in 1967) Information de la suite donne 1 Information regarding implementation a = La Recommandation est applique. / The Recommendation has. been implemented. b = Lapplication de la Recommandation est prvue. / Implementation of the R
12、ecommendation is planned. c = Lapplication de la Recommandation nest pas prvue. I Implementation of the Recommendation is not planned. _. N“ No, 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Pays Countries r) L 4llemagne (Rp. fd. d)/ Germany (Fed. Rep. of) Iirtriche 1 Austri
13、a Belgique / Belgium Chypre / Cyprus Dariemark / Denmark Espagne / Spain Finlande / Finland France Grce 1 Greece Irlande 1 Ireland Islande 1 Iceland Italie / Italy Liechtenstein Liixemboirrg Malte / Malta Monaco Norvge Norway Pays-Bas Netherlands Portirgal Royalime-Utii I United Kingdom Saint-Marin
14、/ San Marino Sirde 1 Sweden Suisse I Switzerland Tirrqirie / Turkey Vatican (Cit) / (City) Yoirgoslavie / Yugoslavia Infor- nation 3 b b a b a b b b b b b b b b b b b b 1 Edition du 15 septembre 1988 / Edition of September 15, 1988 i- Remarques / Remarks 4 Un arrangement bilatral concernant lantipar
15、asitage des systmes dallumage de moteurs explosion dans les vhicules a t conclu entre la France et lAllemagne la base du Document 12.037/III/IV/64 de la CEE. / A bilateral agreement for ignition suppression of ICI engines in vehicles has been made between France & Germany on the basis of EEC based o
16、n Doc. 12.037/III/IV/64. Hormis la protection des frquences de radiodiffusion, il nexiste actuellement, ce sujet, aucune rglementation en France. Une rglementation base sur les Recommandations du CISPR est Itude. / Other than the protection of broadcasting frequencies, there is at present no French
17、regulation in this matter. A regulation, based upon CISPR Recommendations, is under study. Voir CISPR Publication 9, deuxime dition 1967: Tableau IB, Tableau IIB, Tableau IIIB et Tableau IVB. /See CISPR 9,2nd edition 1967: Tables IB, IIB, IIIB, & IVB. LAdministration des Pays-Bas fournira ds que pos
18、sible aux autres Adminis- trations membres les informations dont il est question au paragraphe 3. de la Recommandation. /Will furnish member Administrations as soon as possible with information as required by paragraph 3. of Recommendation. Les informations dont il est question au paragraphe 3. de l
19、a Recommandation seront fournies plus tard. 1 Information required under paragraph 3.of Recom- mendation will be supplied at a later date. Nous sommes prts appliquer cette Recommandation sur la base de la rciprocit avec tout pays qui accepte les valeurs du CISPR /Willing to apply on reciprocal basis with any country which accepts CISPR standards. ) La question est encore ltude. 1 Still under study.
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